Page 83 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 83
\ Friday. February 17, 1918 Scrimshaw How to Rush a Frat L Davis They are invitational only, yet it is Then commences Hell Week. The .It's that time of year again. Time possible to receive invitations to all dates for Hell Week are set by the for fraternity rushes, smokers, and four_ smokers. At _the smokers you IFC. During this week many dif- Hell Week. You may be wondering, meet with the fraternity members ferent acts or stunts are executed "What's so special about rushing; and learn more about the Frater- by the seen-to-be members. These it happens every spring?" Well do nityitself. acts lor stunts are chosen by each you rea1ly know what frat rushing At the end_ of all the smokers, individual fraternity and may entails? I had no idea myself until 1 each fraternity decides on whom consist of basically anything. They wrote this article and it is a very they would like to invite Into the must, however, maintain a check fascinating process. The following fraternity. This iscaIled bidding. It on physical safety and follow are the rules as set down by the is possible to receive bids from all standards set down by the IFC. If'C for rushing. four fraternities. The bids are Once through Hell Week and Hell First. and most important, is to placed in the person's mailbox the Night, you are initiated and get yourself on the Rushing List. nex~ day (March 2? this year), become either a Bete, Preacher, This is the list that is used by all the During this time, there is the Bachelor or Phi Delt. fraternities to detennine whom period of silence which has begun A little more complicated than they would like 'to select. To get on the night before at 6:00 p.~. This you thought, huh? Well, rushing the list, you must have at least a period of silence prohibits any and fraternities have been around 1.65 grade average. You must also fraternity member from speaking for a long time and are usually the pay a rush fee of four dollars to one to anyone on the Rush List. At 6:00 high points of male campus. life in of the fraternity presidents by a p.m. on the day the bids are an- the spring. As .cne fraternity deadline set by the IFC. This year nounced, the silence ends .. By this member put it, "Whether you 'there are 132 names on the list. time all accepted or rejected bids graduate in the class of 1941 or Once on the list, you remain until must be turned in. Acceptances are 1978, we can live in the knowledge you request your name be removed taken to the frat clubroom, the that we all went through something or you accept a bid from a rejections to a box in the gym. If together - rushing and frat life." fraternity. You also become the fraternity has not heard from Next Week: Sorority Rush eligible to attend the smoker you by6:00p.m., ltis considered as parties given by each fraternity. a rejection. Beer Age, Women Concern SGA This tree, a representative of the cold winter we have had so far, will lee Maxwell held on Thursday, Feb. 16 at 7 P.M. itself will try to cooperate. The hopefully soon be warmed by Spring sunshine that awaits just around The S.G.A. held its first regular at Chandler House. The Publicity motion tcr the amending of the the corner. Hang on, you'all. -photo SGA Contltutton concerning by Dave Meyer the meeting in over a month last committee reported that they will impeachment of SGA Represen- ....::=::..::..:::.:.:.:::::.:.::...----------- .... Monday, February 13, at 9;00 p.m. be showing the film "Let's Do ft tatives which had been tabled in a in Baker 100, its last two meetings Again" on Saturday Feb. 18 at 7.:00, previous meeting (11-28-77) was having been canceled due to 9:30, and 12:00 PM. The Election put to a vote and was passed. The weather conditions. Chris Holmes committee reported that SGA, opened the meeting to experience Honor Board, and Class elections letter Tim Shank wrote concerning age in on the drinking running an SGA meeting .. will all be held on April 18. legislation pending in the Maryland HOW HIGH IS YOUR Maryland Several committee reports ~ere Some Old Business was dealt made. Rob Lycett of the Action with. Chris Holmes read a letter State Assembly was approved for Committee reported that Sudent from Dr. Leroy Panek, Secretary mailing Directories will soon be on sale in for the Faculty