Page 145 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 145
Scrimshaw Hopes For Next Year Life, llnique-Action, eauty and Freshnes see a copy given every up- drop date. But we are going to have Mall continued from page 1 perclassman, not just the Iresh- to find out more before we take men. 1 know it would take a lot of action. I think we should set up a Mark Musical these issues will be made by the hard work, but I would be willing to Weekend faculty. We have sent the faculty a prepare whatever is necessary to committee to investigate and act letter about the merit scholar- infonn the students. on them, the way the senate wants. ships. That is about the only thing "I like the drop date the way it is. "I think the SGA has improved Dave langley doubt .. '. . placed '78 we can do now. If there are only two exams and a considerably in the last year and I Everyone can be metamorphosed: countless Iimitatlons on tne cast. "A radio station is fine. If there final in a class, a student doing hope we can continue the im- That is the secret of life. yet the cast, in these close and were enough people who wanted it, poorly on the first exam should provement. We have much better And that secret is revealed. mad~uate ~uarters, manages to if there were enough people "who have a chance to work and try to organization and more support -John Guare offer {he audience a lively and Vital really wanted it and were willing to bring that grade up for the second now than in past years." There it is, the "secret" of life. performance that. speaks of many put their time into it, if they came one. It is penalizing students to Recording Secretary Well, maybe not the entire secret. hours of praprce .. T.his per- to me I would give them as much move that drop date back. It will Julia Logan It is the secret which lies behind ~~:~~~f:~c~r;~~~h~~ ~~!t:~~~ help as I can. I don't know how encourage people to drop rather "I have ideas. I have opinions. the i?rama Department's on the stage is happening for the much it would cost. If it were than stick it out. - But my position mainly requires production of John Guare, Mel very first time. anything over $500 the SGA would "I think the students are very competence in the handling of Shapiro, and Galt McDermot's One of the most impressive be unable to support it without much opposed to changing the drop musical:' adaptation of William aspects of the production is, isn't cutting something else out on date. If need be, the students funds. Treasurer Vice-President. like I ShakeSpeare's Two Gentlemen of although the cast, especially the President or campus." should get very violent about it. think Tim so far is doing a pretty Verona. The secret can not be chorus. is often crowded toaetber. broadened and even further, Vice-President Harrass the Dean. Harrass the good job. only can one say that everyone can it sttn succeeds in radiating very Rick Roecker professors. Write letters to the "We will have to deal with the be "metamorphosed," or changed, different individual charac- faculty and to the Scrimshaw. effects of the new Student Center. but also everything can be teristics. The very fact that the "I would like the SGA to pick up They are trying to takeaway one of It is going to cause a big change in changed. members of the chorus are not a and take further the respon- the unique aspects of the college. the social life on the campus. I The text of the play itself bunch of bodies working as one siveness to student views, student "I know people whose financial hope that the SGA can take on the represents a change, or moder- machine is most astouding. This needs, and student concerns that . aid has been cut by little or large nization, of Shakespeare's script not only establishes the certain was begun this year. 1 would like to amounts in their junior or senior role of shaping the Student Center That the Department's production realistic individuality that is alive see more than the open part of the years when they are trapped here so it is of most benefit to 'all the is a musical, and is much larger in each of the chorus line mem- students. meeting prior. to business. I would and can't transfer to another than any since the doors of Alumni bers, but also compliments the like to invite the leaders of campus school.. We need a review of the "If we have a capable and en: outstanding performances given by the two male leads, Rick Powell organizations to sit in on executive entire financial aid process. We thusiastic group working on the ~~l~ :;;=r~~~~~a~~e ~~~~~~~~i~~~ and Don Harris, and the low council meetings. They brtng up