Page 147 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 147
....7 Great Season For Women's LAX Catherine Shirey and Susan Fairchild' in shots 206 to 111 and in draws 41 to Western Maryland Women 38. their season, with a loss Individually, on offense • • S _ completed to them by F&M. The Glaeser and Sally Stanfield Lynne hand,e? have Men's Lacrosse Fipishes W Inn'Dg eaSOR, condtuons were perfect for a scored 14 and 11 goals respec- c.linc~ed the,MAC title for the first :~~~.o~~~us~~~.---something they ~~~~n:e~r :l~o o~~~~din~ ':~ many of the fans who made the trip Mark Rosenberg time in ,the history of the College. This loss left the women with an scoring this season w!re man The Western Maryland lacrosse began to think that the Thomas The f~nal game of. the seaso~ was overall season record of 6-2. Once others, including, Jr. Brend! team finished a surprising season magic had finnally run out. played In less than Ideal conditions more the team has advanced Donovan with 8 goals and Sr. Sue last week as they played both However, the crowd of onlookers on ~tUI·day. The ,Terrors were beyo~d last years record of 5-4. Windsorwith7 oals. Franklin and Marshall and Get- remained and began to cheer even anyth~ng but sharp ~n the, first half ~kIng to ~ext year, the Terr?rs Looking bac~ over the season tysburg college on the road. The louder in an attempt to fire up the y first game of the week was on Terrors for 10 minutes of ~~.~:~!.:~tal~:!.t~e:c:~~a~~t~~ ~~,~iO~L~~~~g ~l~~~~tsta;:~~~ ~~o~:~ :baS~~:qu~ed mt!n Wednesday and a large group of the game. The crowd began to thl.rd period proved to be the un- H~s, Sally Stanfield and Sue shown that by tea~ wore:.. s i:i~ vocal WMC fans travelled to F & M make a difference as the Terrors dOl~g of the Terrors as the~ were windsor -. Also a f.ew underclass and perseverance, a ratilin to cheer the team on. The Terrors, scored several quick goals and ?gam ~utscored by 5 too. This time women,wlll be leaving the team as season can also be a winnTng 0;: g who lost to F & M last year by the began to climb back into the gam. ItwasJusttoomuch.fortheTerrors they Will be transferring to new Coach Eisenbrandt at the score of 15 to 4, were expected to As the Terrors began to play as the -field conditions became schools. Women's Athletic Banquet while have a good game but to lose to the better, the crowd became even worse and the play more sl.oppy. f. . fighting back the tears, t~ied'-to highly touted F & M team. Much to more vocal. The WMC finally tied The four~ penod . looked like it As f~r as stausttcs have shown, convey her feeling about the team the surprise of the team and Coach the game up at 10 to 10 on a shot by would agam be a ume of more of teamwise, the.WMC women have this year and particularly the Thomas, the first half ended with Senior Jay Cooke. Having out- the "Thomas Magic" but the at- outsccred their opponents 54-33 seniors. She concluded the season the score Western Maryland 5, F & scored theF&M team by5toO in tempted comeback was just too They o.utplayed their op- by awarding Most Valuable M ,3. But, as the story in 311 but a the first 7 minutes of the final 10 continued on Page 4 ponents, In ground balls, 144 to 100; Lacrosse Player to Lynne Glaeser. few of the teams games this minutes, It would have been season, the team began to fold in almost impossible for the F. & M the third period. outsconng the team to beat the fired up Terrors. THE ACES-Frisbee at Its Best ... Terrors in the third quarter 5 to 0, The final goal of the game came on the F & M team entered into the a shot by Jack Kendall with only 3 last period with an 8 to 5 lead. They minutes left in the contest. The quickly added two more goals in crowd then stormed the field as the -THE ACES, a nationally known The show will be moved to gill Frisbee program that will include the period to take a 10 to 5 lead as Time ran out and the Terrors professional Frisbee team will be gym if rainy weather prevails, audience participation, ex- appearing at WMC - hoffa field Two members of THE ACES will planations of technique and on May 13Saturday from 1-3: 30. ' present a rest-paced, high-energy Freestyle Frisbee to music. Often Tennis Loses to F&M called the 'Harlem Globtrotters' of -, Frisbee, THE ACES perform their Judy Ford ~:~ical art in show you'll want to Thewomen'sTennisteamciosed played twO' matches, one a con- out its season with a loss against solation match, but was defeated Franklin & Marshall. Both Freddie in the first round of both. Freddie Performance & clinic Eckhardt and Sue Garman Eckhardt and Sue Garman played THE ACES, an independent f::~~:~~i~~~~~n~eb~a::~ !