Page 72 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 72
Oh, That's WhoHe Is! trips, and about the long white the~ performed in the Temple of Up Close an "I never got rich, but I had a lot dresses the girls had to wear Religion, a special place for . of fun," says J\.lfred DeLong of his' during recitals. Dr. Holloway concerts. For eight years, from Places To Go And Be Bored On Campus at-year association with Western agreed, and the white gowns and 1951 to 1959, the Western Maryland Maryland College. The former chaperones were eliminated. t choir had the r~re privilege to John Blum . h be I placement library. There will be Symphony music instructor and choral "That," says Mr. DeLong, smiling, sing with the Baltimore Saturday 1--------------------- an information booth which will director, who currently serves as "was my contribution to the Orchestra at their Most of the individuals ~~~in:nOfct~:~C~!~I ~:~;, ~: ' ;~~~: s~l:rd.m~k:~~n~'::~~~: contain the college switchboard summer conference manager and liberalization of the school." Evening Popular concerts. ~~~~:::~a~~t~f ~: ~o~!e~heata.:~ to be arranged into a complex of The middle level of Decker and the central sound system. A part-time dining hall employee, is Student After his retirement from enormo~s complex is very quickly ~g~ate o~ices ~or the use of the College Center will be the general lounge with another perhaps the most active retired Current students who criticize teaching in 1969, Mr. DeLong ad_ding Itself to WMC's campus. t' an stu ent publications, equivalent of first floor Rouzer. It fireplace will also be here professor of Western Maryland Western Maryland as conservative remained at Western Maryland The word around the campus calls mee mg r rooms for any. will contain the Campus Store and The total bill for this truly College. might be interested to know how College filling two jobs. In the this complex the new Student ~h~~~I::g~~~~ti~~~ c:no~a:::~~ , ~e Post Offi~e. The'l~afete.~ ~~1l magnificent complex will come to Mr. DeLong graduated with the Mr. DeLong remembers his early 'summer, he manages summer approximately 2.5 million dollars. class of 1932 from Curtis Institute days, when mandatory chapel was I conferences. During this time, he ••f ~:n~~~t ~:~y W~I~W~~i~yn:~e:~~~ store things.. . : ca~ac~ty c~~~ :~n:~:c~es w~nd th: The actual building ran just under of Music in Philadelphia, Penn- the order ?f the day. Attendance I serves as- hotel manager to ~uch $2 million and the remaining will sylvania. Prior to attending the was taken In chapel, and men and I diverse groups as the reltaious plex will encompass a new student b:I.~O C;;~~~ed l:~~e: ~:u::;o:~ !~kee.~~,;;~~~ngr=~ ~;il~i;ilI t~ be used for landscaping and such conservatory and during his years women sat in different sides of the retreats, youth groups, business "'''"'"""_'",,,', ~:~~ ;tn:~:r~ g~O~~~eroer~~~~egre available to any student. The area the ability for small combos as well as The existing student center once 0 There will additionalgrilleseating. of the. Ro~zer entr.ance to and student related offices and wlll?e considered a mall also be a small sun porch off of the contained within Decker will be such. The purpose of this article is and will contain a Record and Card terrace room. Connected to the used as an academic building. offices By moving some of the college to try and enlighten the college Shop (to be run by the school other side of the grille will be a out of Elderdice it allows for some ~~~~i~i~o!OPl::at~ ~hoe~a~~~ ex- store), a cheese and. pastry shop pub. The pub will also contain a much needed admissions for offices. the expansion and registrar brick as fireplace. The , :i"l_:i :.. ~ \.".!'i": ~'Ll1 ~ composed center, and lower designed, an up- is ~~ve~~a~r:n~~f~!~~A~~~e:~~~ With E!derdice Hal\. This will be an June The completion year date remains Dean at t~i·(j,,,,~.:-:':·I the cafe.teria. will be the dining floors of three .The upper level will be connected this of and per, middle level. The room ~hlch Will expand the seating -''\''Ill, lower level will be connected with' capacity by one fourth. Extending in~ormalion-guest reception center Mowbray informs us that that is Englar Dining Hall and basement outward from there will be the primarily. The Activities Office where, barring anything drastic, it Iloor of Rouzer Hall. This is the game rooms and a large multi- the President's office, the Student will remain. The budget for the largest floor of the complex. The purpose room. The multi-purpose Affairs office and the career building is tight and losses cannot continue. t basement rooms in Rouzer, which room will have the capability for dividuals Apparently taken certain rather in- have a immature fancy to kicking in the plaster board outside of the Rouzer entrance to the cafeteria and by the basement Rouzer exit. Extra costs incurred for fixing these, Upper Level determined by additional and lost labor plus material ran into $1,000.00. With costs like these, continued destruction may require -Photc courtesy of the Publications office. the elimination of some of the frills Alfred Delong is amused by' WMC's only headless student. in our college center. at Curtis, he performed as a hall in assigned seats. Alumni Hall conferences, football and chorister and soloist for two served as a chapel. The dining hall cheerleading clinics. The groups Philadelphia opera companies; was located in the basement of stay at Western Maryland campus the Philadelphia Civic Opera Memorial Hall. Students ate their anywhere from a weekend