Page 37 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 37
~~~~~c\w Volume X, Number 8 Western Maryland College November 15, '1979 Who will be responsible _ Court case raises problems laurie Schlevnes tlon; and 3) beer was distributed to concerning alcoholic beverages An Eastern Pennsylvania teder- -minors at the picnic. The Brad· will not-change immedIately -but- al district court decision has eel- shaw family was awarded In ex- they will be revIewed. States Dean lege administrators, Including cessof one mlillondollars. Mowbray: "I feel that we have W.M.C:s Dean Mowbray, worried.' Dean Mowbray feels that the rul- reasonable rules that are reason- The liability case, which was ap- . Ing "Is an_other Indication of ably enforced for the welfare of the pealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals something most of us already community." Thlswas not the case last month, Involved the question know. The college does have re- with Delaware Valley College. He of a college's negllglblilty In extra- spcnsfbllltles." But, the far-reach- added that If such a case would curricular activities. reaching effects of this decision ever Involve W.M.C. he would like In 1975, a sophomore from Dela- are a concern to Mowbray. He to think that the policies here are ware Valley College named Bred- thinks that the decision places such that W.M.C. would not be shaw attended a picnic off-campus more responsibility on the college found at fault. at which beer was available. than Is Justified. Mowbray also emphasized that Later, the car he was riding In The decision does I'IOtmean that hIs obligation Is to teach accurate struck a parked car. Both Brad- colleges will always be found gull- Information to students, not to play shaw and the drlver,.had had too ty In cases such as this, but It does policeman. He supports the 18. much to drtnk. As a result of the set a precedent. It wIll terce col- year-old drinking age If the choice accident, Bradshaw Is now a quad- leges to reexamine policies con- to drink Is mage rationally. He be- rlpleglc. cernlng activities on and off cam- Ileves the "privilege" to drink Bradshaw's parents sued, pus. As a result, W.M.C's policies should be enloyed, not abused. among others, Delaware Valley :~:'.';,~ ~:;"~~bl:·~~Graduation time changed ;::::,oe;h: three counts. 1) the pIcnic was advertised on Nancy Menalie "I think there has been plenty of campus with signs displaying The Calendar and ScheduleCom- seating since we've gone to the mugs, thus Implying the availabili- mlttee designed a proposal that tent." He also felt that there was ty of beer; 2) there was nosupervl- changes the time ot graduation no conflict with either working slon by the college of the etcntc. from Sunday afternoon to satur·· time or traveling time. "I think which was clearly a student tunc- day morning. On November 7, very few people work Saturdays," Who delays maintenance? 19711:, the proposal was discussed l he stated. He went on to explain and passedat the Faculty Meeting .. that since 85% of the student body The proposal was Incorporated In- Is within a three hour driving Mary Cole to the two year calendar and the range, there Is no significant need Is that the class of 1980 for traveltime. result Maintenance problems have tiona I refrigerator to the kitchen. ered that there had been no graduates on Saturday, May 24. Mike Cantrell was a member of beenplaguing residents of 185Pen- The group was unaware afthe time absence of a maintenance super- The exact time has not been 181, the Calendar and Schedule Com- nsylvania Avenue this semester. how the administration had ec- visor, contrary to Dean Laidlaw's butltwlllprobablybel0:00a.m. mlftee when they began drafting The nine students" who ljve there qulred the refrigerator which was claim. Mr. Preston Yingling, Dean Mowbray explained that the proposal. He disagrees with the found numerous problem areas In moved Into the kitchen. A refrlger_ Director ot Physical Plant, was with tne outdoor graduation one of Idea that 10:00 a.m. will be more the house when they returned to ator belonging to some students contacted about the supposedwork the ,hlef concerns Is the weather. convenient fOl" parenl$. He felt school in September. They inform- was removed from 169 Pennsyl- orders for the house. He said he It Is cooler In the morning, and there wotJld be some conflict since ed Head Resident Robby Jansson vente Avenue over the summer knew only of the problem with the there Is less chance of eterms.. Saturday Is a work day. Mike also . the first week of school and Dean because of electrical problems. shower and that parts had been Dean Mowbray also felt that most stilted, "If you were from New EIl~abeth Laidlaw the secOndyet This same refrlgerato..