Page 62 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 62
, SCRIMSHAW LeHers to the Editor Drunken Ramblings? Prosaic and Poetic Rebuttals SCRIMSHAW would Hke to set this space aside to speak on several. Dear Editor; ... The big push from the hidebound The issue included a short story subjects that have come and gone unnoticed by most of the campus and . Contrast was cnt~clzec! last week was initiated by Nancy Berry, the by an Englishman, a poem by a the paper Itself. In a Jetter for Its method of 197,r77 editor. Ms. Berry gave member of a New Jersey Poets First off, Merry Christmas. Or, Happy Hannukah. And, Happy New cho~jn~ ~aterial ~nd the lack of Contrast a new credibility as ape r Cooperative, and another by an Year to all of you who make It through Finals Week and survive the qua,hty In Its matenal. Naturally, I I 0 d I c a I by publishing three Israeli. The decision to open emotional transition from life here on the HIli back to your humble abode was disappointed by the response. annual issues, not the end-of-the- submissions to the public was at home with Mom or Poporwhomever~Havefun whatever you do. I c.a~ defend the method and year-souvenir which previous made last year in an effort to bring We'd also like to use this space here to speak a bit on Christian dating. deCISIOns, but the tone of last issues of Contrast had been. new talent to the campus. We'd Ilketo,butwedon'tthlnkthatwehaveroom. So we won't. weeks letter suggests that the Ms. Berry's 1976-77 editorial Anyone interested in publishing As we approach the ImpendIng dIsaster of Exam Week, Just thInk of author was so strongly offended staff was on the right track in must familiarize himself with the long hours that you will be spendIng in the library tryIng to study the that. a defense wo~ld be opening submissions to faculty and contemporary works in that field. inner working of everything from Aalborg to zymology. meaningless. The ,!!aterlal .w~s other members of the college For a poet this means reading We'd also like to remInd everyone that traylng back to campus with chos.en on the of artistic community. Fears by some modern poetry. One cannot create frays from Gino's is both unsafe and uncouth _ quality. The decisions, I must staffers that student writers would m a vacuum. The editors of SCRIMSHAW would like to express their appreciation to admit, were also ba.sed on ~rsonal be pushed off the pages by "out- Marcia Coleman and Gene and Ed of the maintenance department for their constant per. taste,. but I thmk, this ~as side" writers proved groundless. Clare Kibler ceptton and ability to replace light bulbs almost immedIately. But some unavO!dabl~, a?d I don,t apologl~e Only one poem in three issues was OOOOOOOOO residents of Jrd Floor McDaniel would also like to remInd them of the one f?r the editorial staff s taste m accepted from a non-student. A Rebuttal in Rhyme: guys missed-In the Jrd Floor bathroom. literature. Another significant editorial But back to the polnt ..hatf of the glass windows have been Pla~ed Into I :an sympathize. with. those choice made by Ms. Berry was to In answer to last Friday's vicious the empty spaces in the new Decker College Center. Give them another people who had material rejected. increase the magazine staff to Letter titled "Contrast Trash", stx months and they may be able to keep all of the warm aIr outside. I have been rejected by literary Include everyone who was willing Not only was it too pernicious, SCRIMSHAW questions whether the fertile, young minds here on magazines numerous times, and I to work on it. No longer was It was total balderdash. campus were able to handle the sIght of a Slightly Inhebrlated Santa Claus know the~sappointm~nt of fin~ng Contrast run by a mysterious team at this year's Christmas Dance last week. But we guess It's the thought a letter m my mailbox which of two who determined layout, You may have thought you spoke that counts. begins, "We are sorry, we cannot thumbs up, and money down. with candor, And, speaking of the Christmas Dance, Isn't it nice that the Betes use your work':' This is not This year's editor, Joe Gainer, is -But, to be more accurate, promised the SGA that if they got to hold the dance, they'd donate 100 per necessarily an indica~io~ that your continuing the innovations made The only thing you spoke was cent of