Page 113 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 113
SGAApproves Budget lee Maxwell The SGA passed. the 1978-79 chairman, then had its allotment as it stands presently. This budget operating budget with .relative:ly cut by $1,000, with $250 deducted has increased in size with addition few changes in the original draft from each of its four categories. in of several recognized presented to the meeting by order to have a balanced budget organizations, including the Deaf Treasurer Tim Shank. The ready for presentation to the SGA. Club, Circle K, Writer's Union, and Finance Committee itself gave . the Feminist Alliance. The ad- most of the organizations At the special SGA meeting held dition of these new groups has not requesting SGA funding the March 2Q to approve the budget, reduced the size of the allocations has allotments in the budget that they only a few people made motions to each group to last year; received as compared the College asked for. change the budget, and tpere was Administration has given the SGA· little controversy over its more'money to work with. One important exception to this allocations. Bob Heer protested was the Yearbook, which had strongly the cut in the Yearbooks Allotments received the lowest priority in a funding, and subsequently made a' student referendum held a couple motion that $1,200 be taken from CLASSES days before the budget was put the Social Committee's Coffee- Freshman together. The referendum, House allotment and placed in the Sophomore requested by Mr. Shank to get an Yearbook's allotment; this was Junior idea of which activities the voted down by a substantial Senior students felt should get the most margin. Tim Shank then men- money from the SGA, ranked four tioned that the SGA had a $1,000 organizations in order of im- surplus from this year that could CLUBS portance, and the results were: 1) be allocated to next year's budget; 8.S.U. Social Committee, 2) Scrimshaw, he then moved that $700 of this ",.1 3) Contrast, and 4) Yearbook. money be placed in the Yearbook's Circle K Accordingly I the Finance Corn- allotment - for next year. This Writer's Union mittee slashed the Yearbook's motion passed. Mitchell Alexander Feminist Allia~ budget to $5,800, a major drop over then motioned that the SGA allot last year's allotment to them. $100 of this year's budget surplus to the BSU for next year. This motion Fraternities Answer After the Finance Committee came under heated debate, and PUBLICATIONS meeting had received all the bids when put to a vote, came to a tie; Yearbook 6500 from the organizations applying as tie-breaker, SGA President Scrimshaw 6300 Tough Questions for funds, it was found that the PauJ Fulton approved the motion. Contrast ___!Q!!!L budget was over by a large The budget was then put to a vote amount. The Social Committee, of and passed for next year. $ 13800 4.
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