Page 142 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 142
SCRIMSHAW LeHers to the Editor Shouldn't We Write Wright's Sentiments Slashed Slashed Our Own Poems Dear Editor: is in response to J. physically and did verbally. receive? If my few feeble words offended What This letter punishment they then You may be interested to note that the next issue of CONTRAST will Wrig_hts' opinion on "women" at None. One night, earlier this you and drove you to action, acts of all the more should overt contain approxlmatelv one-third of Its utererv works from writers of WMC as was written in "A semester, several girls were degradation compel you to act. It's other.than-WMC origin. These submlssl~s have !;jenerally come from Woman's Guide to WMC." It ep- walked in upon by some unknown your dignity; your integrity. You persons whose works are considered to be of good quality, but who have pears that Mr. Wright doesn't males who said abusive things and have the ability to put a stop to the 11HleornoaHachmenttotheWesternMarylandColiegecommunlty. know enough "women" at this threatened welfare and property. childish antics of the few who SCRIMSHAW would lIke to stand strongly opposed to this policy un- school to even state an opinion, The girls in question called consistently rob you of your pride, dertaken by our feliow campus publication and its editors. We have much less have it typed in a campus security and were in- dignity, and beauty. I know you several reservations as to the premises upon which It is based and to Its pamphlet. To even have used the formed that nothing couJd be done can, you proved it with me. desirability. We also questIon whether the literary magazine is keepIng word "slut" in his statements until the Pinkerton men called Shalom, within Its full responslb1ilty of publlshlng a campus periodIcal when It regarding women illustrates his their main office. I for one feel J. Wright allows submissions from outside sources to be found within its pages. mentality on the subject. In powerless in the face of abuse Tell Us About It FOI""definitional purposes we can state that a college publication (or response to his questions raised at around here. Other than removing organization, for that matter) should: 1.) Provide a service tothe campus women: I would hardly agree that myself from its presense, what Please from which It originates, and 2.) Allow an oppor-tunlty for the students on many females scream "more, else would you like me to do? Dear Editor, that campus to gain experience In the full actrvtnes In whIch the more" when men scream "we You said you'd only call us I'd like to thank all who were organization is Involved. This two-fold approach Is what we try to use at want sex" outside of our donns. "sluts" if pushed too far. Well I've responsible for putting out the SCRIMSHAW, evidenced on our weekly eetttcne-tne learning-by.dolng Mr. Wright is speaking as if this is been pushed too far-I'm sick and booklet "A Woman's Guide to approach. an every night occurence with 300 tired of people like you mouthing W.M.C." (a product of the W.M.C. Others on campus have tried the same-the SGA, Circle K, Hinge, the naked horny females hanging out off on something you know Feminist Alliance). I was quite sports teams, the Yearbook, and a large group of other organizations their windows inviting sex. As a precious little about. Open your glad to see, in print, what a few - trying to serve different functions for the campus using essentially matter of fact, I don't ever recall eyes Jim. You're seeing only what students' views of life on campus college personnel. . hearing those words in the evening you want to, see, and I refuse to be are. "- The present editors of CONTRAST tell us that they are trying to coming from our dorms. Mr. so demeaningly downgraded and There are a few comments, produce a good magazine, an act for which we applaud them. They are Wright doesn't even live close condemned, especially by one as however, that I'd like to make also trying to strike a balance In the materials that they accept In order to enough to us "women" to say such narrow-minded as you. Angrily- concerning the Statements printed serve the two functions mentioned above. But we cannot condone ec- a remark. ~ Robin Seiland in the booklet. First, I didn't think too many that of the Statements ~~~~~:ta:~~~~~':h:~; i~u:~~:~I~~.;::~a~~n~c~~~n~so~~~;~e:u::~~r;;: aslaC~~~~~~:r ~~~S:~~'=Y'~~~~Just Kidding" were really about the women on which are being backtogged in their place. ItwouJd be much the same as ~~~~:n:~':~~~~t!~~:f~:I Really Love You campus. were It seemed like a lot of - about written ex- things ~~: ~~~e~~~~ t~ea~~r~:~~e:~~'~~~;~:~ ~~ ~~:~a~~i~:r~e ~:.