Page 137 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 137
/ Housing Council Out·Judicial 'Board In Council and replaces it with two manner befitting college terpretation of the Committee's by the Convenoi"TrOm a pool of six TheSGA, in conjunction with the new organizations: a College students." Their specific activities functions wil be made by the SGA faculty members elected by the Student Affairs Office, has Judicial Board, which will be on an include helping the Assistant Dean in the near future. faculty for a two year term; and changed the basic structure for equivalent standing with the Honor of Student Affairs allocate student The power to investigate and try two students, selected by the allocating housing and main- Board, and a new SGA HOUSing housing fairly to resident students, cases of student vandalism will go Convenor from a 1 pool of eight taining conduct in Iiving)ll\its for Committee, an addition to the and in handling and prosecuting to the new College Judicial Board. students elected by the student next year. other five Committees. cases of student vandalism in This new disciplinary Board, body under the supervision of the At its last meeting last Monday The HOUSing Council at present residence halls. which be set up by Dean of Student Senate. Alternates will also be night, the Senate approved a set of and until the end of the year "(has) These jobs will now be split up Affairs Wray Mowbray, will serve sleeted from these pools. amendments to the SGA By-Jaws the responsibility to ensure the between the SGA Housing Com- both as a trial.board for conduct This new Judicial itself wU1 be that in effect eliminates the students at Western Maryland mittee and the College Judicial abuses committed by an individual replacing the Student Problems not group The present Housing • and Conduct College conduct themselves in a Board. "shall SGA HOUSing Com- for or academically which are or as the Committee, board which served as both a conduct and as an appeals oriented. mittee be responsible Festival on Saturday ~~~a~o~::,e~~~:~"'an~~: appeal board hall councils (which board to both the Housing councn for decisions made and the Honor Board. The Judicial by residence W~tminster, Md. -- Sprmg long amusements of games, Student Affairs Office concerning handle conduct violations of Board will now serve as the main Carnival time is here agaln at conc~sions, rides, crafts, and residence hall regulations and residence hall and floor rules). conduct board, while a new Ap- Western Maryland College and the activities for children of ~11ages. procedures." The Committee's The Board will be made up of the peals Board will also be set up; this for all to join in the .an- 'frater- will be the same public is invited on Saturday, May Student and organizations, ~ampus structure committees; a chairperson, Assistant will Dean of Student Affairs, and board will hear appeals the only from decided cases Judicial by various nities, other Convenor as act who nual festivities I 6, from 11a.m. t05 p.m: will offer day departments continued sponsormg the chosen and others. Senate The exact in- Chairperson of the who are selected two Board, the Honor Board, or the represen- Board; by the are faculty members, Personnel Deans tatives The May Carnival page 4 "I On Monday concert night, I featuring Pure Prairie in Gill Gyrp. WMC will present its spring going to the League and Cowboy. So that everyone show has an idea of who they are watching,'the Scrimshaw music department has tracked down a couple of short histories of the two bands. From what I've heard, both shows should be excellent with the possible edge going to Cowboy, the opening group. Don't miss out on anything-get there on time. Tim Windsor Pure Prairie League: Shootout in Gill Named for a temperance union rock 'n' rollthataresomucha part RCA Records artists, to the en- in old Dodge City, Pure Prairie of their native Ohio River Valley thusiasm and high energy cap- League conjures up visions of trail- heritage, PPL combines these tured in their live LP, "Takin' The hardened gun-slingers and tum- influences into a marriage of Stage," Pure Prairie League bleweeds kickin' in the dust. It original local color and con- continues to expand their musical evokes a spirit .pf rip-roaring temporary stylings, defying all the horizons. The band's sound is built times ... times gone by, but not cliched categories, including upon the rock-steady bottom of forgotten. "country rock." drummer Billy Hinds and bassist Pure Prairie League has kept The key to Pure Prairie Mike Reilly, powered by George that spirit alive in their music. League's widespread acceptance Ed Powell's rhythm guitar, with Cowboy Roundup in Gill Mondoy Born in the Midwest-the heartland is their versatility. From the lush the flowing keyboards of Michael of America--steeped in the harmonies _of "Arnie" and the Connor and the searing guitar "Cowboy is something we just was burdened by anonymity and traditions of country, .hard-driving tempo of "Two Lane leads of Larry Goshorn, can't help doing," confesses low morale, and when it dissolved rhythm & blues and ," both . hits for the augmented by new member Tim Tommy Talton about the band he alter a year, Tommy and Scott Goshorn, Larry's younger brother, and guitarist Scott Boyer won't let split up too, going in different on guitar. die. "I don't know exactly how it directions to play with different Their latest album,Just Fly , happened this time. I know I was musicians and perform new music. marks a shift towards more of a missin' playin' with Scott, and he Tommy went back to session mainstream sound: basic rock was missin' playin' with me. So we work, playing with Paw But- with some country-southern just decided to get another band terfield, Corky Laing, The Allman tinges. The record, which can be together." Brothers, and Dickey Betts, and found in the school bookstore, The new group, which includes then began cutting a few of his own contains several top-notch songs one-time Cowboy Chip Miller on tunes with Cowboy II's drummer, including the title track, Love Is drums, keyboardist Chip Condon, Bill Stewart. Those demos became Fallingand Place In The Middle. and bassist Arch Pearson, began an album when producer Johnny If you haven't already gotten coming together last fall, when Sandlin joined the sessions. Scott your tickets to the show get them Scott and Tommy jammed one Boyer sat in with Talton, Stewart, soon at the College Activities night for the first time since the and Sandlin on "Happy To Be Office. Be prepared for a great second Cowboy broke up in 1975. Alive," but after that, the show--the Prairie League is That band, which evolved out of guitarists lost touch for several coming! the sessions for the Boyer and months when Tommy moved back Talton "Cowboy" album in 1974,. to- Florida, "just to get Macon, continued page 4
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