Page 80 - Scrimshaw1977-78
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Friday, February 10, 1978 "Foxfire" Presented Nancy Ann McKenzie learn about any of the traditional On January 19, in the midst of Appalachian crafts and customs, Jan Term's biggest snowstorm, a such as moonshining, cabin crowd of about eighty people building, quilting, or hunting, gathered in McDaniel Lounge to consult Foxfire. The Foxflre books hear Eliot Wigginton, editor of the have found unprecedented Poxnre books, tell the story behind popularity, with four volumes their success. Wigginton was already in print and work con- accompanied by two students, tinuing on three more, Wesley Dockins and Marty Hen-) According to Wigginton, derson, from the Rabun Gap- I however, this popularity was Bear Brahms and Raehmaninoff in Levine Nacoochee base School of the in northern totally unexpected. the discipline at- While to salvage Georgia, Fuxfire ' tempting operations. For almost two hours, in the high school English class he Dawn Bennett although that is not to say it is not Community College, Towson State the audience was held spellbound taught, Wigginton hit upon the idea This weekend, two Carroll difficult. The themes are very University, and Peabody by the Georgians' accounts of how of producing a magazine as a County pianists, Dr. Arlene tuneful, in fact one made the top 40 Preparatory Department. Foxfire rose to its present means of teaching English and Heggemeier and Mr. David when it was introduced as "Full 'Following the Friday' night popularity. developing student interest. So, in Kreider, will present a program of -!\'foon and Empty Arms." The performance there will be a The Foxflre books, for those of 1966, Foxfire was born, produced two piano concertos in Levine Hall Concerto has a very interesting reception in Harrison House you unaware of such things, are entirely by students and funded by of Western Maryland College. history. Rachmaninoff had found sponsored by Delta Omicron the collections of how-to and life-style contributions from the community. There will be two performances: early success with his com- Professional music fraternity. The articles originally published in In the twelve years since- then, Friday, February 10 at 8:15 p.m. postuons and this encouraged him public is cordially invited. Foxfire magazine. If you want to Foxfire has developed into a and Sunday, February 12 at 4 p.m. to create his first symphony. multifaceted program including a th~~sa~~ ~a~r:l!:~ ;~n~~c:: ~o:!:~~~~::;y ~c~~:~~~ ~~.-- New s ~ lash ~=~ny~O~~~nJ~~tu';~bf~~~~~ but never had an orchestra with go into a deep depression and to Phil LaPadula Wigginton, the key figure in the which to play them. There is still lose faith in his ability as a com- Warsaw, Dec. 30, 1977- offended by this joke-actually Fox£ire operation, has an unusual no orchestra but the two pianists poser. His friends finally took him On his recent European trip, some of our best friends are motivation in his work. He feels are accompanying each other with to the eminent psychologist, Dr. President Carter ran into trouble, Polish.j that the value of Foxfire lies, not in piano transcriptions of the or- Nikolai Dahl. Through hypnosis when before leaving Warsaw he Hollywood- its output, but in the effect it has on chestra! part. Dr. Heggemeier is and other treatment, Dr. Dahl was complimented the President of The annual nobel prizes for in- the students who produce it. His playing the "Brahms Second able to help Rachmaninoff, and as Poland's wife on being such a competence were awarded today major concern is to improve the Concerto op.83 in B-flatmajor, and a result, he wrote his second piano lovely hostess during his stay. to 1977's top twenty "outstanding learning experience in the high Mr. Kreider is playing the Rach- concerto which is dedicated to Dr. However, the Polish interpreter incompetent" people in their schools. . - ~c:nn:;~concertoNo. 2, Op. 18 in ~~~~ of the problems that has =~;a:: y~~ ~:!~w~~t ';~ ~~~~t~fn!