Page 90 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 90
LeHers to the' Editor For The Love of M?ney Psychological CoulJ,seling Reported Weak Sir: Maintenance With an eye on the pocketbook, Western Mary_land College has onc~ wC::'s ~g':~::ti~~O o:~m= ~~~c~rd~~etop:eo:~.s~~~:~~~: Commended ::~ :~~t~.t~~l;~~::~t!'se zzz:~~:r:~r:::~~~ot~yt~:el~:~~I~ compile ,8. guide- to WMC for in- to delay a problem which should be, Dear Editor: at theIr monthly meeting, following the recommendation made by a corning:-and -present women dealt with when it costs extra time, We would like to comment on the special commIttee on the matter. students! I ~eali~ that there ~s effort, ~d poss.i~y moner to absolutely excellent job the Those who lust walked In on the situation and may not know Its one se,rvtce In which the college IS confront It. In addition, there IS ~e maintenance people have done in ::~~~~_t~a:OIl:~'IO:::~:~~o~r~:;~~t~as:j:nr;::o~. s~m::~~:~:~::~~!iweak: psychologICal_, ~~~!sma o~~':tf~;dc~~a:li::I~~ ~:~n~ to snow removal this PTa,'.hmW·vY.',,"',mon"'h~,'.Rm"o','no,'''o','oov','~n"'m','n",,'h,'a'·d"'h"C""h o • f ·Iow'Ong,.,thn,·'hOO"J",Y n Almpl OSh' aUth'ta, tistiCS onallcol~e~e "abnormal" and a sign of being As two people deathly afraid of ti " • peo e s ow a, emo on y, It IS "socially sick." A student runs a ice, we remember way back to our college would be receivIng this year. _. one of the most unstable age much greater risk of em- freshman year, (Was that .. years Government funds are based on the number of student·hour groups. The number of suicides in barrassment in the face of family ago, R? Sure was, D.) when one of equivalents that each college has registered. When the Jan Term course this group, for example, is only and friends if he goes off-campus. us (remaining unidentified) never credits were cut back last year, It was pretty obvious that the total surpassed by the number com- Any institution which believes it even attempted to venture to number of credit hours taken by the students was going to drop mitted by the aged. Although I can ensure the health of its inmates Englar's Restaurant, no matter crastlcaliy (all of those students who would take a course multiplied by realize that this statistic does not by providing with food, shelter, how appetizing the fare. The other only two credits Instead of three and the loss of students not even con- literally apply to WMC-there are and somewhat ~pid medical cure of us (also preferring anonimity) slderlng,slgnlng up for the month of drudgery). But lower credit hour few dead bodies tumbling out of ismistakenandanachronistic.Ina passed up numerous treks to the totals means less money, right? Right. Word has It that WMC lost ep- Alumni - I do think that it indicates community of 1100 people there other side of the mountain, and proximately $20,000 this year with the new, improved Jan Term credit the extent and depth of emotional must be' enough demand for at waited until Spring to patronize system. turmoil in those aged 18-24. least one professional, full-time Winslow's Bar and Grille. SCRIMSHAW would like to take exceettcn with the motive behind this The college does supply some psychological counsellor. There Back then, they hardly cleared recent move. We do not want to argue with the result. The way we see It, services for those who want help, must be students who want help, the sidewalks at all, and we often however, is that the original motive forthe change was monetary, done In although half-heartedly. ACCOrding and it is a tragedy that they are thought that rock salt wasn't yet order to decrease the number of students taking a Jan Term Course. The to the Student Handbook, the deans unable to get it. I encourage exported to Westminster. reason for the change back is monetary. -And we question the validity of are available for counseling and students and the SGA to consider Therefore we consider this such reasoning 10 a matter dealing with the quantity of knowledge would,ifneces:sary,r_eferas~dent t~~need for psycholo~cal cn~- current treatment heavenly. emlnatJng from an Instructional experience. Is one credit hour worth a to so~e sort .ot . profess~o.nal . 'sclmg,""-" an': opportunity. which. 