Page 134 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 134
SCRIMSHAW Lawler's Lyrics Live in L Campaign: Recap III1egHoyle L, a book of poetry by the late Dr. and prcnrcs. humorous (but a very dark I have asked for and been granted, the opportunity to write my personal. Robert Lawler, has been published Lawler attended the University thoughts on this year's etectton.wtth the editorial board's permission. by the English and Comparative of Illinois and Claremont Graduate humor), accepting the inevitable These thoughts were developed over the course of the campaign which I or challenging the accepted. recently served through. LiteraturedepartmentsofWestern ~~!n~~:o~~:~r~!S~i: ~~~ In the title poem L, he attempts My congratulations go out to Tim Shan.k, the;newly·elected SGA M:.7~~:rddied last May at the age doc.toral dissertation on Norman to find the esesence of his being. President. During the campaign Tim acted the part of a gentleman. of 38. He taught American Lit. Mall~r has been called out- Death, I Will Do You In, the last consistently and played the situation as tally as any candidate could. He! poem in the book, seems to sum- is, without a doubt, a student with some of the greatest potential to come ~:~~~ ~~~~~,~e~~~~~:,inb~~~k s~~~:~ taught at .the University marize al! of his efforts at into the presidency within the last several years. literature, and Jewish literature, of Maryland, both In Europe and creativity. He captures a "truth" It Is hoped that the SGA will continue some of the progress that it has which was in the works. College Park before commg to in these poems, emphaSizing the achieved in the recent past under Tim's leadership. In the time that I He was also very active in the Western Maryland, where he spent present and the belief that have been here, there have been administrations under Herb Watson, Jay dqartment, .helping to plan the seven years. "Beyond Us Is Nothing." He is Rodstein, and Paul Fulton, which have shown a consistent gain in the coll~g~~ p,ot;4!y, program and .. ~wler's .p~try has ma.n~ sides very human in his writing and his amount of government that students are accepting for themselves. coori:tilU\ting. depar~mentaJ,parti~ ,W.)t.".It can .. be despairing or approaches. These elements all But there is still a way to go, in order to match the expectations set for come together in the works in this our own school and those levels that have been reached by other colleges collection L is available in the bookstore. of comparible size. Why not have a radio station? How much will the Giving You·A.aother Copies are $2.50 for paperback and :.. Decker Center be utilized in order to eohance the campus social life? Can $5.00 in hardback. we protect the rights of student's property and safety, while Shot ,at WINNING Simultaneously striking a balance with the individual's privilege of Arabic: avoiding unfounded accusations? Anita Crouse and Dave Henderson From what I understand of Tim's nature, Iam sure that such issues will Hey, what happened? Could it be graveyard that Edgar Allen Poe is Language and be taken care of in due time. Programs In which the SGA has always no one knows any facts about that buried? been involved (concerts, dances, student directories, etc.) will, most fine city of Baltimore? or is it no .3) 'what year was the Great Literature assuredly alsobe continued in order to give students whay they want. one wants to see the Orioles? BaltimoreFire? • Gravely, however, I have some complaints about the election that just Either way we did not get a-ny 4) What is the famous hor- Ray Vetter, a proficient passed. First and foremost is a problem that was purely physical in responses to our Quiz. That will seracing track in the northwest STUDENT OF THE Arabic natura-the destruction of campaign materials throughout the campus. teach those of you who only knew corner of uie city? language, will be on campus May Posters all over campus seemed to end up in the trash cans almost as fast one answer and didn't think