Page 67 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 67
Fri. Dec. 9, 1977 Scrimshaw ,1Ige 7 Point-Counterpoint: The Student Union Chris Holmes something terribly wrong wun luIS I would like to explain to the type of a nuid voting structure. ;'The Student Union has made Paul apparently had his reasons very general agenda and by calling student body why Paul Fulton was I have argued this problem many people in the SGA think and for wanting to chair the Student on people to speak in turn. As such. elected Chairperson of the Student times with leaders of the Student hopefully made it more responsive Union. Paul would have had little more Union last Monday night. Actually, Union, but with no success. So, to to the students. I sincerely hope we Paul and other SGA members power than anyone else at the it was a very shrewd political prove this point, myself and can all work together in a positive then brought about 15 uninformed meeting. If he hadn't done a good move, not done out of malicious several other individuals asked direction. Please continue to give people to the meeting to vote for job, a new election could have been hatred, but rather to prove a point. some friends to come to last the SGA positive criticism," him. In the words of one" "I was called for, for the next meeting. The Student Union was set up Monday nights meeting and-we Paul stated before the election "I recruited. I didn't really know But we never got to see how Paul because "The representative stacked the meeting. Soon after the will work tor the best interest of the what was going on until after it was would have done as Student Union system of the SGA is an inherent election was held almost half of Student Union." And he un- over. I didn't know enough about Chairperson. His reaction to the obstacle to effective action. Since it those people got up and left. They doubted1y did this by proving the the Student Union." Paul and the challenge of the Student Union is has become obvious that the SGA is were not there to show genuine necessity of changing the voting SGA supporters didn't care what an example of how the leaders of unable to cope with the needs in concern over the Student Union but structure, and then resigning .so the people they brought thought or the.SGA respond to criticism. Paul evidence on campus, the Student rather to cast their vote for Paul that the organization can continue knew. about the Student Union. said he was grateful for the Union must be prepared to assume Fulton and then to leave. They u1nder Leigh's leadership. Both of They Just wanted ~ople. criticism, but then his actions on their role and functions, Because of were there helping to prove that these moves were in the best in- Paul won the election over Leigh Monday were bent on discrediting our structure and our realizable there is something wrong with the terest of the Student Union. ThJ Kram~r, his position the Student Union, which has been potential, the Student Union will be voting structure of an challenge now is for those people to Leigh-claiming that he. ha,d the vehicle of the criticism. But his effective in any capacity on behalf organization, even an unofficial interested in teh Student Union to proved that the Student Union s actions did not hurt the Student of the student body. "This quote college organization, that allows a get over the bitterness of this srstem of votin.g Union. Rather, they showed a SOA and in the defeat, was taken directly from the meeting to be stacked and an embarassing problem, deal realize with this it, did n~t. work. He claimed, that of It weakness the need for change em- phasised to a was ridiculous fo~ the president structural Constitution of the Student Union." absurdity to occur. This absurdity and move ahead. the SGA to chair Student Union more open system, one like the Now let us examine this alter- was the election of the President of meetings, and that other groups Student Union native structure for representation the SGA to the chairmanship of the could push through any other that the student Union proposes. Student Union which is an ridiculous proposition. According to the Student Union organization attempting to replace Fortunately, he did not prove his structure any student can just the SGA in a referendum next point. Ten minutes after the voting show up at a meeting and cast a semester, Dave Cleveland was over more than half of Paul's vote on an issue whenever that Please recognize that the SGA is student feels like it. As stated in not trying to squash the Student St~~enitts u~oOnnd:~d ~l~~~~~~s ~~~ ~~~:~~~~ ~:a~ ~~~'ti~tg~kne:r:e ~~ The opinions expressed in their constitution. "All meetings Union. The students who were Chairperson. There were several a paper to get something done, so 'this .publication do not will be open and any student can there voting for Paul last Monday interesting aspects to this election. packing a meeting would rarely ''necessarily 'reflect those of vote on any matter." Then, the night could probably have voted The biggest of these was that Paul have an effect on the Student th~ Scrimshaw vote on that issue would go down as the organizations termination, if Fulton, president of the SGA. was Union the vote of the student body. At the that was their intention, Instead, running for Chairperson. This may Paul was wrong when he called first meeting I attended, ten people Paul resigned immediately turning seem a little strange, considering serving as SGA president and also were there, myself and Paul the meeting over to Leigh Kramer that the Student Union's existence chairing the Student Union Fulton included, which is obviously the runner-up, and only other and its goal of providing a more ridiculous. Student Union Chair- a consensus of student opinion. I candidate for Chairperson. In his open alternative to the SGA are a person just provides some don't know about you but I see resignation speech Paul stated. major criticism of the SGA, but organizaton to meetings with a Letter To My Roommate .... Extra Extra Scrimshaw TO: Jeff Robinson was bad enough when you hung all up the soft-drink sales in our room. REBELS FROM: Bill Jenkins, Roommate your underwear in your dresser Still, when you wanted to expand to RE: Roommate Relationship drawers so they could dr-y. Did you hotdogs and sandwiches, as well as Editor overthrown! know my parents came in ten staying open 24-hours a day, that Dear Jeff, .J.T. Because you are never in the :~u~SY~~~~~I~~~~~~:~:; 1~!I~::'tj~I:e~~~e~~~~~.ETvh~~i~~~~ room, I have decided to approach that to your eleven year old sister? it, Jeff. you in this manner--through your favorite neighborhood rag that you I co~~ ignore the state of the fj;:~i~~O~~~r~d ~~t li~en~~~ calJ a newspaper. ~=~~:,t ~:~ev~~~~c~!l~f ~~l~ What happened, Jeff~ What I hear that you shaved off your beard. When was this? For that teeteri~g on your desk ~as flowed ~:~~~:~ :::antht r~;~de::~e? matter, when did you grow a ~~~,~~~h~s;:~a~~~ :a::r.o~ (Sound like Nancy M:, doesn~t it?) _ beard? I have heard that you have ~::het~ta!~ ~~l~~~~edwh:~ r~~tra~{y~~~~~~taa~t ;~ g~O~!u~ 0"" ~... eot to. Y"" i6 tI
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