Page 133 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 133
Winners and Losers Inside'seepage2 ~ Administratio~ Ignorent of Lewis Michaet Cottin!tlam. Car'" James, and there is really no value in the space began by explaining the difference honorary trustee. millstones in front of Big Baker Mitchell Alexander for college use and the government between goals and quotas. Goals A report on the progress of will be fixed. This article was written to has assured them that there is no give one an idea of what one is construction !o.llP.w~d... oue.. _The $I,332,itOO'Alwnni Hall is 15 COlfegeceiiter"J"s capsuJize the Board of Trustees danger posed by its presence. -vetmtng-c-tor .." Quotas - -are $2,650,000 Decker 90 per cent com- per cent complete. So far the stage under' suggested, Shae:ffer "mandatory been has twenty-five dropped limits." Some of the approximately meeting held last Friday on campus. It was authored by the questions by the student visitors, many duties of the committee are pleted. The list of finishing touches inches, the ceiling has been raised. thru student visitors to the board. that interested students write to to make sure that the article about are painting, carpeting, lighting, the area for an orchestra pit has their Congressmen for informatioo an opening facu1ty or staff position transporting the furniture and been formed, and the facilities (or because he really doesn't know isnotdiscriminatory,publicizedin moving the Book Store and the the handicapped are being in- Phil Shaeffer made a statement anything else about the operations proper periodicals n.e. Chronicle Post Office. In addition, the stalled. and Candidate .or concerning the controversial area there. of Higher Education and the M· .4! beneath Lewis after his treasurer's Dr. Coley and Dr. Cobb gave firmative Action Register), S k report. The General Services reports concerning their com- seeing that the "old boy" system is GDI'ernor pea s Administration (GSA) is leasing mrnees. Dr. Coley-coordinator of not used. The "old boy" system I the 5,000 square foot sub-basement TiUe IX-said that our SOCiety is entails a person-from the in- I which was built by the government directing people toward oc- stitution with an opening-calling Nancy Menefee mission on Women, and a flood. in the 1940's and has been used by cupational careers that are suited his old alma mater and asking for Ted Venetoulis, candidate for the plains managemnt program. them for "classified activities." for their sex. Because of this, we an applicant tobe sent-out to apply democratic. nominatio~ f~r The pol~ are showing; Venetoulis The only clues that the Board has, have to look at our own biases. A for the vacant position. govern~r, Will be speaking ill the strongest and most popular of concerning the actual work done step to decrease the number of Three new members were voted McDamel Lounge on Wednesday, the new Maryland leadership, a there, is that the Agriculture Dept. female and minority facuity into the Board of Trustees, for a May3~t3:00p.m: . group that includes such figures as originally asked for the lease and members and make adjustments three year term along with a H~ IS the Chief Executive of Hoyer, Huges, and Orlinsky. Most there are several C & P Telephone in the mode of the college is being honorary trustee. They are Mr. Baltim~re County, the largest, political anaylists conceed i trucks parked nearby on many considered. Charles· Dorsey, Mr. CharJes ~ty m the. stat.e, second ~n1y ~ Venetoulis to be the most effective days. The Board okayed the lease, Dr. Cobb reported on the M· Finway and Ms. Eloise Payne. Mr. Baltimore City rn population In campagner in the state. His ap- which runs out in 1981, because firmative Action Committee. She Thomas Eaton was made a thr~ years he has secure:
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