Page 136 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 136
Po,. 4 Scrimshaw FridaY. April 28. 1978 Sociol Workers' Can Still Go Out .A.ccredited Mimi Griffith These include courses in social qualifications, student-teacher complaint was that WMC lacks The social work program "at institutions, effects of the social ratio and relationships with par- diversity in composition of student majority of graduates go directly western Maryland College has environment, and social work ticipating field agencies, the body and faculty, a situation which into employment, many with plans recently been reaccredited by the research, all of which lead to an CSWE is also interested in ac- concerns the Socail Work depart- to obtain advanced degrees later. Council on Social Work Education. understanding of what needs of the ceptance of the program by the ment also. Mrs. Elwell or any of this years 20 This reaccreditation is for three, U.S. people are and how these college community and the amount -Mary Ellen Elwell, who is in graduates would be interested in years and is the second for WMC's needs are being met. Also required of student input into the program's charge of WMC's social work talking to any student wishing to program in the senior year is extensive field planning. The CSWE was pleased program, is pleased with its explore the social work program. WMC is one of four schools in work, two days a week. in local with the way that the social work success. Job placement records It is only one of several fine Maryland (and the only 'private fel social agencies. A paper is curriculum fit into that of I have been very good and a programs offered by the Sociology authorized 10 award a Bachelor's required in this course and thegeneral college. Their major Department. degree in Social Work. This is a academic credit is given. professional degree and allows the In awarding accreditation, The For Males Onl3! recipient to become a licensed Council on Social Work Education social worker. The social work is interested in how the program. Try Desper~tion Moves program requires courses in all of fits into the goals of the total the social sciences plus courses college. Besides examining course faculty . specifically geared to social work. outlines and books, . . Tom and Jerry d I ha 1" ed Scrimshaw, even though n.obodY formation, • contact Tom (or $ Lat I J erry an Something like ey, reads ve no IC ap- _ Finally, SPO RTS , ti ,man~ guys .have not had too much following it). would be most the Jerry),ext.244." if you are really COn InUe dlUckmgettmgadate!O~eda~ce It IS getting propriate: nice personality and body desperate, or McDaniel into Whiteford, sneak ··WANTED·-one 3 in the at Blanche, female, next week. Alth~ugh la~, there are still a few meth~ to match, must be available the morning and scratch your name w?lch we feel sure you haven t night of the dance. Call ext. 244 and and phone number in the stalls. Be match home and don't against Track tomorrow's will be the last before tried. Some of the more successful ask for George Rufus Ralph 111." I sure you are not caught, Whiteford mistaken for areas be Gettysburg follows: Or have it announced at dinner. the continued from page 3 the MAC's on Mav 1st. - Take a walk ~round campus. "Fun-loving male seeks female of Peeper or you're really in trouble. second in the shot along with Dane Following the MAC's,. the team Walk up toJhe f~t CUlled fem~le similar inclinations to accompany Jerry and t.expect to see you at Colbert and Don Harris. Harris wraps up the season With a home youmeetan say, Woo you ke him to the dance For more in- the dance nextweek,sobe there! also took second in the discus, with match against York on May 6th. I ~~~~:ok~:W~~: n:~:~~'~: r-------. --:::;;;;;:: , Peoples in fourth place. Mike Margiotta took third in Tennis ~:\ftS!~s:~\~I~~~~t~~:'~~ both the 120HH and in the high continued from page 3 in the first place. jump. Vernon Crawford took Betsy Fogle, No.5, played a fine _ One of the biggest reasons for fourth in the long jump 'and triple match beating her opponent 6-1,6- failure to $et ~ date is a lack of jump and Austin Gisriei added a O. knowledge on the part of the fourth in the 4-40. Monday's match against Hood females of your availability-in On Tuesday, April 25, the team was also close. Linda Piccirelli, other words, you must advertise. ran their first home meet of the Sue Garman, Julie Vau.&hn.' and For example, put a want ad in season against Loyola and Betsy Fogle an won their singles WMC Today (or, if you are Hopkins. This meet, along with matches .. Sue ~arman beat her REALLY desperate, put one in the tomorrows meet against Franklin opponent In straight s-o sets. The "" and Marsball, home at2:00, will be women hope to continue their rlii;;;;;;;;:=:;;;;;;;:J covered in next weeks edition of wirming streak against Mt. S1. "Scri~shaw." Mary's on Wednesday, April 26 at Mt. St. Mary's. OO~?ii~tfr6~~ge 3 ' ""JIo:"--:st"iKVahN. OiYiterm- 428, Loyoia-438. Last Saturday's match saw the team roll to a big FTO Florist Phone 848.9350 victory over visiting Ursinus by a 114 Penn. Ave. Westminster final oC 37'9-411. Five members of "Flowers For the team shot. rounds d. under 80, All Occasions" led by Jim Greene's solid 72. To date, the team record is 8-3 and. I Carriage Rouse l Li4uors Cold Just 2 Blocks down Main Street Cold Beer-Lorge Selection Wines Cold Chilled Liquors !h;,..... 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