Page 82 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 82
SCRIMSHAW LeHers to the Editor Innocent or Guilty? So What's All This About the Drop/Add Line? Dear Jeff: evaluating 'the .'types of changes courses they want with less tension Who says that all defendgnts are [nnccent unt1t proven guilty? At least: The recent editorial comment in that were made. The initial and waiting. Again thank you for that's not the way that we read it from the college's policy regarding the "Scrimshaw" has been the first evaluation does reflect a fairly your interest and concern. vandalism and destruction occurring withIn the livIng unIts. and only comment thai I have high percentage of adding and Most cordially, This week's front-page article regarding the demolition of two phones registration not sure on FIrst Floor Whiteford indicates what thIs policy Is. DurIng Jan Term received on which ihe Yfas used this changing of eourses, lam would. be H. Hugh Dawkins, Jr. procedure Registrar students why so many these two phones had been pu1led off of the wall and no residents of the year. I eppreeiete the comments placed in that category. I feel too floor claim to know who the culprIt was. And because the vandal most likely will not be caught, the admInIstration feels that they must pin the ::~e~~~t~~~e:i~~·~:~~~i: :~~e::!~no~~:rin;s~::u~e~ Black History tab on the only other possible group Involved··the residents of the floor. registration process as possible. I November and even to a certain To The Editor: Most persons who have been given the facts generally agree on one do not want people to stand in lines degree on Sunday- There were a thing. It doesn't appear to be the work of any female (because of the unless there is no ether possibility. number of students that were just I would like to comment on the physical strength Involved In part of the Incident). That would eliminate But most important to me isfor as changing sections on Sunday and program of the Black Student most of the residents of the floor, however! many students as possible to .get this happens every semester. Union to celebrate Black History And so, SCRIMSHAW kindly asks, why charge those people who were the courses they need and want to As for the total number of drop- Week. I have been fortunate least likely to have been responsible for the Incident? And, secondly, even lake. adds processed, we found the enough to attend several of these If one or two of the women were Involved Indirectly In the telephone This year the collection of pre- number to be fewer last semester. events, and each one has been destruction, what of those who are completely uninvolved and would stili registration data provided for the Of course, the date is still arriving educational, informative, be'required to pay the charge? addition. and. expansion of for this semester so I can not say fascinating, and moving. Films We are told that the Dean of Housing feels that one or more of the enrollments that would not. have how things will stack up. One thing such as the one on Dr. Martin women may know the identity of the actual man who committed the act. been possible in the Arena. We that is obvious from the editorial is Luther King, and speeches such as The move would be intended to forcefully bring that Identity to light. But added or expended .twenty sections that people are now more aware of the one by Judge Wright are the - If It didn't, and the charge were cerrtee. through, a good number of people serving 319 student. registrations. the number of changes people type of experi~nces I e~t to be would be mistreated when they had nothing to do with anything of a This does not count the sections make. exposed to dunng my Liberal Arts destructive nature. And thewholepolicywreaksof gum until Innocence Is that were overenrolled and I would like to say a couple Education. I would like to thank proven, t.e.. when someone else Is proven guilty. throogh balancing all requests things about th~ consolidated drop- the .B.lack St~dent Union for We do understand the posltlon of the administration in these situations were handled. I am sorry to report add. First, no one had to use it for peovidmg me With the opportunity. (they have occurred in other floors and sections throughout the campus) that 242 students were dropped' changes. We were happy to accept Nancy Menefee someone has to pick up the cost somewhere. But ~e cannot go along with from fifteen courses. These figures regular drop-adds starting Mon- the reasons behind the rules here. We advocate,-unfortunately, Incurring exclude Physical Education ac- day. Secondly, we felt it we could the cosf from the general college budget. That is "unfortunately" tivity courses. The courses' in- bring the course. resources to a Soul Dinner because we realize that every dollar out of the general fund Is another volved were in areas where we single location, that is courses dollar out of our own Individual pockets. could not add additional sections or being dropped, more students Dear Editor, Butwe do not feel that the "pay.what.someone.elsc·breaks" concept as additional. space within the could get what. they wanted. The We would like to make a elther fair or a workable deterrant against future vandalism. The real comment about the cafeteria and answer does not lie within anything that the administration can withhold, =~~t:~~~~~~~'~!