Page 85 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 85
Friday, February 17, 1978 Scrimshaw .. ",5 Audience Helps the Actors Bring the Living Stage to Life 'rbe ehow of LIVING STAGE will Washington community.- center, a church basement, a exercises, into dramatic pieces _ be at WMC on Saturday, Fetruary Living Stage is a small, multi- playground - in a compact bus, improvised out of the immediate .the minds of great artists and 25, sponsored by the College racial improvisational theater containing the colorful set pieces, experiences of the audience. The activists - from Buffy Sainte- Lecture-Concert Committee. They company dedicated to turning on p-ops and costumes. While the scenes are like short plays, focused ..Marie. and Nina Simone to Leo will be conducting two workshops: its audiences to their own company sets up - beginning about enough to eppear to be the work' of To~tol and Malcolm X - al~ of 1:15-4:30 pm and 7:15-10:30 pm in creativity. The company of a ha1f hour before performance a dramatist; but, of course,' there whi~ are used when ~pp~opnate Baker Memorial Chapel. The event p-cresstonal actors and actresses time - they begin a musical jam Is no script. Everything happens .to heighten the theatricality and will be free to Western Maryland presents performance-workshops with electric piano, conga drum .through imprevisatlon, made up _ deepen the content of the per- students and staff. of a ritualistic theater that depends and percussion instruments. _ - . the closest. analogy is that of .formance. nn:oughout each scene, Each workshop will be limited to heavily on audience participation As tbe audtence enters they jom children at play, play-acting. an.acco!"~lst un~rscores the 200 persons. In order to sign up in for both its content and its the jam .which gradually trans- creating an environment and' action WIth piano mUSIC, and songs advance contact the College Ac- dramatic shape. !~~I .in\c:n;ro~i~~etiOv;,cal w~~~ characters and events .W~il~ ~ey ~ws~:~u_rallY out of the action of tiviti~ Office. "The program is Living Stage can't be fully especially recommended for described without a demonstration ~ve~yo~~ pa.rticipating __ an ~~~;s eX~:~e th~te~: L~~~~~:f; Since to be effective as theater, ~ple wh~ are .planning to wor~ - by its very nature it is par- inevitability With any audience, no tr-ained to make this "play" Living Stage must be directed to a WIth and live WIth other people, ticipational rather than presen- matter what ~ge, shape or color, 'presentable to an audience, .specific audience group, the size of according. to ~ramatic Arts in- tational and this sketch must be but hard t~ ~lieve for. one ~ho has dramatically lively and involving. each audience is limited. to a structcr Bill Tribby. considered more a blurred not seen Livmg .Stage In acti?n. ~y More, the actors, engage the maximum of 200; usually the You may already be familiar photograph than a detailed motion :e~~!~ with Living Stage. The program picture: . ~~~~c~ulil~~r~~ct~~;: :~=t;-:!r~~tlJ\':di~~C~u~~~ ~di=eSi~e1;o!~r has been at work for nine years at There is never a written script ~:esne:ehoi~r~~~be~~h e~~~ bers as actor-participants. ::!~~:~~r:~~ :~:-.oups, Arena Stage, and its credentials as for a Living Stage perfonnance- a recognized theatrical and workshop. Everything comes to growinii out of audience. By the Each scene may be frozen - in The performance-workshops end rap sessions the. between themselves _ the time the scenes educational program are im- life from the emotions and ,heart of the performance- stopped at any point - and the company and the audience. The p-esstve. More to the JXIint, the thoughts of the actors and workshop __ are presented, the audience may be asked how they actors encourage the audience to ~eptio~ throughout Washington's audience. The tools of each per- audience is familiar with, and has would like the scene to end. The talk about their own lives and help inner city, from the letters of fonnance are a combination- of an emotional and physical in- actors perform as many endings as them to make the cormection ~!