Page 149 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 149
Editors Plan SGASenate Publications Closes out Dave Enthused u,Mox"," Season The SGA, at its last meeting for "The Yearbook wili ':'c as good this semester, dealt with several r cam make it. We will try to make pieces of business: sure that people get their money's --It elected chairpersons to four the new worth out of it," promised Dave SGA committees, and members SGA to Parliamentarian, Meyer, the new yearbook editor. two Student-Faculty Committees Dave's philosophy for the SGA Committees yearbook is that, "It is to be a Action-Mike Davis photographic journal of the year Elections--Ann Hackman and here. We need to put in pictures of Rall?h Preisendorfer (Co- the people, and where they Ilve; Ch airpe r s o ns ) and of the faculty. These pictures Social--Jeff Robinson should be as creative as possible. Housing--Jeff Palkowitz The resf should paint a picture of Studellt-FacultyCollllllittecs what Western Maryland College Athlelic--Cal'rie.steeJe looks like. It should be Policy and Curriculum-. Alan aesthetically pleasing, have good Blaker photography, and be tastefuIJ SGA Par!iamentarian--steve [nlayout.' Steele Dave has ideas he wants to carry Two other committees need to be through. He said "I don't an- filled; one, Admissions and ticipate much writing in it. 1 don't d~~:d~~ think the yearbook's place is so :~~f;i~;lfo~t~'a~%~i1\O~ much for written comment next year; and no one has applied Comments are made mosLly by the for the Calendar and Publications Committees as yet photogr-aphs. High quality --Five offices in Rouzer photography is of primary im- basement were awarded to portance. 1 will try to improve the organizations who applied for qu~lity of photographs them. The arrangement for their 'ยท1 nope we can have a lot of color use is: the SGA will have its own photography," Dave continued office; Scrimshaw will have its "We have new darkrooms we can own office: the Yearbook will have use, so we can make our own color its own office; Contrast, the photographs. That will make them Writers Union, and Circle-K will a lot better share one office; and the BSU, the "I do think we- will have the Femini~t Allia~ce, and the College facilities to put out the best Republicans will share an office. -Both the first SGA mixer at the yearbook out at Western beginning of the year and the Maryland," said Dave. "We will Homecoming Dance were awarded have our own office, and the use of to organizations: the Homecoming three new darkrooms, and of a Dance was awarded to the classes layout area. I do think that the of 1980 and 1981, who will split the yearbook people are going to have profits with SGA ;0-25-25; and the a good time. I'm going to.have a SGA mixer was awarded' to the ball with all the new facilities. II's Baseball team, who will split the just so much marc." profits with theSGA6Q-40 Dave wants photographers to --Two Committees made help. Dave describes a problem reports: Ftnance reported they this year, "We have had a real made roughly $3,500 on the Spring crunch this year because we just Concert at- a cost of $8,000. that haven't had enough people tilking they broke even on the Spring pictures." Dance, and that they made $75.00 continued on page 6 on the movie, A Clockwork Computer Interview I.;..;",......;..~;.;...;.;......:l.._ Orange: Action reported that Sunday brunch has turned out to be New Computer Brings unpopular in and place that of it may old be dropped the by the Computer Center schedule. Hey. What's happening in the ultimately make money; or, that 370/168, which is big enough to and off in your house for a paltry More Surveys? Compuler Center? (The Computer there is demand within the track satellites and control space- $2,000." Center, in case you don't know, is organization which warrants the shuttle operations. What we have That sounds great -- why don't Scrill]shaw would like to ask all ~ hiding in the basement of expense. The latter is only ap- is a 370/115, which is the bottom of we get rid of IBM and get one of students who have not already Memorial, right below the plicable to existing equipment, the 370 line, and is pretty small those? "One of those won't do -- completed and returned the Sociology Department) Well, for where the expense is for expansion relative to space flight problems." you'd need one apiece, and it would Scrilnsha w survey to please do so openers, there's new management, or replacement; the middle What's the difference in all take one of tfiose a month to run as soon as possible. It only takes a in the person of Dr. Emily John- doesn.'t apply to non-profit in- those? "Money, in a word. The 5100 one payroll for an operation this minute to fill out. and