Page 68 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 68
The Season No One Likes (JS Furman Scott DeMaris voting which i:~On =a~;;i:~k:~~ is over (F~a:~~f s:~~r,a~r~~l1c~:~r~: w~~etic coaches didn't think and now •.. ~e~~~~b:~!~:~e:i~e ~~C~~;) h~~f~ ~r;;:~~i~a~IS~r e~~~dl~a1~la:tli~ decent. The teams won a few and Conference All-Star. Even our Ann Diyiney l~ta lotexceptforVolieyball, and volleyball team which won the . The season is over for Western still ~~w crowds, . division title and participated in Indi,;dual Association Maryland volleyball, but it's not a the e~cltement players contributed ~ost to the EAIAW (Eastern -Athletics for Intercollegiate of ~f the games, season folks around here will soon of which were either close or ues. wcmem didn't have anybody in forget. The spiking Terrors If anyone was at the the baske1b~lI the Mid-Atlantic Conference. 19-1 Hoopsters Triumph Iinished-cff and with two a championship game agai~st mtense Muhlen.~:g, and they d morepopularwithusthananybody were seasonal It seems the players that record, k.n?w the spine an- conferences titles. defeated didn't recognize Jeff Rosenberg _:York, the 1976-77 Penn They Mar Title- ticipaton .as the ga~e drew t? a else. Judges far outdid themselves. that our players feehng prevailed close. This same Western Maryland's basketball 73. The Terrors held an eight point holders to become the reigning .tn most of the fall games held at They won various titles and honors squad earned their first victory of lead throughout the evening but Penn Mar champs, and also the young 1977 season as they squandered it in the last three managed to hold onto their Middle ho~e as well as away. which our school hasn't had in a st~ effort defeated Bridgewater College by minutes of playas LVe pulled Atlantic Conference Tournament out J. one of the ~any players athletic, while. Our spirit and team the winter us through as should carry exceptionally the score of 77-57 on December 2, ahead by eight. Western Maryland Title by defeating such teams as balancing their record at 1-1. was able-to cut the margin to three Washington College, Gettysburg, no~dy seemed to. take much season and spring as well. The Terrors led from the very but it proved to be too little too late and Dickinson, ~~~f~ts~~c~:~~t~~ ~~I~:~;:iC~~ But who has more spirit than start but were unable to pull away as the clock ran out on the Terrors' They went on to play in a ten- us'?? from Bridgewater until early in the comeback hopes. The loss lowered state regional tournament in New second period. Utilizing an obvious the team's record to 1-2 dropping York. Though they were stopped at Intramural V-Ball height advantage, WMC them below the .500 ma~k for the the regionals, the Terrors stood dominated the boards throughout second time this season. their own, and showed larger Cindy Myles the half to help them float to an schools that they had a team to be The coed intramural 'volleyball was displayed at most games, easy victory. Defending division champs proud of. season began on November 14 with though at times tempers Flared. WMC reverted to their losing Franklin & Marshall will meet the Rich of the Gang, The The ways of the past, however, when Terror five tomorrow in Gill The Terrors will lose some fine seven teams. Oblios Fcrlines, ROTC season final two matches November Warfields, are on Sunday they faced Lebanon Valley in their Gymnasium. Tip off time is 8:00 athletes through graduation - Fran "A", ROTC "8", and Andy 12th, starting at 7:00 p.m., with first away contest of the year, P.M, falling to defea,t by the score of 76- _ g~~~~.u:u~~:;~~v~~ :e~~:;~~ Weber's team, competing in round ~~~l!~: t!1n:eat;o:r0:J ~~:~ talent to fall back on. Regular :!~!~~nT::d ~~es ~~:o~t~!possession of first place. The starters Ellen Scroggs (jr.), court at all times, The matches second game is a battle for third weaw ... ~:~~?B!~~~~:!sh~~~~'~e:u~~ were the best two out of three ~~~:.. ~t:::ldT~ ~a:;ry a~n~ along with the supporting varsity ~~~~~~~u~:~~ officiated by a teresting game since the teams are in their Team by all spirit was exhibited playing closely matched fill-ins: Patricia Koval (jr.), plDUa:em'''gWthheetheg'athmeeY,w,ohnO~~slos~f_a::b"ih",·t ",.==.,...,====:- y BRE.\KFAST WNCH DINNER ~~~~~ Maggie Mules (Iresh.), and • NEWS FLASH· Jeff Palkovitz's (S~~~~,rM~:;~~ise~~~~ (jr.), were con- (fresh.). Subs Pizza Mary Schiller {;~~o~:::ts the return E~~~~~ of .- reinturcement Sportsmanlike heard conduct name is not spelled Calkowitz. Sorry, Add that tinuously. to -T_he_E_
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