Page 143 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 143
Friday. May 12.1978 Scrimshaw Page 3 -Personal Viewpoint ( l!o:,§,,:,:f\ rro!{~o~!ew?~,!2~'!!2~,~~!if~Speaking We are the most powerful slaves and servants. Is it freedom support the Cambodian people. We U country in the world today. We are we want to support, or repression? can help them to throw off their , p also the world's greatest champion Repression seems to satisfy us in burden of oppression. The people of freedom. But freedom, South Korea, Nicaragua, and the of Uganda cry out for relief. We democracy; and human rights are Philippines. can _do more than snicker at Idi suffering great trials around the It is not communism, but it is Amin. We are allowing Morocco to world. We cannot in good faith police states, repression, one party use our weapons to conquer the remain inactive. As the richest and rule, totalitarianism which is the former colony of Spanish Sahara. . most powerful coantry in the enemy of freedom. Russia is our The richest bauxite mines in the WOrld, we have a unique op- enemy because of Russia's world are a tempting target, and Personal Viewpoint po~~i~n afford to abandon ~~~~'t Ru:~~a~~Si~;,amsano~ ~~;o;::::~~~~:~~~;~:~~~1r in the Bt' RD' bi selfishness and the expansion of Russia's military might. These fr~om and independence un 1Sturi n9 ~~O~~e~f:~ n~~~~' c:~ceC~~ ~~~~eem/~~!:ten n~~ f:~~~~~ ~~~~~~o ~o~:r;::;:;o ~~d ~:1I~~:e e 5 becoming vassals to either Russia the world. Russia is the greatest Morocco more arms. Have we by Debbie Wooden of us knew about the run. or ourselves, but the alternative of enemy of freedom, but all forgotten our own war of in- Monday morning, around 2:00 Naturally, every red-blooded real freedom and independence to repressive, militaristic, and ex- depe~dence? a.m., residents of McDaniel were American girl would give just the countries of the world. We can pansionist states are enemies, too. Is It arrogant for us to make "honored" by the presence of the about anything to see the Bete afford not to trade aid for bases, In combating Russia, we must not these decisions of nati~~1 right or Gamma Beta Chi fraternity. The Nude Run. So the Betes proceeded not to back dictators to. stop the arm the Shah of Iran with the tools wrong? Yes, Q_fcourse It IS. But the Betes 'stood outside the dorm to inform us at the top of their Russians, not to reprf<''' 1..<><><1"... to .reDresS his eeoele. If we send same arrogance was needed at singing their fraternity songs. lungs. I think they were having a to maintain allies. the relatienshlp b_~tween~ the they should N~remberg, and at every other They have such nice deep voices shouting match. My, how they love We can cease all these things and be to revolutionaries who seek trial. No other country can be the which carried well through the competition! not lose, but rather gain. We their freedom. protector of the weak and the outside walls of the building to the When that still didn't draw learned in Vietnam of what little We have become defenders of punisher of the wicked. We can, inside of the resident's rooms. enough attention, they tried to get use a dictator was to us, and we the status quo. We should not just but only so long as we do it right. What a pleasure to be serenaded into the dorm to give us personal learn in the UN how much those watch Cambodia suffer. The most We have the power. We can by so many young men in the early invitations to come and watch like tail-feathers dictatorships are costing us around hateful government in the world is make the world a better place. hours of the morning. They even them strut their showing off. to wear special pea c ocks re took the trouble Kameny on Sexua I P fere nee s ~~~~~~y :~rts. the occasion-their !,;es~~fs~IY~:~~ret Be:~:ot ~r::~~~ r- continued from page 1 . Christianity, Jesus and the Bible The Betes were so considerate mysterious knocks on their doors. homosexual preference. This create better liv e s for from love into hatred. She is an that they even called the dorm Fortunately, McDaniel has statistic cuts across all the societal homosexuals as homosexuals. Dr. apostle of hatred." He also pointed beforehand, not once, but twice, to learned through some bad ex- lines of religion, race, culture, and K~meny felt there were two major out that she is in clear