~ds~Z~O:r~t:::~ ... Summer Jobs ... The Brahms is a beautiful work arisen in the preparation of the shake your tree." (for checkbook balancing), the FREE Fifty State Summer and also one of the longest and concer.toprogra~ is ~e difficulty ThePresidentisreportedingood Rev. Sun Myung Moon (for most Employment Directory most difficult concertos in the o.f having two pianos instead of a condition upon returning from his- incompetent messiah), Anita Send a stamped, self addressed, piano repetoire. The difficulties lie PI.ano and an orchestra. On the trip, with the exception of a slight Bryant (for incompetence in business size envelope to: in the orchestral nature of the l)18nO, there IS no means of concussion he received after the crusading and witch-hunting), and SUMCHOICE Box 530-5 ~:o =:,i~~ts:~:~:s~~~:~~~~~r~e .si~~~e~t~.var~~~ =:~~~~~~~~~~:::;~a~o~~ the entire U.S. {for in- State CoUe , Pa. 16801 tavee, thirds; and sixths. Brahms makesltdiff1E~tfor~epar~tobe sausage. is often accused of writing un- kept separate 1'_1 the listener s ~ar. Commenting on the incident, Mr. pianistically for the piano, and this Dr. Heggemeier and Mr. Krel~er Carter insisted that he "never lusts is especially true With the Concerto have both enjoyed the ch~llengmg after polish women unless they're inB-flat, which is very awkward to and e~cabonal experience of first sprayed with insecticide." play. However, is spite of, or peeparmg ~e. concerto~. 'I_'hey are (Note: Scrimshaw would like to ~~,=,~e :r:~~tc:~~~ i~~ ~:~~~~~; ar~;~~~!.;,~ r"'=="""",--"",--,P-"O:::liS:::h--",,=--, m,asterpiece, a great challenge to Master of MUSIC from Oberlm the performer and a great joy to Conservatory and a Doctorate the listener. from Northwestern University. The Rachmaninoff Concerto has She has played in recitals in New Beer and Pizza a quite different character from Y~rk.' IlIin~s, Ohio, Missouri, Night the Brahms. In contrast, it is very MIchigan, and ~aryland. She h~s 126 E. Main St. pianistic and very playable, ~~s:c~1s0~~~lDt~~amB~rti~':::~ (Across from the Ubrary) Wednesday nights 5-11' Natural Foods W ·, • ~~~~rda~~;:gd t!~~,a~~ .n. Win. Win. present she is on the faculty of Sandwiches, Omelets, Pit~her of Beer $2.00 Hey Folks, Western Marylan~ C'o~ege w~ere Rice Dishes, Fresh Veg- Mu~ of Beer $.30 All you trivia fans have a chance she teaches apphed Plano, plano 12' Cheeze Pizza $1,80 toshowyoUfstuff. We have a trivia literature, and piano pedagogy. at aU levels. quiz for you to work on. And do try, Mr. Kreider holds ~th. Bachelor Specializing in Japanese style Tern- because the winner will receive 2 and Masters degrees m plano from pura, fresh assorted vegetables, and free tickets to the Ringling Bros. Peabo~, an~ is pursuing a do~- seafood prepared in crisp golden Circus at the Baltimore Civic tor~te ~n .plano ~rom Catholtc butter. Center. In case of tie, winners UmversJty m WashinlCf:on. He was will decide on neatness and ac- awarded the Fulbright-Hayes Homemade Desserts curacy. All decisions of judges are scholarship to study music' at the Serving Beer ~nd Wine final. Good Luck! Akademie fur Musik in Vienna. He has appeared frequently in recital Tues-Thurs 11.4 both here in this country and also Friday 11.9 QUIZ NO. I .. in Europe. He wil.l appear again in I. Who was the prinCiple villian recital at W.M.C. In April as part of Sat & Suu 3.9 in "Tom Sawyer"? the Carroll County Arts Council 2. Name Tonto's horse. Recital Series. In addition to :j, What, was the occupation of private teaching, Mr. Kreider has Superman s father on the planet also bep.n on the faculties of Essex Krypton? -to Name the entertainer known Westminster' as "Bojangles" 5. Cochise, Diablo and Mangus Racket Club '1 off any lorge pizza with this~coupon Coloradas were top warriors for I what Indian tribe'! MD. Rt. No. 31 and , I 6. The first Super Bowl was Wakefield ValJey Rd. EDEE1'1ABLE DURING SPE.CIAI'S- played in 1967. between what two I cluhs? the score"! Student memberships "b'."'m,",,",. I m.k •• 1r.. hdougnpIZ;U. 7. Name one of the first 2 songs $10 f ...ou'r.ln.hurr ".U.h .. d. I Elvis Presley recorded on the. Sun Now Until April 30 I h.v. It r• ..:Iy wh you."Iv•. t label in 1954"! ".II.....I-I ..... '.~p.d,.,.. II. Comic book character Prince i .,.~7 LA"G.~_SlUPnzA I Namor was known by what other Random time I name"? 54.00 per hour THE PIZZA HUTS ~ I 9. In 19-t7, Ted Weems' orchestra for student members I made a very popular recording of a ?-'tf"IMP"& song that came out originally in calf 6]5~6446 I 19.31. Name that tune PIZZA HUT PETE I 10. The first electrIc street Play Tennis ONE PIZZA HUT BUCK I -----------~----~----~-------~-~> ~~~;~~nsi:~ ltll~~. i~·!hat~~;:·~d >-----"in~t:::h:.:e'_"B:.:u::b"'b:::l:.:e,,!_._... t
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