Page 63 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 63
nstadt.Are They Steve Bainbridge relatively eventful as compared Boston, and Firefall showed gone, and who can replace them? , to have the capability of reaching . that level. However, as I said before there Standing Stoned is a new concept with most of the rest of the promise for the future··Johnny The passing lightweights will in Journalism. It's called·ripping seventtes. Punk rock burstlntotull Rotten and his cohorts may yet Is hope; the new bands mentioned, off Rolling Stone for all the ideas vrew es the "new wave", but sctar sink Into the obscurity and failure the revitalized Yes and CSN, the soonfade, new groups will develop, you can. Afteral\ they're ten years has yet to make serious con- they so richly deserve. improving Dooble Brothers, the all having been influenced by fifty old now, fhats way over the hlll, so tributions to the mainstream of Yet, there Is something fun- return of Sprlngsteljln to the previous groups. And then one day, your beloved record reviewers rock. Kiss remained popular to this damentallywrong with rock as It Is studios, the soon to be released the Third Coming will arrive. A new style as bold as preetev- Berry, Wings album, and the constantly have teamed up to give the writers great dismay, while the now. Maybe I'm still living in the improving Chicago all give hope. and the Beetles (the two earlier Scrimshaw a new touch of class by private life of Bob Plant appears to past, but there just aren't as many Twenty years from now the Sex "comings" of the rock era) will producing the newest music be forcing the end of Led Zepplln. good bands around anymore. I magazine around. In this lead off Yes and Crcsbv-Stuts.Nesh mean when Linda Ronstadt has Pistols, linda Rondstadt, the Bee appear to sweep the garbage bands article I'm going to deliver the first reunited to create tremendous two top ten singles and a number Gees, Beach Boys (two of the last, of today into sweet forgetfulness. I just hope it comes soon, or we wu! annual Christmas message. comeback albums, in my opinion one album we are In TROUBLE! sixties band.s,and the worst two to continue to live through typical Further on are such delectables as the two best of the year. The great bands of the sixties are survlvel, and Kiss will only be years like this one that see little Personal Preferences, record Lynyrd Skynyrd as we know it is either rapidly moving towards remembereij by such self-styled new or improved, only lesser reviews, and Rambling Cuts. The gone, and the Stones as we know retirement or are already gone. experts as Tim and I. The real test copies of earlier work. primary reason for this Issue is to them may be on the way out if The Beatles, CSNY, Derek and will be those groups whose music let you know where we are at and Richard is convicted. There was of the Dominoes, the Allman can stand the test of time. Sofar in to try to raise up some feedback course no Beatles reunion, nor a Brothers, Chuck Berry, Otis from you. I hope you enjoy it. Wings -tcur. both great disap Redding, and. the Band are all The year 1977 has sofar been pointments. New Gear Man, REAL GEA~ Linda: With A Voice Like That, She's Superhuman country, which Is always twenty Andy Williams); rather,. they wlil before fake time, It will not happen in February. Much to my chagrin, Tim Windsor years behind the times) will not be gradually assimilate themselves o~ernight. After a number of years Elton John announced that he will no longer tour (for-a while at least) unnoticed Into . 1977has been an interesting year able to be denied. It will take some Into the mainstream of rock, of modern music infiltration "punk- because he has gotten tired of live idioms, for rock music. While many great time, but t~e new wave of music changing the very concept behind rock" will finally become un- performances. DurIng this per- giants fell, hordes of peons made will become as much a part of the It as they do. The future holds a wittingly ecceptec..e bona-fide forming hiatus, Elton wilt work on an irreversible mark In the face of contemporary music scene' as compromise, one between the subject for misty-eyed reminisces his TV special (January)" and his our concept of what rock should be. Peter Frampton, as common as a extremes of typical (as we now into those "early days" of the movie version of Capt. Fantastic There .were a few saviors who number one record for Fleetwood know It) rock and the new wave of seventies. The cycle will have had (Easter). Rolling Stone magazine returned or appeared out of Mac. On, I'm not saying that the punks, a compromise emerging as once again repeated Itself. nowhere to reassure the doubting Sex Pistols or the Dead Boys will a "new" statement of music, a Of course, punk was not the only public that, yes, there Is stili life In become America's favorite group, synthesis of all the vital elements thing that happened in the past rocws upper echelon of per- I the next year's Grammy of our psyches and musical year-·Eric Clapton, The Stones. formers. Quite a few unabashed '. creativity. This will, as I said Carlos Santana, James Taylor, ___pretenders to the title of musician Chicago, Muddy Waters, Johnny remained on the scene, supplying Winter and Yes all managed to .._ this writer a great argumenf for redeem themselves, producing post.natal abortions. Yet, despite some of the finest material of the its ups and downs, It wlll become year. Newer groups like Heart and apparent in years to come that 1977 Cheap Trick keep the fire burning was a major year in rock music, while the most promising group of providing the historical base for all, Boston, keeps delaying its next the first major musical revolution album. Last week, Fleetwood in ten years. Mac's Rumours finally fell from is now Iy accepted by the The revolution In the seventies, Billboard's number one spot, after the revolution against the now more than 20 weeks being quickly American public and Paul Simon sang with Art once Garfunkel standard forms of rock music, is replaced by a much more worthy just beginning to rear Its unwanted album, Linda Ronstadt's Simple again last night. Elvis died, head. At this point, It may seem Dreams-Now leaving everyone behind to pick supremely insignificant, but as celebration!! there's a cause for l over his bones, just as they did Keith Richard time goes by, its impact on all Muddy Waters and friends pears to be in BIG trouble; eo- . when h_ewoil!ialive. The one decent he Continued on next page facets of music (except of course, stands-trial for his heroin charges
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