Page 94 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 94
SCRIMSHAW A Necessary Dear Editor: stairway doors and elevators. ~d she ignores you, you'll know Question knows that of last the entire campus expect from a 14-year-Old who just to It e because she realizes just what Honestly -guys, that's a stunt Now Wednesday's subordinates disturbance, either through direct learned those "naughty words" you are-incorrigible the bother! worth who aren't ~very now and then the newspaper business finds that it can only' experience or second-hand and is trying to show how "tough" editorialize on issueso! not thegreatesf concern tc the gen,eral publlc.-the I reporting_s, I'd like. to take ,this i he is. We've all heard those words so-called "dog days." But those minor issues still have an impact on more opportunity to.e~lam a few things before, and they mean nothing- Name withheld due to fear heavily followed "major Issues" and deserve attention all the same, at ~o those Individuals who were especially when coming from of damage to roomate's property least in our opinion. Involved. people who are nothings. Your So it is with the proposal that th~ SGA turned down at the last Senate Let me assure you, in case your sense of self-worth and esteem meeting on Monday night. The idea of thep_roposal was to give the college we:e unaware,. that none o~ the showed itself when you attempted A Music Review Poem: student governing system a one-man, one-vote representation concept re~ldents of Whiteford appreciated to demonstrate how "manly" you A new reviewer, (approximately). The constitutional amendment, admittedly proposed bemg. woken up ~t th~t hour, were by knocking down memo What a change! by one of fheedilors of this paper, would have deleted the Senate votes of: especially to the, mfantile door boards and kicking over garbage An addition for the better the elected executives of the SGA, the untsemt-tetected commlHee b~gIng and. ranting obscenities cans. If you are so "manly," why That's quite plain. ' chairmen, and the class presidents. The amendment was shot down w~lch were directed at the girls. Is can't you handle your intoxicants? Emerson Lake and Palmer without even a simple majority, much less the required two- thirds vote. ~~~,!h~t~~~ti:~~ ~~U~~i~~:e~ The next time you guys decide to An incredible band, ' Yet Works, Vol. 2 Although the issue may be dead at this time, SCRIMSHAW would like to;~ledi~~ed',WhOo'wds,vdi,~d,yot'Yu.toCJimu!.'oc''''ms~~deodn':t.sotayrthin, question one thing·-Why are these people allowed to wield as much power • • OJ! "'. "'''' • Didn't seem.well planned. as the student who has been elected from your hou§lng unit by the serve to illustrate just how vulgar things there- because the only But it was a good review- residents ct-thet unit? Whether they represent a committee, class, or the and shallow you really are. people you'll be impressing is Well written, indeed. entire student body, why are they on an equal par with your housing unit Neither did we residents ap- yourselves. And, for Western Maryland, rep? And another thought, how many housing unit representatives asked precrateyour interior decorating, One of the best I've yet seen. the opinions of their floor members to find out how they thought about the o.crudely done with markers on Arid next time you talk to a girl Sary Ccpdrea presidents of ciasses and student bodies voting at all? Old yours? Save A Seal SGA eont. The entire process seemed to acquire a very political flavor on Monday, when many of those whose positions would lose their votes came out against such a move. They weren't the only ones who did, but the Job. opportunities are now cent. from p. 1 situation still seemed to wreak of defensiveness In many cases. available in Canada. Good money, developed concerning the proposed The whole situation may seem small and insignificant to most, but satisfying labor, previous ex- new sports complex, and the SCRIMSHAW still sees a necessary questloJl to ask its readers--How perience not needed. To apply, existence of three vacancies on the many representatives do you feel you actually need? . send a self addressed stamped \ I Board and the efforts to fill these envelope containing a photograph vacancies. of the last baby seal you beat to Four groups submitted bids to death with a baseball bat. _. the SGA to sponsor the Spring Apply soon or you may miss out I Dance: the Preachers, Bachelors, on this once in a lifetime ex- and the Freshmen and Sophomore perience. classes. The SGA decided the If you are at all appaled by the Bachelors should receive the bid, above advertisement, it may in- they offered to split t~e profits 50- terest you to know that such jobs do 50 if the SGA would hire the Band. the Clemons Marty moved "that exist. Millions of infant seals have a been slaughtered in such a fashion SGA allocate The motion was passed. $200 to the Feminist's Alliance." is an extensive in Canada. There proposed an SGA Jeff Robinson I HEREBY to stop Cand k U.S. campaign government what the a BAN KILLING PETITION YOU TO official costs (see SGA Minutes), concerning OF THE van- Canadian HARP calls policy dalism "cultural heritage." SEAL. Please fill in the lower form and The senseless slaughter of the Tim Shank made another Con- them [0 c.lJ.}"se... drop it in campus mail, BOX 3A. HarpSealisadisgracetoCanada's .motions were tabled Both these amendment. stitutional "Cultural heritage". Minister They will be sent to Prime Trudeau as part of a nation wide Signed The' next meeting-will be 'held on ,. the darKnt,;):5. petition You May Need To Read This ... P.M. to save Home address the seal. March 13 in Baker 100 at9:00 ...'*''*''*''*'''*'''*'''*''*''*''_****** __ -- .. ' m~~\~~a:~ ~~~ !~ir~eli~::! i~~ru; ~~oi~~ecf~AI;o:~! ~;d:~, wi~~raen~r~~I~=; ~~::e w::~ SCRIMSHAW OFFICE HOURS escaped its influence. This is father's problem-not being able to poses; WMC is starting one. If you Spring 1978 especially true for those of us cope was a problem of my own. In can relate to this article, we en- Sunday: 7:00.8:00 PM S. Dehna Iwhose lives have been affected by AI-Anon we learn that we can courage you to come to our Monday: 7:00-8:00 PM N. Menefee I someone else's drinking problem- change our attitudes, we can meeting-- you're under no Tuesday: 3:oo-4:00PM P. LaPadula 'a mother, father, sister, a friend. become free from anxieties and obligation and your anonymity will i'he:~::ya:y: II:~~~:~:~~M J. T~~a~:~~ lal:~I~~rr:.~ei;V:m~~~ ~;~ ~:~~a~~~~1:~~o::s~~~v~~~ ~lr:~~t:;k!h~~~rm~~~ Fri~~:. 2:oo.3:ooPM J. RobInson ~~~~t~ o~a!:o~~~uth~e ~ ~ dimensions of life. March 6 at 7:30 p.m. I ~~udents and faculty are Invited to stop by the SCRIMSHAW office something you can do to retain (or ..... ative American Culture n tudent Center during any of the hours listed above. You may drop as in my case gaiil) sanity and " by for I.ust a SOCial visit or to discuss any urgent business of the utmost peace of mind. Observing con- Jim Teramani Importance. We hope that you will utilize this service should the cp. fidentiality a srogr"am called AI- American ;::a~~!~~~~~~is~:~: portunlty ever arise. ' (Amn can ~p you, whether or not Last Monday night, -.The Editors you're living with the alcoholic. Indian Billy Tayac brought dancers demonstrated several Tribe members of his Piscataway to. show dances, and they explained " ..dancersaren'tdancing, they're to Western Maryland r ' Staff Bo:lt people a bit of the Piscataway sraying." dancers were . very Editor-In-
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