violation of make sure that none of us would periences to try to keep the main employment. To translate this into points that heterosexuals should the 9th Commandment, dealing miss the fabulous Bete Nude Run. doors locked after 11:00 p.m. more tangible figures, that would accept: homosex~ls as people are with bearing false witness against Unfortunately, since the residents What would happen if some mean about 125 people in a place fully on a par With .heterosexu~ls of McDaniel had not been informed independents tried the same thing? the size of this campus have as people and are m no way In- thy neighbors. of this until a few minutes prior. to Or how about sorority members? homosexual preferences. !erior to them, and. hom~exuality Dr. Kameny concluded his talk the run, many of us had already WMC works on a double ~ or Dr. Kameny believes that IS . no w.ay tnrertor to by reiterating his point that gone to bed. How inconsiderate of perhaps triple-standard. Must we society puts down minorities by heterosexuality. " homosexuality is a preference, and us! I guess we just can't take the go on being crudely awakened in pinning labels on them. We Dr. Kameny ~ta~~, For us as that society does no have to accept night life like the Betes. the wee hours and continue to let illustrated this by showing the homosexuals ~I~ IS Just as much one alternative and reject and hate Since there weren't too many the Betes have all the fun-or will different connotations derived ~ur~ou_ntryaslt~yo~s-Iputmy all others in anything, including spectators, they figured that not all something be done? from two terms that esaentfally hf~ In Jeopardy fighting a war for sexuality. mean homosexuality: sexual this co~ntry and It IS ml~e. And we I Was a Victim of the Brunch's Terror variety and sexual deviance. For are g~mg to have what IS ou_rs a.nd years the label society used to tag take It. eve~ othe~ .ml~,orlty Nancy Menefee that studying while hungry is the form of a dear friend who onhomosexualswas"sick."Butin has ... by going m~ pohtiC;S' Dr. I am a brunch-victim. Those of impossible. I was reduced to sit- decided to run us to McDonalds. 1971 the American Psychiatric Kameny descr.lbed his un- you who spent the past weekend on ting with groups of fellow brunch- There we met similar victims, Association declared that successful campaign for Congress. campus know and instantly victims watching the clock creep who, like us, were attempting to homosexuals were not sick, and Though he lost, he felt that he identify the term. A brunch-victim toward 3;30. regain sanity with large doses of removed that taunt from society. accomplished three prime pur- can be recognized by the drool on Three-thirty came, finally, and BigMacs. Gay activists have long been poses: he had an impact on the his-her shirt. by a hunched-over we demolished large quantities of We were told, however, that even concerned with the law. political structure, he raised the manner of walking (caused by food in record time. By 4:00 p.m., I if we had led an early-to-bed early- Homosexuality, considered a state conciousness of the citizenry, and frequent hunger pains) and a limp was contentedly patting a bulging to-rise, upright existence, all of being, can never be unlawful. helped to awaken his own com- (caused by standing in exceedingly stomach, thinking my troubles would not have gone well for us. Particular sexual acts, however, munity to their political power. long lines). They are dangerous, were over. Ha. 't-here was a variety of brunch- are against the law. What many He compared the people who and will devour most edible sub- At about 7:30 I recognized a victims that suffered from battle people do not know is that these oppose homosexual rights as stances; in extreme cases they familiar rumble. "Thunder," I told fatigue. They had struggled into laws apply to heterosexual "direct lineal descendents of the have ever. been known to eat lima myself and went back to studying. the cafteria by lO;30 or 11;00, only married couples as well. For heresy hunters of the middle beans. Their cult hero is Mikey, By8:001 was forced to admit that I to find themselves into the car- example, anyone engaging in oral ages." The chief opposition comes who eats anything. was hungry. I walked around Ieteria by huge line that extended sex in Maryland can be