Page 86 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 86
....6 Scrimshaw Friday. February 17, 197a lIfuslc Not.S .Jackson: "That's A Big TeD.Four!" Steve Bainbridge and Mary Cole, Jackson Browne: Running on' can also be heard on Crosby-Nash Volume 2 tries to do on one exceptional talent and an ever- as pessimistic as any in places. Empty. Ltvet. They fit in nicely with record what Volume I did on two. It searching eye for new or modified When he's not being sloppy, the When Jackson announced that Browne's style, and their work is a is a collection of individual and instruments and styles. The two: lyrics are strong-but there are too his next album would be a live key part of the album's success. group compositions, smattered Palmer works on Volume 2 con- : many sloppy points. In short, this recording, a collective sigb went: Indeed, I would recommend 'this and squeezed in together. There is" tinue where side 3 of Volwne 1:4 is an inoffensive, even likeable up in music circles. Everybody album for their worth, even if some balance, so there's not too leaves off. album that just doesn't quite make figured that he had given in to the ' Browne had bombed. But Jackson much Palmer here, too little Lake As a whole unit, Emerson Lake' the grade. 8.M.B. Frampers syndrome-you know,. didn't blow this one. Combining there. Other than this balance, the and Palmer offer up "Brain Salad .. make a live album and make a ; others' material, with some of hts . album doesn't blend very well. Surgery" and "Tiger In A Montreux Summit: mint. We should have known best work to date, he has produced The Emerson pieces reflect his Spotlight," products of 1973, when Bob James, George Duke, Billy better: Browne cam~ through with' one of his finest works. Browne is interest and proficiency in ragtime the aJbwn Brain Salad Surgery Cobham, Ralph McDonald, Steve a refreshingly unstructured live one of the last great American piano. Scott Joplin classic, "Maple was in the making. "When The Kahn, Janne Schaefer, Eric Gale, recording. songwriters, and he continues to Leaf Rag" and Meade Lewis' Apple Blossoms Bloom In The Stan Getz, Woody Shaw, Alphonso Only' five and ~ half songs were' prove it with this albwn. Although "Honky Tonk Train Blues" are Windmills Of Your Mind I'll Be Johnson, Dexter Gordon, Benny taped in concert; the remaining' the tone of much of "Running on preceded by Emerson's own Your Valentine," the longest and Golson, Hubert Laws, Bobbi five and a half songs were recorded Empty" is pessimistic, the albwn original "Barrel House Shake- most confusing title on the album, Humphrey, Thijs van Leer, and in hotel rooms, on buses, and is in the final analysis a trium- down."Ragtimeisnothingnewfor is an interesting synthesizer, bass Maynard Ferguson! The line-up during. rehersals. The title cut phant statement by a great artist. ,Emerson; "Jeremy Bender" and and percussive instrumental. "So says it all. opens the album, as it opened his Buy it! S.M B I "The Sheriff" are earlier songs of Far To Fall" shows the group in Montreux Summit was taped at y ~ae~~~ : J~~ ~~n~:~~s~~~~~r~fti~~ s: ?'~~~~:'~:d ~~~ie~~ '~O:~i~~ ••••••••••••.•. ~~~~~t~{:~~~iS f~:~flt:: ~ui~~ ~::~, ~:~f~~!~gee~e being the almost obligatory salute Works. Volume 2 - Emerson Lake fingers of Keith Emerson are as journey of highs and lows three week festival. It features to the trials and joys, of the road and.Palmer nimble as ever. resulting from the highs. The I most of ColwnbiaRecords'major tour, the second is one of the most It's a perplexing state to be in, it Greg Lake presents the sen- album ends gently as Lake sings, artists in the jazz field. This album sensitive songs about groupies I've really is. I like the songs; I don't timental, predominantly acoustic accompanied by Emerson's is the first of 4 (VoL 1 at least is a ever heard. "You love the Thun-I like the songs as an album. gutter songs for which he is barroom piano, Irving King's double set) that will cover the der ' and a reworking of From their beginning in 1970, especially well _known. In the "Show ~e The Way To Go Home," .eonresfx hours of music presented "Cocaine," an enjoyable yet. Emerson Lake and Palmer manner