Page 65 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 65
Fri. Oec. 9, 1977 1r(E C ORD.£ AEROSMITH: Draw the Line (and in my opinion the most KISS:'Alive Two. Once again, Lofgren has been around for some ~ixenbf~~~~r;::m~n~n':h~~d~~e~~f~: Take their advice; draw the line talented) ex-Beetle, Paul Mc· the four deviates from Club time now, first in the Washington- all it's better than spending six and refuse to accept anymore of Cartney has often been accused of Casablanca have come up with a ~rs:r~~~~~r ~~~tea~~k~~ l:ei~ bucks to get a no-sided album that this mindless garbage. Tim Windsor ~i~~:~~!~I"s~n!i~~:~f~e:~~g~f '~~~s~o~:~~:a~p~~i~'n:~s~~e~~ the world of top-forty radio, can't be listened to at all (as your that claim. Being ofthe "HI, Hi, very GOOD album. Kiss is one of remaining quite comfortable with faithful reviewer s~~~ed~~~~~ridge. Hi" and "SiJy" genre, "Girl's the most exciting live acts today ~~~~~:::O:ii~lgb;~::~!~ ~~~ Allman and Woman: Two the Hard ~~~ Way , ahead rock and i:~~~nltb!i~~f ~::r~:irs~~: would've guessed Frampton would ti:;r~~l~:~~:~~~;~e~/~~~ After taking this record to my room and playing it five times,. I , the last live album. This is because ~:;:rdl~~n ~~~ l~~~ hr~i!~~ bU~ two or-note this time around. First still can't make anything out of It. ~~~ ~~fr ~~!l:~~: ~~:a~~~:! first-rate album, deserving of any ~:::~:t ~~ ~~~~:g:'~;i~o~~;~~ To start off, I'm incredibly torn; on - one hand I want to like this album to form the bulk of this two record =~~~m~tnt hh:e ~h~e o~ss~~~ find packages of so-called "Best because Gregg Allman was once a set. High energy is the name of the one ~ my favorites, "Mud in your '0' ..." songs that are really the best member of the finest group to ever ~a;;~l~e;~~ m~7:~eodn70f~:k~~i Eye. Tim Windsor ~e~~o~~~n~:r. :;e!~:S~as~i~! come out of this country, on the other hand, I want to hate this disinterested vocals on "Shock in LYNYRD SKYNYRD Street package, this is not true. Olivia has two or three Side four is a departure, Me." good normally record because Gregg was once a that it is made up of studio Survivors. What can _I say: Just songs per album and then muddles member of the finest group to material, in keeping with Kiss' afte~ the release of this, then: best through an obnoxious collection of come out of this country-and now tradition of giving us just a little bit studio album, the band was ripped. filler. In this album, however. 'hL he's doing an album with CHE~ more than we want. The side is apart by the deaths of two rnem- best of her work has t-!-." put "Two the Hard w.ay" IS roll with typical throwaway lyrics. doomed from the beginning; bers_. Whether or n.ot the band together in a mellow, fairly en- definitely not the album of the It's definitely one of his worst Because of its placement, it's all co~tlDues recording seems joyable album. If you can get year, but then again, I doubt .if it singles, but then again- have you too easy for the listener to make unimportant now_; the band as we through the sugar sweet pop hits, was every meant to- be. It IS a tried listening to Ringo or George the inevitable comparison between now know It can no longer exist- there IS some ROod material here record made by two people, --lately? Be on the lookout for the the excellent live sides and this the creative force behind It has Steve Bainbridge originally brought together by love new album and tour around the end passable yet lukewarm side. Kiss been snuffed out. The band will (?), not music. There are many of January or beginntngof Feb. is certainly not the most talented Ichange, just" as the Allman: QUEEN: News of the World flaws but maybe I expect too Steve ,Bainbridge band in the world but those guys Brothers Band changed with the Well, someone has finally in- much' from Gregg; after all, It's easily the best album Cher has Blood Sweat and Tears: Brand know how to put on a show. death of its leader. What matters 'vented the world's first fool-proof _-made in quite some time. Who am I New Diy_Why do some groups Tim Windsor now is that this album, the last alarm clock. Put this little baby on to question the reasoning behind refuse to quit while they're ahead? artifact of a band already gone, is the platter and -spin the first cut, the match? All I can do is quote Blood Sweat and Tears was one of Washingtonians, be aware! One the finest work they ever produced. "We Will Rock You," turn it up regional what Gregg grunts at the begin- the great rock-jazz fusion groups of of the hottest in our fair bands to is Tim Windsor (early some morning, of course) originate city ning of "In For the Night"--"One, the