Page 96 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 96
..... The Frog SCrimshaw Frrday. Is There Life J.E.'s ~ !~be!~he SCrlm~a~a~Iyeven;ng!~!!!' (fi;i) HIDEWAY7 A.M.? They were washing (0'1J~' . Fashion Flash--The latest news hair, of course, The Frog still staff would sponsor such a thing? It the political side of things, but the in interior decorating comes from doesn't know why this happened, must be true that they only come Frog felt a bit out of I We ' McDaniel. Residents of that dorm but the current speculation is that out at night, because the wierdness amphibians prefet sw:m~~~' you .' have started surrounding their they were researching whether or does not start til 9:00 P.M. tonight. see, places where there isn't a lot beds with curtains-to give the. not beer is good for hair. This may room a kind of "homey" look. But be the start of a new fad on cam- TheFrogwillbeattendingandweof hol air. Yes, Virginia there _ ~;:; , whoever rope you all will, too. asked the question), what goes on behind all that eyelet pus, so, girls, if you hear voices is a tooth fairy. and lace? B.D. and M.D. will never from the showers late at night, it tell. may not be the Peeper, it's just LIVE FROM CAPITOL HILL PASSING QUOTES WMC's answer to Vidal Sassoon. ONLY HER HAIRDRESSER It's Senator Sarbanes! The good KNOWS"""FOR SURE CAN YOU HANDLE IT? senator honored WMC with his It's so sleazy to fall in love .. .Is presence two weeks ago, and took there life after Jan Term? .. What What were two men doing in a Word has reached the Frog that time to enlighten his audience really goes on at a smoker? .. .1 bathroom in Whitef~d at 4:30 the Gong Show is coming to WMC. about the state of the nation. It was : failed Jan Term! ; ~ : · I ·Spring Rush E Xp a Ine d : Bits and' Pieces, a play by search for the recipients of her: :Corinne will be performed Jacker, The somewhat: organs. husband's : at Western Maryland College at bizarr~ quest, reminiscent of t~e :_ : 8:15 p.m.. Friday through Sunday, Egyptian myth of Osiris and ISIS, : parties. In the spring, instead of mailbox from the sorority that has : ~o~~:e 17, 18 and 19, in McDaniel ~r~~a~Yhe~e~~~~ni~Og :::tJ. b~~~ ~ L_Davis "rtwo parties, there is only one party, a~cepted her perference. Th~t: Chos~n as the spring production to wholeness and sanity. : (This is the second in a series of or tea, given. As with fall rushing, ~ght at 6:00 p.m. ~he must be In : to coincide with the campus ap- In addition, the quest is: two articles on rushing.) you must have paid the rush fee to line at th~ ~cDamel entr~nce to : pearance of Elizabeth Kubler- representative of a woman's dif-: Now that you know how to rush a fraternity, is it possible to rush a :~t~~n:}i:r~;:~~~~~i~~th!E=:::~~~~~1~~ii3~~ ~;ri;~iC~[~::n~nt~~~:~~;1~~:.:~s~pr.:~ngl~~d~~~~I~n~~1 sorority in the same manner? No, both aren't quite the sa~e. Both the bidding (Feb. 28), after all of ~~e pr~~~IV~.m~~rs o~~;t a : believed to be terminally ill when Elane Denny, who played the : have bidding, periods of silence :~i!tar~~esSil~~~: ~~nshe~~, 6~~" s~~~e en~.s rme e pen Of~:she conceived the play. She title role in the fall production of : and. parties (or smokers), but sororitieshave match bidding and p.m. The silence lasts for forty- The next- week, beginning ~eath seemed less important than Hedda Gabler, plays Iris in this : rush twice a year instead of once. eight hours, until March 2 at 6:00 Monday, starts Hell Week. Each: the problem of leaving behind." play. Other members of the cast: Here are the ISC ground' rules for p.m. On Feb. 28 each sorority sorority has its own various stunts: Directed by Tim Weinfeld, Obie include Craig+Singhasa, Lee sorority rushing. places a bids for the girls that they and costumes for the girls. At the : Award-winning Bits and Pieces is Mcintire, Carla Boynton, Matthew To rush a sorority, the girl must would like accepted into their end of the week, each sorority has: the story of Ir-is, a widow stunned Hall, Dawn Ahlberg, Michael • be of sophomore standing or have . sorority. Next come the preference their Hell Night. After passing : by her husband's untimely-death Sweet, Bill Tribby, and Christian : at least two semesters on campus cards on March 1. Each girl fills successfully through Hell Week : and dlstrubed by his promise to Wittwer. : if she is a transfer student. She out, in order, which sorority she and Hell Night, the girls are : donate organs for transplant. Tickets for Bits and Pieces will must also have a grade point wants to join, if she doesn't want initiated into their respective: Through the int~gration of go on sale for $2 in the college : average of 1.83 or better. To rush, a any sorority, or she may list only sororities: Delts, Phi Alphs, Or : humorous and senousflashback activities office as of March 6, and : rush fee of two dollars must be paid one sorority choice. That night Sigmas. • and present scenes, Bits and will also be available at the door : to the ISC. rS~C~ ::m~~C\i~id:~;. ;~~ m:n~r ~h:~e ~~;l ~~n aat::~~ri:iI ~:'i~~~s, ~~~ ,I;~s, ?