of "C'est La Vie" from and all IS over on a very hushed that night. adolescent tribute to the drug, have established themselves as Volume I, "Still ... You Turn Me note. Side one has "Montreux Sum- close out the side. excellent musicians. They have On" (Brain Salad Surgery) _and For the music, Works, Volume 2 mit" by Bob James, and "Infant "Shaky town" opens the second come up with incredible albums "Trilogy," are "Watching Over is a good sampling of Emerson Eyes" _by Wayne Shorter. side and is probably the only CB such as Tarkus and Brain Salad You" and "I Believe In Father Lake and Palmer, individually and "Summit" features Janne song you'll ever hear that wasn't Surgery, dazzling masterpieces of Christmas." "Father Christmas" as a group. The only disconcerting Schaefer (best known for his work written for four year olds. After the synthesized wonder rooted in was released, and did quite well, in thing is the: lack of cohesiveness, a with Abba) with a guitar solo, and inoffensive, but unremarkable classical tradition. Works, Volume Europe 1976. It was released as a new, and not particularly Stan Getz on a tenor sax solo. "Love Needs A Heart", we get to I was an album which reflected the single in 1977 in the United States; welcome, change to ELP albums. "Infant Eyes" has Getz soloing the best section of the album. individual interests of Emerson, the single version is not the version M.e. again, with Bob James on acoustic ~~~~i~~b~~~~m:~'V:I~~:~;~~~ ~k;:~P:~~;~, a~:e~~ a~~~s~ ~~~~~~d ~:d ~~:u~e:~~n~o~~:h ._. ~~~~ i~~:~mJ::~I;,e::l ~fe :Sl~ New Jersey. The road noise fits Volume 2 appears and everything fellow ex-King Crimson'Peter ~~~I!!I:~i~~~:;.!:~~iSgOing Stars take turns soloing and this song better than the applause changes.. . Sinfield, are typically emotional .~ backing as though they had played ~ff~rsl~~~'~~~n~~~' ~~:n:~:::~~CO~PI!~ntthi!ithi~LJ'sfina~b~i~~~ ~~i~~P'i~eas ~~7::,~er~~!i:.on~sy ~~~:: I~n~O~:~~i~ ,:is ~~~~~ ~~:re:ti!~r i:~~:~e~~~e~nse of tightest songs on the album, and Each has it's own balance and focusing on the unstrained beauty is so laid-ba_ck that It s vertical. All of Side two is devoted to one of the best. "The Loadout" internal harmony, they seem to of his voice and blending it with the However it .does have. it's "Blues March" by Benny Golson, starts out as a trivial song about flow along perfectly. But Works, unobtrusive, crisply distinctive m.oments, particularly lynca.lly.! with damn near everybody soloing the roadies, but ends as a Volume 2 is different. Each song is acoustic guitar, he produces a song HIll is a damn sight ?e tter ~,~Iter by the end. It's very impressive. magnificent intro into Maurice quite good (perhaps a bit too much high in quality and in content. than composer. Such hnesas, you Side three opens with "Bahama Williams' "Stay" the triunrphanti] brass on "Honky Tonk Train Carl Palmer exhibits his per- ask meif I love you, and I choke on Mama" by Alphonso Johnson, my climax to the albwn. Blues," but nothing serious) ex- cussive mastery through my reply", and "you're crazy, ;nd first encounter with his music. I Running on Empty is enlivened cept that the album comes across "Bullfrog" and "Close But Not all the shrinks in the wortd coul n't must confess to being very by the presence of The Se:ction as as a "hey, we've gota bunch of old Touching," precise songs which help you in any way" _are near pleased, and impressed. "Fried the back-up band. The Section has tapes here, why don't we put out an reveal his interest in jazz. Palmer classics, and;, othe~. Bannanas" by Dexter Gordon d WEI'. worked with James Taylor, and album'?" :ype album. is. a versatile drummer, one with W~:: io~~~,~~\heS~~~t~~::. ~~~~ a~~~!:s~:~:\e~~t~ :xo~~~~ ~~p .r ave xp aiDe on the album. "Crazy" and I side lour "Andromeda" a new l~ ew Da~" "McCarthy's ~~~~~:ik~~~nu~oe;th:~o:~b:~ ~WFO~ial", ~~O~~eit's ~~e ~~:~~ close compoSition by Jay Chattaway. All the W"31'rom Pun. to Costello only because it actually rocks a bit Maynard Ferguson. He. did his and wakes me ~p half way ~rough usual solid job throughout. Tim Windsor playing; it's.oosed on Elvis' fresh, I only know it isn't mine. the overall bonng second