it gives you a ston("Butdon'tcallme'Doctor'," stitutions, so, roren initial pur- costs about $15,000, the 168 about size. Right now we run one payroll chance to voice your complaints she says; "It makes me think I chase, you are usually stuck with two million. Ours is worth about per week, plus one per month. Plus and suggest improvements. should be removing somebody's the first." $150,000. The versatility and all the school's budgeting, ac- Otherwise, we may never hear you appendix.") Now .thP.t's a bit weird We thought, though, that the capability differences between counting, course scheduling, and make the paper what the for anacademic environment, but school had an IBM -- isn't that big these is proportional to the cost. grades, development, alumni students want. Ii you threw yours Ms. ~ohnston is a recent enough to handle all the ad- But if you get away from I~M, affairs, library records, you name away or I.ost it, extra copies are it. We are up to our ears in work. available tn the Student Activities ~~~,lti~~ f;~: g~~a~~, i~~~~ ;I;I~~::~:~ ~'~~~l~ s~ue~~~~ It;'~ ~~n:~~:~t~;-::~i~~~~~~I:acr: Our computer (and our staHl have Office in the Student Center. Mail aren't very important. What and IBM. You can buy a 5100, you can balancceyour checkbook, all we can handle." counts is getting the job done." w~ch is big enough to do the work do stock market analyses, play Aha, we observe. If llie machine ~~~~~I~e~1~~I~C{~~~_~:~~rB~:kf~ OK. We'll buy that. So what's the of a small office, or you can buy a Star Trek, and turn the lights on continued on page 6 the time. job? "I thougtlt you'd never ask: _ :!~~~~i~i1~~ag~~~I=Plew~~:: Ser_IDlshaw Rated Poorly, Bas Potential and maintaining software, keeping Meg Hoyle second place rating. First place humor and reviews, instead, generally are well written and upwithsoftwarechanges,advising -Scrtmshaw received twenty-five scores are 850-1000, while third having previews. Another show inteIlectual breadth on the on programs to be written or dollars from the SGA last place was between 500 and 699. suggestion was to find an editorial part of the writers." bought, running the computer, semester, to be used for a review of Anything below 500 received a cartoonist, and concentrate on The sports writers use too many scheduling jobs, buying supplies, the paper by the Columbia fourth place rating. having them pertain directly to the cliches, according to the CSPA. I answering questions, and fixing Scholastic Press Association, In addition to scroing each editorial topic. and the sports page in general is ill section, the. judges comment on th:~t:e ask, isn't it the case that The CSPA is a part of Columbia Comments on Writing-Editing need of more action pictures with the computer is really for the University. They rate junior and them. They are generally positive were both good and bad. The the subjects identified in captions administration, and the rest of us senior high schools as well as and constructive suggestions as to writers should avoid the use of In the Design-Display depart- what to omit and what-to include. personal pronouns and make their ment, Scrimshaw scored a 252 out get what's left over? "That's the ~~~fi~~ n~~s~~~rs~~~, n:!~ In the Content-Coverage section, leads (the first paragraph in a of 350 possible points. They saw the Scrimshaw scored a 182 out of a ~~itO~~C~I~,~::StU~~~I~oc:iI:~ magazines. news story) shorter and more problem as being that "Scrimshaw that have acquired computing To enter the CSPA contest and be possible 250. They liked the idea of concise. More interviews [or tries to be a bit livelier than its machinery have done so to provide rea ted, the publication sends in a an editorial board, which was feature articles should be conservative makeup." They had a instituted last year, and the arranged, too. The judges also administrative computing ~~;;s ~~te~~l. ~~~11~~,ed nb:w~ number of letters to the editor. But mentioned a tendency of news of h~~dhnes, such as li.mLtmg type more stated they ~:~r!~ie:~ ~~~dant~~:~~~ti~~ stones, editorials, sports writing, academic-oriented a need for as weIl ~~~~~~ w~c;~~tg~:~I~~eavi~lde~~:f f~~~~e:;on;~~geb~~dl~~es,h~:;:,sg ~;~'~~!~~n!~~~~d'~~~~~[~~:\~;~~r.!:;f~rJ:~~:!! per- atall possible. kickers, ~tc. . articles, as some on the community, sonalties, physical education classes, and more polls. More and Scrimshaw editorials were" The Judges suggested usmg demonstrate that the purc~se w~1I Scoring 732 out of a possible 1000 better quality pictures were 5~~era~~mw~~~~~~d b~,~h:it~~fael~ fe~~:es ~~~b~~t~!~ayi;,eadS on save money; or, that It Will points, Scrimshaw came out with a recommended, as well as less
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