Page 42 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 42
page 6 Scrimshaw Thursday, November 15, 1979 Football seasons wind up Terrors defeat Blue Jays in finale OeGross (8·41) pushed the ball the "0" across midfield fa the Blue a.cross midfi~ld into Blue Jay ter. Jay 47. On third and two, he spot. rttcrv. On thIrd and long however, ted a flaw in the Hopkins defense a key offensive pass interference and optfi!d for another play. On the call forced the Terrors to punt the snap, he turned and handed to Rip ball away. Jamison (8·71) who sprung loose On the first play from scrtm- through the middle to find just one mage, Hopkins OB Jim Margraff defender between him and the end hit slotback J~n Pottast downfield lone. An'gling for the sideline, he but a great hit by Peoples Jarred averted the would be tackler with a the ball loose and DE Bonaccorsy stiff arm and r-aced all the way into alertly jumped on the fumble on the end zone for a 9.0 Western the Hopkins 35, OS Jim Selfridge Maryland score. The two point can. (16·52) moved the ball in ctoser but version failed but with only 1:01 when unable to convert on third left to play, Hopkins couldn't crack and 4, WMC called on the left foot the Terror "0". Time ran out and of Walker. From 36 yards out, WMC had its fourth consecutive Walker nailed the ball squarely seasonwinoverHopkins9_0 and put it through the uprights for e evtck a-o rerrcrteec. EDITOR'S NOTE: The Terror's With the Terror defense now at did not receive the berth for the its peak, the field goal seemed NCAA tournament mentioned enough for thewin b~t BI.ueJay OB previously in the article. Margraff had other ideas. With ~:~~ki~::~~~n~s ,i;st ~~~ai:~;: ;-------;----, Terrors Ing. Trying to avoid the quick pass Leon Brooke rush, Margraff utitized his running Western Maryland College slip- offense struggled for footing In the weather sent both squads to the backs on quick passes and slanted ped by Johns Hopkins University spongy muck. Throughout first locker room to regroup after a 0·0 his wide receivers for short gains. 9·0, Saturday, bringIng their final halfplay,neitherteam-,ouldmark halftlmedeadtock. All American candidate Bitt season mark to 7·2 white snapping the scoreboard as they fought for In the second half of play, It was Stromberg took the ball via the air ~ four game Blue Jay win streak. possession of the ball amid a rash the Terrors nattonally ranked route four times moving the Blue In hopes of sustaining their of punts and turnovers. defense that set the tone of the Jays to within 34 yards of the goal chances for post season NCAA Western Maryland moved the game and set up Terror scoring line. But that was as ctcse, as they tournament play, the Green Ter- bait well between the twenties but drives. Getting great games from got as the stalwart "0" shut down rors battled with poor field ccndt. fell short of scoring opportunities down lineman Harry Peoples and the attack and forced Hopkins to tions In swampy Homewood on three separate occassions when All American Ricci Bonaccorsy, brIng in placekicker Jeff Harris to Stadium to come away with a welt placekicker Craig Walker couldn't WMC took advantage of line con- try the field goal with 1:36 showing deserved win over erch-rtval, find field goal footage on attempts trot by blitzing linebackers Joe on the clock. From 51 yards out, Hopkins. Although the outcome at 35, 42 and 44 yards. The defense Menendez and Eric Walker to pick Harris hit the ball well as it tre- kept play·off berth hopes alive, the however proved to be game con- up the pieces. After having stopped veiled high and long but it fell odds may be against the Terrors as trollers as they put a lid on one of the Blue Jays on a 25 yard field just feet short of the crossbar. two other Eastern Regional teams the nation's leading pass attacks' goal attempt, the big green "0" The Terrors now had nofhing ncrde.t season records. . "Margraff to Stromberg", and now had possession ofthe ball. more to do than launch a ttme. Along with the rain, the rocte. came away with four pass In- Moving the ball downfield on key eating ground attack upfield to ment weather brought bad tidings terceptions by defenders Joe blocks by Tim Street, Scott Nichols chew up the clock. Working with • '- --' for the fourth ranked divisIon II I Menendez, Eric Walker, Randy and Dane Colbert, option calls to the wishbone OB Selfridge moved rushing attack as WMC's wishbone Halsey and Jim Laneve. The dank 'Glenn Cameron (12.55) and Eric l Undefeated Bombers win championship game as both teams produced John Patrick and Jimmy Downs, Bete backfield while making life time Period against the Betes .. With darkness slowly en- several goal-line stands through- but were unable to push the ball miserable for the bewildered Hanratty, quite possibly the fast- compassing the field, Jim Gries- out the course of play. The Bomb- across. Stagg's diving tackle on Funk. When the Bombers took est man in the league, led the cir- ing's TD toss to Bernie "Work ers "Flex" defense bent as much Downs at the two yard-line stall- over, Griesing found Jankowski cuit with 10 TD's, while team- Shoes" Jankowski in the fourth as it could without breaking while ed one drive, and a Mulholland in- wide open on a crossing pattern mate Mulholland was the number overtime period enabled the B· continually thwarting Bete terception another as the Bomber in the end zone, thereby pro- one thief in the league with 9 in- Section Bombers to defeat the drives. Going up against a much defensive corps pleaded with viding a fitting climax to a great tercepncns to his credit. Betes for the WMC intramural bigger Bete line, Bomber