Page 71 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 71
Friday, January 13, 1978 Scrimshaw Bells" Welcome· Sound Meg Hoyle As I sat in my room finishing up needed parts. One Baltimore man see the mechanical part of the bell the last of my first semester term was called in early fall, but never system, which is surprisingly papers last month, I heard returned with the promised parts. small. The works stand in a case Christmas carols coming from So the manufacturer in Penn- about six feet tall, in a closet on the outside my window. After listening sylvania recommended a New second floor of Big Baker, for a few minutes more, I Jersey man. He came in early discovered that the source of the November, and returned with the Inside the case is a clock music was the bells in Big Baker parts five days later. It took him surrounded by three inch brass Chapel. I soon noticed that they more than two weeks, but he did fix pins, one for every hour of the day. were ringing every hour, too. Not them, for approximately three On each pin, there are four rings, remembering having heard them hunch-ed dollars. The only problem one for each quarter hour. There is since last spring, 1 decided to find with them now is in how they are an extra ring on twelve noon, for out more. set. They ring the hour as well as the Alma Mater play the Alma Mater, which they Next to this is a set of switches, According to Mr. Preston aren't supposed to do which can be set so that the bells General John Sullivan appeared at the official ROTC Dining In, Decem- Yingling, Director of the Physical will ring on the hour only,' on the ber 6, and spoke on his experience in the Army. The event fs held on Plant, the major problem was not Curious as to how the bells hour and half hour, or as they are an annual basis. Gen. Sullivan is involved in the Publications Depart- in the bells themselves, but in worked, Mr. Yingling explained finding a repairman with the' the pr-ocess, as well as taking me to ~~t t~~;p~~~ c:v:~ ~~~~l~::;~na~~s~ Iment of the Pentagon. Sex Gives Hard Times motorturnedon,andthebellswill I'm-os Mod as Hell ring every few seconds until turned to A.dmissions Office off. The Battle Over the Andi Sahm - There are two other methods for . \ Colleges have many ways of Admissions and Standards St d t U· R II 0 sorting out grades and activities to Committee. This organization lead ~~~f:~ng~~e~~~~t~haesfi~t;o~:e~ U eo S n decide which student does or does by Dr. M. Brown is composed of heard,issimplytoflipaswitchon .0 •.,0 0 not get admitted. Though dealing both students and faculty. The the organ and play. The switch cuts with this situation requires many students, chosen by the S.G.A., are off the organ pipes and operates Sometime ago, I had this really Union and its relations with A.l the world, B.) the SGA, C.) the Ad- long hours and decisions, the voting members, given the same the bells when the organ is played crazy idea. You see it all started ministration and D.l .rationally biggest headache for the ad- status as faculty members. The carols were played by various when I visited WMC last year as thinking human beings came to the missions office is balancing the "In past years," states Mr. members of the Music Depart- one of the many "prospective" fore, I began to see what assholes ratio of male to female, so that it Bennett, "the ratio of male to ment. This switch was part of the students. -I was politely ushered the people here can be. On the one fits into the ratio of available female has been basically even." reason for the bells breaking. Most into Les Bennet's office where 1 hand 1 saw a group of pseudo- housing. Trends of the number of students WMC organists know about it, but had a long and interesting talk radicals mouthing off about how According to Les Bennett, the actually attending college after many people play it during the about why 1 should choose to come . they were going to change the Director of financial aid and Ad- acceptance have set the pace for summer and aren't aware of this here. I was already accepted so the world (not to mention destroy the missions, the factor taken into admissions in the 'following years. talk was fairly relaxed and honest SGA's credibility) (mysterious account first is dorm space. In the At times the scale tips in favor of The other method is very similar I left there with the distinct im- person's comment: What fall of each year it is decided how one of the sexes, leading to an to a player piano. In the bottom of pression that, mainly because of Credibllity'l: in one swell tocp.vro many students can be enrolled the overenrollment. Last year, for the case with the clock is a metal ....the intelligence and close com- say the least, the leaders of this Iollowing fall. The fact that women example, there were more women roller, and rolls can be obtained for munity of people. working together Union are arrogant, unrealistically tend to apply sooner than men and applying. It was decided that this the bells similar to those used on a for 'a better school that this was idealistic pinheads. But it was hard consequently fill up the female year more residence space would player piano, usually hymns THE place ror me. Even as the to get too angry at them. After all, just Maryland, dorms quickly, tends to alter the be opened for women, decreasing Western own any of these. however, year progressed deeper into fall, I why attack of a decent people idea who doesn't the was the typical bright-eyed because fresh- ratio. At this point, it is necessary thai of men. man, full of great hopes for his represent it? to decide whether to close down The admissions game is The bells and the tower clock get What did female admissions and pick up on definitely a hard one to play. Skill were both donated to the school by school life. Naive? Yeah, I guess it it mad, was the attitude me mad, really taken by the great while it was was, but men's or change the basic layout of and determination are required to the contractor of the building, in lasted students that the Student Union housing. get one headed towards the proper memory of a workman who died And then along came the Student movement was to be CRUSHED. Important decisions concerning end. Yet the most important after falling from the scaffolding Union Elaborate plans to publicly admissions, financial aid, and requirement for a successful game , while working on the chapel As matters with the Student discredit the S.U. were formulated probations are handled by the is patience. . and carried out and the general feeling around campus was one of Untenuring . total hate for the