Page 140 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 140
More About this We'ekend College Chorist~rs Perform _ Publicity OfficI" a chorus of women's voices and conductor of the orchestra at two spring works by Morley, "Sing t, The College Choristers uf small orchestral ensemble and this Westminster High School and We and Chant It" and Now is the Western Maryland College, under marks the first performance in this - instrumental instructor at New Month of Maying." the direction of Evelyn Hering. will area. Vocal soloists are Dawn Windsor Middle School. Mrs. 'rne concluding nUIDUt:r ''> " present a free spring concert in Bennett, Janet Henderson, Kimbre Tippett is vocal music instructor at medley for choral selection from Baker Memorial Chapel. Sunday, Shewbndge, and Suzette Scheffler, West Middle School and-Mr. Hylton the 20th-century mu:.,'" .. ,; May 7, at, 2:30 p.m., on the alt students in the music depart- is assistant professor at WMC. "Carousel" by Rodgers and college's Westminster campus meru. The group of Istb-century Hammerstein. This number will be The featured work will be the Assisting ~usicians will include madrigals will form the second accompanied by pianist, Dr. "Saint Aloysius Mass" written by David ROblflSon and Joseph half of the program and include Arleen Heggemeter, professor of Michae Haydnm the 18th century the program also includes a group ~~f~~~rbas~i:OI~~~ ir~~~~~ho~:~r~~~~~tIn G;Oh~~, "DeJI~~~u~ '~o~f~~e. at Western Maryland Ca~~i~:~ visitor to la~t year's May of Ibth-century madrigals and a medley of choral selections from ~t~~~chf~~lru~~~ ~~bl~~~~te;~ ~!~~i1~:~'il~;,,~~I~~b;:~~~~ r Jfa~ Carnival Offers Fun Ihe -20th-century musical Maryland College and in- "Carousel." strumental teacher at Sykesville from page 1 give a performance on their steel The "Sounds Haydn's Mass was composed for Middle School. Mr. Chalker is Honors day's events. of the 'day'S drums, of students of Silence," in a One interested feature group Cowboy Roundup Convocation festivities May will Day the Art Seventh deafness, through be sign interpreting De will Show. Annual language. songs Exhibits will be judged in front of Continuous chess matches will be from page 1 choice but to do it, and we like Publicity Office Hoover Library on campus from 11 played. The Sigma Superstars After four months of sunning and that." Westminster, Md. -- Grace J. "a.m. to 4 p.m. All artists are in- Obstacle Course will present a songwriting, Tommy returned to Tommy was so anxious to play Rohrer, the first woman to be vited to enter the contest and sell challenge to all Macon, to play with guitarist Neil with Scott again that he turned appointed to the governor's their arts and crafts. Monetary In addition, balloons, colton Larsen and Bill Stewart in TSS, a down an offer to work with Gregg cabinet of North Carolina, will prizes will be awarded to the best candy, lemons with peppermint band formed around the music on Allman when Gregg tried to speak at the Senior Investiture and. exhibits. Donations of $1 are sticks, chocolate bananas, fruit the Talton, Stewart, and Sandlin transform TSS into the Gregg Honors Convocation at Western requested. salad and many other items will be record. Tommy enjoyed playing in Allman Band. Neil Larsen and Bill Maryland College at 7 p.m. on The College Republicans will sold at the concessions. the band, but he was the only Stewart took the jobs and flew to Sunday, May 7 in Baker Memorial sponsor a voter registration booth' Festivities will take place at the person singing, a- situation thd'! California, while Tommy moved to Chapel. Ms. Rohrer will be and a free blood-pressure-testing top of the hill between Big Baker slowly became unbearable. Scott Alabama with Scott and Chip awarded an Honorary Degree for booth will be set up. The Maryland Chapel and Gill Gym. Admission to meanwhile, was also in town. Condon to start a new band. Doctor of Humane Letters. Pacesetters Steel Orchestra will the carnival is free. gigging "Yith, a band called Cal The trio moved from Macon to aitn~£~~h ~eo~~! Fas t for, Brother hood Music. Tommy recalls the Fairhope, to write and rehearse tr~~i~io~~~~~e~~ inevitable night when the new material, and find a rhythm guitarists got together again on section. Arch Pearson, a friend ~~s~~e~ilr:i~~~~~flythfn~:i~ ~~~:~:r~~~been increasing im- spiritual restoration of Israel as stage, setting _ the scene for from Georgia, became the new with the cap and gown, as a portance placed on that tiny ~~:h::!!n o~:~~r~r:'~~~n her Cowboy's resurrection. Cowboy bassist, and when Chip representative of his peers. The country, Israel, as of late. It is no _ Miller moved over from Randall ceremonies will also honor the secret that since the Jews have nation was threatened by current Bramblett's band, the new Cowboy recipients of Western Maryland been a people, they have been events, Esther Dorflinger is "One night Scott jammed with ,Jas complete, On the strength of calling for three days of prayer us, and he sang with me. When I their debut album, also called College's major academic,' ac- under a heavy hand of persecution. and fasting on May 8, 9, and 10. realized how good it felt, it made "Cowboy," it sounds