Page 103 - Scrimshaw1979-80
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Econ search underway: again Bill Byrne 1980·81 academic year. The able to help meet the college's With only two full tIme resignation of Dr. Samuel Bostaph growing demand lor business professors returning next year and on March 31 returned the number administration courses.According o(lly one new professor yet hIred, of unfilled pcsttlcns to two to Seidel, of the approximately 80 the WMC Economics Department Dr. Bostaphresigned his position applications Ihe Department is searching for new faculty. Ac- at WMC to accept a position with received earlier Ihls year, only 5 or cording to Department Head Dr. the Economics Department of the 6 applicants had this much needed Alton Law, the Department is Westchester campus of Pace background. He said Ihal "the currenlly seeking applicants to fi!1 University of New York problem I foresee is nol in finding two full time teaching positions for _Whenasked if the Department an economist, but in finding and the 1980·81academic year. was experiencing difficulty in economist qualified to help with The Department began ad- filling these lob openings, Dr. thesebusinesscourses." vertising at Conventions and Ethan Seidel said "we're having Universities and in Professional more trouble than I'd like to see us Another factor which has worked Association Publications .tn Oc- have, but it certainly isn't a against the Department is that of tober and November. This effort desperate situation." Many ctr. the 5 contracts it offered and did yielded one new teacher for next cumstances were cited as con- not have accepted, 4 of the ap fall, Dr. John Olsch from Lock tributlng to the thus far only plicants were women. Law ex- Haven State College In Penn partially successfulsearch for new plained that affirmative action sylvania. Five contracts which the faculty members. have made the demand College offered to other applicants The demand for teachers with for women Ph.D.'s more com- since February have been turned Ph.D's in Economics, unlike that petitive than that for men. He also down. for many other academic fields, Indicated that the shortage 01 job As of the middle of March, the far exceeds the supply. According opportunities for husbands in Ihe Leonard Matlovich will speak in Alumni Hall on Econ Department had filled ens of to "The Ph.D. Meat Market" Westminster area lessened the Monday night at 8 p.m. the two expected vacancies for the (Newsweek" February 4, 1980): College's appeal to some of these candidates. "In the humanities and the social Matlovich argues for Gay Rights sciences, U.S. Universities now . that low salaries were limiting the Law discounted 'the possibility produce eight times the number of available faculty jobs." But the college's ability to attract new situation Is much difference for teachers. When The Sergeant Leonard magazine's a r tlcle on ding up in front of tens of those holding Ph.D.'s in Advertising hasalready begun to Matlovich handed his ccmlnq-out homosexuals. He flew to thousandsof gay people.And just EconomIcs, as the same article fill the remaining two Department letter to his superior officer. a Washington, met with Kameny two years ago I thought I was the explains: -, .seven hundred openings. Law said that "we will black captain at Langley Air and Addlestone and en- only gay in the world. It was a economics Ph.D.'s this year are make a very strong effort to hire Force Base, Virginia, the officer thusiastically offered to mixture of joy and sadness. " competing for an estimated 2,000 one more professor this year." He said: "What the hell does this challenge the military ban on was just great pride fo be an jobs In classrooms, business and added that even If only one more mean?" Replied Matlovich: "II homosexuals.The two men urged American, to know I'm oppressed government." position was filled, the Department means Brown V. the Board of him to slow down and think about but able to stand up there and say Seidel added that the Depart. would be able to patch over the Education." it. Matlovich dld··for nine so. They were very beautiful ment is looking for someonewith a olher position with.overloads and Matlovlch was deliberately months--before writing his letter peopleout there." Ph.D. In economics who will be part time help. provoking -a discharge from the in March, 1975. - air force In order to challenge the Since then, Leonard Matlovich military's long-standing ban on hasbecomeoneof the best.known homosexuals. Indeed, his gays in the country. Addressing a lawyers hope the case will reach Gay Pride Week Rally In New the SupremeCourt and produce a York in June, 1975,hebroke down landmark decision on and cried. Says he: "I found homosexualrights comparable to myself, little nobody me, stan- Volume XI Number 7 Thursday, April 10, 1980 Western Maryland College the court's historic school in. tegration decision of 1954.It is a Privacy violation? Who says? perfect test case. The tall, reo- haired sergeant has an im pecceble twelve-year military Steve Bainbridge • complaints about the Inspections. been able to show evidence for reecned). Of course, the pollee record, no known psychiatric Over Christmas Break there Despite several ads In WMC privacy rights vlotetlons. have the right to search any room problems, and a Bronze Star and were a large number of students Today, not one student