late sixties. Yet they continue preparing to release a new album Dave Mason: Let It Flow. Many and wait for the angry mob to two, do it like you want to." It to grind along, sometimes with on MCA. The group is called moons after it's release I am gather at your door, just in time for appears they have. David Clayton-Thomas (whose Liberty, and the album is of the finally getting to Mason's newest the song to stop suddenly and Tim Windsor abortive solo career was stillborn), same title. The album contains two album. I have had a hard time change into the harmless "We are the Champions." sometimes without. There is Beatles covers-"Magical Mystery deciding what to say about this For the most part, once you get America: Live! For all the ex- nothing new or vital on this album, Tour," and "Lucy in The Sky With album. I could say that the first past the crap ("Sheer Heart At- citement generated by America on in fact on their early albums all of Diamonds." It also contains ten side is about as good as he's ever tack" and "All Dead, All Dead" to this album, a more accurate title this would have been filler. In original songs. The music is been, and that the second side is name two) this is a pretty decent might be: Dead! Beckley - and short, I am very disappointed with derived from such influences as about as bad as he's ever been. album, reinforced by one of the Bunnel (note the absence of Peek this album and I really think the the Beatles, the Who, and Led There I've said it,. and that about strongest two-sided singles in some (has anybody heard ..yhat hap-_, public will be too. Steve Bainbridge Zepplin. I recommend it highly as sums up what I wanted to say. "So time. Sure they try too hard at pened to him) come out, run' a debut album. The band, now High," "We Just Disagree," and times, but when they hit the mark, through the motions, get lots of based in Philadelphia, tells me that all the rest of side one is excellent- they hit it uead center. A nice applause and send this tage. Maynard Ferguson: New Vin- the release date is sometime after I liked every song. 'The second side worthwhile purchase if you find it is first Ferguson's This reviewer to sleep. The package is the new year. The advance copies is all filler except "Seasons" which on sale somewhere lor five bucks. really a greatest hits record in venture since Conquistador, and in indicate that it will be excellent. is nice in an inoffensive sort of Tim Windsor disguise, as they did practically my opinion it surpasses its It's not Boston, but it has the way. If you don't mind spending every major hit they have had. predecessor. There is the potential of becoming a solid Don't get me wrong, I don't hate obligatory pop hit, "Stars Wars." regional hit. Be on the lookout for this album- I'm just slightly dis- which starts off side one. Oh well, I it. Steve Bainbridge 1 appointed in it. The recording and can stand this version much better mixing were all done with taste than I can handle the Mego cut. and ability, Beckley and Bunnell The next cut is "Oasis" which are in good voice, the band is laid- is primarilly a showcase for I back and professional, and George Ferguson's horn and Mark Colby's Martin did a good production job. sax. Lastly he rolls into "Maria" So while 1 can't recommend this from West Side Story, doing a very album, I can't reject it either. fine job. Starting off side two is a America fans will love it, the rest great instrumental number by Jay of us will be indifferent Chattaway again featuring Colby , Steve Bainbridge and Ferguson. "Scheherazade" begins with a fine intro featuring As a Beat1e maniac in good Ferguson on trumpet and Steve standing a new Beatie reissue is Kahn on guitar. All through the like mannah from heaven. "Love album the band is superb, and Songs" is a superb album bringing Ferguson is in excellent form. Jay together some of the Beatles most Chattaway did his usual good job of ) Beautiful and melodic work. In composing, arranging, conducting, and producing. All in an. this is a \ ~~~t, o~uitt~t! B,:~:s~~:~e z: th~ very fine album that I recommend mention the new single by Wings. for anyone's collection. As the most consistently successful Steve Bainbridge PREPARE FOR: !!P"~ MCAT· DAT· LSAT• OMATB. ORE· OCAT• VAT· SAT 1MB I. II. IIHCfMO •FLEX·VOE For Inlormation PteaseCall: l~~' NURSING NAT'L BOARDS· BOARDS DENTAL & Hour. Fh~.ibl. nere IS.. djffe ..en~e!!! ••. .. EOUC~!~H:;E;~~:~~N . 244-3010 SPECIAlISTSSINC['9]B 4201 Connecticut Ave.,-N.W.. Washington, D.C. 20008 CenterlIn and lU2ano.Switzerland MJj.orusCltlesTOfonto,PuertnRico
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