~~gt~on'~~I:~~en:~:~~~ ~ct~~' ::c~~~~n:~. m~ee~~:: vestment in, the Living Stage there are suggestions. They may between their newly appreciated precess. has shown that Living Stage is in .pany arrives on the scene - it may also use dream sequences and creativity and the living of their Often the in which the touch . and in tune with the be a neighborhood recreation The scenes coalesce out of the time-shift sequences, or backward in daily turn lives. to the themes discussion scenes go forward will of the toward a deeper Rickell Violin Recital Tonight time to show the consequences or of of of scenes, addition of the issues. un- derstanding on the present, past actions In on the future performance- to p-eeeet actions characters in the scene. The workshops, which are presented caoon (similar to a round) in the' alternatives of social behavior and l1'imarily for Washington's inner DaINn Bennett variations. fourth movement. personaI behavior are thus brought city, but also for audiences Linda Rickell, senior music to life in dramatic terms that the throughout the country, Living major, will present a violin recital, The Bartok Rumanian Folk Lin~'s f~t~ pI.ans include audience, whatever its age, can Stage has two other functions: Friday, February 17 at 8 p.m. Dances are six lively dances each teachmg VIOlin prIvately and readily understand; Imp-ovisational Workshops are in tempo until finally in increasing Linda will play the Sonata NO.1 in tea~ng instrumen~l ~~ic in Though there are no set themes, conducted for children, teens and o major for violin and piano, by the ~ movement when the per- pu~hc schools. She is thinking.of as well as no written scripts, the adults at Arena Stage; and I Beethoven, Rumanian folk Dances former plays as fast as possible. ~mg to graduate ~chool to major Living Stage company members Teacher Training Programs for by Bartok, and the Sonata in A This section sounds very hurried ~ performance. ~s semester ~h! have learned and rehearsed a public and private school systems major for violin and piano by and. smeary but is supposed to. The IS student teaching at SykeSVIlle repertoire of 80 songs and 450 are provided by the Living Stage Franck. A student of Dr. Robert third dance sounds very oriental Middle School. .poems and p_rose passages from staff .. Gerle, Linda will be accompanied because it is not played in the of the violin, but on by Dr. Arleen Heggemeier. normal register harmonics, which is higher the The Beethoven Sonata is quite very difficult to keep in tune. difficult for both the violinist and p.anist. The pianist does not just Affirmative Aetion accompany but shares equally in The Franck Sonata in A major is ::i~~:~~~'e~a~~ O~~:!~f~~J~ ;~~~':,~:~r vi~~~n'a~ i;i~~~ continued fr~~ pa~ 1 . . . taking additional steps to find is that it can't be effectively im- qualified people." plemented because of the low rate I :: ~:~~ a~~e~ ~~i~~:~~~:~n ;:~~e f~~l :el: li:~~i :';~~d a:~~~:~~allR m~:~i~:; A second misconception is that of turnover for instructors. Many have been described desirable I ~:~:~!~ti~gU;~c:t:~ t~~~~~~ ~nedr~~::;e~~nt, t~~e S!:~g~~ :~I~~0J:!y J~:!'::::!~h:ih:~ all didates the are snatched minority can- departments with no expected gain as "frozen", up by the big , Dr. suggests, Cobb I :::ts seOcfon~ ~~::e~~d w~~~~ ~or:~:t~~~t r:::~~:;rf:~ ~c~:~~; JX)~li::n::~~lbl~;s~~~ universities. the top candidates are or loss of instructors. According to Office of Academic "Perhaps the Affirmative I POlanOlstDow n B' enne tt m~~:~~~~~O:!:t!:Z~~:tion snatched The big universities not the Affairs, 76 per cent of the 84 full- is This up. p-oblem. Few, are tenured. time instructors get time, tenure of all races °11 P v the merits of spending additional the top and for candidates an What appropriate if any, full open up each year. track sexes fields. WMC is.... positions and mo~ey searching ~ime, effort, Dr. Cobb does not see a highly W I erform Sunday In ;:~~~~~~~~hgeazmin~.prominent to the candidate and for women our candidates tenured faculty as a barrier of the to is looking places addition in faculty. implementation Minority meaningful ~ Dr. Donald Jones of the are out there." Affirmative Action policy. "We finding toward One of the steps Anita Crouse will perform is Hindemith's "Two Chemistry department advised these candidates is to advertise in have such a small faculty that our SCRIMSHAW small," goa1s are proportionately that "JX)rtiQns of the On Sunday, Fetruary 19, at 4:00, Dances." The two dances por- Affirmative Action policy are minority journals. Another is to she explains. Dawn Bennett will present a piano trayed are kaleidoscopic in that nonsense for the sciences." Dr. contact institutions granting For Fall 1978 an unusually high