'Puddles' natut~dly form from certain amount of educatron, or X amount of dollars? Using the present counseling service. .Irr addition, . should be available to all ~tudents, "shoveling and 'melting snow. In line of reasoning we cannot seem to distinguish between the two. ~~=tis C:i~I~~;II':;tal~y~~ Li~~=~~ ~~~';u~m~~~ a:~~~~~~~ i~~~ H::~:~t~-~~;e ~~I~~:~~~e~a~~r:~~~~!e;~:a;a~~~:~ ~ne~t~e~~~~s~::~ ~tudents--~ut'agam, I~the problem Registration fault of the maintenance people. people were getting two hours credit for courses which last year and next IS too senous, the client must be Q d To prevent the -melting snow will be worth the usual three. We would liketo know, will these credits be re~%red. te . . uestione from fonning puddles that can retroactive? We feel that they should be, that everyone that did the same knit s a~~ ~o:~~t:oun:uthg~tt~ De~r Editor,. not 0rly.impossible, but it amount of work as in the previous Jan Terms should not be penalized for Originators can't Phave' been vel' IJust ~ant to mention ~ couple of wouldmvolve trYI~g to .foo,1M?ther being in the wrong place at the wrong time. realistic. I doubt that manY items. First, for anyone mterested, Nature. And that Just Isn tmce. Such a move would make amends for an attitude I)f pawn-pushing and students are willin to brinY the a.uthor of the essay on love So are a few of our game-playing that seems to have prevailed over the administration and personal roblems tog one of th~ su.bmltted. last week. by Tom sugg~shons, learne~ through faculty during this entire situation. It would show that the college was deans unl!'ss th~ know them well l\1Jtch~ll IS .Walte~ Rmder. The experience, and pra.chc~ slowly more concerned with educational and academic benefits rather fhan And even if they are receptive essay IS ava.llable III poster form but surely as we slip-slide ~long those of the finanCial statement. It would tie up some of the loose ends they are not professionall' from Cel~stJa~ Arts, San Fran- through anoth~r long 'loL11Cwmter. :~:~~~f::~~~ ~hne~::~~~:~.even show true ':--:-----=------:------::--== trained' their help can't be a~ cisco; Cahfor~Ja . . 1. A good pal: of sn~w boots tave ;t~~t~Od~~t~~:~~~ :=:e~:=:;d Id W .... FAd roun Th e as that of a psychiatrist H~g~e ~~~~~~~~~e~~:; ~~:'e~~~: the Kings' Market. mt~ip:o~ . effectiv~ ~~~~ro~;o~~;la~~ed rom or •~ews procedures. On registration W"I"n-M",t.~d,,2 C,",ohing ho'd .. g, has a good sy~m. -t;Jeven Dave Moskowitz International from Canada Hussians were expelled decrease effect implemented the could not who'" 'Ihink Bein~ ~oWkevet, there railing~dis tnoth~~ ("",and gO~ i~~~ i~~~ ~~ap~y c;~~ ~~~~.~ take for trying to infiltrate before increase ~:~~iO~. eyen goves-· Canada's internal security system scheduled for i979. . my classes for spring, I went in 3. Walk .in the snow, if the --Prime Minister Ian Smith of by bribing a member of the -H.R. Halderman's book on late December to ask if I could sidewalk's too icy (but only if you Rmhoo_.~:i(·e·gb"::k d 0pon'~(;~}:nno Wfiot~ R.C.M.P. °h ver a period of nine ~,·nt~r:n~~e't~~Th~o~;~~~. ~~~~'g change them. I was told by a remembered to put on y"0ur socks.) ur:.u ...... • ........ ., • months. T e spy ring, was the secretary in the Registrar's office _ 4. Do your annual. Bear black majority rule. Nationalist largestoneuncove@inCanada in other things, it accuses Charles that there was absolutely nothing I Imitation and hibernate In your guerrillas rejected the proposal the last thirty years. Colson of blackmailing Pres. Nixon could do until the drop-add period room. and black versus black bloodshed --The entire Finnish cabinet and states that Nixon was the on February 5th. I persisted, and 5. Last but not least are our best ~:: ~o~:t~~i:;~~;~~;::~~~~~:;K~~tr~r+l:~;:;1;f~ . is a distinct possibility. resigned due to an argwnent over a . driving force behind the burglary. made an appointment during Jan words of advice: Grab a friend-- :f~:~r.~~;~!e;:~f~o~:~~~: ~~:~~~;::~~'~~~;fi~h:(o~~~~;, ~:~~~~:~~:~~~,~~~~~:~;;::: government is rejoicing and full of ~is ref~~~;~i~t~S ~:::r!:n~OU~ been responsible for the 18!f.!