stal- their offensive counterparts to game and an amazing Bomber Griesing on overthrowing the football championship, thus end. warts John Wilcox, Bruce "Snow- get something going. It appeared season. .. wide-open Della Badia in the end ing the longest game ever played flake" Gourley, and Curtis the B-Sectioners might end it in There is no one more qualified zone with less than a minute in on The Hill. "Cranky" Rook applied continual regulation as Griesing, the "Har- to comment on the Bombers in- regulation play: "I wanted to The jubilant Bombers stormed pressure to QB Jeff Funk, while borfields Hummer," moved his the field in celebration of their backers Eamon McGeady, Tom team downfield with passes to credible season than Dave give the fans their money's come-from-behind 14-7 victory,' Paranzino, and Keith "Herbie" Hanratty, Della Badia, and a key "Wheaton Wonder" Wahrhaftig, worth" ... Regular season grind after what has to go down as the Stagg played with reckless aban- glass-shattering connection with a Bomber standout on last year's dropped Hanratty's weight from 191 to a paltry a massive championship squad lBO .• who defect- most memorable intramural don in the extremely physical McGeady. But the Bete defense edto the varsity Terrors this year Thanks to combination R.A.- game ever played here. The game, as well as coming up with stiffened and held the Bombers via the free agent draft. Said Big Mom Katherine MacMahon for Bombers, who took the tiUe last numerous key "tackles." inside the 10 on four downs as Dave: "These guys never cease her support, patience, and re- year as well with a perfect 7-0 But perhaps it was the play of time expired. record, entered the contest with a the secondary that characterized Two scoreless, live-minute to amaze me. It was these same fusal to report throughout the 14 game win skein on the line, in- this Bomber ballclub. Free-safe- sudden-death overtime periods guys who pulled off probably the hectic season. . .Rumor has it cluding a 21-7 thrashing of the ty Kent "Coon" Mulholland merely heightened the intensity greatest upset in college basket- that the "Wheaton Wonder" will Betes just one week earlier. (5'10", 150 Ibs.), and corners level, if at all possible, and the ball history last year, and I don't play out his option and try to In that one, j:he Betes were Craig "Chet" Freman (5'6", 130 two battered ballclubs entered a know if the psychological scars resign with the Bombers for the stunned on the first play from Ibs.), and Brad "Set Me Free" third OT. In this instance, each from that loss will ever heal. I 1981season. Seems Dave wants a scrimmage as Dennis "The Out- Robertson (5'8", 1401bs.), though team was to get four downs to know it's a cliche, but the Bomb- ring for his left hand to match the sider" Ilanratty hauled in a small in stature, played with a score from the 10 yard-line with ers wrote the book on team one on this right from the Bomb- club. ers 1978 championship togetherness." Griesing aerial from 40 yards out season long poise and intensity the first team to score, as well as FIFTH QUARTER: Scott Wild Bill Hagy move over. The and sped untouched into the end without which the Bombers may prevent their opponents from do- zone. The shell-shocked Betes have been relegated to the role ing so, to be declared the winner. Peters did an outstanding job fill- B-O-M-B-E-R-S cheer may have never recovered as "Grease" the Betes have played the last The Betes scored on their first ing in at center for the injured followed that. of the O-R-I-O-L- Rook, who was forced to rifled two more first half TD two years, namely runners-up. possession on a Funk to Downs Curtis E-S, but at least they're number passes, one to Joe Della Badia, With the seconds ticking away pass, but their jubilation was leave the game in the second half one, which is more than the O's and yet another to Hanratty as in the first half, the Betes had a short-lived as Griesing rolled left with a broken nose ... Peters is can say. .quote-cr-the-week the Bombers cruised to a one- first and goal at the Bomber five on the Bombers second down and alsoa staron the WMC hoop team goes to "Cranky" Rook, who sided victory., and appeared headed for paydirt. found Hanratty alone in the cor- .. Speaking of Rook, the Bomb- upon turning and seeing the The final, however, was Unfortunately for the Betes, the ner of the end zone to knot the ers unanimously decided to give undersized Bombe_! secondary in another story. Mter the Betes Bomber "D" had other ideas, and score at 7-7. the game baD to their fallen hero the middle of the Hete game, "I could only laugh and remark: their ... The Bombers outscored routed the Preachers and the stifled their opponents on four The awesome Bomber defense opponents 134-28 on the season, don't know how how the hell they Bombers disposed of the Bach- downs as the half ended in a then pushed the Betes backward, with the defense recording 13 do it, but they do". . .special elors in the opening round of the scoreless tie. aided by an errant snap, as the 6', points on a TD and three safeties thanks to referees Tim Hacker- playoffs, the stage was set for a The second half was no dif· 191 lb. (or so he says) Hariratty, ... Bombers trailed only once all man, Steve Evans, Rich Flurry, Bomber-Bete rematch. Defense ferent as the Betes moved up and subbing at middle guard for the year, that being the. 7-0 deficit and Jeff Vinson, who did a good was definitely the name of this down the field on Funk passes to injured Rook, found a home in the they overcame in the third over- jobina tough situation ..
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