to five Company, and the Philadelphia meals at tables of ten with a days. Mr. DeLong is responsible Grand Opera Company. After faculty member at each table for properly housing them during graduation, Mr. DeLong joined the Food was served family style; a their stay. Especially since Montreal Grand Opera as a bass- big platter of food was passed Western Maryland's summer baritone. During his opera career, around the table for everyone to school is relatively limited, he sang in such famous operas as take his or her share. Students had summer conferences .help the Faust, La Boheme: Hansel and to be careful norte sit at the wrong school by bringing revenue to the Gretel, and Thais. It would come end of the table, because the food dining hall an.d keeping the as a surprise to most Western had a tendency to run out too soon, school's facilities from falling into Maryland students who know Mr and some unfortunate would have disuse. DeLong as the friendly, good- to wait until seconds came around. When school is in session, Mr. , natured balding man in the Mr. DeLong directed three DeLong works part-time in the cafeteria to know that in his choral organizations: a 65-voice dining hall, where he checks the 10 younger days he sang the' part of choir and girls' and men's glee' cards of entering students. Mr. Mephistopheles in Faust. clubs. The school used its musical DeLong works during lunch and ,-- ". groops more in earlier days to dilUler, but "I won't work break- 1 refuse to In 1936, Mr. DeLong joined the advertise the college and try. to fast," he says, "because Mr. DeLong early." get up that faculty of Western Maryland bring it to the attention of likes working in the cafeteria College as a voice teacher and prospective students. The choir choral director. One of the first would tour high schools and because he likes "being with young tasks the new choral director took churches for this purpose. In ad- people and watching all the pretty upon hlmse~f was to clean out. the I dition, the choir would sing in the girls go by." He ~Iso is not more Victorian traditIOns school chapel services and .give neglecting his music. Mr. DeLong surrounding the choir. Mr. I, three or four concerts every year sings with the Carroll County DeLong ~rotested vehemently to Mr. DeLong accompanied the Choral Arts Society, a new local then preSident Dr. Holloway about choir to the first New York World's group which performs serious mancia~ory chaperoi1es on choir Fair in the spring of 1939, where music. Middle Level Alfred DeLong still enjoys his association Western WANT ADS Maryland fortunate with and to It. College, himself have Nancy Menefee "Working with students keeps you young, or ages you prematurely," Lost: Last semblence of pride, ~~~t~~~nr!~~~e~l~~tes and IVCF he observes. This being the case, ~~~e;.;;;r~s. ~r}~~n~~I~~t~nO~~ Wanted: One case of BARF·BYE .. I':'---.......--...!. of 'he college on'~K lausmet· erMoveslnto "XXX". Rug Cleaner. The Residence Staff, f1!~~~1~;~~~:ryh~!~~~~~5~~~ ~,,:' :------:---:~----""""'---- ., thep,"iden' Wanted: Girls. No experience R~!~~d: Heat in the English told him, he is probably good fo. necessary. A~ply Rouzer, ANW, 'Department. Will settle for two another hundred years. Publicity Office weekly paper'for the largest U. S. ~:a~e~ow~:~~~:oC~tta~:.~.ement, I cords of firewood. Melady P. Klausmeier has been Naval Base in Japan; serving as Overheard: Student A "Did you named Director of Publications assistant in public relations for the know they're planning a Student Art Exhibition Union'?" Student B "My God, we and Publicity at Western Maryland ~~~'I~~~~r~n~f o~~n:;~~e~:r:~~~~~ don't have room for another i~~:~~'u:,cc~~~engp;:st:~~s f~r at Catonsville Community College. building." Publicity Office Development. A 1967 graduate of Western Trivia For Today: Simon and An exhibition featuirng the textures, Dr. O'Neill Hammond Prior to' her appointment at Maryland College, Ms. Klausmeier ~~~,u~~. performed at WMC in works of Dr. O'Neill Hammond will have colorful interior studies Western Maryland, Ms. 'sits on the commission to review To The Bachelors: 'Why does opened at Western Maryland on display as well as a few highly Klausmeier spent three-and-a-half the Baltimore County Charter, and your beer marked "Schlitz" make College on Monday, Jan. 9, in detailed landscapes. years as director' of public is a member of the media task us burp with Georgia Accents'? Gallery One of the Fine Arts Dr. O'Neill Hammond is a relations for the College of Notre force, Maryland Commission for Wanted: Job during Jan Term. Building. member of the education depart- Dame in Baltimore. Her other job Women. She is vice president of .. Will supply own drop-add slips. Works included are drawings ment at the Maryland Institute, experiences include free-lance IABC-Baltimore and she holds Lower Level Contact Dean McCormick. and paintings in acrylic, colored College of Art. writing for the Port of Baltimore membership in the Council for Wanted: Job in the Religion pencil, and ink, and have all h(!en Continuing 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Bulletin, the Baltimore Sunday Advancement a,nd Support of Dept. and-or student publications. completed within the past two throogh Jan. 20, the exhibition is Sun, and the Girl Scouts of Central Ed~caHon, and the Baltimore ../ • • '.::~:.': :~.~.~'~~/_/ , 'yeal1;:, \YO!::k.i~~.w.!~J?3t.u;rn~ ~~d • tree .!lnq o~n ~o ~e pUbliC,: Mary_land; editing the Seahawk\ a. , P,ubli~.Rela!iO~S Co;~~il
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