came The student handbookstates that on campus If theyhavea warrant to Purple Heart won on one of his who seemed to feel that their forward with a ccmplalnt. The the college will Inspect the cor- do so. three tours in Vietnam. privacy rights had been violated SGA also tried to get students to mltories over breaks for health According to both Deans,and an Matlovich is the son of an Air during the school's health in- come forward. As thelr Inability to and safety reasons. They exclude RA, the primary purpose of the Force sergeant, and was raised spectlons over the vacation. The present allegations to Dean searches, searches that are only inspection was to look for such at atrbases . in the U.S. and controversy seemed to be limited Mowbray, despite his (according allowed with consent of either items as: open food, unsafe England. though he says he knew to students, as both DeanMowbray to the dean) having asked the SGA Dean Mowbray or Or. John in the electrical appliances {in recent he was homosexual at the age of and Dean laidlaw claimed that no 3 times for examples of privacy presence of the student (unless the years both the dorm fires were '·-~.~-elve,he did not act upon that student had come to their office violations, suggests, they have not students can' not possibly be continued to page 6 knowledge till he was 30,when he Concert goes on with Pousette-Dart Band finaJly went to a gay bar in :~~~:~~h:~,;~:~~;,~~'p~,~~mp'a,," Pensacola,Florida. The inspection controversy led Buddy Miller. Buddy Miller is a that didn't get many votes. Thoughonly dimly aware of the Scrimshaw to go to the Deansfor a Tonight is the .Spring Concert, new mellow rock band out of New The Social Committee then gay liberation movement, he ran clear statement of the policy. As featuring the Pcosette-bert Band. York. the Pousette-Dart Band will -beqenexamining the large concert across the name of Gay Activist part of this research, students The Concert begins at 8:00 in take the stage at 9:00 p.rn. The alternative. Orleans, which placed Frank_Kameny in a military were requestedto contact me with Alumni Hall with warm-up band band hasbeenaround for 6·8years, first In the survey, backed cut of ,--=:----:--::------=:-----=------=- __--. :~~i~abslec~tt~:~bi~r;:,~·~~~I~~tsd:;~~~!~ :~ntt~~t·~:~~~~e c:~!~ ~:s President sa·" up tor arabs end at the deer. The price to, ott- ~. . J. campus tickets will be $5.00, and Pousette·Dart Band as the logical student tickets will cost$1.00. net available. That lett thlrd place choice for the concert. Jay Holtzman Russell Johnson, who has "streamline the various The names of Ralph Many students are wondering Buddy Miller will cost $500and Since this is an election considered the job since committees of the SGAN Prelsendorfer, Dave how the social Committee arrived Pousette·Dart Bandwill cost $3500. year, everyone has their Freshman year, is going if elected. Craig waged an Cleveland, John Hines, at the choice of the Pousette·Dart The costs of lighting will be $500 minds on politics. And to attempt to be an RA effective campaign Nancy Casey, John Blum Band for the Spring Concert. and the college will spend an ad· while there is no "8" agaIn next year. With his against the granting of and Joan Hughes have Although student opinion favored ditlonal $750 onsoundequipment Section Primary or other responsibilities he money to WWMC. Craig, also been mentioned as the idea'of two small bands, of the The Social Committee requests whatever, there will be a says he will be too busy. who Is a Math major and potenflal candidates. top three choices, only livingston that the stu'dent population presidential race on Honor Board Chairman Golf Team captain, is Ralph will be studying in Taylor was available. This would cooperate with Ihe rules dnd campus soon. And this Bill Hearn, with hIs hard working, bold and London next semester. have left the students with one refrain from smoking or drinking reporter has learned that, strong rapport with the occasionally stubborn. He John Hines, Dave I I while stili in Its early administration and might be a very good Cleveland and Joah stages, Craig Rae and faculty, might be a president. Hughesall state that they Reagan Smith have the natural choice. But Bill Regan Smith has also will not run. John Blum inside tracks on the SGA has "various projects" not made ~ definite and Nancy Casey have not been contacted to ~~~:~~~iklng to various SGA election analYSis confirm or deny the sophomores and junior (including having the deCision about a can. rumours. The Electlon Com- ~~~sr~:~d:r:d a!~~t t~:; ~i:!~~~~:~,I:npar:~t~r= dldacy Regan, while he mittee indicates that asof f Id t IS not presenlly very Monday, April 7, for all -;~I S~~~;! o~~:~s o~:~ ~~sth~:~~S d~;::~, t:~~ ~~~~vee~::~:!~~k~~~~~ available positions, the ~:~dw:~~, thatR~fss~~ complish outside the respected juniors on o-nly 4 candidates have stopped by to pick. up Johnson, ~nd ~il! Hear~. S~~~i9 Rae has not yet ~a~i~~~~yH~i:i~;~n~eli~ petitiQns. You must have a petition to run. Petitions t~~' S~~I~~f~~\~~~c~~:~ :b:~~ r~nn~~;.1B~~c~~~~~r~sently a os~art~:; are available from Ann said "I will not ~u~: strongly considering if. c~a~;I~~:h~P lacrosse Hackman, Apt.· 2C, 876·. The Pousette·Dart Band will perform tonight in Alumni Hall because I cannot Win. He states he will try to team. '7814.
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