Page 70 - Scrimshaw1977-78
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SCRIMSHAW Letters to the Editor Level Heads Prevailed Is It in the Dictionary?' . Th~ word is ,out. According to the administration, we will not be sub- iected to the tells and pains of shelling out $95 for every overloaded credit room for improvement. Once you have this definition that we take. The students have scored a vlctorv. Editor; I have. no idea who my clearly in mind, please look at the After all of the hullaballoo last spring over the Imposition of the $95. It seems the Scrimshaw has done representative is. I met him the SCRIMSHAW,thesC)-calledcollege overfoee-cherqe. most students, including us at SCRIMSHAW, were it again. In the past three months first night I was here, when newspaper of Western Maryland afraid that the day of the 15th and 18th credit would soon be a thing of the members of your staff have come elections took place. I have not College. past. But, 10and behold,another solution svrtaced-but only ,after much tome and asked if I would type this since seen the guy. I was under the ~ Ev_idently, this college does not diplomacy and research between sludent and administrative article or that review for the paper. impression that he would be provide enough ~ews for a full 8- representatives had taken place over the past nine months. Even though I am not affiliated available and responsible to the page spread. Articles such a.s the Last May It seemed to be a pretty foregone conclusion that $95 was the with the staff, I did the work, students he represents, but I have last ~~sues' "Drunken Rambh,~gs" answer. But students appeared to dlsagree--Including the staff of thls figuring that this small favor was yet to see or hear anything in my and letter to My Roommate, . not paper. What we advocated, was what actually hflPpened; a thorough and nothing compared to the highest dorm about the S_G.A. I have no to mention articles in previous forthright effort to find an alternative solution, honor of all - getting my name idea what it is up 10. issues,. just prove my ~int. We applaud the work of Chuck Barbour and the SGA committee printed in that wonderful I also understand that there is a The Job of ~ re?Orter, IS.tO report designed to look into the matter. They recommended, knowledgeably, to news sheet the Scrimshaw. S.G.A. publications committee. If the news objectively 'I'his means retain the course load limit imposed at the beginning of this veer-It cut However, in return, I saw' gross so, what does it publish? I have to keep personal opmion out of all down significantly on the number of instructors needed and on the misspellings of my name. also been told, correctly or arti,cles. I have yet t~ .see any number of courses dropped in a semester. be~::.ednt~ed~:yo~~~a~~~efO~o~~ erroneously, that the committee article that accomplished the We are also appreciative of the efforts and open-mrndednass of Dean McCormick, Hugh Dawkins, inItially we were unsure of printers, a frantic knock sounded f~;:~S~r~f ?,~re~!~soon::~n ~~o~~~ a~~ethe way, just becau~e Je.ff how they stood on any alternative idea. But, as evidenced by the final on my door. There stood a member committee." I would think if this Robinson is the editor-in-chier, hts decision, their hearts and minds were obviously in the right place. of your ~taff, humbly asking if I is true, that the reps would feel name does not have to appear on And, finally, we would like to express admIration for you, the students. had !he hm.e to type a few articles. more of a committment then they every page. I have not met J.eff With an ired and collectIve voice, you proved that the outcry of one f~~~~s~~:~~~~I!iIb~~I t:~:!~ unified populace will always squelch the undesirable plans of the ruling ~.~~t:;g !!~d: ~~m~~~k ~:;~ i~, dOl have but one favor to ask of the minority. diligently .completed the task, S.G.A. members. Tell me what's by the articles in the SCRIM- asking only in return that my nam'e going on with you guys. I don't SHAW. . Repeal Gravity would (PLEASE). it isn't spelled that expect or even once a week but a paper: for the be I have a few suggestions my rep in my room once a correctly. day Honestly, difficult a last name to spell. Well, littl~noteor two wouldn't hurt, and 1.) Report all campus news, We at SCRIMSHAW would like to call for the SGA to take firm decisive I have ~o congratulate you; y?U a visit once a month or even every which includes JV sports! action. We believe that the law of gravity should be repealed! Let's face messed It up again. Just what ~lls two weeks would be great. 2.) POSSibly, report national or it, we've been living wIth thIs Law of Gravity since the days of Newton your staff? _(Even as I sign this I I have trouble keeping informed. international news. (and who elected hIm anyways?). know you Will. butcher the spelling Is it all my fault, or could the 3.) If you find a need for-funnies, Countless dollars of our tax money have been spent on this outdated, for a fourth ttme.j S.G.A. be doing a little more to help which evidently you de, put in a archaic ruling. We would like to point out examples where the U.S. DAWN A. LUFBURROW me keep informed? Thanks guys "funnies" page-not 8 pages of governmentcouid save billions of dollars, If we dId away with the law of and gals. funnies. gravity, we wouldn't need to have all those fancy rockets that take up so Union's Place much of the space program's money. Cars would need half the amount of Sincerely, In conclusion, my criticisms are gas, which would reduce our dependence on that nasty black substance, Dear Sir, Oscar T. Smedley not to degrade the paper, but to try foreign oil. I am not an activist in the • ' to improve it Sincerely, Our Inefficient government has Ignored the Voice of Truth you read proposed Student Union. I am ............ here. Our attempts to get Congressional support on this Issue have been content with the present Student Paper Problems Tim Hackerman met with derisive hoots. Therefore, we at SCRIMSHAW must ask the SGA Government Association, and am To the Editor, to take a stand. This is the chance that the SGA has been waiting for. They content to have it continue as is If possible, please explain the Editor's note-c'I'he comments of can repeal or cut in half a law that has always had a major Impact on our But I also feel that there is always purpose of a College newspaper. this letter were like many that I society. . was given verbally following the We implore our leaders to look carefully at thIs pressing problem; here I~st issue of the Fall Semester, Is our chance to prove that what goes up does not come down; and we site dated December 9J971. Obviously, the tuition as a concrete example. . the entire issue was not well taken. for First of all, may I apologize Nice to Have You going "on sabbatical" had some out- lor one week during the year-a side business that had to be taken A hardy welcome Is in order for the new Dkector of Counseling and care of. I therefore entrusted the career services, Lynn Shuppell. Ms. Shuppell hails from Baltimore, just care and feeding of SCRIMSIIAW down the road, and comes to Western Maryland by way of ArchbIshop into the hands of my subordinate Keough High School, a parochIal schoof In Charm City. assistant editors. In their defense, We would also like to extend a warm greeting to Melady Klausmeier, they thought that they had a logical new Director of Publications for the coliege. Although we may sometimes reason for some of the activities in kid t~e office as a group of "propaganda writers," we do II only In jest, that issue. To quote one, "Thestafr and do realize their hue contribution to the school. We hope Ms thought that it should be allowed 1.2 Klausmeler will both enjoy her position and benefit the college while page to torment its editor after a doing so. long semester." Ilence my name To Melady and Lynn, welcome aboard was plastered across every page in the paper. But again, my Perfect Match apologies. to other comments, ' (In response all newspapers battle the never- continued from page 1 ending onslaught of opinion rating which gives the computer's term; watch. for an announcement Gravaplantara, When he's alive. creeping into factual articles. But estimation of how that other person in WMC Today. Once you have the Dave Cleveiand communion with nature?" in a good majority of its articles, is compatible to you. All of this results, you are in no way obligated To raise the spiritual con- A: (A wind comes up and SCRIMSHAW feels that it has information will remain con- to contact anyone you learn of sciousness of the student body at Gravaplantara leans. with it) attempted to keep up with true fidential and will be released only through this project. However, WMC, the Scrimshaw will illumine Q: "Is remaining always in the journalistic standards of ob- to you according to the prOject founders, its pages with an exclusive in- same place an important part of jectivity (for example The results will be released it's only as good as what you make terview with the guru your path? Would a person seeking "PEEPER," "Hiring and Firing," sometime near the end of Jan- it. Gravaplantara. Gravaplantara you wisdom be able to move and "Minority" articles). has remained immobile in the yoga about?" position under an elm tree near A: (Gravaplantara remains As to the humorous aspects of the Editor-in-Chief Staff Box Managing Editor Biddlesbroke, Vermont for 43 immobile) paper, SCRIMSHAW attempts to Jeff Robinson Meg Hoyle years. In all that time', Q: "I see. Do you know of any strike a balance among the various Granaplantara's only recorded . other members of your sect of yoga interestit of the students at WMC. Photography Editor News Editor Sports EditolS activities have beeri the growth of a who might be more con- This includes: news, sports, Nancy Menefee opinion, and, yes, humor. We even Scott Dahne Jim Teramani root from each foot and the yearly versational?" ran a polltast year which looked at A: Special Assllitants Typists JimWogsland growth of elm leaves all over his nothing) (Gravaplantara says the campus's outlook at these body since 1938. Chris Bohaska Denise Giangola Arts Editor Q: "Gravaplantara, you have Q: "Are there any other mem- various types of ~riting. We have J;mWindsor Oawnluftburtow TheoBraver tried to adhere to the recom- ROSillieKaspers remained here long enough to have bers of your sect?" mendations of that poll. But never Feature Editor Bill Spring Ad Mana,lrer worked out a philosophy of life. -A: (Gravaplantara remains have we considered the idea of PhillaPadula Charles Estes Could you explain that silent) writing an 8-page "funnies issue" Business Managet philosophy?" Q: "You must be kind of lonely Food Review Editor Entertainment Director at the expense of campus in- .IoeB'ant Kilthie Harbaugh Mark K~2 A: (Gravaplantara does then. Will you impart any more of formation. Staff' nothing) your wisdom to us?" We thank you, Mr. Hackerman, Ma.k C. Bayer Yon Makino Q: "Is inactivity then the full A: (Gravaplantara does for your concern over the Mike D'Andrea David Zinck 1IiIr;a",.Ch",'eland extent of what a person must do to nothing) SCRIMSHAW's effectiveness, and Phyllis Menschner Jeff Smith Scott DeMar;s Cindy Myles achieve a higher state of con- This interview with we may try to apply some of your AnitaCrOIG8 DilVeLanlilley Jo;InHughes Bill Weeks sciousness? What else must· a Gravaplantara may be the last suggestions in the near future. But SallySubbins Mary Cole Sergio Zolrbin LiSllDavis person do?" with any practitioner of his yoga I, personally, felt that some words .lily Hol1Zm&n M;r.9IIieCo$telia Jerry Prophet A: (Gravaplantara remains technique. Local health authorities of defense were in order to KimShewbrid{lll .Jeff Rosenberg Nancy Anulone Photographers silent) fear Gravaplantara has come explain our situation to the normal Hal Schmulowitz Dawn Bennett AndiSahm SteYII Beatle-Gear· Vernon Crawford ( _ Q: "Your path then sounds easy down with dutch elm disease and' reader of our pUblication which we 8iUSpring AnnOivin'ey -;l-edzep-McCilrtney Dilv. Myer to follow. But must a person who Gravaplantara may be-cut down to realize should be constantly attempts it have a feeling of ,pr~tect other elm trees i~ the a~1> striv~ng to improve its service to the citmpus~
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