Page 91 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 91
Scrimshaw .... 3 Sports WMC Winter Basketball J~~~~URALSwim Team Journeys Tune.Up The Fratbusters won the in- to Tournament for MA.C's: tram ural championship, Monday 65- Editor's note; ~~e Shirey night as they beat the Faculty Ken 48. their This article was printed because Luhman and and Dave Deitrick the Terror Women are a young, Cosgrove led Tom we felt the school should know and Ed Moore hope to better 4:04.7 3:37.5 records of The women's basketball team teaInbutthecameonastheseason and 19 points respectively, while the swim team is doing. respectively. tuned up for their tournament this progress and she is hoping that this' Chris Holmes chipped in with 10. OnginaUy, the lack of coverage Freshman Jane Carstensen, will weekend by beating Wilson 74-47, peogresston will culminate with a Bob Kurzenhauser and John was due to SCRIMSHAW's lack of attempt the difficult triple of 500 and beating Gettysburg in a tourny victory. O'Connor had 13 and 12 points to sports stan over Jan Term (not free and the 100 and 200 fly. Car- nailbiter 67-65. High scorers for the Terrors pace the Faculty. everyone stayed on campus that stensen has already proven herself In the Gettysburg game, the were Kelly Dargon with 21 points, In the semi-finals, the Frat- month, you remember?). by setting -a new school record in team hung in there. While losing 2 Maureen Noonan with 17, and busters beat the Betes 51-43, Following the Jan Term Issue, the 500 free of 6:05.46. Breast players to sickness and injuries, Ellen Scroggs with 13. despite 25 points by the Betes' SCRIMSHAW editors received stroke specialist Jenny Doremus, and then 3 to fouls, the Terrors Seniors last game Chuck Boelke. Again Luhman and complaints from the team will swim the 100 breast, and showed the fortitude they've The Wilson game was the last Cosgrove led the Fratbusters with referring to this lack. This double in the 100 free. possessed all year one more time. home game for 2 seniors, Kelly 16 and 14 points. culminated in certain swim team Womens backstroke record The"tbrill of victory" could be felt Dargan and Sally Stanfield.' Both In-the other semi-final game, the members requesUng non-coverage hQlder, Sophomore Beth Thomp- on the WMC bench at the buzzer, finished their career at Gill with 8 Faculty beat the defending by the SCRIMSHAW. Animosity son, will be swimming 100 and 200 and that old "agony of defeat" points each in the trouncing of champion Bachelors 54-52 in a":d poor relations eminated from back and hopes to better her times lurned over the Bullet bench as Wilson. The Green & Gold whipped overtime on John O'Connor's shot thiS s~ries of events-a very human of 1: 14.9 and 2: 46.4. She may also. they just couldn't believe the. out to a 14-0 lead and never looked with seven seconds left. O'Connor reacuon to a very human problem. swim the 200 individual medley. scoreboard. All the preparation of back. The game developed into a and Elliot Runyon led the Faculty The SCRIMSHAW apologizes to the Carstensen, Doremus, Thomp- the Bullet staff could not overcome run and gun game as everybody with 14 and 12 points while Vic campus as a whole for the incident. son and Susan Fairchild will team the'desire of the Terror team. wanted to get in the scorebook. Dreschler led the Bachelors with 15 up for the 400 medley relay and 400 Pleased with effort High scorers for this game were points. The Western Maryland swim freestyle relay teams. Coach Fritz said she couldn't be BeckyMat:tin with 12 POints, Barb ." Division II ended up with the B- team travels to Widener College Western Maryland will be well more pleased with th,c effort. tlie'~ Braaisand ¥-ureen.Noonan with·lO;;--S-Cction·,;'. Bombers 'arid the today, to face the best swimmers in represented in the diving com- team put out fof this' game and':.each.-:.,~, ..<~!~ .',,:-c.'.'j-",j :':.·u·Preachersainishing'With identical dhe M.A.C. at the conference petition. ~rian Hickey, and K~te down the homestretch of Hie The team is currently at 9-2 records. ~ampionship. The two day Boadwayis an excel~ent diver with season. She indicated that the Delaware Valley for the MAC The Division III winner was tournament features individual a lot of talent, and }S expected to Women's team went from an 0--5 tournament were they are seeded SeeondFloorRouzer, with a record and team competition, with place i~ the MA~ final~. The three r~rd to even it up at 8-8, just in 6th and then they finish up at of 6-0, while the Bachelors were scoring of rst through 12th plac. ~ale divers, Brian Hickey, John bmefor the Tourny. She noted that GaJJaudet on the 28th et 6. runners up with a record of 5-2. Men's team captain, Mike L.