Page 138 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 138
SCRIMSHAW Letters to the Editor Venetoulis-Not All He's Cracked Up To Be Room, Choices. TO:. Edit,or that this reference to Mandel and align oneself with honesty when in ~~ ~;~~t~u~~ Nancy Menefee on his vario~s ~ifficulties in~ludes Irv fact, the honesty is a decepti~n. Wilh tnrs year's version of Ihe annual "Roomdrawing Follies" behind ~~;f~tell~dlct~sf~~iab;~~ry :i~~:a~~~~~gr~~~~O:~;~lm~~~: us, we-can look back and smile at the entire event with amusement. II is After r~ading the article on Ted nol often thai you find a crowd Ihallarge on this campus so full of fear, Venetouhs (4/28), I was appalled Mandel. Funny; -Ms. Memefee $l00/ticket fundraisers, then the anxiety, and enuctpetton. They awaited: I.) being let into the drawing by the ~moun.t of~ or should I.say should make this reference. It is a grass certainly grows in very few arena, 2.) the eliminalion of rooms as the process went on, and 3.) the lack of: l.nvesbgatlOn ~hat went.mto matter of public recor«!_that Irv backyards. eventual calling of their "lowest" number in order to select their own the writing of that piece. While I Kovens made contributions to and I . a special room - realize Scrimshaw is not the New was an active fundraiser in Mr n h year when there .ISso much Was Ihe whole effect worth it? Speaking for the editors of the York ~i~es, nor even the C~rroll Venetoulis' last campaign, a fact ~~~t,as:~n~n i~on~y el~tog~~er~i SCR IMSHAW alone, we found Ihal we were all generalJy satisfied with County Times, I do expect, II not that Venetoulis at first denied and ..n. p. the rooms Ihat we picked to occupy next year. Butlour nerves were ~~~i~r~~'sat least coherency and thenlatera~k~owledged. b~~~~SY wt~e~ y~u'~ aa~~~~~~ racked on several ins lances, as were these of many of our friends and acquainlances, hoping against hope that the particular rooms we wan led In .her article on guber~atorial V~~·toufi~I~~ sresc;,~%~\o t~~! ~l::;if~~=? :~o~S~~!i~nyear, were stltleveflable candidate Ted Venetouhs, Ms. people is laughable if not ha d I k..d. good, The atmosphere in Blanche Gym seemed to be cold, almost cut-throat, Menefee ref~rs to Attor~ey ludicrous, which brings me to my gl:nce.OOM~r nl~tndu~~s ~Urf~ pilting student againsl studenl in a struggle over the per-teet room. General FranCIS Burch and Acting third complaint with this article. head t t Yt g Problems were encountered by many students when they found them. Gov~rnor Blair Lee as "old- line" Property taxes are probably one of em i n~ ~u~ a pretty ~ace and selves with a low number at Ihe end of the wailing line. And the number- politicians. Fine. But her comment the hotter issues of the campaign. p y r e nco . Smce.rely, calling system did not allow people much opportunity fa rush up, find about. this ~;scri.ption is a. sim~le Ted Venetoulis boasts of a ise per..~ Cmdy Sprinkle whal rooms were available, and pick the one best-suttee for them, before _10% Gay an avalanche of persons with higher numbers flocked to the tables. ~~:d~l:r~po~~~~I~::::~~~~~.~~ ~~~t;!ro~~,cu~;r:~~~ Several allernatives have been suggested for the procedure that is That s flOe, too, except that ~e siveness to the people" when he Dear Editor, presently used. A biggie would be a computerized system with s.tudents ve~y ni~t of. the issue date 10 submitted the Baltimore County 10 per cent of Western Maryland selecting several alternative rooms (maybe up ·to 10) using the same which article appeared, Ted budget calling for a 25t property College is G.AY! This ~ one of ~e concept as that used for course registration. Of course, Ihis would require Venetouhs appeared on WTOP·TV tax hike? The County Council valuable pieces of mfonnabon individual selection days for separate classes in order to allow each class at 7:30 p.m. in a paid political responded with a 1st tax cut for which I was able to gather Wed· 10 know what rooms are still selectable. commercial for 30 minutes and which Venetoulis is .;'ow all too nesday night in McDaniel Lounge Another complaint, with a concurring suggestion, was the lack of'in paid $6500 for it. Grass roots? willing to take credit. at Dr. Franklin Kameny's lecture formation and poor visability of the rooms Ihat were blocked