Page 95 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 95
.... 3 • Major News In Brief Dave Moskowitz _ President .Mohammed Siad . because it may lead to black civil NATIONAL NEWS menL Mr. Civiletti, who has done INTERNATIONAL NEWS I Barre of Somalia said that war in the country. The United Mine Workers an excellent job since joining the Secretary of Slate Cyrus vance's -- Sctenttsts have hypothesized reached an agreement with a departmen~ a few years ago, (aces - As a result of last weeks gun battle between Egyptian com- remarks calling for the Somalians 1hat the moon may still be shaking major independent coal company - harsh hearings bec.a~se of the fll!:Y Ethiopia's and went back IP&M) of mandos and Cypriot soldiers. 10 withdraw region from unfair and from an incredible Such meteorite crash Th~ agr~ment did not to work th~' created by the U.S. fmng attorney David in 800 years ago. end M~rston,.8 are Ogaden an explosion Egypt has pulled all of its misinformed because no Somalian was recorded by English monks on entire coal strike however as the Phil~delphla, by .th.e head of the diplomats out of Cyprus, and Cyprus has recalled all of its soldiers are in the area at present June 18, 1I7H, and scientific workers slili. h~d not. ~e~Ched J~~~~ec~ue~\n G~~~i~e~~S ruled diplomatic corp from Egypt. The Egyptian soldiers who survived the :~~:~t~~~o~:e~~et:i~:~~yh~~~ ~~~~f~h~n c~~m~~~~~\;isb~;~~~ . ~!~';;~~a;~h ~~:oc~;~~,m~!~~~teLa:~~le ;~e~~~~~hle:~i~~~~ battle came back to crowds of the region to help the liberation of the claim is the existence of .larges.t company, at that time. damages to the widow of a cancer supporters chanting, "Death to the movement in the area jf Somalia Giordano Bruno, a large relatively Later In the week, B.C.O.A. offered patient treated with Laetrile The Cypriots and Death to the becomes threatened by the battle, recently formed crater on the far the workers a contract similar to court ruled that the treatment had Palestinians." In addition, Anwar President Barre reaffirmed his side of the moon. th~ one offered by P.&M. and ~he caused needless suffering and Sadat declared that Egypt no position t hat no soldiers are -- Secretary of State Vance, has miners went back to ,,:,ork .endmg quickened death, compared to longer recognizes President presently there. said that if Congress disapproves the longest coal strike 10 our other treatments available. It Spyros Kyprianou as head of the S~~~~: ~~~~1t!°f~~;:~~~~r~v~~ ~~~ S~~~;[, ~~~n~~n~:~:ti!~a!:~ nation's history. . I remains to be seen what effect this Cypriot nation, a harsh blow to the the world to enact legislation also cut off the proposed sale of w~~; ~~a~t!~:r:::IY s~~tn~~~;!: ~~~~~:e ~~I;h~a~~U~~. the use of Cypriot leader. President banning aerosol sprays containing planes to Egypt. pending ratification by rank and __HEW announced that it wants a Kyprianou has made it clear that he will not return the terrorists to chlorofluorocarbons, on the -- Former Prime Minister Indira file, avoided by only one day a state run immunization program Eyypt but that they will be tried in grounds that they damage the Gandhi was a big winner in national takeover of the mines against Russian flu, and two other Cyprus- for skyjacking, with planet's atmosphere. elec1ions held in India. Although promised by President Carter strains, for, the elderly and conviction bringing a possible -- The U.S. has hinted that it will only one of India's five states have should a settlement not be chronically ill. Secretary of HEW, public hanging. support the agreement reached counted votes, Mrs. Gandhi won reached. Officials remain very Joseph Califano, called for a three -- Prime Minister Begin of Israel between Rhodesian leaders and there with a quite unexpected two- cautious as to the chance that the year $45 million program ex- is in the midst of an internal crisis black nationalists for majority rule thirds majority. Since she declared contract will be ratified, as the plaining that the Russian flu is oyer whether or not to continue the in Rhodesia. They join the British marshall law and was sub- miners at a glance do not seem almost certain to be back again. formation of settlements in the in supporting the plan. but the sequently ousted from office two satisfied. Voting on the contract The Senate Finance Com- Sinai Desert while negotiations ~~~~:Sn;dO~sa!