~ g;, those "women" protesting his D~;:~~~~gf :r~~:ruckus over cept for woman on this campus. I like the SGA making room to place President Jimmy Carter In the top accusations that will not "sit my statement in the "Women's was also dissapointed to see so spot at the expense of the college's potentIal student leaders. These are =~i~~~~~"~he~~nsaf~~ Guide to WMC" has begun to settle many Statements unsigned. (I counted 7 out of 17 unsigned). I'm e~;~~~~~~g::~~~~;!V~;:,t:l~u~~!nfh~:~~q~t~~:d~er~~~ences his low opinion of us females are ~;~~af~~~~~:.ope!), I'd like to not trying to fault anyone, because I know it can be embarrastng provide the students with a realistic representanen.ct trying to get ~:%m~~~~s::!.y~ ~:~:rtyuspe ~~ Right off, let me acknowledge themselves published in the world. However, we feel that the tradeoff that what I wrote was totally sometimes to sign your name to that exists In thIs situation is too high; that the loss of Incentive to submit ~~:~h:~o~i~f~:t ar:::sc~;~~~n: inexcusable. I knew that before I something you've written, (and as I said above, I'm glad for what :!~e~:"a~d~~s=~~~n~f::::~~;~eCs~nslstentIY higher rates of re~ectiOn) Mr. Wright or should I say Mr. ~;:::d!'n~: ;l~~~~ro~:~aj~~i:~ you've written). But I feel that what was said would've sounded From the students that we have talked with there seems to be a sub- Wrong. of the women at Western stantlal majority who hold the same bellefs as we do. A few have been Lynn Knouse Maryland. What I did intend for stronger had the Statements (all) turned down when they tried to heve.metertels publ1shed in the lit erary What Can We Do? was precisely what happened: I been signed. Lastly, I am curious as to how and why the Statements encwceee-tne vast majority, however, had not.. They were, rather, . sturred up a hornets nest of that were printed, were of those 17 normal students who seemed more interested in buying the magazine In Dear Mr. Wright - wrath. I've been cussed out several order to find what types of talent lay around them in their friends and I just got finished reading your times over the last week and have people, (l.e., were they the only aqualntances on campus. . opinion of women in the "Woman's been the object of scorn by many. people asked; were their So why shouldn't the editors of CONTRAST be allowed to set the policy Guide to WMC," and I do feel sorry Good! I deserved it, and I'm glad Statements picked from a larger thaf the.y see fit for what types of materIals they print? There are two for you! With an opinion of that to report that I have been ef- group of Statements; how does one reasons. First, CONTRAST Is a student publlcation and therefore should caliber of WMC women, your fectively ostracized by this go about submitting their our be responsive to the wishes and needs ofthe student body. opinion of women in general can community. Statements .... ). Whether A second, more persuasive argument Is the fact that the SGA, .only be as bad, and in that case, My second point is this: those Alliance) think you my (the points Feminist were representing the students, has allofted $1000 In order to print the you've just alienated yourself from women who felt disgust and acted perjcdtcet next year. That is a considerable amount, although It's only 'h oftheworld's population. on it did exactly as I hoped they worth reading, or not, I hope you approximately 77 cents per student, and a large number of-students I will agree in part with your would. You see, I've proven that continue to print booklets like "A if for Woman's Guide to W.M.C.", should benefit from the allocation. But this will only happen if they are feeling that the women on campus WMC women, if they really want nothing else than to (somewhat) interested and willing to buy coples wben they are produced. Ofher wise, a condone the childish activities of to, can put strong pressure on targe proportion of the expenses wlIJ have gone for nought. the males. But only 'in pert-. people to conform to some degree help poor souls like me. The way that we see It, in agreement with a good number of students perhaps that is a small minority of of decency. If you were stirred up Thank you, that we have spoken with, the most popular and most productive literary women on this campus that en- by my few words in some booklet MarkKa1z magazine will contain a large percentage of student-based material, If courage abuse, but I am of the firm and were able to deal harshly with Safety Finally not consIsting of It entirely. This does not mean that we recommend opinion that the majority of us do me because of it, how much more boycotting the present Issue coming out next week-Instead, we would not like the obscenity and abuses. would you be able - through in- hope that people will buy it so they can appreciate a "goo4literary An "easy lay" and an "airhead;' formal channels - to put a stop to magazine." But we hope that the students will get their message I huh? I know a good percentage of actions by others that degrade ministration for the new locks on of and basement the front in preferancesacross. the women on this campus, and I your dignity, such as those I ~hi~~~~or~~FO~!:!!