}ttle, and Dan Sack are all good Sports Commen targ ~~tOe~~~~nin i~h:~:~ s~~le~n~ ~~~~~~~~~~:,et~~~p c~r:~e~~~r . hl • S . k Ch amplons Ip F· h)' the ~ooand 200 breast stroke. Rick that has been tied by the swim- 1_pin 5: to hope' continue ~=1t"1e Tim Hackerman 19 t. B,mt" ~:~~~~n~~:sts~~~ hi' me" Coach Eisenbrandt state.d, "The February 15, 1978 at 1l:30 PM; being h~s normal "cocky" self: No for this article is this; don't Jimm~ Tarr has hopes of placing ~::~: ~;;~~r ha~~d th;ithe~~ the 15th. round of the World predictions. No antics. Nothing! remember Ali for losing to Spinks high dn the 100 and 200 b t ry po , . Heavyweight Boxing Cham- But what does it all mean? What but don't forget Spinks for beating Fres~an standout Ed ~:s. r~t ~f~e .the M.A.C. ~,.everyone pionship has just concluded happened to Ali'! Is he over-the- Ali. Remember Ali for boxing. e ctstodowel1inthe500andl~ s u lD top condit}?n. Th~y ~li, . the defending hill"! What now? I~eally don't know Remember him for his fake fights f:%: style. S.hoUld all be able to bring the.U' d champ~on,. Sits In his corner and w~ul~'t ~gm to speculate. with Howard Cosell. But most Good ButterrI hmes owne.venfurtherandp~tl~ wond~~IOg l,r he has retained the But ~I said, ' III be back. I'll be- importantly remember him for the Western Mar;land h aI a s a good showmg at the M.A.C. s. ChaftipldhShl_p·,'~~·on'spink~,-the··the fl~t m~n to wi? the" world true champion he is-! __,lacked a good butter:.~er,w b~t ~While this'has been fI good year ~~~~J~~::~~~~h~~b~~~~e~n r.~:~h~~~- ch!::I~::,h;Ph~~~:I~~~ntiOnea Finished at Last ~~~at"n~:e~e.~~~~~~~::!~~ Jor the team, their full potential FmaUy the rmg announcer begins Ail. I. must admIt, It shll ~~s .not Jeff Rosenberg the s:son, ~e has broken the ~S:n;o~e~enm:~~~ ~~~e Y::n ~;I~:I~~~i~:;;_/e~~lt:~i'~~;::v~a: ~~~~h~/~~~t~:e~~:;e~~I~~~~~:J Western Maryland's varsity ~:o~e~rd~n /~e 2002~~ ~y 22 sick wit!}_colds or the flu, and a Vega~ ':Iilton cr~wd and the large boxing cro",:,n. Despite the a.bove, ~8k~~~~I~n S~~~d a~lo;~y o~s t~~ set i~ the ~ork sm::e~n 2-7:78~~~ ~~~~~ alr~~~e ~~!~e::~ th~~~~ ~~~~;~:o~a:u1:~ni~~U::;~n t~~ ;oe~~thin~P~~:tS Geoar~~O~!~~ha~~ Dicki?son C~llege on February 18, a~tio~ to ~~e2~flk Binckley will of the water for varying lengths of jud~es a~~in? The announcer Joe Frazi~r, Ken Norton, Ernie :~~verlDg their overall record to 9- ~~:7::st;le an/~edley relay ~~~te~~~~:~~:~l t~~sm~:~, :~J a ~ontmued, ~udgeArt LUrie scores Shavers, Jimmy Young and other The loss also brought the team's teams, consisting of Rick Benitez, the team is hoping to do well in the :~~~13~:~2SP~~kS~u~dge~aLr~ludcBaub'akt'~~t cfsnt:;~r~lf_o:~~ ~~~ drO~n!:~ conference record down to 3·9 M;ike O'Loughlin, Dave Binckley MAC championships this weekend. v ....- placing the Terrors last in th~ ~~~~~~~n Tho~ ~~: ':o~{lwt~~ ~~:'t:s ~~:~ f;r~kSC~~~!rv~e~~ so~~w~st Division of the MAC. Spmks." The crowd we~t into win. He pulled off the biggest upset h d C s JV cag~p,. ~n t~e other hysterics. since Ali defeated Sonny Liston on r:ord lOIS WIth an 8-7 The emotional aspects of the February 25, 1964 CI. . -ty M . fight are over now. But looking Whether Ali returns really _urIS USIC back over the entire affair, there doesn't matter: He has done so·~,· ~ ;~s :tmI~~~g t~iS::~:. :i~~nZ:~ ~~fn!or !~lrr~O~~~~~:snd ~t~~" Cari-oll PJaz~ .. Next, Ali wasn't talking, he wasn't promoters all over the world, will Shoppmg Center n====~~~-:;;;:;;;~ pay astronomical prices to have 876-6888 The total Ali present in their ring. My point 848-3357 music store Free we terYe ... Pregnancy Test BREIoKFAST LUNCII DINNER Prompt. confidential Subs Pizzo help. including birth control and abortion Daily Specials services Chicken Day-Monday Oinnen Pizza Day· Tuesday ~7Wednesday Dinnen ~W1etti ~j( ·)yI1:1fiN5v,\iimi!(; DI~rXNcE:;.:.> ~);j' ,~'6'~,';;,~i;~:.~~ptSundays 7 ~~::":~'/ ..:.._.. NEWLY REMODELED EXPANDED SEATING Baltimore. Maryland (01) 78S44OO Route 140 Westminster 848-9110
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