~~~ewWi~ou~gr-:~ r:;r~gag~~ M~~~ean~i ~~~i:;:~ will ~~:~e nw~::e~fficials have ~(~~~e g~:~;~~~e~~~~s~~t:~ri$~a! with Egypt are in progress. His remarks that the settlement is bad comeback. announced that they are con- year to students attending cabinet is apparently split down sidering. a major reorganization ot- colleges, and private and parochial the middle, with a firm decision urban aid programs (HUD, Dept. schools. The bill which is gaining expected 10 come next week. Quebec of ~abo~, DeJ_>t. of Com~.erce), backers in Congress as a means of Meanwhile, the hopes for con- possibly including the creah~n of a I relieving the tax burden of the rinued negotiations have dimmed, new depa.rlment of economic and middle class, is strongly opposed as Moshe Dayan, the Israeli Jeff Smith intention to withdraw. community ?evelopment.. The by the White House and HEW. foreign minister stated that the It may indeed be that a third Such a threat however is to be program IS still very much 10 the President Carter has proposed his deadlock in negotiations may have large country will appear soon in taken seriously, for it would-shift planning stage. .. nwn legislation which would reached an insurmountable im- North America. Quebec and strain the present power -- The AFL·CIO held Its annual provide financial aid to college passe separatism is apparantly gaining structure. For example, NATO. executive meeting in Florida, and students on the basis of financial Soviet President Leonid ground at an alarming rate. It is no What would this new state's role in urged Congress not to support need alone, but many Brezhnev was awarded the Order longer unreasonable to think of NATO be, and in what ways would President Carter's economic Congressmen feel that this would- of Victory, the top Soviet military politics in North Ameri_ca as a geographical division of Canada stimulus program, stating that it in no way help the burdened middle honor. The award placed him along making a geographically radical weaken our defense? Also, was inadequate. In addition, they class. Joseph Califano stated his side of Stalin and Eisenhower in change. canada, that is the other province urged a repeal of the ma-jor Social oppose! to the bill ranking of WWII military leaders. The problem of course boils es, would suffer economically by Security lax increase scheduled to staling that· "(lU in- -- The U.S. and the Soviet Union down to the fact that in Quebec such secession, and one can be sure go into effect next year. discriminately provides a more ended the fourth stage in a series of province there is a French- we would soon feel it here in the -- Senator Jacob Javits joined a than one-half billion dollar windfall talks on limits to be put on military speaking majority, whose opinions states. growing number of Congressmen to those American families at the activities in and around the Indian hav~ been whipped up by a few There has been some talk of m sharply criticizing President very top 10 percent of the money in Ocean. The talks which are to extremists. They say that the those remaining provinces, some Carter's "sudden turning of the this 'country." resume later in the year, have so province must secede to solve its of them now also pressuring Ot- tables on Israel." He, and others, -_ The Equal Employment Op- far resulted in. no concrete problems, among which are those tawa, simply joining the U.S. Or so apparently feel that Carter has. portunity Commission decisions. of "cultural integrity." some Americans have speculated. deserted Israel since Anwar complete control over federal anti- -- The British Government stated Now, 1 am not arguing the fact But, as one Canadian said, it is not Sadat's recent visit to the U.s. discrimination programs following that Soviet military buildup is that the Quebecois have a legal so certain that Canada would want of federal increasing at a much greater rate right to secede. As a matter of fact, to add 50 more provinces. Beniamin R. Civiletti. a a reorganization procedures in law the enforcement than are NATO defense systems since Canada is a confederation, At any rate, we can just hope Baltimorian; faces confirmation field. The plan. initiated by Fearing that the situation could gei each province has the legal option that the province does not secede, hearings this week in hearings President Carter, reaffirms his out of hand. the British cited the of secession. (We in the U.S. of A. while keeping its present cultural before Congress to see if he is devotion to anti-discrimination fact that the Soviets now spend II nave a federation. We had a war integrity. But there are "so many qualified to take over as second in programs. The EEOC will control tn 13 per cent of their resources