Union. It's hard to over people describe came what One person on my hall, a usually continued from page 1 Affairs Committee has been aware achievements in one's discipline as reappointment or non- agreeable human being, found whichever department the of the exceptions and in some cases wellas definite plans for future reappointment. The FAC considers Dave Cleveland distributing the professor will be teaching in, and even recommended them." scholarly or artistic wnrk" this and other information such as Student Union Bulletin and the Faculty Affairs Committee. The probationary period also seH-evaluations, student proceeded to voilently lambaste The first and second appointments gives the faculty member a chance A problem that has occurred evaluations, recommendations of him and everything he stood ~or are for one year each; the third to meet the appropriate criteria. with tenure is the interpretation of other faculty members, etc. Then ending up his crazed soliloquy With and fourth are for two years each. These criteria are outlined in the a "terminal degree." Dean Mc- it submits its recommendation to something to the tune of, "Well This six year period allows a WMC Faculty Handbook. Ac- Cormick stated, "current policy the Dean of Academic Affairs and your stupid organization sucks! It professor a chance to demonstrate cording to the Faculty Handbook: does say one must have a terminal the President. The President just sucks, that's am" All 1 could his knowledge and classroom "The granting of tenure will be degree. A termhal degree does not carries the Administration's think of was the reaction of the abilities. based upon the following necessarily mean a doctorate." He recommendations to the Board (If close-minded "establishment" in The WMC Faculty Handbook achievements: 1.1 Excellent pointed out that some areas of Trustees, where all final personnel the sixties to the best laid plans of says "In no circumstance will the teaching together with a potential study do not offer a PhD. The Fine decisions are made. the counter-culture. total probationary period extend for growth in teaching skill; 1.2 Arts, especially the applied arts, This evaluative process was The people in the Student Union beyond seven years." However, The completion of the terminal rarely offer a doctorate. discussed in detail in the previous have been doing their best all year cases have occurred where faculty+degree, except in cases where A terminal degree does not in- article in this series to bring about a change in a system members were given ap- unusual scholarly-artistic sure that the instructor posseslng it they feel is failing. What they ha~e pointments beyond the six year productivity and experiences are will be a good one. Dean Mc- The problem with tenure is the gotten in return for their troubles IS period without receiving tenure. evident. l.3 Objective evidence of Cormick recognized this when he lack of evaluation after a professor a lot of shit. Their ideas are far When asked who made these ex- scholarly-artistic activity. This said, "a terminal degree is a has received tenure. 76 per cent of from perfect, but you must agree ceptions, Dean McCormick objective evidence may include the minimum requirement. I would the faculty are tenured. Yet there that there is no vehicle for student replied, "The Administration completion of the dissertation, but want some kind of evidence that is no formal evaluative system to opinion. The SGA is fine for makes the exceptions. The Faculty it also should inclde other would indicate that the faculty use for tenured professors, passing resolutions and acting on issues, but there should be a direct members is involved in activity although Dean McCormick said, forum for initiating proposals, and SGAto Review that represents involvement in specific "there Informally, that all there the should ad- lodging complaints. The sooner we on-going individual is talk growth. be." very that an organization realize activities related to his or her ministration can do is urge faculty much like the present day Student Union is ideal for that purpose and Structure, Serimshaw ~:~~~n~~~~~:n;,r;~~~'fe~:t:~ ~:~~e~i~~~:~~~~/:o~~ that purpose only (no more of this the concept of a terminal degree support some formal system of overthrow the SGA crap, please), Mary Cole day periods.. required for tenure was not an evaluation, Dean McCormick the sooner the Student Government Freshmen election results ~ere ultimate measure of ability. He replied, "yes, we all need some will become a viable, workable IJah~~GJa~~dr~ts :ir;tt r;-e;.~.g f~ announced: preside~, ~~m~ said, "I feel that an instructor can objective evaluation of our per- representative body Baker 100. Cunningham; Vice resr J~" grow in much more measurable formance periodically." Bill Mad as Hell??? You bet. And I'm gonna be (as if anyone really A Structural Review committee '~~~~s~~~"k£;~~r~[::;~re~hYll~~ w'Wt,e~ha~n~~~ctor is being ~~~~is,~~~~ne: f::m~~ar"a:t~~~ cared) until the people get up off ~~~u:r:::an~~t~~~eYongO~~~; Menschner; Histor-ian, Joan considered for tenure; the head of and continuing evaluative process their cans, stop grumbling and small college campuses. The ~~'ill~~o~~e H~~~:-a;:~~ the the departm~nt first makes a for tenured professors as well as playing petty games, and do findings of this survey will be used Allotment was given SCRIM- 'recomm~ndab~n to the Dean of anyone else." He commented, "1 something positive to help solve It'll be a pleasant to compare the effectiveness of SHAW fora professional review so, Aca~mlc Affa~rs and the Faculty think we are derelict in that." this rivalry. change and welcome Western Maryland's government once and for all, everyone will be Affairs Commlt~ee (F AC) -. The On a campus the size of Western with comparably sized schools. An able to be certain of the merit of department chairman considers Maryland, priority can and should anyone By the way, before exchange program, to be set up by the school paper. such . factors as . student be given to teaching above cuses me as such-I am not now and ac- the Structural Review committee, The next meeting, open as usual evaluations. peer evaluations, and everything else. The tenure policy have never been a member of the will enable students to visit schools to all students, is to be held his own ju-agm'ents. ~e then assures a teacher the freedom and Student Union. As for the Iutere ... in the nearby area for ot;le.or two January 23, a p.m., in Baker 100. makes a n:~commendatiOn for. security to meet this priority . ••~ .
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