Page 93 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 93
Increases E~plained Meg Hoyle An increase in the cost of tuition, pected rise in the minimum wage, Center is completed, there will be for the fonowing_~e~r. These are costs get out ot band, Western room and board to $4625-- for the which effects the college because additional costs to figure in for tabulated and divided by the Maryland becomes less desirable second year 1978-79 was announced of the large number of hourly maintenance and staffing. These number of students enrolled to to prospective students. last month by the administration. workers employed. Although an costs were figured in the Five Year arrive at t~e cost Of. tuition per For the quality education of- ACCOrding to Mr. Phil Schaeffer, increase in the personnel! budget Plan but may increase too. person. If this amount IS too much, fered, Western Maryland is less College Treasurer, the increase was allotted, it didn't cover this It generally takes fro~" October items ~re cu~ until an acce~table expensive than many other schools was caused by several factors, increase. to December or January to draw figure IS arrived at. Then, If ~e )f the same caliber, even at $4625 someof them predicted in the Long Another reason for the rising up the annual budget and have it Board approves, parents are m- per year. Gettysburg is $5290 for Range Planning Committee's Five costs of running the college is the approved by the Board of Trustees formed 1977-78, while two of the biggest Ivy Year Plan, while others were fact that there was a 50 per cent All department heads and ad- The admintstratton tr-ies" to Leaguescbcots, Harvard and Yale, unexpected. increase in the insurance costs for ministrators -submit to Mr. maintain the quality of the school even. though of a much' better In the Five Year Plan, WMC. The school has a total in- Schaefferacompletelistofneeds- and still be competitive, and if quahty., a~e $7000 an~ $6950, AI •• oult allowances were made for in- surance policy which includes fire, WL...te.4!6alMdSuffer. respectively. eont. P. 4' ". flation, a rl,.ein the cost of living, oa","~ualty,liability,etc .. ., r-.. ., ., and other similar reasons. There Inflation IS another factor which •• ., • .... was a predicted increase of $350 is to be considered. When drawing • from 1977's $4225, but because of up the budget for 1978-79, a 6 per Lee Maxwell Dave Henderson floor. Here they continued with lD, they replied that they were not the unexpected factors, thiS fell cent annual inflation rate was Residents of Whiteford' Dorm their yelling and writing on memo from this campus or-that they had short of the needed amount and used. But the January inflation were rudely awakened Thursday boards and doors. They also no ID. He then proceeded to call tuition was ralsed'Io $4625. rate was given as .8 per cent. If it morning by th_g__antics of a few flipped over some trash cans and Campus Security, but by then, the The two major reasons given by ~ere to stay at this rate, although male students, some of whom were emptied the garbage into the hall. intruders decided to leave. Mr. Mr. Schaeffer were the large it sbculd dr-op ...i.beRtne annual rate members of the Preacher Twuo{ the residents opened their Karmen checked through the halls increase in the Social Security tax would be approximately 9 per cent. fraternity. . door and asked the students to keep a few minutes later, and found that and an unexpected raise in the Western Maryland tries to keep These students moved first Ihe noise down, but this had no they had left minimum wage law. Congress its employees at the average rate through second floor, where they effect. Finally, a member of the Next day, Head Resident, Chris approved a much larger increase of pay for schools our size, which began yelling obscenities and Housing Council came out and told Karmen lodged a complaint with in the Social Security tax than had means increases in the pay scale in banging on and tryi~g to open them to leave. After she returned Elizabeth Laidlaw; Dean of been anticipated by the budget order to keep up with the ever- doors. They also scrawled ob- 10 her room, they proceeded to tear Housing. Dean Laidlaw has staled planners. rising cost of living. scenities on memo boards, exit down third floor memo boards.' that in all fairness, she could not The second cause is the unex- When the new Decker Student doors and the elevator. In some About the same time, some of these release any information or opinion Icases where the door was open, students threw several garbage on the incident, pen~ing an these students reportedly entered cans out the bathroom window. examination of this She did Residents of Blanche, McLea, and Fcrtines found 'themselves in into the room and yelled ob- Also, they-reportedly flooded the..say that the standard procedure in darkness last night when a high tension