Page 21 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 21
Would you let this man Fender blasts Board run your campaign? Jenifer Ulrey alternatives he did discuss some M~~:~en:o~~I~:te;O::I~~st~c~ :~~\~::s ~!~t~;: .. H!tr~~~~e~h;: cording to Art professor Roy colleges where honor systems Fender, If Is not. Some time ago, ;:~:I~' :;,~~~~" d~~ ~as';~19~~ ::~~O~eda t~a~u:IShm~~:in~on~ vteretcrs he felt penalties must be elected some system. This motion, while not reucwee through. Fender staled politicians, Spiro offering any alternatives was not that "if you have a system, you Mandel and Dale made without good reason. A few must abide by It, It Is hypocritical name a few. Why does of these reasons were that the to have something on paper If you consistently elect dishonest penalty Is not strict enough, if Is don't follow through with It." He clans? too time consuming for faculty cited an example several years Herb Smith: I wouldn't say that members to prove a student's ago where a student had been Maryland Is the most corrupt state guilt, and there Is an attitude that brought before the honor board for In the union, but It certaInly rates cheating Is only a crtme If caught. his secondoffense.The verdict was In the top ten. One of the more serious reasons guilty. The student's sentence was Ccrruptlon, I'm convinced, Is It discussed was the harassment that he would not be allowed to hiblted, by political competltlo- and strong media attention to the received by s'ludents who have ~~:~~~!:n~l=a:I~~~~S~~~~=v~~~ political process. We have had, In ~~~u~d:r~~'~~~~~n~~cao~:~;d!~ diploma. The point Is there must be general, nelther In the last few leave this college community to ~~~~I~:e~~~I~~~~:~tl~~,:h~r~~~:; decadesa!ld have paid the price. ~~~ti~~eIt~:~~t~:;c:~: ~~er:~~~: system. .. .• .1 wouldn't say Maryland verbal abuse at all hours of the In response to Roy Fender's is the most corrupt state in ~~~~'s:.~,day, from friends of the ~~~t~c~~:s:~~e::~'t;:~~emh:~~: the Union, but it certainly Fender's motion does not un- board to be portrayed In Its en- _ra_l_os_i_n_lh_o_I_O,-P _lo_n_•• ·_"__ 1 ~~r~~~~rhl:y~~~.I~t~ c~:~e::r?: ~~:~~tl~h:o~~~~~~;:~::,I~~~~I~~; have a lackadaisical media hope that Western Maryland ,percent of their function Is the Baltimore area, It [us+ College could establish an honor educative. It presents the honor Bill Byrne played roles In local politics, serv- doesn't pay attention to the system strongly supported and board to lreshmen while also Professor Herb Smith's perspec- Ing as seconddistrict chairman for political process. The political ~:~u~~~~;~n~~r t;oe:~s~~~~S~:sd:~~ ~e~II~I~lon:oof ~~:~I~~~stlt~'t~~r:~ ~:~eOft:a~lt~~a~ ~~ief~~~~n~~u~~: :~~~;;;':c;~~al~:(nO~97~~~~a: :;~~~g;h~Ste~~:~s~=~c'co~a:r~I;eII~ should be willing to stand by the offense. Bill Hearn felt that classroom or the library. He has an unsuccessful city council can- ridiculous, simpleminded. The ~~~::a~:a:h~;:r:,l~en:lI~':~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~t:r::.s~:~~~,!~ :~~~~~:~or~~;ti~~,I~~~~;e~;::~~ ~~~~:I~ni:~:7;ha~~~ :;~ttyr:~:~ ;r~n:~~:r~a~~v:;a~~n~~~n~r~~~ aid of the Honor system, attempt to that some of the criticisms were disappointments, from the Inside. palgn manager for the Venetoulis simply not challengIng, not pene- ;~~?v\~:e~::~r f~~~e~e I~a:;~ ~:~I:~s~S:~~i~tl~a!hseu:;e~~~~";h:! ~~~:~ie:~t:~~:~~ ~::~~~:~~;: ~u!e~::t~;li~'.~:~:;~~~~;i::~al; tr~~~g~:;:~~~an party In Mary- Important part of Western students who harassed others also ~~~~~~~w feels that students do support the defenses of the honor board's 'I::.~~!..!l:l~~.l::1.!;.ll~~~!!l!l~:!!' !!.!!!~~~~~_.:::!!!!:~~~~.!..~ ~:~~~n~lt:n~eelm:;;y ~:~:~;:; :asgl:e:e~;n:=s'ld:~I: ~:I: :~: about the sense of honor. Fender unsure how to prove such cases. Bill also attempted to offer some but honor system "Individually, policies. As far as the awardance not as a group." One of his con- designed to be lenient; the penaity united." Thursday, OClober 18,1979 Weslern Maryland College Volume ic Number 5 cerns is if not we can "carry any it of penalties the honor system is mentIoning While Ismadetofllthecrlme.ltlshoped such a system would be a learning experience. Hearn stated that the WWMC fights for $5,000 honor board "rarely has people come back for a second offense." l . Hearn felt It would be detrimental to the honor system If faculty Buschmeyer Dane is great, but with the lack of tn- !~:~:~~~n~~~co:r~~~:r~a~,;~~~!~members took ca~s Into their own sub-committee station should The WWMC radio station ot this motion, stating that the radio the Idea of a campus radio station or whatever else the student body hands. He feels It would add to yester-year is back again, at least participate In the formulation of terest the students seem to be may want for this year." To this hostility. As It Is now the nonor in the organizational stage. The the questions. Both the motion and showing it will never get off the the head of the sub-committee board, by deciding penalties, gives result of the upcoming referendum the amendment were passedby the ground." Last year a poll was remarked, what would the student the faculty an out. taken asking a random sampling of will decide whether the proposed Senate. radio station will become a myth The main goal of the radio 10% of the campus and faculty body rather do, spend the money Reacting to Roy Fender's or reality. station at this time, as stated by what they thought about having an on 300 people for a one night criticisms Hearn felt that "the Last year a group of people, the