Page 150 - Scrimshaw1977-78
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SCRIMSHAW LeHers to the Editor, .. The end of the year rolls around and, once again, we find ourselves_ " Did Mr. Wright Make A Mistake? saying goodbye to our friends and associates, filled with memories of the past year and hope {or the coming summer. Many of us will remember DearWomen.ofWMc: majority of women here that give don't need your back-assed the things that happened, both the good and the bad, and then some may Wearecer~mlyablesSed~roup him such a bad impression. So :methodsofunitingus women. We quickly think of the things that might have been, but never were. to have. the hkes of the omrus~ent where does he come off with all are very capable of action taken of How did 19'n-78 go by so quickly? We could never quite figure it out. Mr. Wl"Ight there to set us straight this b.s.? I don't know. At the time our own accord should we deem it But, over the course of a year, we have found that so much happened and when we .wander, and to ~veal to that I spoke with him, he appeared necessary. Or, besides being sluts, that there were many, many persons involved in all that went on. us the Inner power which. we on the verge of issuing a public do you now label us mindless, Because of this we will attempt to award small tokens of our appreciation possess, that none ?f us ~ver apology. Ha-ha. weak, and timid?? to those that we feel the campus would most agree deserve our thanks. suspected! Long .JIV~ pride, Apologies are not easy to make, I Indeed, Mr. Wright, you've Let's start at the top: beauty, and dig ni ty-va nd realize. Particularly to a campus shown your own ignorance. Do you -we'd like to thank the college's Treasurer, Phillip Schaeffer, for re~ember to pray to the ~tron at large. But an acknowledgement really think we believe your letter providing us with that greatly suspenseful mystery, "What IS under samt?f ~ose thr~, James wnght. of some sort when you realize in the Scrimshaw? Honestly, we're Lewis?" If.JlmswOrdslDth~Jastlssueof you're wrong reveals a valuable not that gullible. O.K., so we ~id -Linda Clagett, for all of her work (especially at the last minute) on Scrimshaw were. Intended to asset in a person. Humility is one learn somethm~ from your m- WMCToday. soothe a wound whlc~ threatened thing which has no place what. considerate childish antics: -The girls of Blanch, McDaniel, and Whiteford, we understand, would ~festeran~envel?r~lm,he,l,oses. soever in the mentality. of Jim precisely how much ~f a golf. like to thank the fraternities for providing them with all of those Easy Jay and .a~rh~ds are Wright, as I can plainly see after centered, egotistical "I can change thoughtful 2 a.m. wakeup calls. apparently not suffiCient In~ults to this charade. But the women of this the world by myself" idiot you are -George, for standing there all day and learning everybody's name on him; rather, he must contmue to campus surely deserved, after And that "was proven" by that campus. . pro~e. what he know~. of the beingdraggedthroughthemud,to poor excuse of an expanatory -Phe Junior Class, for two things: 1) For enlarging the overall feminine sex by wrltl~~ yet know that he knew he was wrong. I Jetter which you saw essential to vocabulary of the campus, and 2.) For producing fine portrayals of another col~mn of slander: Yes, I -guess when your head is buried in write when you couldn't handle the homosexuals which prepared us for the coming of Dr. Kameny. played a little game WIth your the clouds it's hard to bend over to backlash of anger directed at your -Thank you to the gardener minds." Obviously we represent no say "I'm snrr'y " opinions (misconstued opinions at -The SGA, for leaving the SCRIMSHAW with our allotment for next less than little c~i1dren whom he . DisillUSioned, that). year. can play g~mes With, and f?Ol, and ¥andy Numsen We don't stand for your insults, "v-Thanks to the Beegees for just beegeeing leadonawlldgoosechase,morder sun Insulted neither will we sit back and be -Dr. Ralph C. John and the Board of Trustees, for successfully co- authoring Phillip Schaeffer's novellette, mentioned above. ~t!t~~u~~:~ '~:';:~fi~~~~~ Mr. Wright, ~~;~JYaihai~ I~!erhe~i~~e t~o~~ -unanks to the cafeteria, for placing a clock back on the wall. future." One semester of student I, . as many women on this Forget it! -Jtm Wright, who gets mentioned for two things: 1.) For leading the teaching has dimmed someone's campus, am thoroughly disgusted first successful SGA secession movement, and 2.) For giving women a perception! with you and your single-handed Mr. Wright, it is your kind that true sense of their own identity. As if it weren't enough that we attempt to, as you put it, "stir up start those ugly rumors and create the ·-Nancy Menefee, because nobody appreciates her, for losing her voice are so far beneath him to need his what hornest's next." You claim the bad reputations of women at you wrote it is further in the Women's lessons, true that his several times this year, and for her general all-around excellences as claim of "intentions" is a lie. He Guide was total fabrication, WMC. And we neither want nor reporter, person, and bullshitter. wanted everyone to believe that designed not to "slander nor need you! -Thanks to coaches Eisenbrandt (Women's LAX), Fritz (Volleyball), this was the plan all along, to teach degrade." Well, Mr. Wright, DawnA. Lufburrow Moler (Golf), and Thomas (Men's LAX), for helping to bring excellent us. What he did not say was that it you've done just that. The effects seasons to their teams. May Term? -The Lecture-Concert Committee, for neglecting to bring Flo Kennedy was all a mistake, a lack of of your little ploy are irreversible. to personally back this year. foresight, and a misplacement of Or do you propose reader of the Dear Scrimshaw, blame. Which all of it was. Jim told speak every to -Linda Thomas, lor her origination and work on the band party idea. me so in his own words. one day Womnen's Guide, (including After considering WMC's Jan -Thanks to all of the Gong Show supporters. term. We feel that it would be writing Scrimshaw -The ROTC Department, for not starting a war. before We discussed the the issue at parents, faculty, students and all adventegeous to switch to a May the others who obtained letter. -The student body in general, for the excellent up keep of the cafeteria term. The second semester could during May Weekend), lobby's appearance. length, and he admitted to never publication clarifying your self- begin after a three-week Christ- having lived in a women's dorm, thereby --One note to Dean Mowbray. We have found that a good number of mas break. This change would students don't like the new college center-take it down. ~~Si~usbe~v~:;~~~~:l~f:ri~ righteous, ilI-advised.intention. move finals week to the end of April. It would then be up to the serenade. He admitted that the My, how wonderfully humble student. to decip.e whether or not to -~e~~h~~~~~~~~s::£~~~~:~ h~~g~::~~:~~!:h~e::~ bulk of the blame lies not with the you are, to claim you deserve the -And, we'd like to thank all of our readers, for having the kind of women on this campus, but with wrath of many ~angry WMC stay fpr the May term, which the have taste in reading material that they have. the administrative policies which women. As far as ilIicting s~n- would still of the present same Jan requirements And the list goes on and on .... take no action on complaints. He timent in this manner, your futile term. Havea nice summer everybOdy. admitted that it was not the attempt didn't prove anything. We The major advantage of a May Venetoulis Defense: Not Guilty of Political Sins term is that it would improve a DearEditor: exposure is essential for any student's chances There for are summer few employment. Recently I letter that Scrimshaw pulished Ted a successful state-wide face choices. the (to join) very select company the on requiri'lg open meetings for the students therefore there is in late back from college campaign. conduct of most public business ... criticized during roll ... only honor April, less Here too, candidates l imagined political a sins. These of They may like decide to sell them- the Venetoulis governmental controls integrity and those The Baltimore Morning Sun guber. competition in the job market. have variety Venetoulis Administration for political even figures, spending internal Local Should you have a job, this change flooding soap, selves included: other supporting general 1. Holding a fund·raiser channels with 30 second spot been sufficient to impress those natorial candidates, said they were would mean four extra weeks $500 of approximately employment, 2. Purchasing television time . commercials that share a common persnickity New Yorkers. impressed with the way Venetoulis more money . 3. Being unresponsive as the superficiality. Indeed, it appears The Baltimore Evening Sun handles questions and his ideas on Another advantage Baltimore County Executive that Attorney General Francis (eanonaJ) programs. temptation to waste would be less It's lime. Let's examine these allegations Burch has chosen this route. On the 'he Hagen;town Morning Herald much easier to study when the may hand, other a candidate Crom a perspective grounded in through electronic media attempt Venetoulis has proven, in his Suffice it to say, it does appear weather isn't so conducive to reality and some knowledge of the first term to be one of the most that your correspondent's opinion to Maryland political process. serious establish a substantive and popular executives in Baltimore is not widely shared by members foungfng aroun·d.. Also during with the voters. dialogue Most candidates hold fund· You just can't do that in 30 County in many years ... .1 think we of the press (a rather critical January there is a limited amount the of things to do. In contrast,. raisers; for, like it or not, cam· seconds. The thirty-minute have here a political oddity-an audience in its own right) warm weather of May. combmed paigns are expensive propostlOllS. Venetoulis phonathon established elected official who seems to In closing, permit to add that I with only one class per day wou!d Your correspondent seems upset a dialogue; questions were an- combine intelligence, a personality must agree with your allow for studenl<; to engage m that Venetoulis' May 1st fund· that radiates friendliness without correspondent's final comment. many diverse activities. We hope ral"er cost "$1.00 per ticket." She swered and positions were taken being nauseatingly phoney, and an Maryl~nders should take a j!:~. that the students and ad- over a broad of policy. conveniently obscured the fact that me that seems range to be a healthy, To ability to actually laugh at his own hard look at the gubernatorial ministration would at least give the $100 Venetoulis ticket admitted innovative, and resPonsible ap- failings. I haven't seen that hopefuls. ·The Venetoulis Cam- some thought to such a proposal. two people. One can only speculate poach to electronic campaigning. combination in many years. paign has taken positive steps to Keith Stagg at her outrage over the Lee, Hoyer, The Bowie News encourage long and thoughtful and Burch affairs all of which were Now it is certainly legitimate to While most local governments scrutiny: For we're certain that Jim Griesing pegged .at $100 per persoD. Ticket attack Venetoulis for what he said await developments in Annapolis, the longer you look, the more you'll prices aside, the important during the program. However, Baltimore County Executive be convinced that we need Ted OH. Sure! question is who buys the tickets. your correspondent ignored the Theodore Venetoulis pushed to' Venetoulis for a New Maryland. Traditional sources in ·Maryland content and villified the fo·rmat. County Council passage a bill Best Regards Dear Editor: Anytime, people, anytime! include construction firms, ar· That is misguided, if not grossly H~rbSmith chitects, bonding companies, cynical. \. Sinc.yrs. --
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