Page 69 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 69
Finding the Perfect Match Lee Maxwell , Attention, campers! The TRITE Report has come to WMC! The TRITE Report and Match Service is a questionaire used as the first step in a computer-match system that is the special Jan-term project of two WMC math-science majors, Chris Queen and Charlie Wheatley. They have come up with a simple, painless, non-obligatory way to 'meet people that are compatible to you. The questionaire is designed to allow, people to describe them- selves in some detail and to describe in general terms what their potential match should be like.vThe questionaire is split up into four parts: the first is used for identification and sorting; the second helps to narrow down the "field" by eliminating all those you do not wanl to meet (all short, emaciated, alcoholic Preachers who smoke five packs a day); the third will not eliminate anyone --photo by Daile Meyer :~~ !~~~~b~I~:/~u;,~u ::l:e~: "Second Spring" Leaps into Action r.~::i~:~::::'~~:~':~U~:': third, except it rates compatibility Anita Crouse _ in terms of beliefs -and values. A program designed to- offer personnel heard of other colleges Avey, head of the College Ac- through the regular semesters Those people who survive section students exposure to a number of across the country with similar tivities Office, feels that this year's because of confusion, that is, most two will be rated on a 0-10 scale on subjects, both academic and non- programs under different titles. response overall has been people associated it with Jan term. how compatible they are to one academic, is in full swing during The committee chose the title fabulous. She is excited and said Those responsible for coot- another, as judged by their this January term. This is the ard "Second Spring" for our program she is "pleased with the number of dination "Second Spring" are responses to sections three and annual "Second Spring" program and the title has remained ever students who signed up for them Cheryl Jane Walter, Debbie Tun, four. at WMC. since. (Second Spring Courses)". She Sherry Winsel, Linda Clagett, and The deadline for getting these in "Second Spring" (Spring This Jan Term 26 courses were also feels that not only is the Joan Avey, This committee has is Monday, January 16, so there is standing for Special Programs offered for the program. So far 24 response greater, but the com- worked since the end of November still some time left to do so. "In Rigged to your Interest that have of those courses have had enough' mitment is also higher, therefore putting together this program, fact," says Charlie Wheatley, one Nothing to do with Grades) was response to be in operation. The more people will be more likely to If you are interested in a course of the project's coworkers, "we're instituted at Western Maryland remaining two were not carried out stick with the course they choose. and have not as yet signed up, Ms. not getting half as much back as after som~ of the college activities because of Jack of interest. Joan During the year, the Activities Avey said that it is not too late. All we expected to. We'd like to see a Uni 0n Emb ro il e din ~~~i~~t~~~::~~~~.a~o~~~~ ~~~ ;:c~~~~~~:~ ~;rc~~~t~~g~~~~ ~~;~~:r1:U~~W~~geSti~~~::et~; aid, and others. Ho~ever, Second and places, and If they have an grade on the prcjectj butit beneftta g Pri vii e ge Controve rs y Spring has ,never been carried out ope:in for you ~~~:~~e~~~n~;\~=;e:e~~cit\::' It Is POSSible to Jeff Robinson flyer-s and allowed the con- In (J t :;:1~s~~~~~ae~~!st::~~,;ft~ Unbeknownst to a majority of the tinuation of {heir distribution. n enure a Prof.But the easier it is for us. We have to student body on campus, a con- taking them, M~bray had o~y have them either through the troversy erupted last weekend, want.ed t~ Iacilitate a rapid •• College Activities Office or the ~~~~e~e~~ng~:~o~fth;t~~~~~rl~: m:~:~tr;~th the I~S~~~nt gro:~ N;~:Yr~I:r:i~ge is the th,-,d -,n, by the Association of American ~~~Ja;~,have in the cafeteria by f . d t ti f th requtr ements for bel g Colle~es. a-nd the A,? Any and all questionaires that S~~~e:t" u~~~~e~~e a~:~~~ cen~ recognized student organi%~ion a~ ~:~~~~gOf ~ive h~~rt arf~i~les con d ASSOC13tlOn . of. .Um~erslty are returned to them will have te ed a ound the distrib roof the WMC They must be accepted by e iring, rrmg an Professors. T~,IS principle msur~s their answers typed uE. into punch- o:gani~atiOn's "St~d~n\ nUnion both the administration and the evaluation of faculty at Western a teacher full freedom III cards; those cards will then all Bulletin," although it actually Student Government Association Maryland College. research and in the publication of be fed into the computer. The dates back several months over a based upon the presentation of: I.) results" and :'freedom in the computer will then sort all the more far-reaching concept, ~ ~tatement of purpose, 2.) A "Even if I give him a terrible ~Iassroom in discussing his sub- cards and then selectively match questioning what constitutes an listing of Officers, and 3.) An evaluation, it won't do any good ject." up those