Page 132 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 132
....8 Scrimshaw Friday. Apri'21, 1978 Qub Time Books Reviewed Yes folks, it's here ... the trivia Wi nI Win, quiz about the greatest city in the Win, Win world Baltimore. Yes, did you Who Should Ploy God think that we could forget 01' Charm City. "Ain't no way" as a _I) What is the 0':h'er n~me of the .6) ,What stretch of ~ater saved Who Should Play God? by Ted fashion simple enough that people prominent Baltimorean would say. one block of 33rd Street m front of Baltimore from being utterly Howard and Jeremy Rifkin is a in different fields could understand Just answer correctly as many of Memorial stadium? destroyed in the Great Baltimore fully documented book on DNA it completely, but not so simple to these questions about the "AII- I<';re'? recombination experiments, lose the meaning of the ex- American City" as you can and . 7) Within Baltimore City limits which are now appearing in perim~nts.- send the results to Scrimshaw. Box Baltimore was It received'! Maryland Ave. changes names the newspapers. Puottshed ' in This book is well written and 3A, no later than Wednesday 3) How much doesit cost to drive four times. Going ~outh. name the paperback by Dell books, this book even readable, especially since it is 6 p.":. All decisi.ons of a car through the Baltimore other four names In order is now available at $1.95. And is a a science book. I recommend it to the judges are final. The prize for Harbor Tunnel? 8) What suburb of Baltimore is 1 must for anyone in the sciences anyone who wants to know what this quiz are 2 (yes really 2) he second largest municipality in and for those who want to know has happened or what might general admission tickets to see 4) What color are the sidewalks Maryland? what might be the future happen. the Baltimore Orioles hosted by around Baltimore's Washington 9) What is the name of the The Encyclopedia. our witty and knowledged (and Monument? submarine moored in the bi~:~~e~~~r:::~::.i~~gi~;':~~e7- of Sports also a native Baltimorean) Sports 5) Where by the harbor were the Baltimore Harbor:' history of DNA, how it was Editor. The winner can pick any Union Troops stationed during the 10) Who built the locomotive discovered, how it developed. It The Encyclopedia of Sports by homegamebeforeMay19th.Good Civil War in order to keep "Tern Thumb" for the B & 0 also makes an effort to show the Frank G. Menke has everything luck and have fun with Charm City. Baltimore in line"! Railroad? latest. advances in the field you could possibly want to know discovery of DNA reproduction, about the world of sports, is in this Little Feat Comes Alive genes. This book also explains the book. Not quite a-ball nose, but the DNA code to mapping cracking close. does book This leave out policeing effect in-Fort processes (which are in some sports, but nothing for the fan Detrick, average sports Frederick, This book deals with 69 different Mike D'Andrea other guitarist) began to jam very enjo~able. concert: ~he only Md. for their experiments). the eugenics sports, the assortment going from The book explains Only two words pop into mind vocally along with the audience! fa~tors which, In my cpuuon, kept (selective breeding in humans) Curling to Water Polo, Billiards to when I think of last weeks LitUe Musically it was unflawed. A sense this concert from being the that went on in America. The book Squash Tennis. It deals with the Feat concert-cexceuence and of accomplishment shone from the greatest, was the lack?f the !o~~r spends a whole unit on this subject Olympics, Pan-Am Games and jamming! Yes, Little Feat suc- stage as the band members of Power, who gives DIXie and brings to light some startling other organizations. Il has a cessfully polished up their live gratefully acknowledged the fully Chicken' its' extra ex~ellence, and ideas. miscellaneous chapter which performance to fully satisfy their enthused multitude present. As the lack of their alr-eady Another unit in the book is life clears up meanings and confusions ecstatic brigades of fans during LitUe Feat concluded for the monumentous concert openmg created in the labs, and the policies of minor athletic activities and also four consecutive evenings at the second time, the feverishly worked with 'Join The Band.' As I see It, concerning the life created. It includes as many Hall of Fame's Warner Theater in D.C. up crowd wanted more And more since these two were the only explains how the scientists pave as one could think of I saw them on the late show on they received as 'Oh Atlanta' filled dragging factors, then the~e is no aided life, controlled it and even Tn his description of the sports Wednesday night and believe me, the ears of the fans. problem to say truly that this was a created life. the author does a fine job. He goes things have changed since I saw As you can read, this was truly a fantastic concert! The book continues in this into the history, sometimes the :!~~n~v~~n~'sa:~te:~~n:e~~ For Males Onl, social aspects and into the present. Fencing, example, which For ~;E~:~~:~~t~~;~:;::i:Goodnight Kisses_A Problem? might be considered are a "minor" sports. There 18 pages An sport. this 'Skin It Back' then turned to other describing of the history and ex- planation the excellent pieces like: 'Old Folks present fencing philosophies are ~~~7~~'a;!n~~d '~~:~eD~~~~ Tom and Jerry + The "Sneak-Attack Method" mentioned it only to broaden the stated, with diagrams to aid in the is used by chickens everywhere. scope of the article. comprehension. The author also Boogie,' 'Rocket in my Pocket," This article is for males only. gives some of the "biggies" in the and 'Dixie Chicken.' Each one was Females read no further. As you're standing outside her + Last, but not least, is the sport. And for the stat freaks, he performed sensationally with each Situation-You just got back ~~r(::~ ~~eS~~~~!