Page 126 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 126
pog.6 Scrimshaw May I, 1980 Publications Possession brings penalties 'rom page I marijuana, so as to tax Its also discussed the use of became a serious problem for non- The Student Publications Committee will consider production. in 1978US authorities 7 marijuana on campus with this smokers. There are however, intercept were s-everal cases In which the college only to able In the past. The dean Is applications for next year 0980-1981) for the following: million pounds of pot coming into reporter torn between a moral will call linthe police Immediately. clearly Editor - Scrimshaw the US, at least SO million pounds conviction that the recreational (1) Use of heroin, other "hard" Business Manager - Scrimshaw made It. use of pot should be a personal drugs on campus Editor- Yearbook Once the marijuana reaches the choice, and his legal obligations to (2) Off-campus persons Business Manager - Yearbook campus it Is normally sold by opposethe use of the drug. bec'oming Involved in the sale or useof drugs. students. The college, of course, Staff members coming across Editor and does not condone the saleor use of the use of marijuana are (3)'Repeated violations. Business Manager -Contrast marijuana. However, It does not discouraged trom reporting It to The college, of course, must Applications should be mailed to: regard itself as a law enforcement the police, although they have this cooperate with the pollee if Dr. Keith Richwine agency, and present policies seem right. The Student Affairs Office requested to do so In a legitimate handle will English Department to tnetcatethat the administration generally cases itself via the investigation. What many students the do not realize is fhat the police do marijuana prefers to handle dope cases itself A letter of application must be in May 6, 1980 and rather than call in the police. Dean college's established 'cllsclpHnary not need either a search warrant or should Include reason for interest in the position and, Mowbray provided a letter procedures. RA's have permission from the college to previous experience. Interviews will be arranged at f!. describing college policy on traditionally ignored the use of pot come' on campus or enter college later date. merfjuana In some det~ll: H,ehas unless It became so blatant that It buildings. The police only need search warrants to, well, search. have Grade board wins preliminary O.K. TraditionallY,' them with the of the pollee college, or cooperated warning raids, requesting permission to enter from page I the change does not involve a math a student may request. in writing, dorms. Dean McCor:mick for revision. error, the professor must get the thai the Dean appoint a three ::~~~~::;~h~: is~e, c~:e~heDv:~: m:~;a:~u::n:Sredc~::;i~~a~o d~~: The system as approved by the approval of both the department member Grade Review Board. The Faculty Council is very similar to head and the Dean ot Academic student has 3 weeks into the next ;t'~;:~~;~~s: anO~nt;~:st ;;;~~~ ~~:y ~::~~: h~w~~~~~:la~~~~c~f the original proposal. The new Affairs to make a change. If all semester to complete this process. concept of a grade review board, the hazards Involved. The college proposal requires 8.-student who three agree to make a change, then The review board will consider the noted: "Dean McCormick's will not .nesrtete to take feels that his j her grade is in the Dean will so instruct the' evidence and will make a proposal is entirely acceptable to disciplinary action against blatant error to first see the professor. If registrar. recommendation to the Dean the professor has merely made a ._If the three do not think within two weeks. Should they ;:~eI~~v~e n~o~~:!::;;t~n t~:~ users. Also, students arrested in math error in computing the grade change should be made, then the recommend against a change, then board. I understand the Irn- ~:::e~~lion ~~~~~: of ;~; aree~~~: he )she may so notify the appeals process has ended and the the Dean must make the final plication the faculty might see in likely to receive jail sentences than registrar and the gr:ade will be student has nofurfherrecourse. If, decision as to making a chanqe. having students seco~d-gues.s in most parts of the state. The changed. If the professor feels that however, one of the three Dean McCormick did state that it the grade should be changed, but if disagrees from the other two, then would be rare, if ever, that he :~~~h:~~i:et:~!~~sU~~Yt~~'::S~~~'~~~'~:~~I:~'c~~n~e tOmee:~~asi~~ C ti go the .would against review nonors onvoca on beer-d's recommendation. years.' eradicating drug use on campus. IJ Th, system ts remer felt that and Dean McCormick cornptex. Make a free phone call: slated for Sunday there would be few grade changes made. He felt that changes would be made only if there was evidence capricious" grading of "flagrantly Publicity and hoods, should begin assem- changes may be made in those 800-356-2931 professor. the More by often, All students are invited to attend bling at 6:30 p.m. on the south side the Investiture and Honors Con- of the Chapel. Additional ln. cases where the professor made a vocation at 7:00 p.m. on Sunday, structions will be given at that simple mistake and freely ad- May 41n Baker Memorial Chapel. time. Caps and gowns must be mitted it. however these cases are Get our free catalog Honor societies will be picked up at the College Store this also expected to be rare recognized and major prizes and week. (It will be open untll 6:00 The are extremely awards will be presented. There p.m. this Friday, May 2.) ·The are two types of awards: academic processional will begin promptly and a c tlvlt v . leadership. at 7:00 p.m. on Sunday. The event Descriptions of prizes and awards "viI/last approximately one hour. are listed in the College Catalog. A Parents of seniors have been number of seniors will be invited to attend. recognized for individual aC~~~7~~n~. Ferrante, profes~or Terrors run in literature at Columbia University, Penn Relays of English and comparative will be the speaker. She has been with the Columbia faculty since Western Maryland was 1.966.She was lecturer In modern represented by a 1600 meter relay languages at Swarthmore College team (the metric mile relay) in in 1968and lecturer in medieval last weekend's prestigious Penn . Studies at Fordham University in Relays at Franklin Field in 1976.Dr. Ferrante has served as Philadelphia. Running In the "Pop educational consultant for Haddleton" 1600M relay for MAC Columbia U.niversity Press and is schools, the Terror squad of Fred author of a number of publ ications. Smyth, Sam Hopkins, Kirby Light, She Is listed in "The Directory of and Eliot Runyon ran a seasonal 48 pages of quality clothing and ac- American Scholars" and "Who's best of 3:24.5 to finish sixth out of WhoinAmerica." eleven teams. Eliot anchored with cessories, plus our own Lands' End Sen~rs, a_!!~~~in caps, g~v.:~s,. a 494.!e!l!.:_ exclusive duffle and canvas luggage items. For men and women who en- MUSIC STILL joy the outdoors. Well-made items, "We handle &Ghat goes guaranteed to satisfy uncondition- between the ears" lIy. Many not obtainable else- Fairground Village 857-4949 where. All solid values. See for ~ yourself. Call our toll-free number, Cameo lPITP 14.99 800-356-2931. Robert Fripp lPITP 14.98 Genesis "Duke" lPITP '5.86 Humblft Pie "VICTORY" 14.99 Pretenders 14.ff LANDS'END J. Gells "love Stinks" 14.99 20 BIg Wftftk E.C. "Just Onft Nlg"t" 1)0.19 The easy way to shop, toll-free. With this Ad erN
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