really have no idea of the ob- radio station, 1 am all for it. But of the plays that have been female leads, Suzette Scheffler and n:t~n.y of the ~ontroversl~1 ac- jectivity of the system. these people have to be dedicated. presented this year Kthy Cahdnler. bv~ttes. I wou.ld hke to see Tim and l "I am very much opposed to the It won't work if they are doing it on Tn spite oi the disadvantages the This is not to say that the players I Sit down With these ~ple and idea of no-need scholarships. It a whim. About the drop date, I ~~~t., ~~i~~y,n~~~r~~~e d~~c~~~: do not form an ensemble, for talk over what they are doing. picks out one ability and em- think a compromise would be good. certainly they do. The ensemble "I would like to wo~k out ex- phasizes it beyond all others. It 1 don't think it would be Christian WIttwer, and the they are part of is one that has change programs wlt.h oth~r says that athletics, wr-iting, unreasonable to move it up a week Choreographer, Bobby Smith, been marked by many hours of schools to see how th.elr ~GA s speaking, art, and other talents or two. must endure, the production is hard work. This is evidenced by work. I would also ~lbly hk~ to aren't deserving. If they feel they "No need scholarships are extra remarkable. The mere fact that the beauty, laughter, and ex- hold a senate meeting during aren't attracting these top scholarship money. As long as no Baker 100 is being used for this citement that eminates from them assembly period and invite the students, perhaps they ought to money is taken out of the regular immense production has without a to the audience. moments before? PPL deserves plaining?) they were greatly aided faculty to come and s.e~.what g~s look at the academic program and scholarship program, I'm all for it. some credit, but most has: to go to by their sound engineer who on. There are facilities which course offerings instead "I have worked a lot with the each and every person who got off dese~ves an award for getting would allow .students to sit i.n on "I like to see more chances for students here and 1 think I know continued from page 7 of his or her butt and made some relatively good sound inside the faculty meetings too. There IS no growth, freedom of expression, what students' concerns are. I little too late. noise, salvaging the entire night. famous WMC Gill Echo Chamber. need for the two groups to be and exposure to new ideas through hope we can react well to whatever The team finished with an Prairie League played many of So, was it a good show? Judging segarate. . . courses like human sexuality, students' problems come up. I overall recordof9 and2and 7 and 1 their Camous songs including "Two by the crowd reaction, everyone I would like to see a radio human sensitivity and the ritual of hope I can be receptive to whoever in MAC play with the only losses of Lane Highway," "I'll Change Your loved. it--even some of the between- station her~ definite~y. We .c?~ld death. I'd like to ~ people made comes here to request money. the year coming to Loyola by a Flat. Tire, Merle," "Dance," sets songs were cheered. A few generate interest ~n activities aware of death so there isn't as Correspondi~g Secretary ~o~eo:i!!.lt~~~t':~::t ~~t~s~; "Lucille Crawfield" and an ex- people complained about the five through commentanes~ and ~e much apprehension. I see where cellent version of Buddy Holly's dollar ticket' charge (remember Bev Miles This is the best record that a WMC "That'll Be the Day." In addition Melba and the three buck show?) ~~~~~~r:s~er~~p~~~~; m!~::nl,~ ~~t~~!da~~V~i~~~{y ~fg::;~~~r~~ "I feel that the drop date is fine lacrosse team has ever had and I to their reasonably tight playing but in the end, I doubt there's at,t,lletlcs . have an American Studies where it is. Some courses only believe that the entire team (Michael Connor, on keyboards, feels cheated. 1 know I 1 would like the SGA to follow department but no course on black have a mid-term and a final, and coaching staff deserve hearty was ."loppy--but who's com- don't--."d l."~rt""to. c1ose!y the develop.m_ent and writers. Th~re are many ways to you don't know how you are doing congratulations, with special ~i~~;~nt~~ U;-G~::u~~lait~:e~~' expand and revise our academic until just about the drop date. We thanks for a great year going to can send the faculty a letter stating Coach Bill Thomas. In a year that :!