~~~~~;~~e~~~::t~~\~~Us~~d Frisbee business, was formed in to make the score F & M 5, WMC 2. round by Cox and Cox from Ur- 1975. Since then, they have ap- Rain prevented u.em from playing sinus. peared across the country gaining their final match against The women's 1978 season ended national recognition through TV magazine Washington College. with a record of6 wins and4losses. appearances and shopping malls ar- Colleges, ticles. WMC sent 4 players to the and sport's event half time shows ~a~~~~s~h;r:~Seeni;c~ht~~t:~ Track ond Field ~ provide THE the forum for the majority of ACES performances. Sue Cunningham along with the Team members include the 1976 ~~~~ t;~c~~~~n~n s:e d::e:~ is (Jn" e0to" Ie Wo~ld Distance Champion, National ~reestyle Champions and were selected to go. the Canadian Frisbee Champion. ,Cunningham played Coleman Phillis Menschner THE ACES appearance is being from Ursinus in the first round and The Track and Field team ended sponsoreed by Lecture-concert won, 4-6, 6-2, 6-0. She lost in the their s.eason on Tuesday, May 2 The 1978 WMC track team finish a successful season last Tuesday with an com. For a fun filled Frisbee event second round to Anderson from with a 108-37 victory over York GettysburlOt. Linda Piccirelli giving them a final record of 8-H. 8-1-0 record. Photo courtesy of Carroll County Times. see THE ACES. "I WMC swept seven events away I Golf Awaits from York. WMC Baseball Stopped Cold took first in the NCAA Bid 100 Chuck Barbour followed by Tom in 10.1 Jeff Dyer Knieriem and Austin Gis,iel. Eliot run. bi~~d ~~~~~ ~~~e;:::y::;~d~~ ~~~o:~m~~~i~i~~~:~~~~ Bobbie Saas were Randy Matthews and Andy The Terrors' hitters in the 2nd year, finishing up with some very Doug Renner behind. Knieriem led On Ma~ 3, the WMC Terrors Weber, both 2 for 3, and Vic game were Dennis Hanretty with a impressive play against Get- the team in the 220 in 23.5 along went agamst Lebanon Valley in a Dreschler, 2 for 2. triple, Kent Mulholland with a tysburg and their first win ever in with Barbour and Tracy Ellis. double-header at home. In the first The second game went to double, and Vic Dreschler, Andy the MAC tournament. The match Dane Colbert-put the shot 44'10" game, ~e Terrors arose the vic- Lebanon Valley as they beat the Weber, & Glenn Cameron each against Gettysburg saw £he team followed by Craig Merkle and Don tors With a score of !Hi. Vic Terrors 7-4. As a team the Terrors with a single. beat one of its toughest com- Harris. Mike Margiotta jumped 6' D.r~chlerwasthewinningpitcher, had 7 hits. Bruce Frick pitched the Once again the team started out petitors of the season by a margin in the high jump, Vernon Crawford gl~lng up 7 hits with 3 runs. He was first 2 innings, giving up 5 hits for 6 playing well, but couldn't hold on of only one point, 379-380. All and Barbour tiecJ for second. Mark ~~~~~~~tZ~~h~~~v;n~~n; h~ runs. Greg Peranto came in as in the 2nd game. The Terrors just relief in the 3rd and finished up the can't seem to get consecutive ~~::~~ ~~::~n~;~S~~!~; ;:~~w:tro::u~t::ond12':~d :~~ :::!w~a~ onlrone, ~ut allowed 3 game, giving up only 3 hits for .. victories. Charlie .Palmer's 73. The team Bowen was in third. Knieriem has '1; ng IUers In the game ~ record for the season stood at 9-3 remained unbeaten for the season ..... and ended at the same mark sinc~ in the long jump by taking first - the season's final match against again with a jump of 21'1". Jerry ,- York was cancelled due to rain and Beason and Barbour came in wet grounds. behind him. The highlight of the season for Harris also took first in the the team had to be the first MAC discus by throwing iL124'1" with win ever recorded by a golf team Harry Peoples in second. Knieriem from Western Maryland. The also remains unbeaten in the triple WMC squad of four players, jump with a combined leap 1)f consisting of Dave Rae, Jim ~~~l~~t;~~~~el~U~c~~i~:jl~~;~ ~~:~:yC~:~!:.:t~al~::n~ndf;O~ 189'9", with p~ples in second. ~:~~t:c~~e~f ~~:,~u:::;;~~ ~:IFrc:~:ns;t~~::~~~~ci~n~~~~ finished with a 155 to lead all, HH followed by Margiotta. Smyth . scorers, followed closely by also took second in.the 440 IH with Greene's 156. Brian Trumpower In third. Bowen At this writing the team is took second in the 440. John Kebler awaiting a bid to the NCAA took third in the mile and Ellis playoffs. Coach Moler felt that the crossed the line third in the 440. team had a good chance to be Fifteen team members com- picked for the playoffs. Credit peted in MAC's but the results are must certainly be given to the nQt official yet. entire team for one of the most NEXT WEEK: MAC results and outstanding seasons ever. a season summary. Glen Cameron (17) fouls off the pitch as Dennis Hanra'~y ~t~~:Of'f~~e bag. Photo by Dave Meyer.
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