wire burned out on Rt. 140 near scentues, to which some girls bathroom. a case like this is that the alleged- Gino's. replied in kind. The bulletin board, The noisy persons then offender is given a choice' of either The Fine Arts Building, Levine, and Little Baker were also dark. The which had been made by one of the proceeded to fourth floor. ·At that a hearing by her or by the Housing Student Center and Library had scattered lighting. Rouzer end residents, was torn down by these point. Tim Karmen, husband of the Council. They would then decide Whiteford, which have reserve power generators had dim lights. students. They later randomly tore head resident, who had been whatever disciplinary action, if As Scrimshaw goes to press, the-lights are still out; but repairmen are down memo boards off the doors of awakened by the garbage cans any, should be recommended back working and it is expected the lights will be on by 9: 30. Nancy Menefee the residents. falling. from the window, found lo.the Dean. They then moved on to third them. When he asked them for an Chris.Karmen, head resident of Whiteford, said that she would not have expected "middle school S~A Plans Spr~ingConcert why dorm students there college is no reason from students .. behavior" that She feels should have to put up with this kind of behavior from fellow students, Preacher Small Bands presented the Social Committee Alliance was unlabled and passed; President AI Mezzanctteaaid that The SGA held one of its bi-weekly Henry Gross report: Blazing Saddles and Up- the campus now has a recognized the situation is being brown out 'of meetings jast Monday, February Tom Chapin town Saturday Night, are being Feminist Alliance. Several con- proportion. He feels that there are 'no Paul Fulton called the meeting Starland Vocal Band shewn this Saturday night at 7:30, sutuuonet amendments were many "misunderstandings" about in Baker 100 to order at 9:00.P.M. Lean Red Bone 9:00, and 12;00, they are going to untabled and passed; descriptions this case, and that some of the' Several Committee reports were The Action Committee reported try to get Pure Prairie League for of these can be found in the ad- reported incidents cannot· be made. For the Finance Committee, that it was considering printing the Spring Concert:" and there is a dition. of the SGA minutes. blamed on the Preacher member Tim Shank reported that he freshman registers again for next question of where the student body Much new business was also (such as the flooded bathroom received the school allottment and year. would like to see the Spring Con- discussed. Jim Wright moved that allegation). Al also petmed out that that organizations will .soon be Under Social Committee cert, either in Gill Gym, which has Spring Concert be suspended and the entire fraternity should not be receiving their checks. He also business came Linda Thomas's more space, or the refurbished the money be spent on other ac- blamed for the behavior of some reported that there now is about letter of resignation jrom the Alumni Hall, which has much tivities. This motion was defeated. individuals. $2,500 in the budget. For the chairmanship of the Social better acoustics. It is estimated the Denise Giangola read'a letter from The residents of Whiteford have Election Committee, Rick Roecker Committee. In this letter, she concert will cost approximately, or a student visitor to the Board of mixed opinions about the incident. reported that an election will be complained about the lack of in "the range of, $10,000. Trustees, which stated they are Some feel the incident should be held for the Pennsylvania House 1'n response from the SGA and ~a~ Much old bus~ness was ~onside~ng 0':' acting on se~eral forgotten; others feel the students on March 5. Also, the results of the Fulton concerning the achvl' covered. A letter which the SGA Issues, !Dcluding sales of liquor involved should just pay for band poll were as follows: ties of the Black Student has commissioned to be written to (wine and beer) in the new College damages. Some· feel the in- Large Bands Union during Black History Week. the Maryland Stale Senate con- Cenler, an addition of a sewer line, dividuals involved should be _Pure Prairie League A letter from Paul Fulton was read cerning tax breaks to colleg~ the sale of a College-owned house punished to shoW that ~s kind of. Nitty Gritty Dirt Band explaining why there such a students was rel:!.d and was ap- on Union Street, the fact ·that behavior will not be tolerated. The Emmy Lou Harris limited response. Tim Shank was proved after retyping. contributions are down, the plans final decision rests with the HarrY Chapin then appointed as temporary Marty Clemons' motion for the cont. p. 2 Housing 'Council and-or Dean Sea Level Social Committee chainnan. He recognition of the Feminist Laidlaw.
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