- changing classes. This leads me to prospe.ct doesn't happen along at pride, while the opposition Con· jeopordy. minute gap in one of the tapes. The suggest that perhaps other the right n:!oment, grab your servative party says that the rate --In a counteroffensiv_eL the book disagrees in many ways with students also received erroneous Roomie--.they'lJ always do in a is still unexcuseable. The rate-of Ethiopian Army has made major ~~e~~~r~:~i~~eS!r~}ef~~:~S~~: infOl;malion, _and this.led to the pinch. (Right, R? Right, D.) in~~~t:; i~~~::t~~~;7 r::r~;~tls ~~~~li~.t~~~~~~:~d~:tl~r ;,~~~~ t~~~esident -ta~i~r i~' ~eriO~SI~-. ~;fr·~~~~e~ 5; ~~~~rtaO:~ad:~tt~~' '':~ RO~i'nMaxandDeniSeGiangola ~~~i~n ~~~;r, :nd P~:i~~~e~~. :~~rg!ec~,ar:~d ~al1~ta~ep ~~ ~nt~~e~e~~~~~~:~ ~n:rv:;!'~~n ~~;i~:a~i,~aOVf~~e a~~\~:~~ude~~ Review Off-beat Anwar Sarlat, in Cyprus. The rei ired military personnel. Possibilities include: special concerning what we can and Dear Steve Bainbridge: terrorists than commondeered an --South Africa has quit talks _on legislation requiring a federal cannot do, and when, would lead to Have you grasped the hard airpl-ane, but were forced to return the independence of South-West takeover of the mines and binding an even better registration system realities of Jackson Browne's song to Cyprus after being denied Africa, saying it will never hand arbitration; invoking the Taft- Sincerely, "Rosie?" Agreed, this is a sen- landing privileges in several the territory to Marxist guerrillas. Hartley act (forcing miners back Mimi Griffin sitive song, but to what is it sen- nations. While the CypriOts were The talks continued with black to work); and recommending Books Overdue sitive? A clear explanation can be negotialing for the release of leaders, Cyrus Vance, and the contract terms to the two sides. To the Editor: found close at hand in ROlling ~!;i:~!:'~~::£~f,:~oi:~~;~Ii~~:,.2~i::;~~'~·n~:it~~d:£J~~!::~~::~f~~~::~u~~~:~,~~~~',n~~:::~~~"~~:a;~~:f~~~;;~i'~~{'ih~o;::i~:~~ Nati-onal ~~~~ar~ !r:'s:s 4;~i~U~:~~t~~~ ~~f:s S~~~~f;e~erSe~:e~~;i~~ ~:k:st:rve~~~eJ!~:~ryth;er~~ ~!~~e~~~del- between the Cypriot National --Federal officials and Labor, Ray Marshall, and t~ade These books should be returned as r---,---,------- ~~r~I:Cne~ :tg~~~~nl~o~:t~~~~ representatives of two Indian negotiators to cho~se pOSSible ~:o~=~si~~e~~~r:~rg~t:~ Murphy Visiting were reported dead, and relations • tribes in Maine have agreed to an ?o:~~~s~~~~;:~l~a~%~~~ ::~y students having overdue books will Francis Murphy, auxiliary ~~;~:ak~~~u~~~~ts ~fir~t~:~ ~t~~~~~!nSse~~::~ ~~~ :/~~r:handling the situation. ~e b:~~l~~~~~~n:~~f;f!i~~o~:; :~hoi~~~t:~l!~mo~~~!as ~~~~~tI~ at the time of the raid, a bloodless land in Maine. The plan ca,lls for -Tony Boyle, former PrcS. of the surcharge. How~ver, if. the books Campus Ministry to visit Western surrender had been negotiated the Indians to receive $1.7 million a United Mine Workers union, was are ret~rned Immediately no Maryland College on Saturday, with the terrorists. year for 15 years and 300,000 acres found guilty in Pa., of a second chargew!ll be entered. Please he~p ~rch 4.. Bishop Murphy, who -·There are strong indications oflandat$5 per acre. In order to be count of urder in the 196:9 killing. ,~. r~~c_e;q~ I!~~~,~?rk load m a.&sists Archbishop William Bor- that Cuban pilots are flying carried out, the plan still must be of UM~ dissident ~.:JoS'eph'" this·matter .. Alsp, It woUld help us ders in the administration of the ~;'bi~~h~::~~':'~~~t'(G~:."n':~~::~:~~"(b,Main,', ,(at, Y'blohsk~and his fam:l y ." ,~:~,~~~~ ~!",g:,,::r:ti~(~':::~~~~'.,;~,wo':t~~a'::=':~ technicians are also aiding the --Congress is conisdering ~,: . rather than library's shelves or 6:30 p.m. in LitHe Baker Chapel. A Ethiopians and Russian pilots are legislation to partially decrease -A Teias. jw'Y' has ruled· that- tables-there is no overdue charge reception for him in McDaniel flying defense missions over Cuba the steep Social Security tax in- Howard Hughes was a lega! before the final billing." lounge wiD foDow. The whole it~il~:a~~~a';,~!~~:e::: ~:r~~ ~:~ti~=;:I~vof~edC:; ::~':eTI~~.a;!~u'!l:t~!: . _ George:: welcometo :~e:t~n~~~a:~:..~~~~i~:~~~:~=:~~;:;t_ •.!~~~~~~~~;~~:_...;;.",_.~,.:-:~~~r~W.~k.M.I!.~.~?c"',:-:."',--~~~--'"
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