Page 146 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 146
Scrimshaw Friday. May 12, 1978 The Woods RECORDS Tim Windsor Tull Still.ln destructive candle flame. The Muy Cole Rick Maninoff takes Jethro a step the group Tull's new album toward nobel for Heavy the Horses when of England oil the wait further day all dripped dry and Aldo Moro, Fleetwood Mac, and . their apparent follows reconnection with barons have power will come into English the pastoral their gentle countryside. The album demand again to plough the land. in the path of music, The Wood, taking All the Disco You Ever Need Songs 'From further. Where a light a rustic It is pleasant is musically quaintly dif- Songs few steps and strangely enchanting. Heavy From The Wood maintained Horses air throughout, Heavy Horses is ferent -Jethro Tull than the group SOUNDTRACK: Disco Fever Hit So Bad I'U Sell My Soul." group of deaf mutes tries to ex- more contemplative and somber, who produced Aqualu ng, but it is Party The next side is a special tribute plain the highly sensual feeling of but does not ever sink into an evolution well worth getting I must admit that when I first to the Bee Gees featuring many of disco dancing-truly a captivating moroseness. It deals with minor into. Me. saw this record I didn't expect all the Gibb's biggest selling hits moment. that much, what with all the disco- performed by twenty-five famous The final side begins with a fine, ~=~i~: :[~!~!'~~~~o~sn ~~:: Hi-llcrest soundtrack albums reproducing dead people. The Eighteen minute fine slinky song performed by that watches from its cage, in a Growing like so many rabbits in heat, but groove glides silently by and, Donna Summer and Barry White Hillcrest after severallistenings, I'm sure it before you know it, the side has called "I'd Really Love To Have way that makes them special. expanded Clinic in Baltimore has pregnancy- free its There is a point crcepature, too, will be a long time until this disc ended. The Bee - Gees never Sex With You, Baby." Finishing where the scene, all very eeeusuc, testing clinic to include pregnancy leaves my turntable. sounded better! the side, and t1ie album, are the takes off into fantasy. Ian An- counseling at no charge. Coun- Leading off the first of eight Sides five, six and seven are all RSO AUstars (Bee Gees, Eric derson has wirtten fanciful songs selors are available by ap- sides is Fleetwood Mac, that put together to form a highly Clapton, Yvonne Elliman, John in a completely believable man- pointment to discuss options in phenomenon of the seventies, with original disco opus titled Dance Travolta, Olivia 'Newton-John and nero The listener patrols with the dealing with pregnancy, including their timely tribute to Aldo Moro, The piece, which- lasts for a full Andy Gibb) singing "More Than ever-waking mouse police which abortion, adoption, and pre-natal - "So" You Think You Were Im- hour is played by the Westminster One Album," indicating that waits by cellar doors and climbs in information. . portant." The song, which seems High marching band assisted by they'll be recording a follow-up to envy, wary of the feline hunter. For appomtments or information to last forever as it takes up most the Loodon PhUharmonlc. The this one. Summer moths transfix his at- call Hillcrest Clinic at 788-4400, of side one, finally climaxes in a high point comes on side six wben a I, for one, can't wait. tention as they fly into a Monday through Saturday, from long series of machinegun-like R.M drum rolls-perfect backseat 8:30a.m. t04:30p.m. driving music. Wrapping up the side, clocking in at thirty seven Dion, The Wanderer, Returns To The Spotlight seconds is Kiss with a medley of their best music, remixed especially for this album. Okay, DION:ReturnOf11leWanderer ~~~~~iS~a:n a~I:~sm~e;e~~ al~~:::~~;~~'~~i~~uy.~~~ killed our Inngs") with almost replete idyllic music, with plenty bUii~:~~~ ~~~ior the kids. First What?! Dion DiMucci, the pap field cluttered with young winners out until the final chord which is of ooohs and aahhhhs. He also songs up is Shaun Cassidy with two new ~~: :!v~~s~~:~o~!~ns~e!!~ ~~dci:i:'n ~:~idau:~~os~~: !