Page 45 - Scrimshaw1978-79
P. 45
Gull States Case InMideast .Seminar terminate Israel Dave Cleveland A seminar on the Middle East He explained that, "Israel's was held in Decker Auditorium the position is that a Palestinian stale week before Thanksgiving break, already exists. It is Trans-Jordan, with representatives from Egypt, which has a population 50% 1 the PLO, and perspectives presenting Palestinian. Israel their of the various Mr. Gull explained problem. does not see a secular that Israel as a state solution to the problem. "Lebanon Mr. Yosuf Gull, from the Israeli is an example of how a secular embassy, spoke for Israel. He state can exist in the Arab world," opened his discussion with he said. He sees the solution as a.. _ criticism of Mr. Ali Mansour, the resettlement of the refugees. But, Egyptian representative, for he said, "The Israelis took the bringing a PLO member to the Jewish refugees from the Arab seminar, "A member of an organ- world and made them full citizens. ization your own President com:' The Arabs held the Palestinians as pared to the Ku Klux Klan and the a political card. The Arabs kept Nazis in WW II," said Mr. Gull. them out of the cities and didn't allow them towork." Mr. Gull then explained briefly .__ the history of Israel, mentioning Mr. Gull concluded, "If there is the 1948 war for Independence, the one thing we want to save. it is the 1956 war, the 1967 war, and the 1973 blood of the Jewish and Arab war. He said, "Tbe Yom Kippur soldiers. The day will come and we War (1973) changed the perception will have peace with our neigh- of the Arabs toward Israel. They bors, giving dignity to the Arabs realized that Israel is too tough, too and security to the Israelis." strong to be overcome by military force." He said that the Arabs November 14, the day previous learned that they couldn't get what to Mr. Gull's presentation, the they want by force, so now they Arabs presented their views. were trying to get it at the These were reported in the last bargaining table. issue of the Scrimshaw, but summarized they are that the Mr. Gull then explained the Palestinians were driven from ~~~:~ti~f~~ion t~~~~~~tit:~ their lands by foreigners invading Organization, the PLO. He said, ~~o~ee~~;~~~r:~r, daer~e~~::~f~ "The PLO is not an acceptable even by their host countries, and ~~t~~~ Sr~rWi~~~~a~~~\~~~se; ~~~~~~e:e;re~~~ ~i~~~;g t~sr::~ the PLO is determined to struggle terminate the Israelis, but to with Israel. We object to the PLO create a secular state in which the ~~~,1~:/~~~~:0t~~~o~;~::1£!~~L~E}1:~~:2:; I ,O.N.S.&D. COming To Towson Soviet influence on the PLO." Mr. 16, with an open discussion on the ~;:~r:2::~~(~H::i~\,tlV~~ ~;~~~:,:~n;:i~~i';i~~~i~ 1 Operation Native Sons and brings together employers and personnel, etc. Daughters, sponsored by the college 'soon-to-be-graduates' ~~r~e:t~on t~fs Is~~el,m:~~ s!~~ owned most of the land, the Baltimore County Chamber of seeking full-time jobs. Ap- 9:;oh:~~~~n g:!~b~!J1~~nf~: Israel won't negotiate with the ~~~!~tsl~~ A~~~~~:~eloI~r~~li~ Commerce, the Greater Baltimore proximately 75 employers will be Committee and area colleges, will interviewing at Towson on the 28th ONS and D. Interviewing wiIl take PLO unless it changes its charter. claim some moral right to the land be held on Thursday, December They will be looking for young ~:~~:~o~O~~d ~~~g t~o~i~·~i He explained, "Israel refused to ~~et~a~:S~~~i~n~h~~/~ ~;~~iO:~ 28th at the Towson Center of people to fill a variety of positions Towson State University. including: sales, management their resume with them. They will =~Ct~p~:~!n:~~~e: ~:~;:~~~ . ~~~~:~ O[s~~~lr~~~~~ t:in~~:; ONS and 0 is a program which trainees, materials handling, ~~~r:i~i:gU~nt~~ii~~~~n forms PLO with its terror methods. would Menachim Begin has now begun to By the tMy . dominate this state. Because the open the borders to Arabs, still the thZ~:~~~~~~r ~hi~~a~~~::~ :l~:t:n~:l~f I~~~ Wi~~i~l~rtirl~;; ~~~~i%!sr;~~:r~:r~W;~o t~~~~ ~h~:r:: on Osler Drive near Stevenson range, we cannot afford to allow entering Israel, and this prevents A!::97~~~d:!