the profits to an organization of the Senate's choice Well work has no ar tis tic value. by Ms. Berry and reaffirming the slander SCRIMSHAW would like to suggest a few organizations. How abcuf: Th~ However, we must respect other's progressive spirit of last year And your views were inchoate. BSU; the SCRIMSHAW; the KKK; the SCRIMSHAW; the Students for a tastes even if we disagree with Contrast is taking a long overdue Democratic SOciety; the SCRIMSHAW; the College Republicans' the them. To expect an editor to print step by opening its pages to writers Should they have published verse SCRIMSHAW; the Save-the. Panama-Canal Committee; the SCRIM something which doesn't meet the from off campus. Writers in this at random, SHAW; Paul Fulton's Student Union Reelection Campaign; the standards of his taste is straining Fall's issue include an Israeli, Or picked the best as best they SCRIMSHAW; Rouzer Mall and Industrial Park; the SCRIMSHAW; that respect. and Englishman, and a poet from could'? Typewrlter-Ribbons.for.Crystal; the SCRIMSHAW J ' Rouzer Mall and When I rea? a poem, I like to be central New Jersy, as well as The fact that you can't understand IndustrIal Park; the SCRIMSHAW; the First Floor Rouzer Independenf presented WIth a new way of W.M.C. students. them Hall Pong Association; or the SCRIMSHAW. looking at reality. I like to see fresh A second expansion is in the Doesn't mean they aren't good. Following such a long list of charities, we'd like to congratulate another images and style. To me, a poem is publication of supplementary- charItable rnstttunon on campus. Yes, Ms. Young of the Post Office has not a poem because it rhymes. It "Broadsides" - one poem or short I don't think you're certain been v.:0rklng at WMC for 25 years as of last week. We wish her a happy, mu~t do ~ore than t~at for ,,?e. It story featured and distributed whether and bright future and would like to thank her for her courteous and kind avoids cliche and sentimentality. It singly. You got poems for your pay, service in the past. presents a unique way of seeing Expansion seems to be the key to But patterned, rhyming lines And, as you may have noticed, in the case of Ms. Young's anniversary, things. this year's Contrast staff. In the together SCRIMSHAW has a bit of trouble in bringing you the most up-to-data I think the p~nel who chose the works are three regular issues, Aren't poetry per se. news ... l!_ut, we do try . Contrast material shared this taste several special, issues of poetry by As you can see, the pas' few weeks of this semester have been qetttnq to in literature. This taste is also individual poets (such as Modern verse is more prosaic us hera, at the paper. shared to some extent by most nationally known Leo Connellanj, Than it ever used to be. contemporary literary magazines. and a poetry postcard series. The Rhyming verse is now archaic, CODgTatulations I am sortry the author of last weeks number of students involved in And considered gimmickry. offended was Jetter by Contrast, with each is growing these projects but I have faith in its qualities, and Issue. Rhyming's nearly been forsaken I make no apology. Joe Gainer The benefits these changes bring By every current writing pro; The Editors and staff of Linda Augugliaro, Mike Cot- Contrast, editor to the college cannot be overstated. Poetic licenses were taken "Scrimshaw" would like to ex- tingham, Susan Cunningham, More issues per year make the Away many years ago. press congratulations to the Denise Giangola, Eddie Ginsberg, on going an twenty-three students elected to Lynn Glaeser, Carl Gold, Bob Dear sir; magazine students many concern, op- giving ~ Who's Who In American Colleges Heer, Nancy Hess, Chris Holmes, I'd like to start off by thanking portunitiestosubmitwritingandto Perhaps you's like a better balance Of student art and poetry; I and Universities. "Who's Who" is a of Will Holmes, Sally Keck, Craig you for the space you allotted in the be published, not just one chance a "They published Writer's House's organization composed national George Metz, Georgeanne Merkle, the Freshman some of the most outstanding Morekas, Jamie Mosberg, Jetf newspaperfor Board candidates. Class year. Allowing outside submissions to talents." Honor and writers readers and encourages collegians across the country. Palkovitz, Sally Stanfield, Linda