out after the Maybe. But not when .you consider I applaud Ms. Menefee's efforts on homosexuality. The point of my room drawing had begun. A corrective measure, although requiring the f~ct that Vene~ouhs held a $100 to bring a leader~ of the "new letter is not the issue of slighlly more work, would be to use mural-sized graphic depiclions of per t~c~et fund-raiser on May 1 at Maryland leadership" to the public ho~ose~uality, for I am not one to each dorm allowing students to see what rooms are going as they are Marbn s West. Pretty la.ncy gra~. eye. What I do not applaud is her decide nght and wrong, but rather individually crossed off. Howev~~, the fact remams that, III lack of investigation on the subject the cont~nt of Dr. Ka~eny's As many students may have noticed on Monday and Wednesday, the at~emptlllg to lay a_contrast bet· and her use of staid rhetoric to presentation. I resent Dr. Kameny preseoLsystem does seem to work. But we do think it does have its flaws. ween Venetoulis and the "old-line" describe Venetoulis. He is young, Iikenin~ fun~menta~ist Christia.ns With the- .input of new ideas, and proper corrections, we feel that the politicians, Ms. Menefee has but new? Come on. An appeal to to NaZIS, his termmg of Aruta system can. work even better .• slipped up in her own rhetoric. "newness" is the oldest political Bryant as a "religious pervert" ~s. Menefee also refers to campaign tactic in the book and in and his terming of right wing Dove Cleveland b~I~~~~I!:~:~i~~!~fhC~~~~~ ~~~Vi~~~g:~.~h~~~I~~e ~e~; fo; ~~~~ia:l~da~. ':l;-~~~': :;: "ls H II IS St d Lew a u en S oncern worse an attempt to ~e~r~:xu~~bf~~~?~_A~e~eCr:. things assumte~so(perChapsmcorrectly) and to say Ihat andun-Chrntian" business. And Sm?key says, "What the news media, but the citizens tions ascribed to them in the ~:~~~m~;~~!~t c:st~: :~: I feel I must respond to the letter goes on. at WMC IS ~e concern of involved (in this case the student Constitution. I feel that their meaning of_Christianity." I am in by Smokey Sadler in a late (April the faculty a.nd presld~nt, not any body) must constantly scrutinize questioning, L_ r attempt to learn no position to argue with any man 21) issue of the Scrimshaw. To me, student who IS ~~ly gomg to spend the activities of government to about the federal iru.tallation in the who can predict that "Anita the ideas it expresses typify the fouryea~ he~e.. insure that the "people's servants" ba~men.t of. Le~is, exercise Bryant will burn in hell and I will attitude of some of the college That ~s gomg ~ little too. far. are still serving the people. of mvestigat!ve l?ur~hs~, s~ows watch her from heaven," but as a administration toward the student First, thiS college IS an educatIOnal - What Smokey caUed "nosy far more maturity on this Issue student I am ina position to voice a body on several issues. We are institution. Students are its sole students" were actually reporters ~h~n the administration has shown protest over the useage of college seen as meddlesome children who ~~e ~a~:~~t:~~e ~~~~' a:~ attempting to carry out the func- mlts response. facilities for such a reactionary are tolerated here only through the Personal Viewpoint grace of these kindly people - so administrators .. Private schools andpoorlypresentedl~~~~treett long as we don't step out of line. We ~e~~~2~~:~::::I~~=~~h~~,~~1Arabs or Israelis at Fault? are only here for four years anyway, so we don't have to be taken seriously in anything we do. :j~fi~~ ~~~ ~:eoo~/~t!: :s~~ b~a~~~on Snyder and Stuart of which was to annihilate the was no displacem~ni. ~s the land Perhaps we are irresponsible. elements of thought is questioning. ThiS IS in response to Dave state. Mr. Cleveland is either was made productive· hterally the Perhaps we aren't really adults Thought cannot take place in an Cleveland's "Much Propoganda" ignorant of the basic cir- desert was made to bloom· Arab yet. If not, then it is here, during atmosphere which discourages concerning Israeli-Arab relations cumstances in each of these ac- population in Palestine increased these four years we spend questioning. Fourth, this campus which appeared in the May 14, 1978 tions or worse still, has because of increased economic sheltered from the world, that we is our home for