- was moved ordered for 11$ repair. No work parents were arrIving early and Jersey or Pennsylvania you would stili nothing has been done to cor- into 185,the "electrical problems" orders about the broken window or having lunch. ThIs year, the lunch- have to leeve at 7:00 a.m. lust 10- recttheproblems. consisted of a smashed plug. A stove had come Into his office. eon will be held after graduation. get here on time. There's plenty of Residents complained to Robby resl~ent of 185, decidIng not to wait Yingling noted these two problems Dean Mowbray did not feel that seating, but If you plan on not slt- about a rusted shower panel, for maIntenance to fix the plug, and promised that they would be there was any problem with people tlng out In the back, you have to get broken steve light switches and a spent 6Od: and dId It himself. taken care of. arriving early for seating. He said, there early." broken window in the basement. Lane .charg-es .Guvana coverup They were infOf'"med that work ov:;~~::~~~~~'~~O;h:·:.~~~7" orders would be written up to take tratlon, contrary to what had been care of the problems. A week later, a group of five ~~:~~I~~~~~ ~:~:n~~:~;~ :~~:;r~:nefee accused them of Ignorin~ The--of the !naccu~r~cyLnthe nUQlberof students met with Dean Laidlaw to request a dishwasher for the off- =~:e~~~~ri:~~::tl~~~~~::;~ Acc~dlng fo-Mark Lane, who ~~t;:~g,,~/ L~~e YtkL~~:~~ ~:~::~~:tr:;!.~:~I:~~~::t~~ board facility and to discuss the over the summer. When they re- ~:~ema:r~:~~e~:~a~~gf:; ~:~~,I N~~.~":~:rth~c;r au7:::~ ~~t~~ ;~eJ~:~:tn 07e~,':n:~~ other problems of the house. During the discussion concern- Ing the maintenance problems ~;~h~:~~lfh~~~~;~~ ~~;~!i~;;~,o~~le~:,J9'~':hegJ~ot~~"oow:;s':'~9~ndyl~~~~!':n~~~,;o:~~m=::n:f S!~~:~I~~'I~ ~~~I~~~er been regarded previously reported to Robby, t ba k th Id h ,,,.. ,,,,, '''''' people's Temple group were shot These are excerpts from the Laidlaw wrote down the com- ~~:e ItC~Ck et~e;:lves,a:~I~~ ~:~:::~~::U':~~::=~~I:~;I~ or polsioned. Such Information Is media that Jones accused of trying -plaints and told the group that It might be awhile before things were they did. exIsted, how It existed, how It ~~~~~~~~I~:~~~=~~7;::~~::~:~Int~~~h~,~m~~~:~e:~ repaired. She said that mainten- ha~~cer:::a,:~r, t~~ r~;~:-~ ended, almost nothing we have was murdered." qt$_tYr~ people who ance was somewhat backed up as a assistants about the shower, ~;u:~~t It on network television ,_:A:;:",:::'h:::e:..:,"""""':':=_:'':'':':'ed~·~''~o2' ~~~~~:.!::!!!.!.,. __ " result of the absence of a mainten- ance supervisor to take charge of ~:t~~~~lg':san~I:~o;,e f~~~;7:~ __; work orders, but that problems assurances that work orders had News Feature' would be corrected eventually. At that same meeting, Laidlaw ~;r7':~~~r~~ven to maintenance -L-.,-e-,.-'-.-'-h'-' -"-CB-S-.-o-.-T=he offered to provide 185with an addl- Recently, the residents dlscov- New YOf'"k Times can say a thousand times that the people In Jonestown committed - suicide, "but that did not change the fact Peeper'h,!Q!.1:!!!~Lh'"_ that many of them were murdered .. I Dane Bushmeyer ways. During the chase someone Lane said that the medical _! examiner of Guyana "concluded a .1 -Thomas Kevin Moore, one of the called security for help. Bob persistent peepers of last year, Fasano. head of security. had all of vast majority had been murdered" was convicted in a Westminster the entrances blocked. Just as and that the "few autopsies con- court of peeping and trespassing. Moore tried to make the break for ducted there confirmed this." : On May 25, of last year, Moore It, out the front doors of Whiteford,' Lane maintained that this was one ' was seen entering one of the Fasano grabbed and arrested him. of the revelations that the news construction Moore, on the first being a I women's bathrooms When,the girls worker, use
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