Side. In summary, Montreux Summit innovative approach to his music. Mere words on paper cannot Hill's lyrics, are according to the is a ~ajor albwn in-jazz, ranking Judging from the majority of The pace of the a1bwn is set by begin to fully explain the ex- promo material, drawn from the with the V.S.O.P. Quartet, and replies to our music survey, the the opening number, "Welcome to perience that is Elvis Costello. If pains of life. Hill himseU says ~o B.itches ~rew in recent his~ry. I time has come to stop making the Working Week," a bouncy, you make no other purchase this in "Jean"-"J'd write songs only give thIS album the hIghest asswnplions and explain exactly brash rocker that Costello literally -year, this is the one to consider. when the pain became too obvious recommenijat!on, especially to what I'm talking about when I say rips ·through, giving his all in just Don't be scared -off by the "new to hide". If so he must have had a anyone just getting into big band things like "new wave," "punk! one minute and twenty·two wave" tag; great, endwing rock hard life, because these lyrics _are jazz. 8.M.B. rock," or "Gabba gabba hey!'" seconds! The song seems to not be t===================:r New wave (the best all-inclusive epitomize his philosophy: do what :'~s~t~~.ike this should term) refers simply to the current you have to do, get it over .with . trend in music away from the .quickly and move on. As he says, NEVER MIND THE BOLLQCKS, flrea Entertainment complex melodies and in- "you've gotta do it till you're HERE'S THE SEX PISTOLS strumentation of, say, Yes, through it, so you better get to it." Emerson Lake and Palmer and Several sources have called WARNING: If you have never even Fleetwood Mac Costello's music punk rock, a heard this albwn, don't buy it. If CAPITAL CENTRE The new wave artists often definite misnomer. Elvis' great- you feel the urge to have a copy of Santana 2120 couple this musical primitivism ness lies in th"" fact that he is able your very own, find someone who with fiery lyrical tirades against to emerge, UIlScarred, from all the has a copy and listen to it first. anyone and anything that doesn't hype, still playing his kind of There's no doubt in my mind that OVICCENTER please them. The extreme of this is music. His is not the harsh cry of this is one of the most important Mary Travers 2117 ·'punk." From a mainstream point the punks; he deals with ac- albums of the decade, but the Barry White 2126 of view, these new wavers have a cessible, danceable melodies few major flashes of brilliance that backed up with incisive tales of MUSIC here is like nothing you or I Blue Oyster Cult, Geils, and Horselips 3/3 before. After heard have ever easily offset the dreck one must· love, disapPointment and repeated listenings, I've grown to expect from any new movement-be desperation. What separates Elvis like this albwn, but that's only MARBLE BAR it in music, visual art or writing. In from the rest of the mob singing of because it was so important in Muddy Waters 2/26-27 the next few weeks, I'll be direct- unfaithful women and lost love is providing a spearhead for the new ing most of my energy in this that Elvis refuses to fall into the wave. At times the Pistols even UMBC direction, bringing you the best Peter Frampton-Debbie Boone show traces of commercial sen- and the worst of the bunch... I trap of false, melodramatic Sibility, as in "God Save the Outlaws, Sea Level, and Jay Ferguson 2126 ELVIS COSTELLO: "My Aim iSI emotions and moon-june lyrics. As Queen" and "Holiday in the Sun," True" he says in the amazing "Alison" ... but overall their approach is too WARNER THEATRE Far and away, this is the best I'm not gonna get too sen- murky to merit continued plays out Andrew Gold, and Sanford and Townsend 2125 album to come out of the new wave timental of your turntable. so far. In fact ii's so good I'll go as Like those other sticky Valen- Elvis Costello 2128 (Warner) far as to call it the best albwn of . tines Next time: The Ramones and The the past" year.-This isn't based on Cause I don't know if you were Jam popularilyorfJashy production and loving somebody
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