Page 43 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 43
Thursday, November 15, 1979 Scrimshaw V-ball preps for regionals Publicity deciding game of that match 15-1. us. We beat Fredonia last year and "We're goIng to have to straIn There are certain sImilarities we saw Oneonta State and them, work them to put out between Western Maryland's Blnghamptonsowe'reready." everythIng they've got," saId varsity and JV teams. Cox is the "I'd rather we didn't have an Western Maryland College consistent hItter for the secondsIx, emotional match right away," she volleyball coach Carol Fritz. But theIr versIon of varsity co-ceptaln added, noting that York, Franklin was she referring to her 31-2 Tammy Roebber.The big boomIng & Marshall, and Juniata, (all varsIty net squad that's bound for spIkes of Becky Martin come off regular season rivals of the the eastern reglonals? No, shewas the hands of Garrity, while the ett- Terrors) will be at the tourney. dIscussIng the Green Terrors out hustle and scrappiness of Also present will be Brockport, [unlor varsIty, a team whose MaggleMuleslsevldentlnChurch. Eastern Nazarene, Grove City, regular seasonhascome to an end. SmIth Is the vocal one. Glaeser is Clarion State, Brooklyn College, It's up to Western Maryland's JV trying to come back to varsity SUNY Blnghampton, and two to keep theIr varsity teammates honed for the Eastern Association ~:;es~~~:; I:: ~r:~~em~~ul:~'rn~~~~!~~~atrea:sa:~C ;a~!a~~~;g ;~~,- of IntercollegIate AthletIcs for: the WMC system. , Mansfield State. Women Volleyball Tournament F:;~~~';~emb~~ga;ret~~n~e~~':fs:~~i hald Thursday, Nov. 15, through Ie!:: :~:~~~no~~ ~~:~ ~:~I~~~~ Saturday, Nov. 17, at Mansfield said Scroggs, refering to the mass opponent the harder we' play. ~ State (Pa.) College. exodus of the crowd after the Sometimes we may look unrm- "One reason they're (the WMC varsity games are over. "But the presstve but we could just sneak In, varsity) so good is because the second six knows the contribution sneakout, and do very well." ~ secondteam pushes them so hard Its making. After all, without the "If we got down to wIthin one ''---::---:----:---:-::-'::---:--:::-:':-:--::---:--:-' in practlce.' esstetent coach Ellen secondsix the first Sixwouldn't be match of a trip to California .... ." Scroggs, the JV mentor, com any good.'" Fritz smiled and, with her ex- mented. "The second team even A typical Western Maryland pression, conveyed her confidence Hockey winds up year beats them sometimes when they practice Involves warm-ups, a few in the Green Terrors ability to play play." serves, some receiving, and work with the best In the east. And, quite Western Maryland Is the second Eleven girls from WMC were seed for the EAIAW affair, with a ~;rat:~::i~efo~~\he°':...a~I~~:!~~ possibly, the best In the country. Becky Cassiliy, a goalie for the selected to participate in tfie trip to California's Occidental ~~~~I;hefO~ou7w~~~~me~east~~~They made it, too. Southeast Tournament held at College for the national cnam- ~:~o::le~~~~ t~~~:~d :~~~'ni!:~ Goucher College on Nov. 9-11 on plonshlp tournament dangling in Maryland volleyball players and States Field Hockey ASSOCIatIon the Baltimore College Teams I & wait for the victor, East Stroud- they ali fight 'tooth and nail' to win Lori Rafferty, Rose Marie Walsh, National Tournament at Edison, II. From their performances in sburg State is the top seededteam theirscrimmagegames. Marcie Allman and ReneeNacrelll NJ, on November 22-25. She will the tourney, names were put up intheeast. WMC's varsity team fields were selected to Play on the be competing on the Southeast for selection and then trial for SUNY-Fredonia, Rochester, and Debbie Baker, Jayne Kernan, Baltimore College Team II in the team with women from clubs, this USFHA NatIonal Tourna- Oneonta State are the Green Mary Schiller, Mules, Rcebber, United States Field Hockey ment. Senior Ann Dryden and Terrors group two opponents. The and Martin as starters. Lisa Association SoutheastTournament Cassllly, a [unlcr bIology mao sophomoreMicky Pottswerealso two teams in eachof four poolsthat ~;:e~:::.nd Cheryl Stonfer are the :~~Id II~~: t;:~:~:'ltS:C;~~~~;: ~o~~~::;:~dB~~rA~~~~h~a;he:I~~ selected for trIals. finish with the best records will Cassilly will meet with the rest advance to the quarterfinals. WMC "As far as the eastern reglonals to