Page 88 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 88
.... s Scrimshaw Friday. February 17. 1978 Ma~ the Update Report Gong Be With ~ou Mary Cole The sound echoes in the ears, befuddling the mind. It is a sound which has great power and is capable of reducing hulking giants into sobbing heaps. And now, Ior the first (and hopefully the last) time, the Gong Show comes to Western Maryland. Why'? you ask. It's very simple!!! First, Scrimshaw (Who is spon- Serimshaw Cartoon soring this 'event') needs the bucks which may be raised ,to help cope Seetion with printing costs. Second, we all .~ like to have a good time in one This is the broken door lock, opens the door to Whiteford hall, fashion or another. Thirdly, we Whiteford wanted to see just how many which was recently vandalized, which lives in the house that Jack built. peopleactually would turn out for a -photo by Beth L.ngy.,. local gong show. Ah, but there's more! We aren't continued from page 1 the only ones making money- you following week. doors in the basement are in have a chance, too! Either win or An inveetigaticn has been proper working condition for any lose and go home $23.17 richer. started to discover who' had done length of time. When, they were _ Boih Winner and loser collect the the destruction, but as yet no real broken, kids from the neigh- grand sum of $23.17, only:the loser leads have been uncovered. borhood have reportedly been able gets an added bonus in the form of Sources in the administration to walk into the dorm and roam a dirty sock. Runners - up for first indicate 'that any direct in- through the halls. They were and last pJace get geed-prices, too - volvement by the students living ejected several times by students; 2 tickets for the Ringling Bros. on that floor is unlikely, although it several acts of vandalism and an .Circus. is suspected that someone in attempted burglary were, at- Gongers include Admissions' Whiteford could be covering up for tributed to them--:- own Les Bennett, 'the students' the person who did the damage. The Administration is planning choice Chris Holmes, and a female At first, the administration had to do something about this facul-ty member, soon to be, an- felt that standard policy should be situation. Preston Yingling, rounced" Austin Gisrell got stuck followed, and that people living on Director of 'the Physical Plant, has with the master of ceremonies job, first floor should themselves pay indicated that a new type of lock the poor boy. . for the damages. ~ow, ~~t~r strong. will be installed on the front doors Naturally enough, acts of all protests and threats not to pay for on first floor and the basement sorts are needed. Some can try for the damages, the Administration is doors facing the cafeteria. This the best and we're sure somebody reconsidering, and an informed new locking mechanism, known as will practice up to win. the worst source indicates that it is a panie bar, will be much stronger, prize. Whenever you get your act and much more durable than the together (figuratively speakingj , old locking mechanism. This- will drop us a line at Box 3A. Describe The students in'W~iteford claim better help them withstand the whatitisyoudo(ordon'tdo,asthe that the problem IS a. lack of vandalism that Mr. Yingling in- case may be). We'll get in touch security here, that neither the dicates is the cause of the breakage wiJh vou. Deadline is Februarv 24. main doors on first floor nor the of the locks themselves. "Hi;"i~~~;;''''''''~'Cfirist.l'IIMJ~ic .: del. : Ca....o aza nn ur Ie ~ Shopping Cente we.-ve ... •• Moe :I 876-6888 The total . ........................... ~ 848-3357 music store ~ r ---------. BREIoKFAST LUNCII Pizzo DINNER Subs HOUSE OF LIQUORS • Carroll Plaza Shopping Center .' ocktp'1\' mabtr Daily Specials. I Special 848·1314 • Steak Lobster Chicken DaY·Monday Dinners Pizza Day-Tuesday of the Week! Bring this ad "!';th you for: • Spaghetti Day-Wednesday Dinners 216 E. Main St. I Sf oh's J2.pack J2-oz. cans I Westminster, Md. 2115'/ WITffiN WALKING DISTANCE I $2.99 ! NEWLY REMODELED EXPANDED SEA:rING Open 6 e.m. daily except Sundays 7 a.m. 848-4202 It Sal ends Thursday, Feb. 23 I Your host: Route 140 I.. WMC students only _ .. ~J Westminster Iii 848-9110
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