Page 87 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 87
Scrimshaw WMC Sports - Winter Squish Squash Coming Pat McGinnis Up Short that is rapidly gaining worldwide establishing rank. Western Maryland's varsity b- popularity. The game is played in History made bailers fell even deeper into the an enclosed rectangular court, The high point of the course took MAC cellar as Moravian College where both players are on the place January Zl, when we donned defeated the Green Terrors by the same side of-the net, called the tell- our whites and met at Hopkins for score of 77-61 on February 11 in Gill tale. Players take turns hitting the the first WMC vs Hopkins squash Gymnasium. ball against the wall with their tournament.OnlyBiIlFlitcraitand Led by All-American candidate racket. The difficulty arises in that Steve Moritz won but the Terrors Ray Brown, Moravian grabbed the the ball can hit any of the walls Jeff Waldron had a close match, lead midway through the first ex~ept the ceiling and after hitting losing 2-3. Our 12th player, Debbie period then never looked back as w~~:~ ~~::~~~!r.~~UZ~m Women- Control opposition ~~;el:~!C~l~~ri~~:~:~ the front wall, can only bounce on Baker, was lost earlier in the term,. - Photo by Dave Meyer they cruised to an easy victory. the n~:a~~:~vinggame" "Pe~;en:~~~!~ fi~t ~~cOf t'::; ~~~~eS~;~~:lcl~~~t::~~~a~:~ ~~e T:~':n":n~!basketballteam I 'The Elizabethtown game was a this time losing by the score of 99- fast moving indoor game during at WMC it was impossible to learn had a good stretch of games.: different story .. Coach Fritz was 77. The, two losses lowered the Jan-term participation in "Squash how to serve or receive lob serves. They beat UMBC 68-46, and .Johns : pleased with the. teem game, Terrors ~verall record to 7-10 and Racquets." Coached by Ms. In addition, we played after 4 Hopkins 76-34.. T.hey lost a close I though she said the team was the squad s conference record to a Weyers, the group practiced twice weeks experience, compared to one to Elizabethtown 70-61. I disappointed ~ith playi.J;lg so well sad 3-8. a day and met for occasional Hopkins' veteran 3 year team. In the UMBC game tne Terrors and losing. The game was close classes, learning form, strategy However, it was an excellent op- used. presses and trap zones to throughout. The Green & Gold was While the varsity squad has and rules and viewed films for portunity for outside competition constantly pressure UMBC. The down by 1 at the. half. The second found it impossible to find a win- technique. They also' had the and to play against students with margin of lead for WMC never half was just as tight as the first. ning formula, the JV cagers have privilege of watching a demon- more experience. dipped below .10as Terrors showed E-town had one of their players traveled a happier route on their stration between Australian Sue Our players were: Debbie complete control of the game. with 31 points for the game while way to posting an 8-6 record. The Newman and Dave Talbot, the Baker, Doug Barnes, Jeff In the Hopkins game it quickly the top sccrer ror WMC was Becky JV Terrors trounced Moravian 78- squash pro at the Baltimore' Clingman, Bill Flitcraft, Bob developed. into a dull contest as. Martin with 23 pts. 60 in quite easy fashion on Country Club. Kline, Pat Koval, Pat McGinnis, Terrors jumped out to an early lead Monday the women travel. to February 11 as they were led by Despite the handicaps of a Steve Moritz, Pat Mosser, Ron and stayed there. The team Galludetforagameandthenenter the scoring of freshmen, guard cramped court and .splintering Rhodes, Anita Smith, and Jeff " ...tromped over Johns Hoektns." ·theMACtourny at Delaware Valley Dave Sidbury. Sidbury poured in 35 racquets. all 12 progressed, Waldron. The leading scorer for the game is Thurs., Friday, and Sat. The team poin~ to set an all-time school _Martin with 20 P!S., Dargan had 17. is seeded 6 in a field of 12. scoring record. Hall Pong: An Olympic Sport? DeMaris .