~t~:~~ s~:ee:~a~~~~e,b:~ chooses further written by others the strengthen which ~~ ~~~b~'~IO~e.t !J;;~~The Wanderer! Dion, that ~ld wants him. He says it all in I Used instrumental marked by its image of the inner city. Both Tom washed-up teen dream! DION!?1 ToBe A Brooklyn Dodger... wandering (there's that word beat-a song about his youth Oast Yes, Dion, the pop Singer who again) sax lines and shuffling Waits' Heart of Saturday Night year) "The Doo 000 Runs" and a rode to fame in the late fifties and "You know I never had a nickel tempo. and Dylan's Spanish Harlem In- much more contemporary early sixties has returned and all Just my freedom, girl, and the Dion's from the city and it seems cident are more than adequately piece,"Hey Deanle, You're a Punk _you folks who know that this time as he's gotten older he's become interpreted by Dion. Rocker. wouldn't fit in with your better fit to come to grips with the Perhaps the focus of the album is "sophisticated" rock had better And now alII have is a memory lifeblood of a large city: violence, not on Brooklyn Dodger as would Side three has several standout hide your ears-this is a great Ofa street dodger in his prime women and music. In the self- seem immediately apparent but cuts, among them Billy Joel's "I'm album. I'm serious when I call this Now Haley's comets are penned Midtown American Main rather on the old Lovin' Spoonful Sellin' Out" and "Only the Dreck great too; there's no teary-eyed remembered Street Gang he backs realistic song Do You Believe in Magic. Makes Bucks," a remake of nostalgic cloud affecting my As a flash across the sky lyrics (I feared the friends I ran Indeed, it seems as if the magic of Monster Mash by Warren zeven judgement-this album stands on And ifI had my leather jacket with but I loved to live the rock and roll has given Dion his and Elton John's "IWant Another it_'1, own as an irreproachable Iswear I'd give it another try.1I role ... Drinking beer and smoking second chance. He believes in it, Concert Review burned-out butts till the Camels you'vejust got to. T.M. Jackson Browne Is Sfunning at SUNday ~ happy, began to willa tneu- way ..... Jackson Browne is an artist who. . . _ I through the darkened downtown ~ ~~s~~~~:sl~~~n:~:~t~;~C:~~f~i ~~itllit;n~h~~s~~~t;~lt~y~n!~i~ st~e:~'rode home, thinking about ~ F=::;':''''''"",Y the description of the youthful 20th was much more Important. the excellent show I had just seen, ~ Its .c =~~~g~;~~~~r~o~~~ ;~~~~~: ev~~~~~~n h:~~~~e n~~f:::~f~nt~:~ ~~~:~:~~~ils ~r:~;~i~~~~~ ~.~: p ~nd life were very idealized and- New England was too close to his ~nter.esti~~ and yet sad m Just a touch naive. He has LA home, promised to make no inevitability The music was t 0 ~~r~~~r~~~~ ~~:n~~d hhaa~t~~~ f~k:e~~e:r~~~~~e~tn~~~~~ ~!~;~e~s be~~~ at:eca~:~~t~a;:o~ some bitter drau~h!-S along the a well·balanced blend of old and Browne's music to expand im- f:! way. As a result, hIS music has new material. The Pretender measurably. U ~:a~f~~1.:~ng ano;o~ i~e~~fs~~~ ~~~~as~~ r~h;o:~e.w;~~~on~~ th:f~e~h~~e~i~~ ~~~~s~O:~~o:i~~'-=:~==~==~==~:!::!~~:::::~~~==~':- outlook, tmged WIth a hmt of ~~~~~~a~~~~?~:~~i~:6~' .:~~ li;n~Oe~~(l~~t~!s~~m:~rr:~~~t~;~ 11rea Concerts The crowd at thl;! Washington pty," "For A Dance," and "Love won'tregreL ~~~urr:~i~egr~~~:o~g~li~fc:: ~~~g T~~~de~:~ar~aV!~ca~in~:~_ fi==~======A CAPITAL CENTRE made speeches about solar energy, [ormance" on "Stay," much to waiting for Jackson Browne to the approval of the listen~rs. Jefferson Starship 5/31 appear. Ethan Browne, Daddy's only chIld, Free Foghat, Rainbow, and Cheap Trick 6/11 SUNday, a day devoted to made his nearly-obligatory ap- Frank Sinatra 6/20 stressing the importance of solar pearance for the encore "Before energy, drew thousands to the the Deluge." A"eg1anc:y Washington Monument grounds. Then the music was over fit: that and the .f~cet that Jackson waves of people that had 'been MERRIWEATHER the Browne was gIVIng a frcc concert. l things up and the crowd, tired and Test toward surging stage Th~. sp~eches ?y conce~ned dispensed, the crew began to pack Steve Martin 6/14·15 Seals and Crofts 7/14 ~lltlCans were qUIte appropriate, America 6/16 Atlanta Rythm Section 7/15 (f)11fiUentidl Carria,e Rouse Prompt, and ahmtlon Marshall Tucker Band 6/17 Genesis 7/25 - 26 h..lp. Inc!udiny hirlh Liquors fon!p)l Kenny Loggins 7/7 George Benson 7/29 30 Just 2 Blocks down Main Street Kansas 7/11·12 Beach Boys 8/4 - 5 Chid Jimmy Buffet 7/13 The Outlaws 8/10 Cold -Seer-Large Selection Wines ~t:f( Cold Chilled liquors Harry .Chapin 8/17 This Week Jackson Browne 8/18-20 Special "a..ek" lIafu.lafly !ig~! ~J Peter, Paul, and Marv 8/?4 2.00 ~"'" "'. a 6-paclt ~.ue.. Baltimore. Maryland Linda Ronstadt 8/25 - 27 GIlt) 788-4400 • C_ i.!..""'! M
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