~t =~ doors Full Servi ee , • ~:~\~~ervea~y :s~rel~nO~ f~~ ~~=~l~pr~vo~~;o~~~~~~~ ~ .","O,_h.u.,a, n d Proteetlon .airhead. It irks the living hell out of awaken in you some sense of plagued with late night drunken Although destroying property. to objectfy you. Nun, F ...., u ~es~~Yaou:aon~~r~v~nf~~;~:ea: control over those who truly seek rovers making noise and it 'Women's Clinic has been in exams are done on Thursday or n"'" r, and neither is anyone I Yes, I played a little game with took long enough to have' them existance at Thompson Infirmary Friday from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. by khow personally. I have heard the your minds. I drew you out into the installed, the locks are certainly since 1973, to provide information the nurse. She checks the blood br~ggmg of some of the men on open to display your Power. And effective. (Now, if only the other and gynecological care for un- pressure, temperature, urinalysis, thiS campus and can personally _you played along beautifuJly! dorms could be as safe .. .") dergraduatestudents. along with a check for .anemia and refute about 50% of the stories Hopefully you'll have learned Sincerely, Dr. Baker, who is in charge of a blood test for syphilis. To com- t~ey.'ve told. I'm surprised in you enough about yourselves to benefit Beth Lengyel Women's Clinic, is a General plete the check up on Friday the Jim. I ~ought you preferred fact in the future. Sabrina RaccugJia ~~~tioner and a graduate of ~t~~~O:daa~:cfo~X;:~~~:: to~~rst:; the singing and Men's Lox Says Thanks The fee for a ~omplete check up He also answers any questions vuJgaritY--f!ver noticed how many DearWMC, is $10. The same examination by a concerning birth control methods, women are resP,Onding, and what On behalf of the entire men's thoughi Western Maryland spirit gynecologist, providing you couJd birth control pills, measures for a they're doing? Usually it's water lacrosse team, I would like to was strong enough to totally back get an appointment, would' be diaphragm or will insert an IUD. and eggs. Perhaps that is en- thank the Western Maryland one couse. But the lacrosse fans approximately $25. fhe student is given a prescription couragement, but have you noticed College community for the fine proved me wrong this spring. I Women's Clinic is held each to purchase the diaphragm at a how many more women responded support you gave us throughout the Sincerely hope it carries over to Friday from 3-4 y.m., by ap- drug store. The IUD is inserted by - to the Preacher Sweetheart season. We are very proud-of our other seasons and other WMC pointment only. Preliminary thedoctor,atcost,for$12. ~:::~;; and how well that was season record and MAC cham- teams. Looking back now at last pionship, and we feel we owe much Saturday, I am sorry we could not I have been walked in on in the of our success to our loyal fans. bring victory for such deserving Staff Box bathroom by a male, assaulted by The support you gave us at both fans. But one thing I will never Editor in Chief Jeff Robinson Managing Editor Meg Hoyle a drunk male.after he crashed my home and away games was forget came in the fourth quarter overwhelming, and often made the when the cause did seem lost. The Editors Ad Man~~~:~:~e~t. ~:~ ~~:~e;~a~r; ~:~~~ :~~ News Edit.or Nan<;yMenefee Business Manager Kathy Harbaugh threatened by a gang of males in diff~rence in the outcome. Falling_ team came back on the field after a fine team as F&M lO- time out, and the roar of our fans behind sucha S with only 12 minutes left in the was far greater than anything the ~~::grEa~~~r E~~:r Te;::~n~ahne Chris B~ Na~~:~';on ~~~:Il~:e~nv~~wno~e ofmU:: -i~ contest, reql!ires nothing snort of Gettysburg "Parents Day crowd" Feature Editor Phil L~Pildula ,Oave Cleveland Ann Hackrmm question. I have protested to the a miracle to pull out a victory. couJd have mustered. Umew then Lee Maxwell Join Hu!tles head resident and to campus Features Editors Bill Spring Photogra8hte~a Raccuglia security, and nothing was done. Somehow we did pull it out, and a that win or lose, we had the Entertainment Dir. Mark Katz Hal Schmalowitz Vernon t;rawford Some more examples-several frat great deal of the credit goes to the greatest fans a team couJd have. WMC,fans who never gave up. Thank you, ,--_M_"_i< ....Ed_itO_'_Ti_m....W....i"....d.....~ _j"""'~l
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