Page 39 - Scrimshaw1979-80
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page 3 Scrimshaw Thursday. November 15. 1979 Menendez up for All-A Game room: Out of Order Menendez,a history major, has Joe Menendez, middle nne- been named to the dean's list two," says Luis. Ughts and creates the delay in repair. backer for the Western Maryland three times. In the ROTC pre- C~~I BU9genh~gem plastic parts are missing in some The plng.pong area presents a College football team, Is a can- gram he has earned two ace- further problem. Its walls had didate for the 1979 academic all- demlc achievement wreaths for The signs on the pinball ~:pa~~::'A:;~~r ~tud:hn~yca~: two holes in them, now con, America team. being in the top ten percent of his ;;;:~:~~e~r '~~~t o~'~~~::,?e t~: up and told me 'Ihet he has spicuously patched with un A 5'11", 195 pound junior, ROTC class. He has also been painted drywall squares. One of Menendezmaintains a 3.05grade awarded two academic merit rlb- ~~~:~t~!~~!:rs~::hmae~:~~:a:;~~s~ :~~;;';~e:'.a~~~~t~:y t~o~~~~1~i~l~ the air condItioning unit's metal point average and hasbeentwice ~~~~~nd a physical fitness rtb- and anger. People like Luis ~,t~aancgh~~e~~!dS~:~e seen other grates are smashed in (for the honoredat the WesternMaryland second time), leaving sharp, fall awards ceremony. In 1978 he Last season, Menendez was Aranaga who come to relax In the > I found one out of the six dangerous edges pointing out received the James B. Moore chosen to the aIT:Maryland foot- game room can count on broken electronic games working when I from the wall. In addition, the Memorial Award for superior ball team as an honorable men- ~g:~~~~::t ~f7:;ic~)~u~~0:~~ walked in. "Football" was In the doors in that area are bent and processof being fixed. The repair qualities of character and reeeer- tion selection. He coppedthe Jim ~a~r:!m~~:~e~~c:a;:~o:~ z: misaligned. ship in all phasesof campus ac- Stevens Award at WMC as the ~~e~~~~;iC(cgr~~~~~t~~fl~~:tyd~~ Ms. Nixon attributes the holes uvttv. In 1979 hewas awarded the most valuable freshmen football in the wall partly to the cheap Barry A. Winkelman Award for player for the Green Terrors in ~~~~~n~~~~~. holes knocked in ot~:.~aJi·xon, Director of College construction material, feeling that being an ROTC student and ex- 1977. He is serving his third year concrete instead of drywall should ceiling in academic and athlettcs. on the football players cornmlt- br'~~:~ a~~;esthear~ex~IX~~yb~; ~~~~;;ie~a~:d ~~:!:I:heb~~d~~; have been used, but there's a . d . . . is problem that bigger more - 0 nguez VISIt reVIeWe must call in outside help from the difficult to control. She feels the R d leases basic problem lies in people's Frederick company that Carl Buggenbagem, the O.W, more complex .'.01'00'0 "excitement" built up in playing The games. the excitement circuit games. These games are Pianist Santiago Rodriquez emotionally drained" after it it's not going to affect every part "getting old" according to her. breeds frustration taken out on inspired and awed a "very relatively long piece. of your life. You must have to They are broken "ermcst on a the machines and other equip- receptive" audience Nov. 6 in the Presently, Santiago has no time want it above anything else. If dally basis," and the Frederick ment. The more people try to Forum, filling the space with the for competition. He devotes his you want a wife before the piano, repair men can't make it out to contain their excitement, the music of Chopin, Mozart, time 10teaching at the University don" become a pianist. There's WMC daily. This, coupled with more they can count on things Debussy, Shubert, and Rech- of Missouri and performing. "I an artistic, unyielding element students' negligence in reporting working In the game room maninoff. The twenty-seven year teach when I'm not touring, and I that comes in most artists." broken or out of order games, old has been playing plano in the tour when I'm not teaching. It's 7 United States since the age of days a week." Practice runs at nine. 1t shows. He's been in the least eight hours a day (twelve in 'Marathon nets $800 finals and semifinals of several the summer). His tours consist of international competitions, In- about seventy concerts In ten cluding the VanCllburn, days. He's doing what he enjoys Barb 'Ridout Dave Williams Disco Show, with receipts was alsodrawn with Dane Tchalkovsky, and t.evtntrttt the most in life though. The most A dance marathon was held Fri. D.J:s Ed Watts and Tom Mitchell, Buschmeyer as the winner. Prizes Competitions satisfying aspect of nrsute is his day night to benefit the National provided the dancers with music. Included trophies, certificates of He's not just shooting for high "sense of grOWth and public Association of Retarded Citizens. There were five couples In the appreciation, money certificates ranklngs though. "I'm very afraid recognition." The marathon