sub-committee, is to convince on-campus radio station. The concert, or spend it on a radio honor board seeks to Improve on a interested in the creation of a radio the Social Committee to give them results were as follows: of the station which we can enjoy for system which is not perfect, and students, 88% were In favor of a station on campus, became a $5,000, (1/3 the Social Commitfee's years. taking Fender's criticisms recognized sub-ccrnmlttee of both budget), so that they may start station, 3% were Against, and 9% The alternatives for different seriously maybe they could syn- the Action and Social Committees buying and setting up equipment. were undecided. The results of the type~o~ti~~~odsO~e;~~el~ wett theslzeona more perfect Ideal." of the SGA. The sub·commlttee's Dave Denton Indicated, "If the faculty were approximately; 70% job was to make inquiries into the station can get $5,000within the In favor, 10% against, and 20% undecided. feasibility of getting a station, such next couple of weeks, the station Gill Gym Replaced as: the costs, types of stations and should be In operation by the endof On the subject of the $5,000ap· the legal aspects. March." proprlation, the chairmen of the At a recent SGA meeting, Dave Fund raising activities last year, Social Committee, Mitchell Keith Arnold Funds for the complex will not Denton presented a written report although generally unsuccessful, Alexander and Mike Cantrell both The CommIttee for Develop. come from tuition, but from stating what the sub-committee did help build a stepping stone for said that they were In favor of ment, of the Board of Trustees, alumnI contributions. Western the money to the sub- the radio station to build on. With giving accomplished last year, what It the fund raising activities and the committee as long as that is what gave the go ahead, In a meeting on Maryland College has, as pointed hopes to accomplish and how. October 2, to proceed with plans out by Dr. John, a high percentage Dave made a motion to put a vote appropriations given by the Social the students want, but, "the im- of alumni contributions: 37% as to the whole student body con- Committee, the radio station sub- portant thing the students should and fund.raislng for the projected compared to a national average of cerning the issue of whether or not committee has$l, lOOtowork with .. realize Is that the money that goes sports-auditorium complex. Next 18%.Hopefully the school will also to take $5,000,out of the Social When asked what he thought to the radio station will deW'ct Friday, the proposal will go before receive state funds, although the Committee's concert budget. about the idea of a radio station from the number of activities the the full board, which, accordIng to Discussion of his motion and an Dean Mowbray said, "I think that Social Committee can sponsor for Dr. John, should passthe proposal. state frowns on giving money to amendment by Theresa Baker These administrative actions sports complexes, and this Is causeda breakdown of order In the John HineSJoni speaks . will set In motion a project for a another reason for Including the meeting. Thanks to Alison Ward, huge complex, to replace the auditorium aspect. and her friendly InterrUption of the Jonl Eareckson, well known ar- lief In God. barely adequate Gill gym. Unfortunately, students amendment, order In the meeting tlst, writer, and speaker will beap· Her story has been made Into a Preliminary plans, drawn up by presently attending Western was regained. The only real pearlnC' at Alumni Hall on Thurs- movIe which premiered this sum· the architects of Gaudreau Inc., Maryland will probably graduate change stated that the Social day nl~ht, the eighteenth of Oct· mer at the BaltImore Civic Center. entail a two level complex. The before Its completion. Designed In Committee could decide where the ober. Joni's story is a valuable one, Tickets for her performance opper level wlil consist of three modules, the complex will be money should come from. ThIs full-sized basketball courts and constructed, section by section, amendment was voted on and for she Is paralyzed from the neck here are already sold out, but there will also be used as an auditorium over a period of years. This passed.A new motion was made by down. will be free standing room for all (for concerts and com· complex Is the last and largest Mike O'Neill stating that the A diving accident followIng her that come. Off campus publicity mencement). The lower level will project In a long series of referendum should be held In J senior year of high school (Wood- began In July and so did an on- be used for locker rooms, training renovation plans that began with weeks (coming out sometime at lawn H.S:; Baltimore) left her ai- slaught of ticket requests. College rooms and modern dance the Decker Center. Stili ahead is the end of Oct. or beginning of most totally paralyzed. That was Activities held two hundred of the facilities. The building will adjoin the Winslow renovation to be Nov.), and that the Executive twelve years ago. Through those five hundred fifty regular seats for the present Gill gym, which will be completed by next fall, library Council of the SGA should write up years she has become an accom· students only and then added an converted Into handball and remodeling and an all·weather the questions to be asked. Lee plished artist and writer, and she additional 125 stage seats for squashcourts. track. Maxwell made an amendment to has developed an unshakable be students.
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