on heads, so many opinions." commano at the Justice Depart- back 1he buildup. In a related over the same issue question about the OUt" Ten Tips to among other things. hiring 1861.) But one must development, the U.S. announced dissolution of a system that has techniques for federal contractors, thaI it will boost its forces in the worked pretty well for a long while. and oversee laws governing sex· Pacific over the next 5 years. Secession would cut off the Improved Writing and age discrimination. .secretary of Defense Haroldl seaboard provinces (rop! those in Dave Zinck -- A series of train derailments Brown. also stated that the and subsequent explosions occured chances of American influence in the West. This would create a host Many·of the seniors have just one 5. A must not shift your across the East Coast. A Eastern Europe are increasing of problems in transportation, more research paper 10 write., point of view. derailment in Tennessee caused a more than ever, as the world government, fiscal policy, and Hurray! Many are doing one for 6. When dangling, don't use par- liquid propane explosion killing 21 situation changes. agriculture. either a seminar course, special Hciples. Then, too, Quebec would greet studies, or-honors program. Since 7. Join clauses good, like a con· and injuring 145 in the town of many problems along with in- this is the case, the editor of junction should. Waverly. In Youngstown, Florida, -- Reaction to the Congressional a train .derailed unleashing a investigation· of a possible dependence. For instance, what Scrimshaw has asked me to H. Don't write a run-on sentence deadly cloud of chlorine gas on the Panamanian drug link is mixed as about the economic situation of the provide some suggestions to en- you got to punctuate it. area. At teast 8 persons were the investigation continues. 0p- province itself? Could it survive sure that everyone's paper will be 9. About sentence fragments. I reported dead there, as motorist's ponents of the Panama Canal without the support of Ottawa? gramatically perfect. In fact, all 10. ,Don't use commas, which passing through the area were 6f Scrimshaw treaty are calling the hearings 'It is more probable that all this readers hmts most uselUl. should find aren't necessary. killed instantly by the fumes. A these Abbrev. 11. Don't 'quite useful, while Congressmen talk of secession is a tool' of the favoring the treaty are calling the francoplione leaders with which to Why not cut out this list and &ave 12. Check to see if you any words third derailment near Milan, secret- hearings a waste of time. for future reference? Follow these out. Tennessee, caused the evacuation bargain f(:lr more provincial guidelines and you are certain to 13. About repetition--the repetition nf the town, but no deaths were' -- China's political leaders have autooolI!Y. I'm sure that even the receive special recognition on your of a word might be real effective reported decided to spare the lives of seemingly most extreme paper, be it the last one at WMC or repetition--take, for instance, notorious "Gang of Four," accused separatists know this, and that one of your first here on the Hill. Abraham Lincoln. -- SupremeCourtJustices Potter after Mao1s death of trying t.o withdrawal from such an ad- 14. As far as incomplete Stewart and Lewis- Powell have sabotage Mao's plans for Chinese vantageous confederation would be 1. Each pronoun agrees with their struction, they are wrong. again disquaIHied t hemseIves development. It was originally quite a mistake. This pressur~ on antecedent. 15. It's impOlj.ant to from taking part in hearings thought that the four would be the central government obviously 2. Just between you and 1, case is ~;lOStrophe's right. concerning major oil companies executed, but the new leaders takes the form of votes. A important. 16. For heaven's sake spell words The two judges consistently apparently secure in their position, provincial leader with separatist 3. Verbs has to agree with their wright. disqualify themselves in cases of have decided that the four can be support can put a lot of pressure on subjects. 17. Last but not least, layoff this type, but have never revealed "rehabilitated." the government, with no realistic 4. Don't use no double negative. cliches. their reasons for doing so. CDDDDDDDOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDCDDDDDDDDDDDOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDOocDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD~
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