~~;;~Ie O:~iC~he s~~~~:ntsmat~: program. Treasurer our objections. If we had time, we Coach Thomas said would be a could send out petitions and building year, the Terrors. were meaning of the change in' the Beth Dunn organize meetings and perhaps we very impressive and surpnsed a board. I pen;onally would like to "I really want to get people could get someone to speak about great many peo.ple _in the Still More interested in what's going on and our view to the faculty meeting. Baltimore ares. Skip SeIdel was not just not jus~ come and hope to "We exist Elections get the meeting over. 1 want to get body. We (the to serve the student the leading scorer for the year and officers) when the final stats are compiled, hope we involved in what's students really The Catholic Campus Ministry going on. To do this we need an all- can be responsive to the students' seniors Kurt Glaeser, Skip Seidel wmch Council will be holding elections out campaign with posters to get stand on the issues faculty may the may even lead the MAC in scoring. Wayne Goalie has a good Birely administration or for the offices of President, Vice- freshmen into the SGA. A lot of bring up. Wehavealotofplans... chance of making the All-MAC PreSident, Secretary, and peopl~ come with high school SGA Treasurer, this Saturday during experience, but don't really know "I'm in favor of the -no-need team for the third time in his three Mass. All members of the Catholic how to.l!et into it. scholarship. I do not like the idea of years at WMC. Many of the other community are urged to attend "One of the things I will be doing it coming out of the working fund of . players have a very good shot at Mass this week in order to vote. is getting the constitution in order; the college, but I can't find making the team also, but the Guest speaker Trudy Ryan will with all the amendments we have a~:thi~g else wrong with it.. .~:~I::~~II~~d~ti~~b:~S!~M~g~ speak on Mother's Day. If yOll passed this year the present one is Social e~ents ~r.e.a major part seniors Kurt Galeser, Skip Seidel, cannot attend, see Beth Lengyel or 'out of date. I would also like to try of the SGA s actIVIties. They are and Jamie Mosberg have been Debbie Lazarz (Whiteford lIt) for for a lot more talent shows and hard to plan for next year because nomihated for the North-South an absentee ballot. Installation of 'coffeehouses and things like that, thenewStudent~enterwillchange allstar team. These players o£ficers will take place at the but that's mainly gOing to be up to the whole SOCial structure on deserve special recognition for Mass-picnic at Harveystone May the Soci~1 Committee chairperson. campus. The SGA should expound lleading the team to the MAC 20 "I am against no-need ~~=~r.e:.fthe lecture--concert Championship _for the first time scholarships and the change in the What Do You REALLY Do With Itt , you can fell asleep Prairie Until the band got (the song most were What isa Clamato? definition of a Clamato, whatever A panel of famous judges will ploy. Contestants may enter as yelling for) boring self-indulgence Where is it found? Does it 'Grow? it is("" select the winners, according to many times as they wish and no was the watchword-even the band Who invented it? Do you eat it, Mr. Ray Anrig, president of the Mr. Anrig, who said the com- proof of purchase is necessary. looked as if they'd rather be drink it, pickle it? Where do you' Duffy-Mott Company, announces petition will start on May 1, and All entries should be sent to: engaged in a far more :exciting buy it, in a hardware store, a that $1,000 will be rewarded to the will end on November 3, 1978. What is a Clamato Contest activity-like maybe danling their supermarket, an apothecary shop? college student creating the best 17th Floor socks. Yet, at the opening chords of Is it sexy? description of the hybrid. Five The answer to "What is a 1212 Avenue of the Americas ."Arnie" the crowd woke up and This unusual research challenge hundred additional clams (hint, Clamato?", can be submitted in NewYork,NY 10036 was on its feet stomping, clapping, has been hurled at America's hint) will go to a runner-up and the form of an article, short story, Be sure to provide Singing and yes, even square- college students by a company $250 will be awarded to the person fable, a painting, cartoon, jingle, your name and address as well as dancing. From that point on, has an absolute interest in finding whose response is chosen third photograph or sculpture, or any the name - of your college the most intriguing and humorous best. other means a student may em· university with your entry. ~~isw~~sa::i~:~:er~:-e~~ Pure Prairie League performed several of their big hit songs Monday better than Sominex JUSt night, at ,the May Concert. Photos by Dave Meyer_
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