these women toromlttfnq Team Bel Air, Md. As a goalie she of her team next week at West was third In last year's eastern are concerned," said Fritz, "I II from the article In last weeks received a varsity letter that Hampton College In Richmond small college tournament. This can't imagine a better position for edition of the paper. year and also in her senior year. V" nament, one step away from the Athletic awards policies changed year the Terrors are competing In tour- III the EAIAW's dlvlstcn first AIAW division III cham- Helga Hein male and coed varsity sports proprlate and how the former svs- everyone who has commented. AI- pionshlp competition. ThIs year, Western Maryland teams earned the single mono- though he has had no negatIve There is a two week layoff athletes participating In varsity In- gram letter "M." The female tem could be revised. An ever- he speculated that whelming majority felt that a let- feedback, between Western Maryland's most tercolleglate sports will receive a athletic awards system operated ter more Identifiable with Western possibly a few people will dislike recent activity, the wInning of its newly designed "WMC" mono- dIfferently with the women usually Maryland than an "M" should be the new "WMC" letter from a fourth straight Middle Atlantic receiving some type of gift suchas awarded. Furthermore, students traditional standpoint. Conferencetitle, and the reglonals. gram letter. The new awards poll- a piece of [ewetrv. and a certttr- agreed that all varsity athletes, Dr. Clower and Ms. Fritz agreed cy provides that each Weslern l "It'll give us a chance to prepare Maryland athlete meeting the es- cate. -- celve a letter for their particlpa. the athletic program at WMC, as both male and female, should re- that the new policy will not affect said mentally and physically," Last year, a general feeling of tablished criteria ,for the letter Fritz, "as well as allow everyone a award In the Individual sport will dissatisfactIon concernIng the tlon. ~ they don't believe that students chance to do some schoolwork." beglven the new letter aiong with a awards system prompted Dr. After assessing the Old.system, partiCipate In sports to win WMCeven turned down a bid to the certificate. The letter is awarded Clower to appoInt Ms. Carol Fritz, the committee developed the revls- awards. However, Ms. Fritz com- Maryland volleyball tournament only once; however, each subse- Associate Director of Athletics, to oed policy. Senior Ann Dryden then mented that becausethe new letter just to give the players a chance to quenttlmeanathleteearnsvarslty evaluate the awards system. Ms. drew a variety of "WM" and Is more representative of Western relax. honors, he gets a certificate. Fur- Fritz then formed a committee "WMC" letter designs. Maryland College than an "M," it Besides, by staying home thermore, athletes who partIcIpate composed of six students, and Dr. Clower noted that the re- will better reflect the athletes' Western Maryland will have to In a sport but do not achieve varsl- two other faculty members. sponseto the change has been one senseof pride In their accompllsh- playa team that went undefeated ty status will receive a certificate. The student commIttee memo of general satisfaction tram ments and In their school. this season. The Green Terrors secone six; Cindy Church, Jane Dr. RIchard Clo~e~, D~~ector~f ~:~~ :~:;~~s ~~a~\~~nt~eO~~ ,. , Garrity, Anita Smith, Lydia Cox, Lori Blmestefer, and Anne I Glaeser; posted a spotless 9-0 mark, the only WMC team to have~~i~~;~~~i~;;::~~~:~~~i~.~~u~~:~~:~.:11·COLDBEE~ ;,;~~~OLD~EER i a perfect record. teams ;' TACOS BREADED MUSHROOMS : BEER SPECIALS Susquehanna, and Messiah are ! OS & GINNY'S ! STROH'S 12-PAK (cans) $3_99 ,; varsity Victories over Hood, from Notre Dame, Included on the iunior varsity ! "THE PIT'; i With This Coupon : year, 15·13 to Dickinson, and got so = 425 E. Main St. 848·9848 :. Check our ThanksgiVing wine specials i slate. They only lost one game all · . mad about it that the Terrors : Open 7 daysaweek 11 a.m. -1 a.m. lunch Speciels 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.! ;.:!~~~!~~~:r.e.x.r.!!~!~~~;~~e:~~D.~~~i~~ rebounded to take the third and · WITH THIS-AD . : J '!1w~~~g;~:T!.~~l : • L ...~ !::::.u.:~c..~"i:~::!i,'~~.~••~~.~••••••1 , : Bouse ..' 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