Page 141 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 141
-- Photo by Hal Schmalowitz Da~,f...ficers Give Hopes and Visions Dave Meyer President Tim Shank New officers have taken their positions in the SGA now. The Looking Forward to a Fruitful Year Scrimshaw has taken- this op- portunity to interview these of- ficers on their plans and hopes for With almost all activities taking "I am hoping to' try to bring the worth the costs. I'm going to check the SGA next year, and on their "My general goal is student place in there, students will be able SGA into a position of respect on up on the organizations we give views on current issues. Students unity on campus. This can be done to see what other organizations are campus. A lot of people laugh at money to. We have to justify what may thus be introduced to these through the new Student Center. doing. The SGA can take a role in the SGA. They do not realize the we spend our money on. officers, and gain a deeper un- All the students are going to have encouraging this and organizing power the SGA has, or how it can "I am concerned about the merit with But see things I can't L.d_'''_ta_n_d_in.:_g_of_th_'_SG_A_,__ ---' to go in there a couple times a day. the events. • h influence them. new honor system, scholarships. in it. It will be taking any like this brand purpose Kameny Spea k For Gay people don't know anything about money from students and giving it S them. it or how it will affect It is to others who don't need it. I can't , out R19 ts with thing' like that, things that the don't really stand out, that I hope soc taking funds money giving of it on general and Nancy Menefee relationships with other men. He raises the quesion "which is the tOi,~pr.~~~theS~A;si~aged :~~~t;Jf~~~~t~ee any merit to be i m:=;o~:::i~~~~~~t~~~f ~~;e ra : ~:ttt:~~i: ~~u n%~ ~~~:~:~~ :~f~,iS,,~~v:~~: m!nri:: as ~ibl: ~Ouid:;S :.~~ "I would like to see students able one of the A homosexual might ~hdroPdcours~When~eYl~imnow. and the stereotype of a I Human Rights, spoke and Wednesday not relate, as a "man-hater" is, in his neither is either. of heterosexual it is po~slble have and as r~ponslv~ arises as changed'l rop st~en~l s ou n't take be a is a different..thing, to lesbian marriage the e ate various founders Liberation Gay of the opinion, a misconception. not an imitation Movement, Whenever may which occur on c~mpus. l night in McDaniel Lounge. universal tendency an to almost con- relationship.' concludes from the I seean opportumty for theSGA to l would Iik not d a e to handle it. Kameny saw we will do talk was entitled do something Dr. Kameny's It stu ents to have the -ivik Dr Kameny on campus "What Every Heterosexual Should ceptualize any relationship into avalla~le ~I~es tha~ ':a~ut l~ It "I'm going to keep track of the ~~~~~f~~ir~~Xing the course to ~; tiu~~~rn~:~a~~t"a~; :n~e-~~~es:~es'07e~~=:~~~~ ::~;~ooben't~'nlu,pod'oPnlp:."geon"3hasana ~~~:~ts;ve ~pe~.~ to see if we "Thc:nat~~~~~'o~~a~ecdsions on discussions or writings about marriages, someone inevitably ne I were rea y homosexuality are done by onlookers, and in no way portray an accurate picture of Candid'ates Speak At WMC homosexuality. One of the problems is society's perception of the homosexual. Dr, Kameny Phil Lapadula _ has been to help the governor and described as a "hard-liner," law, the around in labor to regard get to ~~r:ex~~~ ~~oa~o~:c~~ ~ :~ Steve Sachs ... ~~e~:!·Il~~Z~;t~~~~~r~~~:~ others than force them to abide by especially and political crooks. He rackateers rather blacks and anti-Semitism is to explained his position by stating it." Being independent of the state prosecuted members of his own Jews and sexism is to women; Last Wednesday, April 26th, that, "nobody has ev:r re~lly run power brokers and a professional party, including a U.S. Sen_ator bigotry." He feels that Steve Sachs, a democratic can- for Attorney General 10 this state law enforcer, Sachs hopes he can two Congressmen. and a Speaker homosexuality is in no wayan didate for Maryland Attorney The power- brokers just put appeal to the people who want to of the Maryland House of inferior state, or an infliction, General gave an hour long talk on together a tic~et a?,d people vote see a crackdown in political Delegates. ~:th:~in~su:mth~ u~~ ~:~!;ga~ the costs of corruption. for the whole ticket. corruption without having to worry Sachs says his goal is to keep about any political debts. Blair Lee and the other candidates good." co~~~o;~ses~e:e ~~ ::o~~~:1At~~r~e~~~~!~~h~::e~~~i:n: As U.S. Attorney for Maryland from picking a candidate for At- "Part of a human being is to issue, it's a "pocketbook issue." more than a "~(}-yo" of the from --1967-1970, Sachs was torneyGeneral. have preferences," Dr. Kameny According to Sac s, "the people of Governor. According to Sachs, Ted l'e,netoulis ..• ~~;:~~~i:;;~:i,1i.;:£~:~:~~~~~!~~~1%"E,}=~::~"';; ~:~~:'~sG:n"'l Last ~:: p~l:::,e re~~ ~r;:e :~: kickback contracting, as well as .Joe k He a v e n Venetoulis, Wednesday, Ted in '12 years. The Mandel machine had all the money and they kept a can- democratic sex. Really, it's a trivial question buil~ that fall apart are on1y Is this place turning into an didate for governor gave a short everyone else out." According to that is unimportant except when ~;lande ~~ ~t::;' 7o;le~! Sports Factory. I doubt it, but the talk in McDaniel Lounge. Venetoulis, this is why Mandel ran Venetoulis vowed to be a "tough virtually unopposed for the y~~~:t~-~eo.;:~ls~'~y activities of their corrupt public ~~~OO~~t~bo':~~~e~~~t~~~ hard nosed manager" and to "stop democratic nomimation in 1970 misconceptualized in our society. servants. Sac .8 drove his message have distinguished themselves in playing games with the political and 1974. There is a common belief that home by quoting .Henry Peterson, several sprong sports. Most known war lords." He came out har!l Venetou1is listed jobs, hOUSing, against political corruption and and ej:Iucation as his top priorities. homosexuals have a fear of ~en~o:a~!~o O~~~I~~~ "I:~~~~:~ I ~~eth:o~~~'~ 1~::S~i~~I~' :~ promised to limit spending on his When asked what he thought of the ~o~:n~;:~:c::e~:~n~~~~ =::v~~f ~:t%~~::~~~~ ~ ~~C~~ ~~~ o~e::o:elsa°bo:~~h~: campaign to between $300,000 and ~fr~t ~~ b;~~ f;;e~:ti~~, rn~ gay by default. Dr. Kameny country". teams check the sports page. All $400,000. He insists that he will run quickJy picked out a fallacy he saw SaChS, an Oxford Fu1bright the teams this year, and especially an open campaign with open crease state grants to higher bookkeeping. education and thus encourage :e~d~~c ~~~w~ ~~::::~ scholar and graduate of Yale Law the spring sports should be proud Venetoulis stated that; "We lower tuition rather than providing haven't had an election in this state direct tax breaks because they're blocked from. ~~=~e~~ c~~~~~ f~: Aft~rn~; ~~'~J~~t;~~\v~~A~l~~i~s~ing
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