Page 135 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 135
Women Add Two More Kate Shirey Sue Farichild On April 20 and 21, the women's On Friday, WMC hosted Hood team added two. m~ College. From the beginning, the their already wmrung Terrors clearly dominated the G1i'~,;1s""''":.. game. In the first half, not one shot . 20, the was attempted by Hood. The home second half, an almost new team was substituted in for WMC. The domination of the Terrors over Hood continued, until the final whistle. The final score ...... 15-2. The WMC Terrors played their last home game of the season on April 26. Details of that game will appear in the next Scrimshaw issue. Judy Ford ~ . with No.4, Julie vaug~n," Women's tennis team again defeated her cppcnents-e, 6-0, Both attained a winning status by Linda Piccirelli and Sue Garman trouncing both their opponents last plus the doubles team of Jean week, and defeating Hood this Alexander and Katy Dowd turned :~~~!:~ns:~~~~:!ai!iin~~.~l:~~::~~auttleclcser Hood 4-3. in the Towson game, but the final In the York mat~, every player score of 6-1 indicates a big victory. beat her opponent m straight sets continued on page 4 ~~~~~::;e~~r::~~~u~ Golf Victories double-header Ihal ended in Je~nr:w~tern Maryland golf team 421, H?pkins-440, F&M-448. . .~o:ro~I}~rT~~f~~~~:e~~ moved closer to the MAC's with AprillSlh saw the team pick up Track Boosts Record the pitching of Frank Trautz. five wins against onJy two losses its easiest victory of the season as The second game went in the :~ j~r!e~:loO~o~u!4='f~c!:~~~~:ngGsr:~:,~~~re: :;e7~ ~~li$Sa~~':y~erApri1 22, WMC second place in the 100 a~d th_e 22>. opposite direction, with Dickenson Hopkins, Franklin and Marshall, was the best of the day on April- Track' and Field Team defeated Barbour added another fIrSt In ':he winning it 7-5. The TeIT~~Mha~ and Towson. Although the team 18th as Western Maryland best both Lebanon Valley and 100 with a time of 10.38, a1~ With eitht hits as a lean. Ran y d -: .• lost to Towson Charlie Palmer's 80 Loyola but was narrowly defeated Susquehana, ~:rT. The team a third in the 220 and fourth m the thews' was two for four, an .~ t St. M The f ' , b M w~SnMt. st. r:a~~~,~ 1 boosted their undefeated record to high jump. .. Dreschler was two for three, Wl _~~.!in~Ii:::t M~:~~~ f:~ ~re 5-0 Along with the relays, Smyth two singles Cameron, J:~" each. hits were Other ~Op~~~··t -:_::.·r---_ Tom scores were: Towson-406, WMC- continued on pa,,= 4 Barbour Knieriem and Chuck took a first in the 440 IH in 59.0 and by ~~:e:~r Glenn a~~ K::: ~;e: lead WMC to the victories in the 120 RH. Taking a. second firsts, by three capturing second in the44OIH, two '::'-:0 ~~ The Schedule • !=~~a .:ror::!~OU::-:::ed ~=:'in behindSmyth, Coach Clark STATE!? d "We had the opporutnity, but we just didn't da An~'· MlSlM •• in both the loo.g jump and triple Runyon took third in the880. 'hit."TheTerrorshadmenonbase Fri y, ...... 28: Tennis (men) vs. arys away ap.m. • " " Taking first in the javelin was lhelasttwoinnings,withthebas~ H Baseballvs.Mt.St.Marys vs. ~ilson\ .born e ap.m. _ jump ~~oo evt;n", ~ ~king.fU:Sts Don Enterline with a throw of loadedinthesixth,andmenonm away 188'7W' followed by Harry Peopl:es Lecroseetwomem 3,30 p.m. They could bavegone : agal~ m ~ the seventh. ~1 Tennis(women'-ys.W~tr,.:- home 3;30P.m~1,·_:_!~JUI)lPwas,~,5 ,andthe~ple ,for second. Crai2 Merkle togk ahead,buttbeyjustdidn'tscore. ,April29:B~!!i~~=~i::~~: .:~: ~~ 8:~B-!Jl..3 tl1'~P .was * . He also ~" continued on JNlge 4- . As a tean, the Terrors are.bat. 43 =~~~~~~~:=: ~~~r::..m.! .:''::,' HOUsE OF. UOUORS I' =e~~~~:t.~!ll~~~yS~~ "~~~:n9~~~~.~~I~ home B_asebaUvs.Susquehanna _. -. C Lacrosse (men) vs. Wilkes away 2p.m. •• c· arro " PI aza Sh 0pplng _enttrr Brookewitb7 Bait. Orioles at Chicago radio 8 p.m.: : ;1_ I Next week the Terrors fmish up Wash.DiplomatsatDallas ~:a; 8p.rn. 848"1'31.4.. the regular season with seven radio ~=ry:~;~:~J:"~~!:satChicagO = . Special of the Week! r..=-m_es_.,.'",.'~=- -, Bring this ad witfl YQU for~ .1Summer Jo. hsc ~;;'~~O~Bo;ton ~.!~'p,m. ; •.. _Tuesday, May2: Tennis (women) vs. F&'M1away 3:30p.m. _ 2•. , AIIdWII 6-p1ldt K/R'a 1.99 \:.,,!;_"';,S;;OI::~tB,!.,:&M ~~: ''''p,m, IFull an~ ~:: Time, W.""'''''')', M,'y J, Has""'" vs. Lebanon Valley home 1:30 p.m. !, •. • Lacrosse (men) vs. F" away- 3p.m. Gingerbread Haus BaIt. Onoles vs Texas 7:30 radio. WMC' _............1- . Apply in Person TenniS (women) vs Washmgton away 3 SOp m : . STuuents onl1~. .. at the Camera Sh ppe Ball Orioles vs. Texas '"
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