Candidates have had a continual take a look: at what is happening You said, but they had only Students are selected for this honor Thomas, Sherry Wensel, Sue problem at WMC in making beyond the Hill. And, most im- three! annually from over 1,000 schools. Windsor and Dave Zinck. themselv~s know to the s~dent portant, the increased staff means Membership is based on above We extend sincere con. body. I discovered an even blgger more students getting more ex- Just three of them out of eleven, average academic credentials and gratulations to all of the problem when I, as SGA Elections perience in the mechanics of small (And four of them from out of substantial extra-curricular ef- recipients of this honor and Committee Chairperson, at· press publication. state), forts. especially to our editor-in-chief, tempted to remedy this situation. I The student body still had seven Published. Those students selected were: Jeff Robinson .. was appalled at the attendance at straight! Next time, get it the session in McDaniel Lounge 00000oo !*Editor-in-OUef* Staff Box Managing Editor when the candidates presented Dear Editor This is where I'll end this letter; Jeff Robinson. Meg Hoyle speeches about themselves. These We would 'like to respond to "A .1 hope we're both a bit more OnAbbati(:llII.v.thisweeic AetingEditor people were making an honest , Photography Editor News Editor SporUEditors , effort to enlighten the students, Review in in Rhyme" last which ap- of Wlse. ,. well, and I m no peared issue You don t wrIte the Scott Oahna Neney MeIMlf. Jim Tera.".ni and were totally ignored were by most Scrimshaw' The author seems to better, ap- students. There Special Assistants Typist5 JimWogsland IX"oximately 50 Freshmen at the have some' fallacious ideas con- So who are we to critic.ize? Chris Bohaslc. Denis~Gi.ngol' ArUEditor session, and three upperclassmen. cerning the publication of WMC's SlDcere~y, Tim Windsor Dawn Luftburrow TheoBr.ver The upperclassman in attendance literary magazine, Contrast. The J. Protcltt Rosalie Kaspers staff of the magazine is dedicated Dear E~~r~OCOOO Feature Editor Bill Spring Ad ManaRef other than the two Honor Board to the ideals of quality poetry. I sympathize with students who Phil LaP,dul, Charles Est. catJdidates was myself. Today, ~is means .po.etry with had to take· a test on Monday Food Review Editor Business Managef Entertainment Director I would also like to thank the three mam characteristics; fresh- morning after Homecoming. I Joe Brant Kathie Harbaugh Mark Kat: upperclassmen for their sphmdid 9 n.ess, concreteness, and con- have been at WMC twenty-four per cent turnout On a for elections. Staff clsene~s. ~oetry should say years and it never occurred before, more serious note, I would like to applaud the SGA Publicity Com- so,!!ethlOg m a. new way, use yet we have always given a major mittee for their work in trying to umq~e and cl~r Imagery, test at this particular time in the spur voter turnout, and also the succ.met. Q:uahty poetry semester. Obviously, it was the Freshmen Class for the highest sent~m~ntahty ~nd overbearmg scheduling of Homecoming which voter turnout for class elections, 42 strlt.stIc t~ch~lques. Art su~- caused the trouble this year. Our per cent, in well over two yean. mlssiO~s were Ju~ed on the baSIS tests are not "set in September." th~1r aest~etJc value we all have something Perhaps from the Freshmen. ~o of potenhal for bemg reproduc~. and They are set by the nature of the is matter; syllabus the subject Jearn Works in May for the following arranged were sUbf!iIUed and all ~ere. Judged. and H ' ftpp~JHol.-dft.,s Though~::::rn anony~ously board was made up of SIX academic year to yea!;'. varys very the T~e little from year ac~or~ng to these cntena. that you expressed editortal I believe of are three when you stated ..., .. ., ~:~~~~~~ ha;OI;:ru~ned1i\:rar~ persons, of the Writers' whom .House. problem correctly when you schedule that "no matter members - traditional chapbook format, The works of fourteen contnbutors a test, someone is going to be it has not returned Of these~ only three were a~cept~d. from the Scrimshaw fortunately provinCialism to are Writers House reSidents. unhappy .... " This year it was too its former bad, that is for sure. Ralph B. Price •• i ..
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