four years. It is issue of Scrimshaw. deliberately glosseti over the facts. opportunity, medical care, etc. have to mature. And the college very much our business what takes We sincerely hope Mr. He points an accusing finger at During the 1948 war, the Arab should wock at helping the process place in our homes. What is going Cleveland's collegiate scholarship Israel for having made the first populatIon, even though urged to if it is to fulfill its purpose of being on under Lewis is of intimate is better than that evidenced by his moves in 1956 and 1967. Space remain by the Israeli's, left under an educational institution. concern to us. Fifth, it is the article. If the article is a fair in· permits only the barest mention of the threats of their leaders and responsibility of citizens to dication of his academic thelacts surrounding each of these with the promise that they would But the response of the ad. familiarize themselves with the achievement he should "flunk." moves. Consider 1956: massive return shortly to possess the ministration when asked to clear workings of government. This is The much abused cliche "a little build upin Egyplof Soviet supplied Israeli improvements. The ~~ ~d~m~w~sbo~~;~!~igr:~ ~~C::ac~ De~:~ac~n:: n~~ ~:c~~~~gef:~~ dsaunp~~us b~in;~ ~~asb co:::on~;~;ds ~~~'fec::~~~;; ~~~f~g~~~:~bl~~ ~: ~~u;~ ao~ condescending to an extreme. We work if the people are uninformed. sophomoric comments. Mr. territory, seizure of the Suez Canal Israeli mdependence. have no right to know what is gOing Sixth, our government is based on Cleveland was shown the light with access denied to Israel, . ~uc.h is ma?e of the Sa~t peace on down there. press. queslion,. student a free and critical It is none of our ,_:::..;=::....::=-::-=-::..::::_::_.::::__:_==::..::::::::::.:::::::::..:::::..:::::_ Not only 'when from "a Palestinain "for the strident calls by for Israel's lfl~t18tlve. Without was a positive ~he here" destruction triP to Jerusalem he heard States studying ~rab Staff Box ~~~ ~~:;;~.~~~:~~ouOn~j:ti~: ~ro~i~~n~:~ra~~i a;~:~~rthel:~ :~:~~~' gi~e ~~~o~~~~niS!~t i~ Editor in-Chief Jeff Robill$on: Managing Editor Meg Hoyle well balanced source! Sea, dismissal of the U.N. peace- odd that Israel is expected to give Editors Busin_ess Dept. Mr. Cleveland grudgingly ad- keeping force by Egypt, massing and the Arab States need only News Editor Nancy Menefee Ad Marnlger Jim Wellman mits Arab attacks on Israel in 1948 of troops on Israeli borders with take? The Israeli·Arab situation is Sports Editor Jim Taran,.ni Business Manager Kathy Harbaugh :~f~s::3toIna::t th~/~~~.s;:~ :e~t~~~~c~h~nte~~~ot~. ag~i~e~! ~~C::~~y w~~ o~e i~~~~;e u!.~ Photogr.phy Editor Scott Oahne Featur.Editor Phill'Padula Layout M;~P~~~le tition Plan which would have "moves" were made in response to successfully, to the present time, Features Editors Dave Clevel.nd Dawn A. Lufburrow ~~;:~r~n"a Sta~:w~~~ a~~~k~ f~:c~:t s~~:s P~:::caht!~ ~:~~ =~e the vanquished to achieve Photographers Israel. In 1973, the Yom Kippur consequences. Mr. Cleveland equates M". War, the Arab States launched an Mr. CleveJand bemoans the lack Begin, the Prime Minister, and the L _~~;;:;;;;::;::=;:=;-;:::::;::====.~~",';;~:;;:;:::;;;;_;"~I1~ou~t sneak attack the objective of a Palestinian State. The U.N. Israelis with the Nazis. In this Partition Plan would have comparison Mr. Cleveland betrays provided for this. Why was a his complete lack of sensitivity and Palestinian State not established understanding of what he has said. during the years 1948 to 1967 when To compare the victims with the Jordan held the territory which perpetrators of the greatest crime was occupied by the so called in recorded history, one must be refugees? Could it have been that totally ignorant or blindly vicious. the -refugees served a political Do penance, Mr. Cleveland, for purpose, a purpose which would your utterance. You have stopped have been lost had they been your study oLthe Mideast too soon. permanently settled? . You have much to learn, if you As to the Palestinians. The land have the ability and can cope with settled by the Jews was bought, concepts which conflict with pre- often at exhorbitant prices. There conceived beliefs.
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