you 5) The Baltimore Zoo is located 2nd at 1:00 p.m. Mr. Vetter will as they could be plastered up on the walls. Signs were ripped-off, ripped- could win. So, back by popular in what well-known park? give an informal talk on early up, and left to die, uselessly sitting in unreadable piles in Rouzer, the demand, or lack of response ... we 6) Name 3 educational in- Arabic literature, language and Cafeteria, Blanche--in every building in which they were placed. present the Baltimore Quiz. And stitutions (excluding U of M) in the script. He will also read some They were not limited to any particular candidate or group of candidates. again the prize are two (2) tickets, city limits. poems in Arabic. Everyone was subjected to the deadly poster-r-Ipper syndrome. general admission, to any 7) What was the name of the This lecture, to be held in Mc- My only suggestion for this situation would be to follow the lead of the Baltimore Oriole game before May place where Babe Ruth was sent as Daniel Lounge, will be an informal University of Maryland, College Park. In order to deter such action, they 19. Entrie are due no later than a child? presentation. Because of this in- have placed ~ mandatory, relatively healthy fine on anyone interfering Wed. 6 p.m. All desicions of judges 8) What is the tallest building in formality we would like to limit the with a candidates publicity materials on campus. I felt that enough time are final, and in case of ties win- the city? size of the audience. Please sign up and money was put Into such efforts this year to justify the idea of such a ners will be decide by neatness and 9) What is th 2Il Emory St? at the College Activities Office or fine in future elections. accuracy... 10) How many square miles are with Dr. Del Palmer to reserve The only other problem with this year's election was the turnout, with 1) What year was Baltimore in Baltimore's City limits? your place at this presentation. approximately 630 voting. Following last year's record vote (over 700 founded? Bonus: Explain what the shot Step out after lunch, and step into who did ~-=~------------------~ cast ballots), I was expecting an even higher one on Tuesday. I do not 2) What is the name of the towerwasusedfor the past. believe that it was the location of the ballot box, the voting times, or the date. Rather I leave it up to the minds of the readers, especially not vote this year, to figure out why so many more were at the polls a year _. The Final Election Tally ag~ther than;' th~e '--,~';\"'~omme~t~, I mustt1;x)k'back on this w~ek's . ft18,ty Cole ..a. . ' .. '~""".•'_"_"_ election as a major learning experience which has its real benefits, win or L3stTU'cidaY: SGA·electio~ r;-:-'(~ording secretary) and Beth Honor Board lose. I wouldn't exactly call it enjoyable, an opinion tcwhlch I'm sure Mr. the 1978-1979 academic year were Dunn (corresponding secretary). Tom Mitchell 225 Shank will also agree. But just the opportunity to run for office is held. Emerging from several close Honor board elections were held Alan Blaker 214 something that will not easily be forgotten, nor that Ifeel should be. races were Tim Shank (president), . at the same time. Two openings on Bill Hearn 259 Once again, congratulations Tim, and good luch In the next year. Rick Roecker (vice president), the Board were available. In these ~an Saas 243 -·JeffRpbinson Julia Logan (treasurer), Bev Miles positions are Bobbie Jean Saas and Senior Can elections I WMCChoir To Present Spring Concert Bill Hearn. to be working [or the PRESIDENT 57 to all those who Carol James Congratulations going are Keith Patterson lisa Davis - Heinrich Schutz's l the Saturday, April 30, at 8:00 p.m.. will include Domino," Thomas Songs Opus 52" is six different SGA and Honor Board next year. ~NT 88 second the It includes secion., "Cantata Western College Maryland Ye Me," Choir will present its Spring Tallis' "If Lotti's Love "Crucifixus," and songs of love. In the third section is SGA Elections Nancy Maitland 85 Roger Ensminger