~.~.~?~l.d_-~.i?: _.":!?~~.e~:~. ~~~~: •••• , ••••••••• .:. Girls may rush sororities either More Flashes More Flashes in the fall Or the spring. Fall match their bids to each girl's functions and parties and has a rushing is a bit different than preference. If a sorority bids on a better chance of being invited to Florence, Oregon, may have hypodermic needle. When Zsap SIring rushing. In the fall, the girl and that sorority is the first the brother fraternity closed stumbled upon the simplest and saw the needle, he leapt from the , sororities each give two parties. preference, the girl is parties: the Delts to the most effective way of checking couch and fled into the corridor Each sorority sends out invitations aut.omatically invited to accept a Bachelors', Phi Alphs to the Betes' population growth: a ban on sexual with the psychiatrist in hot pur- to all the girls to attend the first bid. If the first choice has not and the Sigmas to the Phi Delta'. intercourse. An ordinance passed suit. As Zsap rounded a corner to party. After the first party, the placed: a bid and the second choice As you can see, sorority rushing by the city council made it illegal make his escape, Dr, Ratki three sororities vote on whom they has, then is invited by that involves a bit more than fraternity to engage in sex "while in, Or in whipped out a pistol and fired. The would like to have join them at the sorority, and the same for third - rushing. I hope that you found view of a public or private place." patient fell dead. When questioned closed 2nd party. That sorority preference. It is possible not to be these two articles (this one and the When the council passed the or- by police, Ratki explained that he then invites you to the second bid upon by any sorority. one on frat and rushing) fairly Both in- dinance, its members thought they kept a loaded pistol in his pocket of March 2 will find formative. The morning interesting. - party, You may two not be invited to invitations, or bids, in the girl's ~~~~!a~~;U~~~g.the ISC and were forbidding fornication that in It because "you never know. One second of the public, and in private places than more may be attacked." could be seen from public places, Bureau The of Photo Show Term Hi -.**** ••••••••••• was not was passed after they vestigation, Colorado in Denver, recently In- the days until measure that to all law en- sent out a directive Dr. Mary Leakey has private which "Fortunately, The t>~ofessor of the Jan discovered what may be the oldest realized they had outlawed sex in forcement read, agencies in the state the Photography course has an- footprints made by man in an When Imre Zsap, of Vienna, message we asked you to disregard nounced the showing of student ancient African watering hole. The complained to his physician that he was not sent. Thus, we ask that you was suffering ner- from an acute message the disregard we sent tracks apparently are e~rt:.;,ra~~~c t:~~:!~bl~~O;~~ People Helping People million which old, would backdate 31,2 vous condition, he was sent to Dr. asking you to disregard the last years Ratki, psychiatrist. a Joseph ~X:i~~~Oe~~c~::St:~ ~~ ~~!~~The United Way by,3 million years the next oldest Before treating 'his new patient, message." Iracks found involving shots that were used: for Dr. Ratki decided to give Zsap a the final project. Cbrl·st·\' Mnsl'c sedative ilnd hauled out a thesecondandtbinlnoo...ofthe ~ Tu.·t.·on Expla.·ned on The photos have been placed library. The showing was Carroll Plaza organized to give Western Shopping Center cont_ from p. 1 ~:ffi~~~f3~~~~:r.E:Er;z::!;~:~::i~o::!" r""""""""""":=:'::;:::"""''':::~;·····<<<'.o/.w.=- ...w"·~:i'::~··'-"'H""",············t To the 98th Caller... [~ TU;';on 1977-78 '978-79 '979-80 '980-8' 198'-82 ;; President .Kenneay was shot. An ~:$ $2.875 $3.150 $3,350 $3,550 $3,750 :::: Here's an amazing demon_' . d . Room and Board ~ ~ ...12!.Q_ 1 700 .. straHon of the popularity of' the :tl~~~U;:'r: c~~~ ~~~~:~:~ :: $4.225 $4,575 $4.860 ~.~:~ i5.45O ~1~! Beatles after all these years. number of calls and all mass I: .::., :::: radio Baltimore radio· station 98 ROCK stations will have to have Graduate ::~ ::~ (WIYV) recently took the 98th dialing systems from now on, :: $58 i ~~~~re t:I:!s~~:t: ~~~~J~~~o~~i.~T;etow~~: ~~ ~~re~o~~.:~ Tuition per cr, hr~ $60 $65 $65 $68 Capitol records. A phone company F~nksburg Mar,)-'land was the to I~: .The above listed in the Long Range Planning Committee's ;;; ~::: :k~~:n~~~i~~~::~'~:~~~~: winner and it took 30 minutes Five Year Plan. The figures for 1977-78 are the actual costs of tuition, * ~: :-:=-'-==="':....:::::::::~c:::I ..=r:_9:::8..::c=al::ls.:___~__ {~ M,us ic :::«.;z.;z.*~W;X;}:;»~ffi.:!.«~~a-,&~~::&.&;-.:.:~:"-:;::%%::%%%:.::::.:::::::.::::::~!:::.:;:;:;;;.:;:;:;:;:;;;:;:;:-~u.».:~ l~st four y~ars are estimates ':a~1g:e~~ and will probably, ~:r~8~;9~ as Com'ef!,y,tonite in the Gong Show
   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101