cards that are compatible officially-recognized organization .agreement to abide by the rules Nothing's going to happen, he's got In .order to achieve this to each other. It will then print out on campus. governing the college '. Mowbray tenure." These were the words of academic freedom and economic on computer printout paper the According to local sources and felt. that by fulfilhng these- one student who filled out the SITE s~urity, a professor starts upon first name, student LD. number (to the Dean, C. Wray Mowbray, the reqUIrements, the Student Union forms. They point out some of the what is known as "the tenure be used strictly for sorting and Student Union had placed the "should be recognised. When more common misconceptions and track", a series of appointments. identification), and the campus "Bulletin" at the desks at both asked a:bout any unrecognised problems about tenure. These appointments are made by address of ea~h peFSon a~sweri~g ends of the cafeteria, Upon en- groups on campus other than the Contrary to popular belief, it is the Board of Trustees upon the questionalre, along With a hst tering the cafeteria, Mowbray Student Union, Mowbray replied, possible for a tenured professor to _nomination by the President after of approximately .5 to 7 person's proceeded to remove one of the "There_ are no others to my be fired. WMC has what is known full consultation with the Dean of first names, their campus ad- piles and stored them in a back knowledge." as an indeterminate tenure. This Academic Affairs, the head of dresses, and a compatibility room of thecafeteria. At that point,J Dave Cleveland, a prominent means that if a professor's per- continued on page 3 continued on page 2 ~o~O!~~~~~nr~~~~~~~~~:,~: Z~~:~~nhyth~eS~~~~tn~~i~i~n ~~d~~~l~~~~~sa~~~~~:ntio~~:;~~~ The Dean lets Us Know from the Union asked what hap-, not ask for recognition from the him unfit. If he was found unfit, he About the '95 Char~e pened the flyers, she was to SGA. He responded, "It would be could be fired. This has never, as This letter was sent to the During pre-registration 1. ~!~~i:!:mtoseetheDeanabout ~nr~~Yfs~~~t~~~~O!~~.r~~~~~ far as anyone could remember, president of the SGA, informing students may register for 4 major Mowbray later explained, in- a .to compete with them." This happened at WMC. Dr. Isabel the student body that the $95- courses i.n the fall ~nd five major SCRIMSHAW interview, the competition stemmed from the Royer, of the Biology Department, overload-charge concept has been courses In the sprmg subject to reason behind the action. His fact that "the Student Union is summed it up, saying, "We don't dropped. It was felt that the best current aca1emic regulations. objective was to inform trying to provide the ideal form of tenure them until we're sure of way to convey this message, in 2. Durillg .final registration representatives of the Union that student government for the them." print, was to publish the text of the (drop-add _period) students with they were not a recognized campus." _ What is tenure':' It is a policy that letter straight from the pen of the the required .. academic average organization, according to ad- Dean Mowbray pointed out that stems from two principles, Hean. may add additional hours in those ministrative regulations, and were some semblence of order must be academic freedom and economic • • • • • • • • • • courses where there are openings, not actually granted the same kept so that student groups may security. It was originally Dear Mr. Fulton: Paul, I would like to express my privileges, This m-eant that if any coexist at WMC. The easiest way to established to protect the in- A decision has been made not to appreciation to the SGA and its students complained about specific do this in the past has been through dividual faculty member. In the overload committee which took the overload charge implement the actions of the Student 'Union, recognitionbytheSGA. Repointed words of one professor, "It proposed in the Spring of 1m. The time and effort to look into all Mowbray would be obligated to oot that he would be willing to try protects faculty members from policies followed during the last aspects of the o_yerload charge, clamp down on administrative rule another system of recognition, for being judged by things other than two registration periods appear to make serious recommendations enforcement. example recognitipn by the ad· what he or she has been hired for." be accomplishing the same goal -- and thus contribute to a workable The Dean of Student Affairs, - ministration, rather than by the WMC has adopted a principle of reduction in the academic loads solution to a complex prob!em. however, after passJng on this SGA. But this would deprive academic freedom based on the students are undertaking each Sincerely, information to the Student Union students of their voice in group "Statement of Academic Freedom semester, particularly the fall Calvin W. Mowbray> Jr. reps, returned the confiscated recognition. and Tenure" which was drawn up semester. These policies include: Dean of Student Affairs
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