Page 89 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 89
Big S Loss_ Honor Brings About Violations I·Credit Gain Explained Phil LaPadula As a result of changing January The Honor Board, as required by Term from three to two credits this the Constitution passed by students year, the college lost $19,000 in and faculty in 1975, is providing a stale funds. list of all hearings held during the Just recently, the faculty ap- past semester. This time period proved a proposal to change the covers from October thru_ Jan. Term credit back to three January 1978. 1977 hours. Dr. Robert Boner, chairman , It may seem that the Honor of the Academic Policy and Board is inconsistent in Curriculum Committee, has prescribing penalties on cases confirmed that the loss of state which appear similar in nature. We funds was "a factor, but not the would like to emphasize to the only factor in the decision". college community that every case The school receives state funds is tried on its own merits and in- in accordance with the number of dependently from any past students enrolled per credit hour. hearings. For example, two cases Even though the same number of may be referred to the board, each students as last year were enrolled involving plagiarism on a course (about, 1,000) in Jan. Term, research paper. Although the reducing the credits from three to honor violation may be similar, the two reduced the students per- penalties will often differ. Again, credit-hour and therefore the each case has its own set of cir- school lost money. Dr. Boner cumstances. This is one of the stated that as far as he knew, reasons that there is no set penalty "none of the faculty members were for a first offense, We do not aware that the school would lose believe that an Honor Board should money" when they made the initial simply administer automatic pre- decision. determined penalties. The Honor According to Dr. Boner, the Board makes every effort to make original decision to change to two all penalties rehabilitative in credits was the result of a com- nature and not merely punitive. promise between members of the Any student or faculty member faculty who wanted more having questions concerning any "traditional academic" courses aspect of the Honor System should offered and those who favored the feel free to contact any member of more "experience oriented" non- the Honor Board listed below. The academic courses. In addition, entire Honor System is outlined on some members of the faculty were pages 37-40 of the 1977-78 Student concerned that too large a number of the required credit hours for Handbook. graduation could be obtained 1. A student was found guilty of through non-academic type soliciting aid on a self-scheduled courses. For example, if a student final examination. The penalty for were to take four Jan Terms, he or the violation was a percentage she could cctatn twelve of the deduction from the final grade on the exam. required 120 credit hours through 2. A student was found guilty of non-academic courses. However, copying another student's work on this concern has been somewhat a physics examination. The reduced Since a recent study penalty for the- violation was a showed that students were grade of zero on the examination averaging only three Jan Terms and withdrawal of the option 9f instead of four withdrawing from the course One of the major reasons for without penalty. . changing back to three hours was 3. A student was found guilty of the unnecessary hardship placed copying another student's work on on students receiving Veterans a physics examination. (This was a Administration benefits. Ap- second honor conviction by the parently, the VA students cannot student in question) The penalty get full benefits unless they're lIaf Dan'ces and enrolled for at least three hours in Songs~:t~~:~at~~~w:~s~~~:Off~O~ January. Western Maryland College until The January Term mini- Cheryl Jane Walter Having been forced into an alien Under Mr: Tayac's leadership, the June 1, 1978. semester has been a controversial In their native American garb, a SOCiety, most of the Piscataways rectamaucn efforts of the 4. A student was found guilty of item ever since it was started at group of Pjcataway children and had forgotten their traditions as Pi~cata~ays h~ve incl~d~d a :e' plagiarism on a research paper in Wl\1C. There are some who think it young adults will present a they blended into the dominant or ientation ID their SOCiO- a Spanish course. The penalty for should be done away with com- program of ceremonial and SOCiety where they have remained economic, cultural, and' the violation was a grade of zero on pletely. In the past, there have religious songs as well as sacred as an "invisible people." The educational heritage. the paper in question. The penalty, been proposals to limit the number.. and a tribal war dance at Western purpose of the recently formed The program that will be rot the verdict, was appealed by of January terms a student can Maryland College on February Zl. Piscataway-Conoy Indian Center presente~here, Monday, Fe~ru~ry the student to the Student Per- take to two and to make Jan Term The time is 7:00 p.m. in McDaniel (where the visiting group will '1:1, promises to be, an enriching sonnet Problems Committee. The a requirement for graduation, but Lounge. This event is free to all, come from) is to bring the people expe,flence you won t soon forget. committee discovered additional reward no credit. Both were voted and is by the Lecture- _ together and back in touch with It will be worth every effort you evidence in the case and ruled to down I . their identity and tradition. make to attend. give a different penalty than was Wirtz Studies Deeline ;~v~:~e:r~';u~~e~~!~~~~~ In SAT Seores .~ m the course to determine a grade . • ~orthes.tudent,excludingthepaper Publicity Office ill quesuon. This grade was then to Willard Wirtz, former Secretary Northwestern University, has be lowered by. two. (2) letter of Labor, and current chairman of actedasa labor arbitrator' and has grades. To receive this grade for the College Entrance Exam, will served as Secretary of Labor on the course, the commit~ required speak on "The Decline in SAT the Cabinets of both President - the student to submit a Scores," at Western Maryland Kennedy and President Johnson, cont. pg. 2 College at a.m. Tuesday, Destruction in Whiteford F':~tz2:~r:~ !a:: d o~::~el LA TE NEWS floor bathroom being flooded, of experts, according to Time a~::~rm:t~~;s~a:m~o~i~:fO:~ ~~:~::r:c~~fa;r~;~t~tt7;~~~ ~~~z:~;dyi~~Oth!~rn:b1=~f t;~ Hall was beset by6 members of the and the elevator), as well as foul decline in the quality of public ie,;a~s~~ce:.~~:~~~i~~~~~ed in a no::;n~ri~~~t:f~::e r~~fd~nts are ~tC~~~~"oo~~a~~:~I~:~I:t.,~~:~ The unsuspecting residents particularly bitter and several stride for ten years." ~~~~ro~~ ~~~~;;e dO:~ti~~~ ~~~\~~~:!O O~e~h~e:at~'~~~:;; W~~~:!~D~c.f:~t~:~ ;fn;':~i coming from the hallway. want to be sure that the residents and Gentry, Wirtz has taught law onP~O::~!~e~~:~~~n~at~e~~~~~ ;.!~~~~~~~dr~~~i~~b~~:: ~~: at the University of Iowa and do~n. ot memo boards, the third intruders actions.
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