~oni:f and Vince Wesley. Laneon theTSU campus. ~h~~~~te. ;;~~~es~~gg~~~~ in ~~~ ~~~ !~~mt~tm:~a~~=bsA~:':~; Universities and Colleges will Hugh Dawkins, Jr., Registrar at In case of snow, ONS and 0 Palestinian Arabs on the West Israel do not pay taxes, nor (Ire carry the names of 15 students Western Maryland College in program will be held on December Bank that they will be masters of they drafted. They receive medical from Western Maryland College Westminster, hs been elected to 29th. their own fate. But we are not benefits, and go to public schools :~v~ ~~~~~:~:tbe::~. :::;~I:s ~~~~r :~!:r!~o~r ~~ 1 ~gi~Vi~ng;....::th:::e:::m_:::th::e...:n~·.:::ht:...::to~e~x·~ta~Ug!!!h!!tin~A~'~ab~ic"_. ~ standing campus leaders. Collegiate Registrars and Officers campus nominating committees of Admission at the group's 48th Get Together At H-House and editors of the annual directory Annual Meeting held recently in have included the names of these Lancaster, Pennsylvania. students based on their academic MSACROA has more than 1,000 achievement, service to the members from over 400 colleges exactly that • an hour of sharing February 23: Blanche Ward - 4th community, leadership in ex- and yniversities in New York, New You've aU heard of Harrison wine and cheese with fellow floor tracurricular activities and future Jersey, PennsylVania, Delaware, House, haven't you? (That's the students and alumni in Harrison Chandler House potential. - Maryland, the District of place behind w~h Freshmen are House. In addition to that. DaniefMcLea-CandD They join an elite group of Columbia, Panama Canal Zone, allowed to park.) Well, Harrison however, it is also a chance to Whiteford-Jstand2nds Eay students selected from more than Puerto Rico, and the Virgin House has some other very im- share in some Hill Heritage. On Students-3rd20onlist 1,000 institutions of higher learning Islands. portant functions as well. Many of display are pictures and Rouler-2ndand3rdOoors in aU 50 states, the District of . ---- you probably know it houses the mementoes of W.M.C. as it used to March 16: Apartments - Unit 3 Columbia and several foreign Sharon LoU. WMC senior, had Alumni offices, but did you know it be. New this year is a slide tape McDaniel- 3rd and 4th floors nations. her paper "Western Maryland is also the home of the Un- presentaticn tracing W.M.C. from Rouzer-4thfloor Outstanding students have been College Program in Deafness" dergraduate Relations Committee. itsfoundings to today. Whiteford-3rd and4lb ntoss honored in the annual directory published in the October 1978 issue This committee is composed of 'rbese parties are held once a Pennsylvania Avenue since it was first published in 1934. of the neaf American. Co-authored students, faculty and alumni and month on Friday afternoons from Residences Students named this year from with Jay Moore (class of 'Tl and sponsors such events as Dinner-en- 4:00 t05:00at Harrison House. The Remaining Day Students Western Maryland College are: now a WMC graduate student) and the-Town (a good meal in the home nextparty is during Jan Term, on Special invitations will be sent to Beth Dunn, Jay Gardiner, Meg Dr. Prickett, Director of the of an alumni) and freshman mugs. January 12. Freshman will be students in the above residence Hoyle, Pam Hudson, Carol James, Program-in Deafness at WMC the They are also responsible for specially invited to this, but all are sections for parties on the Bev Miles, Keith Patterson, Rick article traces the history of monthly Wine and Cheese parties, welcome to come. Residence designated date. If you are unable Powell, Rick Roecker, Robin Western Maryldn's nationally which is the main topic of this sections will be invited as follows to attend your party or missed a Seiland, Tim Shank, Kim Smith, famous program to prepare article. for the rest of the year. - previous one, please feel free to Steve Steele, Cheryl Jane Walter, teachers of deaf children Wine and Cheese parties are Januarytg. The Freshman Class attend any of the other parties!
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