sentenced from Anita ~rya.nt. Dr. Kameny Perhaps mine is a deserved fate. campus visiting various friends, back to the water tower. There was to 10 years in prison, in D.C., 10 commented Am~ Bryant wants In order for me to become a hoping that they would offer me fearthatmanywoulddieofoldage years, and in Michigan, the to send gays to p~son for twenty brunch-victim, I had to make a food.Isawbandsofsimilarbrunch before reaching the cafeteria. It maximum penalty for oral sex is years, and this IS only half a conscious decision to be a sinner victims also making the rounds. \ was hard to identifiy students, by life in prison. hairsbreadth away from the I decided not to get up for church. I People with food turned out their the time they reached the tUrnstile Other areas where the law is electric chair and the stake," I would wrap myself in sin and lights and crouched behind locked they often had full beards, or hair inadequate is the area of em- ter~ her, to turn he.r ?wn language sheets and slothfully spend Sunday doors, pretenc:ling they weren't down to their knees, and no longer pl'oyment. Despite anti- against her, a religIOUS pervert. morning sleeping. (Next time home. The crunch of their Wheat resembled ID pictures. discrimination laws She has perverted the message of you're trapped in a brunch line, Thins gave them away. By 9;00 There was one instance of but- discrimination still occurs. Dr: _ practice saying that 10times fast.) p.m. famine had descended upon ting in line reported. The offenders Kameny pointed out, "Any thing In my fallen state, I awoke to the campus. We were con- were taken out to Hoffa field, can devise, Fly For· Less. that human ingenuity discover the consequences of my templating a diet of roasted editor WMC's monument to labor human ingenuity can evade." He actlons I_was hungry and I had when God decided fo forgive us leaders, and shot. The bodies, at felt that the laws needed two Andi Sham mIssed br,lnch The Situation, at sinners. Deliverance appeared in thiswriting,arestill miSSing. :~ee~alan~hi~gSgOv:::~:m~~ How would roo like to fly for g~t_"'~~o~~~S;:r,~~;~!~~:ae~~Researeh inSoeiolo9g w~r~~e~:~;e~:~e active-in ~~;:':.r:~~~~=:,ou~;~=n ,,:~it 'til 3:30. I'm not that Mmi Griffin' _ i~ usually~ but.not always, done Pilo1s Passengers Association._ gry. Each semester the Sociology With questIOnnaire surveys. Once ~~~i~~i:: 7o~s ~~Ie::/r~: ~~ PPA was organized to inform b By h2:~ r-mrl~as reduce;:. to a Department offers a course in the the questionnaire, or other test grounds of homosexuality. Resaid, pilots of people needing to go ~~e ~f r~~ whon~~e ;~t I~:. Methods of Social Research. This intr~ment, has been tested for "I took,that as a declaration of war ~:C~~:;dw~~ ~~:~;ec:,il~~ sinners a1d brunch-victims, b~ co~rs~ is taug~t!i D~. R~fal~ T~it ~~~I~~d ~:al~;~e:~d ~~~~e;=p~e:i~ =:t.~efO~gh~~o~~~~rs~~~h matter what the reason for flying, ~ddiCts as w~ll, can fully un- :~iOl~Sy :-n~~l~ It ~s d~ig~~I~~ in relation to previous research on makes it the longest war ever most pilots are interested in h:S~d t"~:!l~l~oI ;::.::~t O~y teach students' how to conduct the s~bject. _ . . fought by this country." On July economizing by filling every seat. noon-t~e ~a-Cola fix. g !h~~:~:O~~e::a~~:;~Ct~~~i~~?;e of ar;~i:::~P~~~~.~hc~~~~:~J~~~ !rd's:;n~e~ gO~:c~=~~~,i~U~ :~~~ngsf~:ri;~~~av:i~~~ saav~ ~~~~~:~ ~~~~ c~:S~:e::~~ In the process of choosing a The relationship between the changing the Civil Service policies ;:~n:::y, ~~ ~~~ ~~ a~~;: of Blanche. But there ~as Stil~,the ~~~~'o:~~u~~~e~~ ~~~ ~:~~~s ai~ ~~:~nt ~!~!:~~an~~he ~:~~~~:~ E~:~1!~~::!~a!~~~~i~ :~ca~ov;s ~~::e~O::::~ci~ ;~~[~~~~}~~J:~~~;~~~f~~~O:l~~~ng A~t:;~~cSi~~ea~~~ :~~~~~~;~:lotc~~e;:e:~n: n~t~~~ honorable discharges) show that airlines are unable to land. recommend anv r:r them_ An at- questions he-she wishes to answer campus, and, Variables affectmg the gay movement has occasioned If you are interested in saving tempt at softball I.?roved futile and reading available literature, G. 'i:-r ~. Be ~u~e to ~atch n~xt some change. ~:e{~~o!po~ ~~c~a~U: mistaking the. softball for a ~~::~~~~tn~~~ C~~I:C~~!h~h~! ~e::~~~~e °of ~h~~.m~~:;:r~~ a~~r~h;:a~~~e~r=~g is f : location'> around campus. meat~lI, I ate It. Everyone knows. . projects.
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