~ Furman advanced intercollegiate with knowledge of ping-pong and including a gorgeous blond from An sport of unknown .antiquity called handbal1.Hugo~ascanmakethe, Blanch (Sherry McCluqp. and "Hall-Pong" is still participated rules clearer If you don't un- participation or competition is actively by most of the residents of derstand them and Andy Wheat- welcomed. Hall-Pong is actually tst floor Rouzer. craft, noted ist Floor Resident, has I an easy sport to play at the risk of It seems that long before there become one of the more influential contracting Hall-Pong Finger (3 were sex and drugs on campus and participants in the Hall-Pong dreaded affliction due to missed most freshman were' in tenth struggle. . shots against the wall). grade, there was at fool, of no Equipment respectability, who stole some ping-pong spheres from the Equipment is basically knee Winslow Student Center (1957-1): pads and a ball, as well as a towel He then proceeded to toss the balls and shoes. The court is 20 feet by 4 around the halls of Rouzer in feet with many obstacles and All those interested Catholics protest. A passer-by of high morals hazards. It takes years of practice who wish to find out about the and grades saw the act as "fun and to master a difficult sport such as reorganization of the Planning challenging," thereby returning hall-pong. Committee, there will te a brief the ball with equal protest. Bill Spring recalls playing a' meeting after Mass Sat. 2-18. The Hall of Repute? form of Hall Pong in the Gazebo at meeting won't last long. Jeff Peacock is the leading ~~~ef::d m~~~~~:~t,we~~:~h~~ The Planning Committee will team member dives for points historian and maintainer of the historical landmark. Jeff Peacock ~~t ~:.f\~US~~is;:k:on:~!.a~ Hall-Pong which Hall of Repute, _ Photo by Dave Meyer .includes such relics as the first advises most nostalgists that Hall- Room for all those interested. Pushing Pawns for Jan Term shoes (worn in the Pit of the Englar ~~~!:u~~ic~oto~ .f:~d;1~~~t-r--.----~-....:" Dining Hail) used for the centre u.e. ANW or McClea). The Yon I\>\Ikino American Chess Association. The net. A towel was used to _mark ?If I\pproximately 20 people are in During the .January Tenn, many people were divided up into groups the centre boundary, along Wlth IheTourneyRace (ends May Zlth) Springhouse varied and interesting cow:ses of four according to their rating, ~~,~f ~ha~~O~ for the "out- Restaurant ( ;'e~.O;~~~psbYonc:" o!S~C:I m~l ~nd ~h ~ember was expected to Tournament leader and expert 126 E. Main St. y unusual ones was the course hi: gr~p r:a~~e;d:~~~rs lli! on rules, Mike Williams, describes (Across from the Ubrary) simply titled: "Chess: Fun- roond robin system. the games as playable by anybody .. Natural Foods damentals of Novice to Master At the end of the January Term Play," which was ably 'taught by course, we held a Swiss' Tour- Westminster· Local firm needs good young Soups, Salads, Sandwiches, Omelets, Dr. Cross and J:1is sO!l, David. ml;ffient (wlriners Play winners) to men and women., seniors! Noodle and Rice Dishes, Fresh Veg- A part time student here, David determine how much was learned Racket Club ~ads 'seeking their own bus· getables. has been actively playing chess for from the instruction we had iness opportunities working I about eleven years, reaching the received throughout 'tIle month. MD. Rt.. No, 31 and with fellow students on cam- Specializing in Japanese style Tem- level ofmaster. Dr. Cross, though The top six players were deter-- Wakefield Valley Rd. pus. Nationally renowned pura, fresh assorted vegetables, and not actively involved' in tour- mined to be: David Cross, Alan company pays for training. seafood prepared in crisp golden naments, has done m.uch research Dudderar, Chuck Barbour, Wayne :!':,dent memberships Large first year earning butter. on the game and spent many hours Pierce, Jim Downes, and Dave potential with a career-Qrient- pouring over. the chess board, Taylor. ~ Now I}!Itil April 30 ed company, If you are look- Homemade Desserts which accounts for his skill. Because of the continued interest ing for a life style and income . ,Serving Beer and Wine Tournament SimulatIOn was inthegame,itw~decidedi:hat:the Random time ·iTues- Thursll -4' emp.hasized during classroom course would not tennina~ as the $4.00 per hour of professionals and execu- Friday 11.9 p1aymg by the use of chess clocks month came to a close but rather tives send your name, address, and score sheets, and silence was· . a Chess Chib would ~ formed to; (or student members telephone number and date Sat &: Sun 3.9 maintained to allow for maxiniun::t a1low those students wbo are in- of birth to: .. concentration. Thus, we were not terested in improving' their game call 635·6446 876-6646 totally unprepared for .our first and possible play in tournaments Play Tennis Carry Out tournament at the Quality Inn in outside the school. For further Towson sponsored by the information contact Dr. Cross: in the Bubblel
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