Page 81 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 81
Judge Wright Attaeks Courts Conseienee Nancy Menefee saying they were 500 feet away. "In thehalls·of Justice, Justice is But the policemen's walkie talkies in the halls." This quote by Lenny were on, and everything they said Bruce was one .of the opening was recorded at headquarters. The remarks of Judge Bruce Wright's policeman was, in fact, standing speech last=Simday night. Judge over the' little boy, and it is Bruce Wright spoke on the recorded that he said, "die, you inadequacies of the American little f-k." Yet this information Judicial System. was used only in the police Judge Wright began by pointing department trial, not the criminal out that "no one teaches a man to trial. The officer was acquitted. judge." The only instructions he Judge Wright raised the question, received were "to go to the toilet "Who shall guard the guardians before opening court." He felt that themselves'?" . "the gross shortcomings of the law He went on to point out the were caused by the gross short- problems in the bail system. "Bail comings of the judges." Judge for blacks," he said, "seems to Wright proposed that all judges be rival the National Debt," The educated in an academy that would sentencing, too, is unjust.' White teach them to judge; an academy boys who are caught JOYriding are that would teach psychology, charged with unJawful use of a psychiatry, and ethnic sociology. motor vehicle- a misdeameanor. To .emphasise the need for such Black boys who are caught education, the Judge cited an in- joyriding are charged with grand cident that occurred in a New York larceny auto-a felony. City Court. It was declared that the Judge Wright summed up the white defendent in question criminal justice ~ystem a~ "~ couldn't be rehabilitated, because, system more cnmmal than just. in the words of the judge, "he was He commented on. the 70's sar ng , living with a colored woman." "the present era IS to the 60 s. a.s Attempts to have the judge Reconstruction was to the CIVil removed from the bench were War." unsuccessful. The kind of Judge Wright believed that frustration such a system produces blacks had been appeased hy being was reflected in the words of one allowed to develop a bourgeotse.c., black prisoner, an Attica survivor, middle class. He noted that blacks who said, "How the hell we gonna had gone from sharecroppers to College Moving With Affirmative Aetion ~~~!tl:~t~~edw~:n t~: :ii;~~ ~~f:OI~~t~~a:~e s':e~= ._ JiffWhittaker position. Dr. Eulalia Cobb, ldates. TIle Preercenr makes the p1~~~'~Wrightsawthepl"Oblemat ~~~ ~~:~~~, "Uncle Tom's The following is the fifth in a five Chairperson of the' WMC Af- final decisions for hiring and has more than just a judicial level; he The onJy thing "that kept Judge part series concerning the hiring, firmative Action Committee, the ultimate responsibility for the felt there was prejudice and Wright on the Bench were letters; ~:t~r:n~:;;:::!i~o~~~~~Ulty at ~f~:~~~~! ~~~~n~U!h~'U~~~~ :~~;'~~~i.on of the Affirmative ~~~~~~l{~~i~~~e:;~er:~[;ta:~ ~i~~iti~t~m bYso~~~c~ro:~ qualified candidate is still hired. Members of the committee are: emotional feelings should be South Jamaica (N.Y.) Bedford- Although Affirmative Action Race or sex is not of primary Eulalia Cobb (Foreign known before they are allowed to Stuveysant, and Harlem. The policies reflect on the recruitment importance for employment at the Languages), Ira Zepp (Philosophy carry murder weapons. He stated letters threatened to burn down the of students, and the hiring of college. All candidates must meet and Reltgjon) Aleine Austtn that policemen have declared courthouse if Judge Wright was faculty, staff, and administrators, prcresstonat requirements first (History), Joan Coley "open season" on little black boys dismissed. this article will deal onJy with-the before they are even considered in (Education), Sam case (Physical in New York. One ten year old influence of the Mfirmative Action terms of race or sex. We just make Education), George Owens ~~~Whitefordl'andalized- Who Payer of it. She added that the house was empty the afternoon the work was done and that the chemical bOmbs ~~~i= ~!d t~~n~e!::::~~! Lee. Maxwell floor of Whitefor~. There someone maintenance deparbnent repaired used made it necessary for the t di t th t Whiteford Dorm has been the ripped the receiver of the pay the rest of the damage tbe person occupying the house during co:t:hi: poi~t' residents who ex- scene. tor several incidents of phone ~f its cord and about the continued on page 8 break to remain outside for several rienced damage plan no formal vandal~sm recently. T~ese a.c~ of same bme ente~d the bathroom Late Note: The C&P Telephone hours afterward. ::otest of the action. They ex- vandalism have been. mv~tigated and br~e two tOllet paper holders, Company has notified the Ad. 169 Pennsylvania Avenue had pressed the feeling that it is too late by the College Adm1mstrabon. but destroymg one complete~y. ministration of Western Maryland similar damage done to plants and t do yth'ng but nurse their no leads as to who are the vandals The damage was reported to C liege in the form of a letter to p1asticware, though to a somewhat S~vi:; pI~nts back to health. ~ve turned up. Meanwhile, the Chris Karmen, .head resident of M~. Pr~ston Yingling, Director of lesser extent than at 163.· Unlike 163, no warning was given of the ~~r:ue:~~il:n beit~~V~~ st~~:t :~:::s ~~: r~o~~~P:te:i~~ ::~~~~!~:~:ei~~:'~~ T~: ~~:c:n~~~~a~lr~~~!Ph~n:t ~!r;;!~ planned fumigation. Among the body and the admirustration about by the ad_m~m~trat1on. damage to the phone was also for indefinate length or time, if any damage done was the destruction future fumigations will prevent a Th~ mam mCldent occured on the reported to th~ telephone com- niore of their telephones are of a $50 potted plant. Residents of rooccurrence of such an incident. ~~;~~~m~fa;:~~~~.~~ ~~~~~ ~~y, f~~~;f~:lre~u~~~~ph;~: vandalised in any way ever again.
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