~e!i~~r:"1 ~~~;e~~i~e~~t, ~~edei~tsa tr;r~~~ their special meal for Black charge, or Implement. Vandalism is a much more pervasive problem everyone is forced into selecting example of that concept. Within History Week. That the cafeteria that Is contained within many of the persons who are around us everyday. from what is open at the time they the three or so hours many seats in is willing to prepare an entire here on campus. register. . classes changed. hands. In a meal to commemorate Black Yes, the answers lies within ourselves. Throogh the use of the Sunday number .of cases the instructors History Week is commendable. drop-add we were hoping to would not have known of an empty But why is it so difficult for them Slip Sliding Away provide a consolidated location for seat in order to give it to .another to serve Wedon't expect a special during fish on Fridays to person. So some people got courses students Lent? a final complete schedule for the start of classes on that they would most likely not meal, but it is difficult for from to abstain After slipping over much of the campus during the first two weeks of Monday. I would like to point out have gotten through drop-add. Catholic students on Friday and still meat eating second semester, Scrimshaw would like to know what happened to those that changes in schedule were In summary, I do not claim we diligent maintenance men and their shovels. They worked so hard for the accepted in the Registrar's Office have the ultimate in course eat in the cafeteria. Mrs. Mac Donald has done a fine job with first few days, appearing early in the morning and working until mld- from late December until the third registration procedures and I Black History Week. Now, how afternoon. They did a nice job going from Blanche and Whiteford to the week of January. A number of welcome your help in improving about a little help for the cafeteria, from Whiteford to Memorial, down the hill to the student students did make changes during our process. Iwould like to say that Catholics on campus. center, and the stairs from the apartments to Rouzer. The walk in front of that period of time, therefore, I a number of my colleagues in the Jim Teramani Elderdlce and the library is partially clear, bet still needs work. But what was very surprised at the number MiddieStatesArea think we have a Meg Hoyle about the rest of the campus? of changes made on Sunday. pretty good set up and that we are Denise Gigangcla The Detts did their share, clearing the walk in front of Blanche and We are still in the process of providing more students with the beside McDaniel, as well as from Blanche to Memorial. They did part of .Jan Term-Back to 3 Credits the sidewalk going from McDaniel to Memorial, but soon after they finished, the maintenance men with their motorized snow plow decided to Joe Brant and Daye Zinck either a retension of a position or . procedures in dealing with an do it again. Why couldn't they work on one of the many areas that were in The next January Term course one which would be reallocated alleged violation. It is therefore _ ddoir:'""O',dho,fv',lft~o,ty'O'I~'::I~~,at~:~~~o~~~:?)~I:~:~::::~~~t:~;:es~pt:e~ :~,u..,Sts','''T'h,W,illwabe, wO:"thof'h'th',e from another department by recommended that the Honor "'" ..... w .. means of attrition. Board develop formal procedures PI~~:So~~ ~:ic~sif the lower .path fro.m B~g Baker to the student center :~~~~l~hi~~ wl~~tP~= ~~ to Al~e mf~:~17y re~~~m~~da~~:; ~~Iati~~~e;/~:t~~~or ~~~e;:i~~ WIO'O""fhot:",t"o~',:,ss:~:~~~~el"~h,r:~~O~~~fo~t.h~;~:,~~!'aA~~s~t;he:,~r~~~ ~h'a"';m;nag~YoD,'th',RuObn'd'" .BadoUn ;,',' Mowbray, Jr., Dean of .Student to convening the hearing. It is -". " .... • .. rg. a Affairs. Dean Mowbray stated that hoped that this will provide both *~~;:~f~~~~f;~'~:gf?f[~~~i:~~~:~g~;~}~~~d:K5~:gj~ f~~~':;d,Zai:,~o:n~::~?,~un'~'~~""m!~" ~!:~r~:~]=:;:o~~~nl ~;m~~,~~::~"ii%n;:~y:km;':~ harder for 'hem to get around than for !he rest of the ca~pus population. ~~itions be maintained in Art :r~~~nnig th::::~:t7~~ a m~~: A Farewell And no! only can a bad fall hurt us phYSically, but it doesn t do much for a History, Deaf Education, and proposed revision is a J.udicial person s pride, either. Educational Counseling. These Review Board for student to Hartzler i- -"w"'OO"'ld"o""ot"'be,_n"""'w-'po"""'iti"'O"'""_,,,,,,Un,,p~IY ~:~~iili? ;~t!er::rs ~~c~=~~ ~:Ci:rarc:~cr: author Of Arms St'a'f Box Council to committee status. In Makers of Maryland, w• ..a1k on Editor·ln·Olier effect this would be an Honor the subject of his book at 7:30 p.m., Jeff Robinson Board for such offenses. Monday, Feb. 20, in Memorial Hall room 106. Managing Editor A pr~ress re;port from the ~ub- Hartzler, a funeral director from Mell Hoyle Committee on the Honor System New Windsor, has become an was'presented by Dr. E~ Seidel authority on Maryland arms who had one ma.jor suggestion for history through eight years of Business Manager the betterment of the Honor researching and writing for his Photography Editor Scott Dahne Ad Manager Kathy Harbau~ into NeW!; Editor -NilncyMenefee Directo. cnartes&tes System. . This com~ittee book. He currently is half-way book, Sports Edilor Jim Terarnilni Entertainment Editor Mark Katz discovered that general c.riticlSm the writing of his second Record Review Feature Editor Phil uPadula S1eveB.iinbridge is the lack of specific investigatory Marylanders in the Confederacy. Arts Editor TheoBl'iJ;v" Food Review Editor Joe Brant SCRIMSHAW OFFICE HOURS Spring 197B Photographers Special Assislants Dave Meyer Sunday: 7:00·8:00 PM S. Dlllhne Chris Bohaska Dave Cleveland Hal Schnatowitz Monday: 7:00·8:00 PM N.Menefee Tim Windsor Beth Lengyel Vernon Crawford. Tuesday: 3:OQ.4:00PM P. LaPadula Staff Wednesday: 7:00.8:00 PM M. Hoyle Nancy McKenzie Patty Nooniln Lee Maxwell Thursday: 1l:30AM.12:JOPM J. Teramanl Mik.D'Andrea Mark C. B-ver -NilncyAnz,lone Yon Makino Friday: 2:OQ.3:00.PM J. Robinson Phyllis Me-nschne-r Dilvid Zinck Andi~hm Scott DeMaris All' students 'and faculty are Invited to stop by the SCRIMSHA~ office Ani1aCroUSfl JeHSmi1h Ann Diviney ScottSheri~n In the Student Center during any of the hours listed above. You may drop Sally Stebbins Dave Lilngl.y DawnS.nne11 SergioZ.rbin by for Just a social visit or to dIscuss any urgent business of the utmost Jay Holtzman Mary Cole lisa Davis Jerry Prophet Importance. We hope that you will utilize this service should the op" Jeff Rosenberg Maggie Cort.lia portunlty ever arise. SiUWeeks Kim Shewbridge The Editors
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