was sponsored by marathon. Winners were: Third for dinners and from stores, of arrivlng ...and making iL.not He's always enjoyed music of Circle K. prize, Greg Buck and Sue Arm. records, and assorted prizes from having my fingers to back If up. all types. He keeps up wifh The dance was open to everyone strong; Second place, Johnathan local merchants. The marathon I'm more after longevity than lust current trends "In rock and pop. from 9 p.m.. 2 a.m. At two, the DeWeesand Elaine LIppy; FIrst raisedover"'$800. flash." For Santiago, "playing the singing, feeling that "there must marathon dancers moved from the Prize, Jalmer Chamberlain and Dawn Lufburrow, president of plano is an eternal fhing because be life after disco." In high school cafeteria to the Forum, where they Carol Antonelli. The winning raffle Circle K, stated, "We appreciate you're never quite satisfied." he played and arranged jazz. He's danced until noon Saturday. The ticket for one·half of the raffle the support the campusgaveus." -Although it's hard to believe, he arr.anged some, pieces berates himself for having protesstonally for the Boston Pops "absolutely no talent" after some and others but has given this of his performances. He shows his aspect of music up due to his devotion for the piano In his rigorous time schedule. approach to the pieces. Between When asked for any eevtce he movements of each piece, he sits had for aspirIng professional NOW YOU CAN silently for several seconds In pianists (or any musicians) he deep concentration. He describes said, "Don't pretend It's not going himself 'Incredibly to take work and don't pretend EARNOVER $6,500 Up against the wall WITHARMYROIC. reactionary politics. A movement from page 5 that can bring all types of people movement, bul the fact Is that the together regardless of their Before you graduate from college! Because now, you can com- movement is becoming Increasing· political beliefs or life styles Is bine service in the ArmyReserve or National Guard with Army ly dominated by the reactionary what Isneeded.Until sucha dream ROTC. It's called the Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP). element. It Is up to the many pro- Isa reality however, I am forced to And, depending on your academic year when you enter, SMP gressive, well meaning people warn the Christian Puncarnen- among the Charismatics to talists in no uncertain terms; keep can help ¥ou earn over $6,SOO, redirect this movement and de- your church off our state! Here s how it works, Ifyou qualify and a vacancy is available, nouncethese political stoogeswho are abusingChristianity. If it Is not Indian festival you become a member of an Army Reserve or National Guard unit redirected, more and more people as an officer trainee and, at the same time, enroll in the Army will become disillusioned by the ROTC advanced course at your college. Your Reserve or Guard reactionary positions held by Ira Zepp membership will pay you at the minimum level of Sergeant E-S, and many of "lts members and the Mr. Greg Borst from American charismatic movement wlll come Indian Study Center In Baltimore you'll receive $100 a month during the regular school year as an to be regarded as.just another one will speak in McDaniel Loungeon Army ROTC advanced course cadet. of the political-religious cults now November 19, 1979 at 8:00 P.M. At the end of your second year of advanced ROTC, you'll be hovering around the lunatic Mr. Borst is an' Indian fringes of political extremity. musicologist who will introduce us commissioned a second lieutenant and, assuming there's a vacancy, For once I would like to see a to some songs and dances and at serve with a Guard or Reserve unit while you complete the require- spiritual movement In this country the same time interpret their ments for your college degree. Upon graduation, you may con- that was truly spiritual and not a meaningfor the Native American. tinue service with a Guard or Reserve unit while pursuing your phony front for the propagation of All are welcome. civilian career, or you can, if you prefer, compete for active duty as . Q~p'en-- an Army officer. . So if_yo_1l'dlike to earn over $6,SOOwhile you're still in college, CWM lately? Seen any good movies get into SMP. Because SMP can help you do it. You can bank on It! Ga IIery Psych Psuchs! For further information, contact the Professor of Military Emma . Please come home: ;~ Laurie You've got friends! anyway? Science at your schooL What's Canutego' that I don't have Smile! .. The Phantom EthelredtheU. I M.E.H. Could t Interest you In "Tarzan" C.R. herculcly drag· a somelickedchlps? .. S.E.D ged 40 members of the Philhar· Keith! Democrats do It at the monic Trash Can LId Symphony polls! onto campus for an .lJOforgettable CWM· Readany goodbookslate· SGA Spring Concert. Way to go • ARMYROTC. ARMYNATIONALGUARD. ARMYRESERVE. Iv? Tarzan.
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