~gs~~~; ~~l~ ;~s~~een~:~~~~~' f~:::~!ct0~sg~t ::~ gives almost every stat he could member mastering their own solo. from a night on the town with your find about fencing, accurate to 1976 Kenny Gradney had to perform girl. You've spent your money, you have to look away from you. As she were going to kiss her goodnigh.t. If (which is very good in a book like one of the best bass solo's that I had a good time; but now you're looks back, sneak a peck at those she wants to give you a goodnight thisJ. lucious how you're going to get have ever seen since Chris Squire wondering longed-for goodnight kiss. anything. lips Wait before and she see suspects kiss, she will. If she doesn't still know Football this enthusiast who is looking the for isn't Now book what get what's going on, you'll ., , forget, Lowell George! I say miss, took Jerry many minutes of res~rch, happens. your hands apologizing away, your goodnight kiss. And if she sport, but it is good if no one can that of Yes. But of course, Running (Note: the After or should for every fact and story about his doesn't want you to kiss her, she'll up to protect throwing George great and I have come up With the and yourself, just avoid your "lean". im- Two cut of find little out of the live advantage full for securing'} formation formance by going into numerous per- following nearly-foolproof methods mediately after kissing her are not three ain't bad . wants to on a sport a to see if he- in- kiss. ~e goodnight solo jams, which were indeed well hope one of these methods Will considered good style.j In summary, there are a few she would like the-sport. The more appreciated by the crowd. George work for you. + If you saw Jr. Follies this actions Iwould like to cover which popular the sport, the more in- was so caught up in the excitement + A method which is very year, then you've already seen ~e definitely lack style. formation the author was able to created by the audience that he popular among football players "Gregory-Mildred Method" In They are as follows ... Begging for "Collect. kicked off his shoes ~hich sailed (and other brainless jocks) is the operation. Just remember, a goodnight kiss ... Crying on ~er For those of you with a little through the air off to the side of the "Caveman Method." Grab her "Whisper in her ear, Talk sweetly, shoes when she refuses to kiss brother r ok even sisters) who is stage. But who could not hair near the nape of the neck and Kiss her on the cheek, and she'll be you ... Palling apart at the seams in just getung into sports and has that remember the deep, low-toned pull her briskly upwards .~nd "Putty in my hands." (my thanks any other way ... Or harping on your inquisitive mind this book would be voice of Sam Clayton, who towards you (Ignore her Ilaihng to the Jr. Class for pointing this undying love for her and h?w a great present. It's a great ad- received a round of ecstatic ap- fists). Plac~ your lips firmly upon method out to me. method is the unfair it is for her not to let you kiss dition to any library, even if you her + Another popular plause every time he released his hers, then kiss for all you're worth. hale sports, and personally I en- rare, but well noticed, lyrics! Some girls love this kind of "Ask Method." Just ask in plain, If YOIl have any topics you would joyed reading this book and intend Perhaps one other well- .t reatrnent (maybe they're simple English, "Can I kiss you particularly . like us to cover, to add tt to my library. It's in paper performed part of the performance rnasocbtstst) , while others will goodnight?" If she says yes, then please submit them to Tom & back and is published by Dolphin- that needs to be mentioned was the never go out with you again. But do it! (Geezy-peezy, do I have to Jerry c-oScrimshaw, Box 3A. Dell books and is now available. excellent jam session just before look at the bright side. At least you tell you everything?) However, be the lead into "All That You gotagoodnightkiss. prepared for her to say no, Mon.• Tu.... Wed.• Thu... 9.7 Fri. 9·8. Sat. 9.5 Dream." It was great-for a few + The "Spastic Method" is often especially if it's been a rotten date. No AppojntmenlNoc .... ,V minutes, I had no idea of what used when you can't get up the + A variation of the ask method SPORTS~l~~~~~R SHOP song they were leading into, then I nerve to ask for.a goodnight kiss. is the "Demand Method." Most • _."'M.~" ~_~ ~"., caught on,.,.and. once I ~aught o~, Simply stop outside her door, face females do not like being ordered there was nothmg keeping me In her, and start stuttering m"adly.- to do anything, so this method my seat! Another song worth "ah ..1 wa ...wan ... " and so on. doesn't work very often. I've spotlighting, which was their first Free pregnancy test- Let her guess what you are trying encore, was 'Feat Don't Fail Me have trying to guess what you are r Now.' Particularly the portion on to say. Think of all the fun she will --------.. ing Binh control having a I "Roll Right Through the Night.' As HOUSE OF LIQUORS I services Prompt. this fragment of the song began, trying to say. "You have to go to confidential help each member nonchalantly left the the bathroom?", "You're Carroll Plozo Shopping Center stage leaving Kenny Gradney heart-attack?", and "Something I behind plucking furiously away. caught in your throat?" are some I 848-1314 ~tJf Then Lowell and Paul Barrere (the of the most popular guesses. . Special of the Week! I Men's Lacrosse I Bring this od with you for: I for I from page 5 Coach Thomas, talking to his National Premium ~K Fort Beer $3,99 per case I and 32 seconds into the J"]"sl players after the game said that he bottles or cans phone for information quarter. has been coaching lacrosse $6,66 per case without obligation .1.-------- _ The WMC team took many years, bUlhehasn't had such Baltimore, Maryland control of the sudden-death a good victory in a long lime. The (01) 788-4400 overtime and finally pulled out a win increased the Terrors record I . WMC students only .. one point victory, 13 to 12 on "a goal to 2 and 0 in MAC play and 4 and I byHickey2and 1'2 min. intoD.T. overall.
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