recital in Levine Recital Hall. their moods change often. Jones do_ubted that instructors graduate degrees which have high number of instructors are being Dawn isa senior vocal music Ravel's "Valley of the Bells" is looking for positions who did not percentages of minorities. recruited. The JX)sitions, allocated education major, with her con- the. third-pi.ece o.n the p~o~aI"?' read the Chronicle or professional Some academic !ields have by the Curriculum Committee, are centrationon voice. The reason she ThiS beauhful, ImpreSSIORistic magazines would be very sensible established employment in the departments of Economics, is "giving a piano recital is because work is very descriptive. Says Miss people. organizations to aid in finding Educati0l"!:, Deaf Education, Math, she hopes to_ concentrate on the -.. Bennett,. "~ou can .te~1 from ~he . In response to these sentiments, employers and employees. Dr. Art, and English. The Affirmative p.ano in grad. school. ve~y ~gJ.rmmg .~t It IS supposed Dr. William McCormick, Dean of Alton Law, Chairperson of the Action policy will be in effect for Miss Bennett has applied to to mdic~te bells.. , Academic Affairs, suggested that Economics Department, explains these positions. many graduate institutions but "The fmal work IS Schu~rt s "under Affirmative Action, there one such organization, Job Op- A pQlicy suggested by Dr. Cobb hopes especially to be accepted at Impromptu Opus 90, No. 2 iO E is an implied commitment that one portunities for Economists to reconcile the conflict of a desire the New England Conservatory. ~ajor:" Dawn said that this will seek minorities and women. (J.O.E.). "J.O.E. was established for minority or female instructors UJX)n graduation she hopes to Il~e IStaXing, bu~ fun to plar· :r he This means advertiSing in minority for the purpose of being sure there with tile usually small turn over of teach piano and voice, and to do ~udi.ence. sho~d I~sten for dist~nct magazines -as well as more was communication between those full-time tenure track faculty soine choral conducting at the sa:hons In thiS pIece. There IS a professional journals. There may who have the jobs and those who would be to fill the openings caused college level. sa:tion of scale-like passages, then be people who read these are looking _ especially women by leaves of absence and sab- Dawn will be pp.rfonning four a section of chord, magazines well qualified for a and minorities." baticals with minOrity and female works at her recital. The first is followed by another scale"hke A third misconception about the instructors. According to Dr. Cobb, Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 1, pa.ssag~. The coda then begins as a college's Affirmative Action JX)licy "Faculty diversification can be Opus 15, in C major. This concerto chord-~Ike: pass~ge and then eludes helped by hiring minorities and is actually the 2nd that Beethoven to vaned techmques. . Dull Facts You Didn't Want to Know women for part-time and tem- wrote, but was the first published. . Dawn feels th~t the m?St dif- p::lrary positions." Although the I Astoundingly enough, the com- flc~ty she h~d 10 preparmg her The Jast Union veteran of the women who have fought 'in Academic Action j;Xlser was still writing the in- recItal was With the Schubert and Civil War died in 1956 at the age of America's wars, from the p:llicy is specified to govern only strumentaJ parts up until five the 3rd m.ovement Of. the 109, the Veteran's Administration Revolution to the Vietnam conflict, full-time tenure track faculty minutes before performance time. Beethov~n. MISS B.enneU Said s~e says. The last survivor of the are still alive, the Veteran'~ Ad- appointments, Dr. Cobb says, Even more amazing is the fact that trul.y enjoyed workmg towards t~IS Confederate Army died three ministration reJX)rts. A total of "Departments are encouraged the piano part wasn't even written recital and feels she learned qUite years later. He was 117 years old 44,482,000 persons have worn their never the less to follow Affirmative down. Beethoven performed the a bit from. the.experience. country's uniform during periods Action guidelines to achieve entire concerto from memory! Th~ ~ecI~l IS open to all and of conflict, and VA estimates that diversification in temporary The second work Miss Bennett admiSSion IS free. 29,765,000 are still living. ways."
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