Antonio Concert. Under the direction of which will be sung in Latin. These ~~;hsp~~n!::;~ o~~~I~a~e:r'~I~! PRESIDENT 2 Brent E. Hylton, the Choir will songs comprise the first section of included are Jean-Berger's "The Tim Shank 352 1i:::HiJ::::::::::;:oo:::::::::::::5i! iJ::::JI perform various classic secular works. Seasons" and Thomas Morley's Jeff Robinson 285 In and non-secular pieces. Selections Johannes Brahms' "Six Love "My Bonnie Lass She Smileth." VICE PRESIDENT The songs Will be preformed nol Rick Roecker 330 Concert Staff Box only by the Choir, but by· th( Denny HoV 255 Editor-in-Chief Jeff Robinsol'l Meg Hoyle C.ollege Madrigal Singers, and anc c TREASURER THE SPECTRUM Choir trio., Julia Logan girl's members Editors Business Dept, accompanists, .Arlene Heggemen Mtchelt""Alexander Greatful Dead 5113 News EditOl' Nancy Menefee Ad Manage. Jim WeUlNn Jefferson Starship 5122 Sports Editor Jim Terllmani ~ Busin85S Milnotger Cath HalD :~:~d~ ~a~~~:~~~:;:'~~ Results unavailable at Photography Editor SeO" o.hne Lavout in preparation for the concert. In this time LISNER AUDITORIUM Feature Editor Phil LaPlidula Dillie CI8IIeland fact, the Choir has travele< CORRESPONDING Warren Zevan 518 Features Editors Denise Gianoola ::~:~t~v:rf=gr~~'::1 - SECRETARY TOWSON STATE U. Photographers Entertainment Oir. Mark Kau Hal Sch""lowitl Vernon Crawford year, Mr. Hylton plans to have a Ralph Preisendorfer 199 Red Skelton 5118 Music Editor Tim Windsor touring choir. They will travel Beth Dunn 375 CELLAR DOOR DaIlllMltyer throughout the Northeastern RECORDING SECRETARY" ;:.HQrselips511 Staff Writers ~~~~~ •..~~~t ~~i~~.c~~ce~~::t~I~~.;,~~:;' .~).~~-?:~'·8:::'·::··~Mf!jiC~h:a=el:::M::Ua;rjlJlh~Y==512!:::i!i. 31l:::U Mika D'Andr.. 1U!~.S"'rey Phillis·'_"nsch,..r MlryCola .;.Billw.eks ~ 't~l'~tt~tou'lis••••••••••••~••••• DtIlllMc5kowitz Al'lita Crouse _ Swtio ZartMn Mimi Griffin SaIlV Stebltins Dawn Bennet1 KiWIShewbridgu _Dyw v~net~liS' tough~st competition the ~ttractive~ess of his per- feels he represents a ~ sta~t fo~ Ja., Holtz""", Jeff Smith BabbI. s- lIlilOaIIis is the old-line politicians such as s0l1l!hty and Ideas, he· has at- the state. Although he IS aSSOCIateci BillSpri", Dell. langl., Sue Fairchild Attorney General Francis Burch tracted a tremendous number of with modern liberal Democrats JIrry Prophlt Nancy MtKenzitI Mertt ROHnb«i Chris sohask.a and Acting Governor Blair Lee. ~ple w~o have n~,,:er before ~n (he ~tarted as a Maryland Ann OillinlV Scott"Sheridan Me •• Costella l .. Mlxwell Their campaigns include paid IflVO~ved In the pohbcal process m Coordina~or for Jo~.~. Kenn~y) .~"'.;,. 7:=-:i:"!~::- HOURS political commercials. The old-line Baltim~re In the pohbcal process and Herb SmJt~ sta~, It s not fair to "-sCRIMSHAW OFFICE Count~ ..He has kept old label on Ideloglcal put an candidates f.ace possible people political .iun4a/;:;;·-·;~ S.Oahne damage from their association attra~te.d new peop.le by Venetoulis; he appeals ~o con- ·\-\oo,daY; 7:00-8:00 PM N.Menefee ,with Marvin Mandel and his ad- ~tablhshmg ~own mf!ebngs to servatives because of his cost 1 tuesday: J:OO.4:ooPM P.LaPadula I ministration dISCUSSeducation and the tax rate. cutting efforts in the county, to Wednesday: 7:00-8:00 PM M. Hoyle Herb Smith, Assistant Professor He created citizen cOmmiSSj~ns to moderates beca~e of his ~en- Thursday: I1:JOAM-12:JOPM J. Teramanl of Political Science at WMC, is one s~udy county pro~lems. That s the sitivity to education and nelg~- Friday: 2;00-J:OOPM J. Robinson of Venetoulis' supporters. He feels kl~d of democratIc appr~ch that borhoods, and to liber~ls by hiS that Venetoulis illustrates the he d employ as governor. committment to enVlI"onmental I All students and faculty are Invited to stop by the SCRIMSHAW office i In the Student Center d~rr9g any of ~e hours Ilstftd above.· Venetoulis' campaign theme IS qUality and protection." ~~r~mae:: h/~u:.e "i~~~·"a -need for a new Maryland:'_' He ."-'11
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