Council. This letter the cafeteria. Also, a new stated that no direct action will be There was much new business E.G.? suggestion box, designed to in- taken by the Council on the taken care of. Marty Clemens crease student input into the SGA, moratorium on tests after motioned that the SGA recognize a will be set up _on campus. The Homecoming and Spring' Women's group; the motion was Rick committee's next meeting will be weekends: however, the faculty tabled until the next meeting. Karen motioned that Roecker The Frog Lowey asked a _ bill _allowing tax in (EconomicsQuotienU to write a letter support of reductions to students paying up to WMC'S Answer to The Ear $4,000 for: college tuition expenses. CAN YOU ANSWER This motion was voted on and a leiter known the tray joys (rather of sitting on a passed. Paul Fulton read asking the BASIC ECONOMIC QUESTIONS LIKE THESE? from Warren Lowman {I'll cafeteria than eating .oJ·, from one), try it, you'll like it! The ISC to sponsor a band for the ~pril True o False (1.) Producers of goods outnumber SG~ to allot up to $250 to 'the IFC- Frog has and does . This was put to a 22 quad party. 0 PLAYTIMECOMESBUTONCEA motion Rick Finally, and passed. YEAR of services in our economy Jeff Robinson, Roecker, in the Fulton all proposed changes and Paul producers (2.) The value of all U.S. goods and 'D 0 It appears that Jan Term was a SGA Constitution; all of these were time of games this year. In ad- tabled until the next meeting. services produced in one year is called Gross dition to the usual Hearts, Having no further business, the National Product (GNP). - Monopoly, and Backgammon meeting adjourned. The next o 0 (3.) Inflation reduces the standard marathons, Fourth Floor Rouzer meeting will be held on Monday, of living of people on relatively fb..ed incomes. tried to see hew many people could :Feb. Zlllt 9:00 pm-in Baker 100. fit in the top of closet. Meanwhile, If you found these questions tough, your back on Second Floor Whiteford, NAT'L MEDICAL DDS. Economics Quotient, your E.Q., could prob- the record for number of bodies FLEX 0 ECFMG 0 DAT ably stand some improvement. stacked on a bed still rests at MeAT A special booklet on our American ~ thirteen. B.S. and K.N., to name a with confidence Economic System cal) help you do just that. jollies by jumping few, got their and free. The Frog BEER FOR BREAKFAST? out of airplanes. the springtime only orIgiMIl.tudy m.tert.I. It's fact-filled, easy reading mail the coupon. ropes nor- For your copy,just that The Frog would like to • tape center congratulate those incredible malcy arrives soon. unall.~ 40 Vears I)t Experience ANSWERS: 1'£ 1.'Z .::1'1 people who lasted all the way through the Bachelors' midnight- lI-lATCH GAME WMC to-dawn party. We are glad to see that there are still some old-style Modern technology has finally I ?~~f.:~1?~~.: derelicts around. The Frog is reached WMC with the completion . sending frog tongue pins as badges of the T.R.I.T.E. Computer Match . of merit and valor. Now there's no need to cruise tne frat parties looking for that "right Still Trying to : I IwanttoimprovemyE.Q.Pleasesendmeafree I one"- just consult that little slip of BUT SEVENTH GREEN IS Find Yourself? ~ I copy of the booklet about our economic system. I COLD! computer paper and your I I Once again people are flocking to problems are solved. But you say Nam back campus, but now they take that the computer didn't like you Ma}(be we can help. Volunteer-: I Address I trays. Among the people and you got no matches? Don't I populating the slopes these days give up, the Frog didn't get ~:gurs~::;~rs:~l~o~,t:r::t:~ I I are such campus notables as G.G., matched up, either (lack of people chance to find out more about: I City Stat IP__ M.W., C.W., M.D., and B.S. The with green skin and webbed feet). yourself while helping others.: o I ~ f'i''\ __ •• _.~_ I ..• Frog, however, sends special If you're still looking for a friend, Give us a call! • I '_.I &.-...-'...-.gCc..r<'&USDepo-1 ..... clro-.-.-. I regards to those daredevils, T.S., mail your body to the Frog, at Box Voluntary Action Center 876.: L J S.N., and H.S. To all who have not 3A, Campus Mail. •§§!§•.••••••••••••• , ••• , •• 0 ::L-....:.;.::.==-=:..::;.::.==-=:..::=-=-::...::..::=.:..._...J ••
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