as if Scott and tivity, and leadership awards. Now, as international tensions May 11 is the thirtieth anniversary me want to work together again. Tommy have assembled the Grace Rohrer, an activist for the focus on that nation, the fate of the of Israel becoming a nation. It's like we really didn't have am women's movement, obtained her country becomes more and more hottest edition of this band yet. B.A. from Western Maryland uncertain, both spiritually and In conjunction Men's Lacrosse ... College University. Presently the physically. Many friends of Israel, are April, millions with this, in early and her M.A. from Wake were of dollars Forest both Jews and ChristiansaIike, from page 3 management consultant in the arts carrying a growing burden in their received from the world over as a "building {or the American When year," Lehigh, the Terrors came back about the chances of winning asked the Center at Duke Musical Theatre Ms. hearts for this country which ties sacrificial "love offering" to Israel University, of tile nation itself. our heritages so closely together, for the support strong in the second period to knot league title, Thomas refused to Rohrer became involved with One of these people, Esther Also at that time Jews and the score at 6 to 6 at halftime. The speculate on the team's chances. women's rights in North Carolina, Dorflinger, is calling all God's Christians alike signed their third quarter ended with the score He did however, say that win, lose, where she was active with the people to a three day fast for Israel names to plain white sheets of again tied at 8 apiece. The WMC or draw, this has been what he North Carolina Women's Political on May 8, 9, and 10. This time of typing paper as a testimony for team tried to put the game on ice termed, "A surprising season in Caucus in 1971. prayer and fasting will focus on the their love and support to Israel. On several times in the last period as May II, a check and a 'scroll with they led by I three times in the India Mosie Mastered these names on it will be presented :u~~v::n:~~~Q;;;i~~n!'~~e quarter, team IS 8 and 1, With their only loss to Prime Minister Begin. What Twice, the Wilkes team tied the against Loyola. Thomas said he In 1970 two young men _ College and at Kalamazoo and, for remains now is this time of prayer game, once with 6 minutes gone in wishes he "had Loyola again." Jonathan David and David Nelson David an MA degree at the and fasting, the 15 minute period, and again with a little more than 7 minutes w~~~~mt~:in~u~~~~ ~::;a~: ;~~~~ to ;;~~a~. a ~~n~~r ~~ 7n~=~~~e!~~~t~0~~in~~ ~e~; We are asking all those who are gone. The final goal of the game mention in the Sun Papers' determined to study Indian music separate studies for eight years. interested in this endeavor, this was scored by freshman Scott national rankings, he seemed to and to learn to play an Indian in- They are going to be in the time of sacrifice and prayer, to Kailins with 7:43 gone and tile [eel that the writers were a bit strument. Jon played the veena _a Maryland-Pennsylvania area in come to Little Baker Chapel on Terrors held on to win by the score premature. The papers wrote South Indian stringed instrument; May and will be offering a concert May 5, 1978 at 3:00 p.m. for a of II to 10in a game that surprised about the "Bill Thomas Magic" David concentrated on the at Western Maryland College on meeting to explain the purpose and even Coach Bill Thomas. coming t~ Western .Maryland. mridangam, the South Indian May 9 at 7:30 p.m. in tile the methods behind fasting. The Terrors', scoring went as Thomas said that he Wishes there drum. auditorium of Levine Music Hall For more information please follows: Skip Seidel and Brian was some magic, but that his Alter their return from India During the 'program - they will ~~~~~ Bill Jenkins, Rouzer 104, Bickey, 3 goals; Kurt Glaeser, 2 goals; and Jay Cooke, Scott ~:~I~:i~eth~l;;~~rs t!~~e:~ !~~~ies CO~!in~~y tf~~:~hedmus~~f; ~~~U~~e~~ia:n~US~i1tn~n~e~~ fF========fI Kailins, and Jack Kendall with I willing to dedicate themselves and bachelor's degrees at Trinity questions goaJeach work hard for a winning seasbn. The WMC squad has only two WANT ADS :~d beG~~~::~U~: ! f:e~~l~~m~~~g BUY -- SelL -- TRADE away this week. If tiley win Loth Scrimshaw is now accePting want ftlll!l"Ye ••• games, the Terrors will have won ads at 25ct per line. Send your ads ,. was expectihg to be a to Ads/Scrimshaw/Box 3A. BREMU'AST LUNCII DINNER the MAC title in a year that Coach Thomas . I Pizza I --------.. Subs Oail'( Specials Prom~t. mdudlll9 birlh HOUSE OF LIQUORS cCJllfKh'nllcJl help, Plaza Shopping ·Carroll Center and ah"i1lon rontrol I - Special 848.1314· Ii Chicken Day-Monday Dinners <;I-'rv~c<:s II of the Week! Pizza Day-Tuesday I Budweiser J2·0%. cans $J.79 I WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE ~t:Jt Day-Wednesday Bring this ad with you for: Dinners Spagheni 1.________ "... Open tfa.m_ daily except EXPANDED SEATING ~ Baltimore, Maf\lland I Oller expires ~. 7 a.m. Sundays I I NEWLY REMODELED day, May J J Th urs GOI)788-440() Route 140 WMC students on.IY , .. Westminster ..;84~8-;.;9_II;..O
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