Page 115 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 115
Scrimshaw .... 3 Track Team Destroys Wash., Phillis Menschner and Barbouf running the legs. miles in a time of 16:21.5. Rip The Western Maryland College Eliot Runyon, Jerry Beason, Jamison pole vaulted 10' with Scott Track and Field Team opened up Knieriem and Smyth anchored the Nichols taking third. Don En- their season on Tuesday, April 4at Mile Relay for a winning time of terline launched the javelin 177'7" Washington College with an out- 3:35.5 with Peoples taking secondpJace. standing 120-24 victory. Tom WMC swept four events from Coach Carpenter is very op- Knieriem, Chuck Barbour and Washington. Runyon took first in timistic with this years team. He Fred Smyth were the leading the 880 in 2:03.7 followed by David believes he has a lot of talented scorers of the day, capturing a Grossman and Beason. Don Harris athletes on the team. He has a lot total of 6 firsts, 3 seconds, a third put the shot 44' 4 1 h" with Craig of returning lettermen and a fine place, and positions on both win- Merkle and Dane Colbert close bunch of freshman with good ning relay teams. behind. Harris took another first credentials. The team'S biggest Knieriem t
ioles.t KC positive attitude beheves "with a Tennis (womenvs. Gettysburg _., With the VI. Gettysburg ewev amount of talent this year and if Bobbie Saas cisin. Tuesdo!v.ApriI11; thin?s ~o our waY'"we should have On M"arcn 1, 28 eligible can- Baseball VI. F&OM home a wmnmg season. didates ~eported for the first day of Ten ni5 ~::~;I~::~~~l~:~r:~ ~e~~:S~ Season Coach Pete the Terrors following led by are This year the Clark retirement of Fern Hitchcock as coach. According to Clark, the Judy Ford Terrors a're young, but they have a Practice has-begun and matches lot of potential will soon begin for the Western This year the Ter.rors are lead.on Maryland Women's Tennis Team. the field by seruor co-captams DINNER According to Coach Weyers, the Kevin Smith, a 2nd. base?'lan who team seems to be on its way to a was the third leading hitter last good season this year. Only two top year, and pitcher Vic Dreschler. Subs Pizza players were lost through The team's strength lies in their graduation, thus 7 of the top 9 speed and a sound de~ense. In ~e Oaily Specials players will be returning. Two infield, Clark has Smith rebJ~ng freshmen, Katy Dowd and Linda at 2nd, Andy Weber a rebJrmng o.icken Day-Monday Dinnen Piccirelli look especially good Junior at 3rd, and Kent Pizza Day-Tuesday along with about haU a dozen Mulholland, a sophomore at Spaftletti Day·Wednesday Oinnen others. shortstop. On 1st and a starting CoaCh Weyers ~ hopeful that this pitcher, will be freshman .Bruce 'WITIDN WALKING DISTANCE year's team will be able to better Frick. Another freshman. m the last year's 5 and 5 record. 'She infield is Joe Della Badia who expects that the girls' three Clark ~ys is looking g~ at ~d. Open 6 •. m. daily except Sundays 7 a.m. toughest matches will be against There IS also transfer Jim Kmg NEWLY REMODELED EXPANDEIJSEATING ~, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~s:~;g~ea:~~ ;~iiO~ ~~~~~.~~i~~~~in~~~ Route 140 will open with a tough match Matthews, With his posltion.m ~ Westminster against Elizabethtown on April 5th infield. Randy .Matthews, ~Ith hiS 848-9110 here at Western Maryland. shotgun arm win return behmd the plate with sophomore Joe Yur-
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